i paid a girl $200 for 10 nude pics and she hasn't delivered and i don't think she's going to
ama. pic not directly related
i paid a girl $200 for 10 nude pics and she hasn't delivered and i don't think she's going to
ama. pic not directly related
Other urls found in this thread:
pay after.
or get a fucking girlfriend dweeb
I hope you're talking pesos fam..
beat her ass
How does it feel to be that desperate/naive? You know there is an endless amount of nudes on google alone, right?
Report it for fraud/scam?
I say kill her.. I think someone did something similar recently. Maybe you could be the one that makes it fashionable, OP.
There's an internet full of free porn dude, just sayin
Where did you find her? Did you at least have her write the day and time on a piece of paper to verify that she is really a she?
>implying any Yea Forumstard knows how to take a fighting stance against anyone or anything
How old did she claim to be?
Kill her
Depending on how you paid why not cancel the payment? Really, don't be a retard, cancel the fucking payment if you let it go too long it'll be considered acceptance.
You seem to have missed the big news user
OP isn’t replying. I’ve paid girls for pics and actually gotten them. AMA.
who here as hype as this dawg to start lickin’?
i’d be hype if i knew the girls name
Or, more appropriately, given the size
>schlipp schlipp schlipp schlipp schlipp
It was this...
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Just go to pornhub you fucking degenerate
How did she convince you to do it?
i pay for girls pics then post them on here
But I’ve actually paid girls for pics and gotten them. (Also had them scam me. Shit happens.)
The moron user was thinking with his little dick head instead of his real head if it had any to start with. Maybe that OP user is just a retard.
this op. Its the only way.
Cool, how do I pick out brainletts that think with their dicks so I can do this and get rich for real men.
I might have done that once or twice but I always use a trusted source as the funds and have never been ripped off because I can cancel the payment or if it went through and I didn't receive what I contracted for then I can contact the fraud department of the issuing bank and have the recipient fucked with.
Meet some stupid cute chicks that will pose for you. There's a Law & Order Criminal Intent about this with Trachenberg in it, before she blew up like a whale.
It'll show you just how to do it.
200$ for just pics?? not even fuck???
you are literally the worst kind
hahaha and not even a rub n tug
Let me guess, mr smarty pants OP used "crypto currency" and got ripped off like a sucker.
Oh man what i'd give to whiff one of her braps. Think I'd pay $200 for that tbh
nope USD
Oh yeah and I have tons of nudes of her for free already also, I just wanted custom. Boy did I get fucked over. She didn't block me or anything though, they usually do that when they rip you off
to whom? there's no governing body for e thots
if e thots want rights there needs to be a governing body, i'm tired of getting fucking scammed.
honest even to spend a dime for sexual pleasure in this day and age when everything is practically free is pure degeneracy
yup. and plenty free nudes of her also. pretty close to what i was looking for but of course my autism kicked in
It's pretty expensive, but if the person taking the pics is legit they could spend 8 hours between getting ready, taking the pics and curating them.
Like if you're gonna get 20 good pictures you'd wanna take between 150-200 pictures.
This is coming from a cam whore. Thots don't just snap a pic and it's perfect every time, bitches gotta work for their perfect insta pfp.
That's why some roasties get more attention than others, and why some sluts aren't roasties... Still pretty expensive for clerical work if you ask me though lol.
she's real, it's off an onlyfans
she's 26
yeah i might call, it's been about a day.
i've paid for pics and gotten them too, i just got really fucking upset for a second so i stepped away from the computer
Most scammers use cash app nowadays
erin ashford
she didn't, i wanted to buy.
Report her to the site. Not sure if they will do anything but I know there is a report option.
yes i am retarded
nope i used actual american dollars from my debit account
Too old to be selling pics
i don't think they'd do anything
fuck this sucks.
She scammed you. Move on and learn from it and quit being a retard by paying girls for nudes.
that's all she does/knows how to do
I get a bj once a week from my friends girlfriend and it only costs me an eighth of weed which is about 35 bucks
yeah i gotta just fucking stop paying girls for nudes, it never means shit to them and it's a toss up if they'll deliver and if they deliver it's a toss up if it'll be what you want and if it's what you want it's a toss up if it's decent quality
whores really need to improve their craft before they charge but gullible fucktards like me still exist so these degenerate talentless whores run rampant and float by life doing nothing
does your friend know
people like you are the source of the problem don't try to justify yourself as being right and blaming others stop being a beta cuck and get yourself a gf the fall of Western Civilization and traditional values wouldn't be an issue if people like you didn't enable this form of degeneracy
Nope. It's been going on since before they started dating. She's always been a little slutty. He knew that going in but thought she'd change for him.
I buy nudes regularly from an insta girl, we have a good working relationship. Sometimes it takes a while for her to send them, especially if they're custom. Talking 2 days or so. It's not fast food, give her a little longer before you drag her reputation through the mud.
i didn't drag her reputation through the mud, jackass. read the thread you illiterate bastard
I didn't say you did, relax. This was in response to people advising you to have banks and such fuck with her. 20 pics is a lot if she's not a cheap whore and actually takes her time making them good, so it'll probably take longer than you'd expect. That's all I'm saying man, I'm not hating at all.
>for 10 nude pics
Why would you pay for nudes? There are literally billions of free nudes and videos on the internet.
You're fucking pathetic
Whoops, maybe I am an illiterate bastard, thought it said 20. I stand by my point though. You do you bro.
this guy has a very good point
could of got a hooker/escort
not always exactly what you want
we agreed that she'd do it today.
i feel so fucking defeated and deflated.
because i am retarded evidently
not really, they want 5 times that much at least
If OP is stupid enough to get scammed like this, she'd probably beat his ass with little to no effort.
>paying for 10 .jpgs you couldve just gotten from /s/
>paying $200 when you could've fucked a hooker at your local whore house for an hour for $90 instead
Well, at least you didn't travel by plane and use almost 700$ to meet a girl you met online only for her to bail on you. Could have been worse. Learn from your mistakes.
You're idiot yo
You know the internet is full of free nudes...
The absolute state of incels.Ashes to ashes.
why would you ever pay someone for nudes when theres free porn on the internet?
fucking kek
Then you have no excuse.
In the time you spent posting here you called up their fraud department the number is on back of the card and report it, you should have done it as soon as you suspected fraud. Also get a tracking number next time, that way you can if the fraudsters even sent anything.
Just admit that you were sucker and take it as a learning experience.
That's so retarded that you should copyright it.
You may have paid in USD but you don't come across as American, what weirdo country are you from where you fall for that shit?
is her name Whitney Wisconsin?
Maybe Phoebe Applebee?
She is currently sending them. She has sent 6 of 10
I don't believe you.
Post em here d00d
UPDATE: You're a fag!
must suck to still be a virgin
well it's the truth haha
Has her face in them lol, and nah i just dropped 200 on these
Then why did you bring it up in the first place you hypocrite faggot?
post them here, you literal nigger
was depressed about being scammed out of 200
Dude, I love her shit. I cant find a bunch of her stuff only bits and pieces of things. Do you know any websites/tmblr's of her?
eww a whole 200 bucks, you're rockin and rollin now aren't you, like a nigger pimp with your stable.
"never trust a nigger"
Do you make a decent amout of money to be just throwing it away?
tyrone and bubba are rollin in your 200USD, so really as you said the pictures have her face in them, why do you care? Post one here, frost out the face if you find some random cam whoar so important to you.
Do you not?
fucking retard
dude, u could have gotten laid 2 times with 200bucks
This isn't about me.
Yeah from some fuckin fat nigger crackhead. That's no deal.
What kind of retarded nigger are you?
no how far do you live from the border or vegas?
eh i don't even work right now, my last job was decent though.
Vegas is like the only place in Nevada that you can't get a hooker, retard.
look and bunny ranch or escorts in the strip. or just go to TJ and fuck for less than 50 bucks clean good looking gals
I'm in NY, you calculate the distance if it matters to you, I don't know why it would, you're the moron.
Dude I really hope you are trolling. My body is fucked, so I know what you can get for $200 and its not pics.
maybe its time you skipthegames ?
Honestly if you are ever about to spend money on a girl buss a nut quick and 99% of the time you will no longer want to spend that money.
if you can't get laid in one of the most densely populated areas in the world dude idk what to tell you. the clock is ticking you must act now, use your dick or lose it.
Yeah Sherlock, people don't pay hookers be there, they pay them to shutup, fuck, and leave with no strings attached.
I never said that I couldn't. Seems to me that you can't follow a thread and are mixing me up with OP.
It’s the truth. Saves my dumb white ass from spending it on bizarre fetish cam videos.
wow they were all fake or nasty
i live in a small population area so i'm not surprised. the beautiful girls all do advanced whoring, ie marrying rich dudes they don't like and taking them for hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of years until they get caught fucking someone else and then make off with half the money.