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So good OP had to post it twice
Fucking lost!
Damn it. What did I miss. I had to leave way too early in that original thread.
some fag killed his e girl because being jelly inshalla
I know the video wasn’t of her but does anyone have it?
FACT: a chad wouldn't do this.
the video will ever be posted ?
got any pics of the discord taunting?
I hope so
Sickkkk Brooooo
If only she had some privacy online, a psychopath wouldn't have been able to find her.
what did she wrote that russtled everyone's jimmies
there's no video
Why did he do it?
this. are they going to improve our e-privacy rights now?
It has to do with an Incel, I think.
Jasus, almost decapitated her.
kekling say 'kekekekekekkek'
Fucking kek
Beta butcher killed girl he liked. I guess the religious fundamentalists who demand that women never meet men alone unless married or family are vindicated.
This is Yea Forums
Why are so many people misconstruing the story? She wasn't stalked nor beheaded. She was killed by an apparently close friend, not some fucker from discord.
Nothing of value lost.
this actually got replies. fuck this site sucks.
her bf -> close friend
You're just a pussy
The killer is... a sick fuckin emofag named Brandon
a summerfag gets killed and a summer fag crys
Must be new here huh
>this 4chin thing can't be as bad as they say.
So what was this cunt's name?
comes here from leddit, this Yea Forums cant be that bad...Nani??!!
I believe she knew him previously
>pic related
100% chance she was raped, then killed. Either way she was an ethot so it was justified
Really, well I'm from Utica and I've never heard of her
never change Yea Forums
When will girls learn that the Internet is crawling with sexual predators.
Back to twitter
Fuckin checked
It's been over 20 years, you'd think it'd of taken longer for people to forget.
Kek. I really am from Utica. Born at st lukes
any one think she had any religious beliefs?
back to le reddit fag
why are the news articles mentioning Yea Forums at all? It doesnt look like he posted the pictures here first.
do you have any idea where the fuck you are?
or am i being baited
shut up
Name of the bitch?
She was an /r9k/ freak. you tell us user
bak to /r9k/ gay nigger
The real question is, wheres her lewds?
Bianca something. Went by Xanax or Xans /r9k/ freak
you incels are entertainment but at the cost of humanity
I just heard about this so I immediately went here to find the photos.
I guess it's finally time to ask. What the fuck is kiwifarms? All I've heard about it is that that tranny who hates Candace Owens owns it/runs it or something.
It's good that some clean up is done on whores but there's a lot of people we need to kill first. Like mudshark and niggers and shit
hes going all out bait.jpg
Same. Just like i did with christchurch. Shit like this is the only reason to come here anymore.
No idea. But that was where I was first directed when I heard about it on a news/conspiracy forum i frequent
Are we being edgy now guys? Heeeeeeh
Is this the bitch?
>mfw chad roleplayers and womyns cry uncontrollably over some random internet whore getting her throat cut
have some respect
she was murdered by an man
Don't think so. That girl has a neck
Sad that my main takeaway from this is that she was 'only' 17 and already fucked a double-digit amount of dudes. People are gross.
If this is, she looks helluva lot better without all that Tumblr alt e-thot shit on her
Well shit you’re right
the fuck is wrong with you?
she was actually cute here.
best post by far
She knew it...
Bianca was a member of /soc/ on Yea Forums
Well, it’s a shame some faggot killed her, but it really do be like that.
im just responding to this to bump the thread.
Maybe but she was an /r9k/ freak. Those faggots are worse than us
Eh. Show her death pic with story to ignorant girls to not fuck around online.
Talk about deep throat
Wanna be friends?unless you’re a chink
This was really sloppy work
I'd fuck that if it was still warm. She's hot.
I typed in hashtag ripbianca on Instagram and one of the first pics to come up was some asexual community thing claiming she was asexual and they posted a pic of her a few days ago. But apparently she was slept around? Not commenting on her as a person, she’s dead after all, but it’s really annoying how people will rally around a dead girl they know nothing about just because it went viral and it shows how ugly certain men are towards women
More like joking about the people pretending they care about some druggy whore reaping what she has sown. You know there is a lot more females who've had their throats slashed who were actually innocent. This girl is probably in hell just the same as the man who murdered her.
some incels just won't take the mental abuse
they murder the chick that's using them.
it is a shame ur right.
but she would've become an hero by 25 anyway
I agree, the beta should've at least had pride in his work and cut the head off
>When will girls learn that the Internet is crawling with sexual predators.
It was someone she knew. Most times abusers know their victims.
where are the nudes?
>if it was still warm
>she's hot
was joek intend???
They were both abusive why just take her side?
both complete cunts
I'm waiting too
I wonder what went thru her mind as soon as she felt that blade cut her blood artery open and feel that warm blood come out. Makes you think what she went though. Any ideas?
She met him on some discord server.
He was some orbiter that met her and her family. They hung out for a while.
I feel like the misinformation is going to spread into the news
So are we ignoring the fact that she acted like a disgusting human towards this dude while also letting this random dude know where she lives?
She kind of brought it to herself
So was she asexual???
Put a dick in that faggot mouth so it'll shut up
She probably thought "Oh fuck, I'm going to die right now"
I don't know, he seemed to be to enraged to rape her, probably straight up stabbed her neck.
That's what i would do anyway, but who knows.
Apparently not since she has slept around
I like murder
She clearly had a final thought like “oh shit” or something along those lines. Perhaps regret or simply tried apologizing or something. Then again; she was likely scared at the same time
"A sexual" as any deranged feminists proclaim.
>cheated on you with 6 dudes
>has many orbiters bcs of sex storys or some shit
Looks like he just straight up fucking swung at her neck
Fucking checked
>in hell
It's past your bedtime kiddo
Certainly She probably regretted pissing this dude off or for the very least felt sorry for that brief moment before the lights went out.
bet you'd be into that homo, kys
CNN literally posted an article saying he was her boyfriend lmao. Even they’re jumping to conclusions on this viral internet story. Everyone’s just posting the hashtag to claim that they’re in the know about what happened and spreading the word
you sound like a fucking faggot. Faggots are mentally ill/disabled. So go suck a cock an stop talking
I need the pic of all the messages leading up to the murder
Yeah but I don't really know the whole story of how it escalated to this. But by the way she looks she already looks like a cunt to to be around
Well that’s fine if she kills herself. Faggots who can’t grasp the actions of an e-hoe are the damned worst. Now nobody else gets to hit that I suppose. She was pretty cute despite the dumb makeup
Just go fuck back off to Reddit and let me enjoy the rest of my shitty Monday
Me too, this stuff kinda interests me
you wont post you're voice though hmm, you're projecting m9.
I ain’t clicking that shit,
What is it?
Wait so CNN wont broadcast the killing :(
It just Yea Forums like that now
It already has
just a voice message
I agree, I don't know why girls who look like that piss me off
Jesus christ user, my sides
nothing is worth killing anyone over
The misinformation spreading right now is that they didn't know eachother, and he was just some oribitter who was stalking her, reality is they were a bit closer than that and there is evidence she was emotionally manipulating him possibly for money,drugs, rides ect. Theres an entire culture of girls like her doing this and you can investigate it for yourself.
Take it as literal or as metaphorical as you want retard, you know i'm right.
Sauce Dude Trust Me
Incels will die alone and afraid. Imagine being so pathetic and still try to justify ones existence. Just off yourselves now incels. :D
>But apparently she was slept around?
There's a screenshot (allegedly) of her and her killer texting, where she's railing him pretty good about how insignificant he is to her, and she mentions she'd fucked 6 guys before she met him and has fucked 'several' since.
pic related.
i’m a bit weary of clicking that shit too, what’s the voice message say?
Top kek
fucking hell, my AA didn't work, hope it works now
this was her last thought:
Who are you talking to?
Wasted potential perhaps. I prefer a good clean girl myself, but I have fucked teen thots like herself. So I can’t complain much on that.
just mocking the threads about the dead girl
its like the haha funny poop meme
Ironically the only person who died alone and afraid here is the whore, sorry to break it to ya.
My shit won’t load the recording, anyone know what it’s saying?
>Incels will die alone and afraid
I mean, if that screenshot is to be believed, she admits to having sex with him... which makes him not an incel..
they were friends you fucking autist
Goddamnit. You win.
it's a retarded faggot vocarooing
>Pierce the Veil
that pussy faggot band is partially responsible for this
She's an Albany girl.
Regards from /toy/
News report said her body was found in his car....not sure if this pic is real
These aren't talls!
projection from a whiteknight
I got the same walmart knife. they're only like 10 bucks.
Just some dude mocking the event, nothing special
It's just a faggot talking
Yo bro! I feel the same way. Like wtf happened. Tomato pie am I right?
This was the first picture I made in gimp that spread around this fast.
I even fucked up the hand in the bottom left. I posted it this morning and now it's everywhere lmao.
Pierce the Neck (^ー^)
holy shit
join you fucking cunts
gore/loli/cp/egirls we got everything
i think its him
what a chad
Yes. Lets believe the screenshot, and not believe he is too fugly to fuck. We all know hes an incel. And incels must die :D
want a fucking reward faggot?
Who has the video?
I know it’s not actually her but I keep hearing about it and can’t find it anywhere (or know what to look up)
Making a new Post Hardcore band called Stabbing the e-thot
mmmm dead stacy so hawt i cummed without hands KEKEKEKEKEK
Lmao what a load of shit, I made it, I even have the PSD.
Its a super shit job though
Reminds of that one guy who shot up a college in the northwest
i mean hes really not THAT ugly. He's clearly enough of a twat based on his actions, but hes definitely not NEET ugly. I think we should wait for more facts to come out.
Tak you KAK
fuck you. kys you degenerate piece of garbage.
you could atleast try a bit harder with your honeypots
Did he take off her shoes??? I wanna see pictures of her feets!!!!
It's you who must die I'm afraid.
> xanax druggie screen name
>"it just b like that now"
Nothing of value was lost.
or maybe didnt say anything, due to the shock?
at least she still has fans
Fucc utica
im willing to photoshop the image but dont have ideas, help a non creative user out
yah send your mother back over bitch.
you can put on the medal while she's deepthroating my cock lmao.
teamwork makes the dream work
Don't really understand the appeal of Xanax with these types of people