When did it become racist to be honest?
When did it become racist to be honest?
if we're being honest the Confederacy lost the fucking war shithead
You can be honest about your antiquated backwards tribalism bullshit brah
did you start being honest about hating blacks? if so, right about then.
b-but mah rebel spirit
The South will rise again
Op, stop being a racist faggot. There is no "redpill" and the sooner you realize that, the better your life will be.
When did you decide it was ok to wave the flag of traitors?
when being honest didn't mean you were factually right
When putting people in arbitrary grouping and asigning traits not based of the filters of the grouping happend
does doing bathsalts and fighting traffic in the nude count as rising?
Approximately 2004.
>When did it become racist to be honest?
Let me guess, the Civil War wasn't about slavery it was about states rights.
>whats the difference between racism and prejudiced
Poor public school kids. You fleas think it was fought to free the slaves. Go learn real history, not this SJW soy shit.
Shit floats, so maybe
>was about states rights.
As a matter of fact yes. History much?
But it represents my southern pride!
my new theory is that the civil war was about the invention of the gasoline engine, because less than 5 years later they were fighting and lincoln wanted to send all blacks back to africa. it wasn't about stopping the enslavement, it was that the slaves were obsolete and they wanted their bodies off the continent.
Its fought over slavery in new states not necessarily "to free slaves"
If you are honestly expressing your racism, then always.
If I remember correctly it was to prove to the US government that states should be able to have slaves because of state's rights? South Carolina was the first to secede the US because of that reason at least.
I'm proud to be a loser!
SC secession document states exactly that a threat upon slavery by the north, and election of Lincoln was the center reason for secession
when the niggers started getting offended by everything.
No slaves were freed in the north or new states during the civil war.
The south didnt like being taxed at a higher rate than the north.
Lincoln said many times he would do nothing to free slaves and he did not. Until the war was out of hand. SC paid the most taxes and opened a port to Euro countries bypassing the north. Thats why the first state to leave
Dude.....I got this from the statement SC released when they left the union. Fucko.......stop reading non sense
Emancipation proclamation?
The moment you’re honestly racist
The people of the State of South Carolina, in Convention assembled, on the 26th day of April, A.D., 1852, declared that the frequent violations of the Constitution of the United States, by the Federal Government, and its encroachments upon the reserved rights of the States, fully justified this State in then withdrawing from the Federal Union
That is the first words of it.
Go fuck yourself
Touting redneck rebel flag shit is as gay as being a furry
You're a fag.
Just being honest.
Now thank me for my honesty.
I’m pretty sure if the northerners saw what the country would have become, they’d agree with the south.
It only freed slaves in the south(not under Lincoln any more). 5 northern states had slaves and did nothing for them. some were freed and Lincoln ordered them to be returned.
; but in deference to the opinions and wishes of the other slaveholding States, she forbore at that time to exercise this right. Since that time, these encroachments have continued to increase, and further forbearance ceases to be a virtue.
You dropped this, dumbass.
Here is April Ellison. He is one of the richest men in the south. He sat down front in a white church. He was born a slave. He owned over 100 slaves. His sons fought in the civil war(for the south). Over 170 other black people in just SC were slave owners.
Do you think if the civil war was about slavery so many blacks would fight for the south?
its not racist if its true
theres a difference between tradition and tribalism
well yeh it was about state rights. There were other things the north was trying to take away from sates
The Emancipation Proclamation only ended slavery in certain areas. It was still perfectly legal in much of the US at the time.
When minorities got the balls and status in society to call it out. Your opinion being honest doesn't make it not racist or even factual/true. Just reconsider your believes or admit you're a racist lol its simple
They are saying with respect to the other southern states. They are not going to be pushed around anymore. they also said its been building up for over 25 years
Call a vietnam vet a loser. They are still young enough to knock your candy ass to the ground
Lincoln met with black leaders near the end of the civil war. He asked them where they wanted to go after the war. He offered to send them back to Africa or some islands. When they told Lincoln they wanted to stay here he didn't know what to say. He told them he would have to get back with them because he had not even thought they would stay here.
Think about that when you believe it was fought for slaves and not a overbearing fed gov.
This thread makes me worry even more about the US education system. I don’t even live in your country and apparently I know more about the Civil War than average Americans.
That’s because you just had class a month ago, kid. The adults are talking and we forget shit.
Go to bed graeme
as long as you know it was over states rights and not slavery