What do you faggots think about this lasagna lynch nigger playing the new James Bond?

What do you faggots think about this lasagna lynch nigger playing the new James Bond?

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it's what the faggots get for complaining about idris elba

bond series stopped at GoldenEye so no big deal really

black people and women,nothing makes conservatives more upset then those 2 groups of people

what a boring thing to be mad about

She aint playing james bond, you cockless spergs. Shes playing 007. I mean for fucks sake, shes being introduced alongside james in the new movie. Use your fucking brains.

Another day, another blackwashing. They'll stop eventually.

Yeah, old Remmington Steele was the last Bond. The series stopped being relevant to people ages ago. Losers just want to claim outdated and irrelevant characters to ignore the fact that their lives are meaningless.

maybe they would stop if you backwords redneck racists would stop crying about it

I liked Daniel Craig, but even still never cared to see the last one. I'll continue to ignore Bond, especially diversity spinoffs.

Liberals can't even spell these days. It's "backwards" user.

If that's how they want it, let's let the new Garfield become a fucking hedgehog.

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I couldn't give less of a fuck. Getting butthurt over stupid shit is more your guys' things.

I think it’s pretty funny. Niggers will never learn, women will never learn, Democrats will never learn, and Republicans will never learn. Everyone is so stupid in this clown world.

This man speaks the truth.

When it flops or doesn't do as well as the other bond movies I look forward to all of the articles about how racist & sexist everyone is.

I wonder what they were thinking. Idris is one thing, though maybe too old to get enough movies out of him for it to matter now. They'd definitely get like, 3, but that's not enough. And it would be another thing if it was a woman. Weird that you NEED to use the bond property to push a female spy, seeing as no one gives a single fuck about any of the other female spy movies, but if you're going to then pick someone that makes sense. Someone with star power. I'm not saying Craig was a big name but he had some films under his belt and was known.

But here... it's a black woman that no one fucking knows anything about or has ever seen. At a point in the franchise when interest is waning and nearing rock bottom why the fuck would you pick a no name that isn't going to put people in seats?

007 is james bond. it will fail like female ghostbusters.

who fucking gives a shit?

Actual scat

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Didn’t you hear, user? Only straight white males can be racist.


Imagine if disney had the balls to try to push black mulan?

Wouldn't surprise me.

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are you high? they only replace white characters and need to suck chinese cock. Mainlanders literally think black people are just extra dirty.

media will push this harder than those aoc or billie elish broads

The silly thing is, all of these type of movie recasts are just token wokeness. If studios gave a fuck they would come up with original stories and ideas to put blacks in, but no.

Frankly, If they explored the early history of Judy Dench's "M" in movies I likely would of been interested. Granted you couldn't make her a black woman, but could make her a woman. And its true that "M" has not always been female she was great for the role and seeing her history would of been great.

But just randomly deciding to make the next bond a black woman is like dr who making the next doctor a woman. Worked out like shit for them. Im sure it will work out just as shitty for this studio.

I'm not sure the understand, or care, about their audience. Bond movies are pretty simple and straightforward. Fans want to see a badass man playing with fancy toys, having gunfights, explosions, hot sluts, and fun villains. I feel replacing a womanizing man they aspire to be, replaced by a black woman, is the last thing they mouthbreating fans would be interested in.

Just doesn't make sense. Like you wouldn't put Daniel Day Lewis and Meryl streep as the leads in fast and furious 12. The fans of these things know what they want.

chinese hate niggers, worse then any redneck in America.

We're talking about Disney here, they apparently couldn't give a fuck.

You just answered your own question. It's a time when interest on Bond is waning. And now here we are, talking about Bond. When was the last time you saw a b thread about Bond? It worked exactly as they intended, congratulations.

>live action pocahontas
>all of the nuance of different groups acting with prejudice against each other is lost
>it's all about how bad the whites are
>pocahontas is now a warrior princess in a committed lesbian relationship with whatever her friend's name was
>her father doesn't approve, so she kills him
>becomes chieftess
>consults with the willow, must kill the white man
>leads a battle where they only have like 3 archers for no real reason, no tomahawks or clubs, and basically just spears and stone knives
>despite facing down volleys of musket fire, magically none take any hits
>every strike on a white man you see on screen is at a woman's hand
>they stab a ship to death
>the rest of the ships leave
>the whole war was exactly one battle
>america is saved from ever being colonized, retroactively deleting all the other simultaneously explorations by the other European powers and the others that had gone on for decades prior

You can't stop the SJWs from ruining Hollywood.

Disney needs chinese money. They absolutely care about Chinese audiences. They changed mulan to make it more in line with the source material.

Hollywood is retarded, but not so retarded to think that such a big and storied franchise falls into "any attention is good attention" They want good attention from this and genuinely believed that's what they would get

You sure do know your Disney, fellas.