A reminder that bisexuality isn't real, it's just a fetish. Stop fooling around and pick a side.
A reminder that bisexuality isn't real, it's just a fetish. Stop fooling around and pick a side
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Die please.
So that means, that heterosexuality is a fetish as well.
ultra straight guy here, can confirm that bisexuality is a myth
Monosexuality is the default.
Bisexuality is just a fetish, unless you have arrested development.
one day you'll realize there your subconscious isn't actually something you can't hear. you will learn to use it and recognize when it makes decisions. it's not insanity, it's just that there IS a lower level that works on its own. that's the part that becomes attracted, not some higher part that uses higher concepts. the things you are attracted to are hard to detect, even with high technology. they include certain physical traits like actual body form, facial design, reaction time, and body posturing/movement. these tell a lower part of you that you want to mate genitalia with another creature.
i should have added... since it's subconscious, it's not a fetish. a fetish is at the surface and phony.
Legal definition of fetish: A form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
Fair enough, it's a paraphilia.
>stop fooling around and pick a side
why the fuck would i do that
Because part of being adult is learning to make choices and settle down.
You can't confirm that, because you aren't bisexual.
I'm bisexual, and I can confirm that it is real.
You're implying that a choice needs to be made.
It doesn't.
As a bisexual, I chose the person to be in a relationship with. I didn't choose a gender.
Surely you're a bottom or GAMP.
Nope. Just a guy capable of falling in love with a person regardless of what is between their legs.
>look, I pressed some buttons to get this intended result
>I'm totaly strate u guise!!
You seem more like a self-hating bisexual to me.
So, you picked a side? Cool, well done.
I picked a person, not a "side".
I'm still bisexual, because I'm still attracted to members of both sexes.
That's what bisexual means.
>I'm still bisexual, because I'm still attracted to members of both sexes.
Yeah, but since you're going to have sex with only one person of one sex, by all accounts you're MONOsexual.
fuck off
>by all accounts
Except by literal definition. I'm sexually attracted to people of both sexes. That's literally the definition of bisexual, so I'm still bisexual.
That's what bisexual means. You can't change the meanings of words.
Also, my partner is bi as well, and we may share other people together as well.
But I'm still 100% bisexual whether we do that or not.
Grow the fuck up.
Why are you so biphobic? Did some bisexual break your heart?
Die nigger
>I only like wine so that means that also liking beer is impossible
Why are people this fucking dumb?
>food analogy
Would you prefer a sports analogy?
There's enough proof that tastes aren't binary.
Biscum instead are only 2,5% of the population.
In a nutshell, they're deviants.
Notice how nobody ever responds to posts that actually make sense and/or win the argument.
Retards just stuff their fucking heads in the sand when they can't respond.
Doesn't matter if 1% or 99% of people are bisexual.
Bisexuality exists, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Have a nice evening.
Okay, it exists, but it's a deviancy.
Things aren't bad merely in virtue of them being different.
Grow the fuck up.
This is pretty fucking retarded, even for Yea Forums
I never said it was bad, I just said that bisexuality is not normal.
Okay? What's the point of stating this?
I don't get why you needed to clarify that bisexuality is not bad when I never said such a thing.
Into both redheads and brunettes? Sorry, you're only allowed to have one sexual preference.
Does watching anal get you just as hard as watching a deep throat scene? Sorry, you have to get over yourself and just pick one fetish already!
See how fucking stupid you sound OP?
OP is bisexual.
He stated it in the other bi thread.
You imply it's a bad thing or at least you disagree with your current opinion in your OP.
Stop pretending to be this dumb.
>Into both redheads and brunettes? Sorry, you're only allowed to have one sexual preference.
The difference is that it's way more common to find people who like both brunettes and redheads than finding bisexual people.
That's another question.
OP is contradicting himself as a bisexual person themselves
So? Why does that fact that it is less common mean that you have to pick a side, but if it is more common then you do not have to "pick a side". There's a flaw in your logic.
Because it's quite common.