How many people are going to die because of this meme?

How many people are going to die because of this meme?

Attached: AREA 51.jpg (453x500, 42K)

0, but there will be quite a few retards criminally imprisoned for multiple charges though.

0, We got Chuck Norris

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0. But I expect arrests and the birth of a shitty new convention.

Thousands, I hope. Natural selection shall prevail.

probably only like 20 will show up, but then again autism works in mysterious ways


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About tree fiddy.

They will just fly out all the good stuff to another location.

Depends if they rent a plane and attempt to enter Area 51 airspace with the hopes to land on the runway.

WHat good stuff? Area 51 has always been a fucking honeypot. Think about it. The government allows the myth that they have top secret alien shit out there to continue meanwhile they have tons of fucking security so anyone who gets within several miles of the facility gets BTFO'd. What's going to happen is some fucknuts are going to rush the place and all they'll get for their trouble (assuming they get that far) is a hanger with a single folding chair and Tim Horton's roll up the rim to win cup that says, "Sorry, please play again."

There's thousands of miles of desert surrounding the base that are off limits.
These dipshits won't get within 50 miles before they're ziptied.

>Depends if they rent a plane and attempt to enter Area 51 airspace with the hopes to land on the runway.
Yeahh, the US Military will never let them get directly over the bases airspace. They will be shot down.

Ill be there on september 20th.

Probably one or two. Air Force knows when they're coming, so they'll have non-lethal countermeasures ready.

>pretending anyone is going to show up to this

invest in gas masks to hand out to the crowds. I only have 4 but im sure it will help.

This. People who actually do this are fucking retarded

if ur in phoenix there will be a rideshare posted on 9/18 if you need a free lift. I got a bus.

A plan over a month away made for people with attention spans of minutes, memory spans of weeks, and historical knowledge made up completely of the latest daily narrative. This will be forgotten by the end of July except for a dozen or so dedicated spergs.

It's just a distraction from our government. I'm sure some big players are in this meme.
I think this Area 51 card that they are playing is to cover up Jeffery Epstein. Look him up if you haven't heard of him.
Itll be clear once you realize who's been at his pedo island.

Attached: 09dc-trumpspstein1-articleLarge-v2.jpg (600x861, 60K)

How about people do something that matters liek

That's true. There are a lot of people on this board who have trouble concentrating. I think this would really help.

Its gone down nigga 9/20 bitch

>Jews are trying to force a ww3
>Trying to get at least 100,000 people killed, maybe more

Probably a lot

maybe a few thousand will show up just hang some even dressing like retards few dozen might get arrested for getting too close i predict at least 2 or 3 will get shot after actually making a run for it

im down to riot against some concentration camps. I miss the ladies that would sell me tamales. they were always so focused on eachother like a real family that i never could have.

when I was a minor, a hispanic guy gave me a job pressure washing ventilation systems. I'm forever grateful to hugo for teaching me how to work hard. I fucking hate what we are doing to these people, even if there are some bad apple. these bad apples are a result of the hidden wars the US plays against 3rd world countries we impose our rules over to save a buck.

Trips of Truth

>you realize who's been at his pedo island.

Attached: bill-clinton-side-eye.jpg (600x320, 52K)

A couple on the other end of the spectrum autists will definitely get hurt but I don't see anyone getting killed. It's National news now


And get your ass shot like van Sponsen.

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I'm pretty much ready to shoot down some ice triggermen.


Do you think you might be a little bit paranoid? Not everything is a conspiracy, user.

Fuck off, Ivan

Jewish shill detected


Show us your dick, OP