B-but he said he's not 'racist'
B-but he said he's not 'racist'
Other urls found in this thread:
how exactly is he racist?
Hell, I like him better now.
Other than the Birther movement?
That's good. Tell everyone. Make sure it's clearly known to the public.
Buy a hat even.
The fuck is "the birther movement", faggot?
go back to /pol/ faggot
All white men are:
Minorities dont have to do anything to improve their own communities. Just let ue complain and make the government pay our tab
how old are you? smells like summer in here
i looked it up and the first link i was given was some wikipedia link talking about a conspiracy theory.go figure this is what braindead leftists believe
>a conspiracy theory
How was the birther movement racist?
what's most pathetic is i bet 100 bucks this shithead who's under 20 and was 12 when obama was elected and they tried to prove that he wasn't born in the US got his fucking dumpster fire pic from a faggot ass game of thrones season 8 hate thread somewhere. ultra cringeworthy child.
>All white conservatives
there ya go
unfortunately for the new generation race == culture == ethnicity.
it MIGHT equal ethnicity, to some degree, but it still doesn't on a true biological level.
every one of them, including Hillary, overlooked the fact that his mother was a white American citizen so it was a moot fucking point
However, he is a pathological liar.
Well if you read the article you'd understand that it was Trump that believe it.
I am just going to assume you're 'pretending to be retarded' as a troll.
Name one leftist conspiracy theory?
you call this a psyop?
are the spambots even trying?
OP is controlled opposition agent, and is failing. They let the interns do conop now?
It was racist because it was a moot point? I don’t follow. I asked how was it racist.
I posted this on /pol/ they moved it here.... nigger.
>make the government pay our tab
That's literally what the government is for now that corporations are not restricted to anyone one country.
It was because they said he wasn't American because he wasn't born in America, and shouldn't be President.
McCain wasn't born in America, just saying. Was born in Panama. If Obama wasn't born in America he still would be able to be President because his mother was American. You just need one parent as a naturalized citizen.
So when you see all the excuses being made for one guy, and not the other, and you look at Obama and McCain and try to figure out what people see as different between the two, it's not the military service that dumb people see.
Yes. Actually. 100%. True.
Racism is not a highly intelligent and scientific and reasonable view. Some people might think it is, but they are also as retarded as the racists, if not one and the same. It's hard to tell, sometimes.
Trump is the best example. Even if Obama wasn't born in USA (like McCain who was born in Panama) he still would be eligible.
Honestly, it's Trump first foray into politics was the racist claim he held for like 5 years until he won office, then said he was wrong, and never once talked about it since.
I'll double down with this guy.
How. Was. It. Racist.
>Racism is not a highly intelligent and scientific and reasonable view.
TFW most of NASA's advancements were made by people who gassed kikes.
It's closer to the truth...if there was a law that was any of those labels who do you think would have ZERO complications of passing that bill before lunch?
Maybe not so much like 30 or 40 years ago... but then again 100 years ago Democrats were the KKK party of choice.
Trump will release obummers kenyan birth certificate any day now...any day now...
I am 1st degree card carrying member of the Church of Satan. Hell yeah he does!
Only if you care about 'facts', other wise he's a profit of light.(sic)
The word 'racist' is losing its shock value. People are sick of hearing it and it's beginning to have a reverse effect. Best find a new call to arms.
He's white thus racist.
I know that Trump supporters cannot imagine anyone talking about politics without being paid. Who would ever believe that a billionaire paid people to come to his rallies.
The only people that pay off voters is socialists. Because socialism is all about bribery. I know this because youtube man said so. Democrats and oligarchy are one and the same. This is why only the Clintons are allowed to run the political side of the business of the DNC. The other side being 100% child raping by trans-dimensional were-vampires.
If Obama wasn't born in America he still would be able to be President because his mother was American. You just need one parent as a naturalized citizen.
So when you see all the excuses being made for one guy, and not the other, and you look at Obama and McCain and try to figure out what people see as different between the two, it's not the military service that dumb people see.
russia birthers are insane racists
Except he's morally bankrupt.
Ya, and we also use to have children working in coal mines in the US.
Wats ya fukin point?
No, it was made by people who built rockets to kill people.
hahaha nope. Each and every whitey
7 seconds absolve him of 5 years of lying. If that doesn't making him the greatest president of all time he's at least the smartest. He played it well.
god who knows? Yea Forums political threads are almost always utter garbage but I gotta say there is no way that user is old enough to be on here. And if he is. . .shit man that means he is old enough to vote which I find deeply troubling.
Wish we could just move past this and have it be OK to care about our own self interest like every other fucking group.
it's literally how he rose to prominence as a political figure you fuckwit. i know it was back in obama's first term, but jesus christ what are you 9?
back to reddi faglord
i'm just annoyed by the choice of gif. that damn thing was a staple in yahoo game of thrones season 8 complaint threads by brain dead lobotomized retards. you've got to taste the cringe to see how low they sink. one fuck would regularly think it was cool to post "sansa and arya make my dragon spit". i've only seen the first 2 1/2 episodes and think the show is trash and had to figure out who those bitches are and damn... that's one sad fuck. i'm afraid this kid is one of them.
It's not suppose to be 'shocking'.
The fact that you think that politics is supposed to be 'shocking' and not informative or even TRUTHFUL is the reason and purpose that Trump won. I know that only the REAL Trump supports talk about him on anonymous message boards and it's all shocking AF with pictures of him getting blowjobs from AOC and stuff, but...
Saying Trump is a racist is commonplace to anyone that follows politics for the past DECADE. Hell, first time Trump was ever mentioned in the news was about him being sued as a racist landlord.
No you. Oh wait, r/The_Donald is closed....
He just told a reporter he no problem being a racist because other people think that way too
What is the point here i don’t get it
If this thread is any evidence, his supporters certainly are racist.
I think that says more about stuttershock than it does anything else
What the fuck is a 'caucasian'?
When i think of things that offend Yea Forums
racism is on the top of that list.
When are we going to deport this orange cheeto?
Hahaha, NYC rules! Bottom is so much more fun.
fuuuuuuck you, Nazi speed-spam poster. Trump might be president, but Salim is still cashing your gas money.
the orange nigger sold his soul to the kikes, now he's trying to dick tease the rubes and his base to boost his popularity polls.
i think you are confused. Yea Forums is the only part of Yea Forums where you can be as racist as you want and not get banned. check out the rules of Yea Forums. it's pretty much "you can't be racist EXCEPT on Yea Forums". really.
you must be new here.
Saying that you've never heard of the word caucasian informs me you aren't old enough to be on this board. Having said that, it means white. If you post "black father" vs "white father" on Google image search and it shows nothing but niggers for "white father", Kikes will say it's because it has a "white" background. They've yet to explain how a search for caucasian brings up niggers.
In short, google is Jewgle manipulating search results.
Hope he is...Trump 2020
Yes, niggers are so much more fun than boring old white people.
There's a difference between caring about yourself, and devaluing anything different than yourself. The fact that faggots like you just relabel prejudice bigotry as something 'normal' and 'common' and 'everyone does it' also justifies child rape, murder, theft, and about any other crime you could ever think of.
Crime is natural.
Hell, even cannibalism is natural. Almost every animal does it, and aside from that if it WASN'T NATURAL we wouldn't have to make laws about it. There's no religion in the world that explicitly talks about 'THOU SHALT NOT PUT SALT IN THINE EYES' because no one is fucking doing it.
related content
all words are made up
Remember what the Kikes tell you, it's white people that are violent and dangerous.
Maximum tinfoil...activated!
Why not just study? Maybe travel a little outside the US?
Or calling Sen. Warren ‘Pocahontas’
>If Obama wasn't born in America he still would be able to be President
Thats not how it works, check your facts again.
It's just a visual thing, isn't it?
The fact you're hoping shows you know zero about politics. At this point you're just looking at it like sports, and not a system that affects the lives of countless people on the planet.
Climate change. Intersectionality.
>b-but the jews are control the business
>conspiracy theory is anything that science supports
>facts are anything that's based and formed entirely off of opinions and rumors
0 proof
Like I would love to debate each and everyone of these pictures, but people saying that OP is a 'spambot' like anyone that talks about politics is a russian bot.
Then you see this, and realize who they work for. It's not Hillary.
Moar infographs.
Tired of captchas?
Ya but all those men have a class 3 raping license.
> stupid
Still getting the hang of the internet, son?
>Russian Bot
Whatever you say NPC
Not even an entire sentence or proper punctuation in response, but I am the mindless one.
I wish he was. He is not, he sucks Jew dick.
But I think that is a defense of a lot more people who have a better understanding all the way through a different direction than they have shanties and the other people who are going through a lot more are going through a lot more time.
Not what was said, shlomo.
Fuck you leaf and you can get your own guns for protection and hunting for the best of the year.
>To many scholars, survivors and readers, his transgression was particularly severe because it could serve the interests of Holocaust deniers spreading much greater lies.
Why the fuck are people so intolerant to Islamic culture this pisses me off wish they would have charged her with a hate crime for her insolence.
Stupid fucking niggers. They always ruin shit and you can’t call them out for it or you’re a racist. That’s why I hate niggers. If you don’t agree you haven’t lived close enough to the shit. Like it or not Trump is America. It’s all screwed up just like him.
You could be raped by a black guy everyday of your life, this doesn't tell you anything about black people anymore than your life experiences do.
Obviously you would have reason for apprehension to blacks, but this doesn't justify it. On the flip side when you have women that hate all men because they were actually raped by a man, you'll never guess who's the first one to call them out as mentally ill.
But racism, that's just facts.
>All black men are:
also applies to brown men
That there are more than two genders.
Him being racist is one of the things I like about him.
Most people who are racist aren't ignorant, they have just spent enough time around black people to know that they are dog shit.
>We've called Trump a racist since 2015 and it hasnt done anything
>I guess we will just keep trying.
Want to know a secret? Everyones racist. Everyone. You. Your mom. Your dad. Your neighbor. Your best friend/gf/bf. Your dog. Literally everyone is to some extent racist. Get the fuck over it. You faggots think it hurts our feelings or something when you say 'hurr durr yous wacist!'. Do a flip off a highway bridge please.
Are we talking conspiracies carried out by leftists or ones they claim the right did? The Trump/Russia angle was a HUGE recent one, they clamored about. If we're talking ones they played a part in, the list depends on how far into the past you wanna go because the two parties intersected at certain points. Here's some recent ones:
>Kennedy Assassination
>Attempted Reagan Assassination
>Oklahoma City Bomber
>1st World Trade Center Bombing
>Columbine Shooting
>Bush Administration legalizing spying on American citizens (The bill was penned by the left, Bush was complicit in this one)
>No Child Left-Behind Act and the dumbing-down of our nation's curriculum across the board (same as above, complicit Bush/penned by left-winger)
>9/11 Attack (Again, complicit Bush but aiding foreign progressives this time)
>Obama Administration spying on American citizens with the NSA after vowing to abolish any interior spying of any kind (Got caught but got memory-holed)
>Diane Feinstein's spy chauffeur (Memory-holed. INSTANTLY)
>Clinton Foundation pay-for-play and abuse of power as SECDEF
>Jussie Smollet false flag
>Multitudes more that I don't want to phonepost
i'm beginning to think that big gaps in upper front teeth is a jewtard marker
Ya, but the difference is the awareness of it. Racism is not a illegal anywhere, but discrimination is.
"how is that racist"
>conspiracy theory is the same thing as criminal conspiracy
For years, ShareBlue and CTR were called out with memes like this and now the left thinks they’re going to use it? Get back on the short bus, tranny.
He's not racist, you are
McCain was born on America territory in Panama, dumbass.
I see that you went to the trump school of debate.
>Implying they don't intertwine
Here, you seem to be lost :)
Yea Forums has now spawned a bunch of morons who were too stupid to separate trolling from real argument. Education system has failed. None of you fucking idiots can think for yourselves. Of course he’s racist. If you are into that, just own it. America really has always been racist. And full of a bunch of depressed retards, waiting for a carnival barker to tell them what to do.
Everything the right says is just projections. You can flip literally EVERY fucking right wing meme that isn't about a conspiracy theory.
Still doesn't change the fact that being born out of country doesn't disqualify you of being President. The only birth certificate that matters is his mothers.
What is r/The_Donald?
trump 2020
nothing will stop it
This is what I heard from everybody else, have you heard about this? This is what people are saying. I don't know if it's true, but I think that it's happening. Who knows, it's impossible to understand. I doubt anyone understands this. I understand it, but this is why I alone can help. I am probably the best person to understand better than all the generals and scientists and politicians that say they understand it. Do they? I don't know? I don't think they do. I can't prove if they do either way. But I know that I would be the best person to understand this if anyone could even possible maybe understand this. SAD.
good and decent Americans will stop it
Trump is a racist & it he is spelling it out for everyone. He assumes brown people are not American. His tweets are not dog whistles they are crystal clear racist comments.
no puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet
>braindead leftists
you do know it's trumptards that believe in that conspiracy, right?
They don't. One is legal term the other is a pejorative connotation, and betwixt the two they never meet.
One is legal definition in doing or planning to do something, the other is an explanation of an events when other explanations are more probable.
Getting people to rob a bank is not the same as jet fuel melting steel beams.
Only fat people drink diet soda.
You want pence?
What is the difference you see between men and women in public that defines their gender as either or? How do you know to call someone he or she?
I know. I am glad about that. The openly and publicly you people are the better for the rest of us to fix the problem.
So racism isn't ignorant because it's based off of anecdotal experiences? Where as flat earthism is based off of hard science.
Cause he said mean things
good and decent AMERICANS will make it happen
trump 2020
this is bait
The fact you think you're not ignorant is kind of what makes someone ignorant. Like, to understand that you're ignorant is all it takes to not be ignorant. I can understand why most people would think this is contradicting, but knowing and understanding are two different thing.
To understand why and how you're ignorant is how you overcome it. It's finding out the cognitive bias and thinking it through logically. Just staying with the emotional response is not transcending. That's the baseline animal response. It may be natural and common and everyone does it, but that doesn't mean it's not ignorant.
All crime is natural is natural human tendencies. We still arrest someone if they're mentally ill, maybe we only lock up the mentally ill by that understanding that ignorance is a mental bias that works more like an illness than it does the 'cure' to anything.
Even if we killed off all the niggers, and the jews, and enslaved the mexicans, and filtered out the genetics that were impure and fixed society from a cultural point of view, the people that are left you could not 100% claim are the smartest or the best, but just the only ones left.
His tweet today made it so that the entire Democratic Party has to rally behind those 4 unqualified idiot women in Congress. He's forcing their hand. It's a brilliant move.
I don't think it'll be readily apparent until he gets out of office, but this motherfucker is playing 4D chess constantly.
Yes, worry not. There is hope for white liberals though.
They can repent by ruining cocktail parties with their debilitating existential guilt and allowing minorities to fuck their wives.
Welcome to clown world.
No he's been called that since 2010 for birtherism, and even then his first mention in the news was about racial biased as a landlord in 1973.
We're trying to warn you that this is going to lead to trouble. You obviously think the only reason to root for a side is because they're going to win, because you lack the ability to understand the politics is not sports. It's a constantly evolving democratic process that should reflect the people as they change and evolve.
It's not just a reality TV game show, although I can understand where the confusion comes from.
Trump has literally stated he doesn't ever have a plan, that's not how he works. He plays everything by ear.
If Trump had a masterplan, I might actually be supportive of him.
Sounds exactly like something a strategian with a master plan would say.
>It was because they said he wasn't American because he wasn't born in America, and shouldn't be President.
>It was because they said he wasn't American
>because they said he wasn't American
>they said he wasn't American
>they said
Who the fuck is they?
Do you have any soundbites?
Fuck this nigger
i do
and keto people
Oh so suddenly telling a nigger to go back to Africa is "racist" now. You liberal snowflakes and your butthurt feelings lol
People who thought Obama was Kenyan born therefore ineligible to be president. No other president got shit like that, but the black guy does? He’s half white anyways
Obama wasn’t an American citizen. Get wit it.
Cut them a deal. Approve reparations for all niggers but they all have to live in Africa to receive the monthly checks.
actions speak louder than words
So playing the role of an elderly asshhole in Walmart yelling at the mexican cashier benefits him because....?
The main proponent of this would be Donald J. Trump, summerfag, since like 2010. Welcome to the world of the information superhighway.
Trump never apologized, never said he was wrong, just said a 7 second statement one time that Obama was born in the USA 'period' and then moved onto some other conspiracy theory in the same speech.
That's what I am saying!
trump lies, and water is wet. A 3 year old could tell you either of those facts.
America is shit, people here pretending the democrats will not destroy you the same way Trump does. Retards, you will not last
men's day... you fucking idiot
"great american food"
>I can't tell the difference between the judge and criminal
Well I think it would be better to be destroyed by sustainable energy and affordable housing then a decaying ecosystem ruled by soulless corporations. I fucking hate you centrists. You take the propaganda that Hillary is a criminal from Trump and say that they're the same.
Trump called Hillary 'Crooked' because that's as ambivalent as he could be without being a liar. Childish insults don't count as slander or libel.
Childish insults are not the same as calling someone a racist, unless you do not understand the definitions of words or meaning.
Leftist conspiracy theories are "criminal conspiracies"? This is Alex Jones level stupid
>The only birth certificate that matters is his mothers.
So why was Ted Cruz "disqualified"? That's the one thing both the leftists and "alt-right" agreed on in 2016.
>He assumes brown people are not American.
So why do Democrats assume being opposed to illegal immigration makes one "racist"? Do they assume illegal aliens are all "brown"?