Hey liberals I got a question for your diverse and inclusive ass. When did “women of color” become a superior entity that is to be automatically revered and worshipped? The left idolizes them these days and it’s getting kind of fucking old
Hey liberals I got a question for your diverse and inclusive ass...
Why do white bitches prefer nigger dick over white pencil dicks?
Answer the question faggot
I think it's because we fear intelligence and people of color are easier to control, you control powerful people of colour you can do anything.
one term and done .their approval ratings are in the shitter, turban headed somali shit ball is in single digits ..Just a lasting skidmark on the house boxers
That’s the gayest excuse I’ve ever read.
Anyone else?
Tell me, I need to know
It really isn’t the women they are going crazy for. The truth is, these four are some of the loudest voices for Communism, politically. And right now they are gaining ground because they can play he race card and scare the other politicians off who would otherwise challenge their beliefs. Everyone up on Capital Hill is of course trying to get elected.
>When did “women of color” become a superior entity that is to be automatically revered and worshipped
Oh look a massive faggot posting a massive strawman to make a massively failed point, try harder faggot
You wish nigger. Those ladies are riding high numbers among their constituents.
My God you're a fucking nigger faggot. No one said to worship them dumbass. Where the fuck do you incel faggot's get your shit?
The Tard Squad
Well at my job that’s all the shit I hear about all the
Every fucking day it’s ONLY “women of color” this, “women of color” that. It’s like jesus H christ what the fuck is so great about “women of color”?
And when did american citizens become foreigners bec the color of their skin? Very american.
they should be fucked and not heard
They aren't 'gaining ground.' In fact, its the exact opposite, like if you chained a 2 ton heavy thong to your cars bumper, then tried to drive off to work.
However, they are doing Gods work in getting Trump re-elected in 2020.
Hey conservatives I got a question for you. How come two men having sex aint alright with jesus but when for I touch a booby my dick get hard? Huh? Owned.
Thats what you sound like.
Thong lol, I meant thing.
You’re being baited by right-wing media.
Turn off the fox and daily caller for a few days. Woman derangement syndrome is a choice.
You sond like a short bus user of the retard clan Rufus, now go find your Rittalin.
No I listened to the same tired shit today from these cunts responding to Trump that I have to listen to at work because of the Ministry of Inclusion and Diversity. All this horseshit about “women of color”
What in the holy shit is so great about “women of color”?
because the race card is a very powerful weapon against white people.
Hey libtards, I got a question for your woke asses. Why for you gotta trust black people when they are in jail so often? You cant answer that!
Hey cuckbag libonatzijews if you like woman leaders so much why dont you get a period of your own??? Ha! We are so smart.
Hey feminazi nigger lovers, I got a question for you, if all races and religions are supposed to get along how come them jews at the bank dont lend me money no more??? PWNDZORD
Historically underrepresented.
Hey Antifa if “love is love” why cant I marry my sister??? You cant answer that!
Newsflash. The left doesn't idolize these twats. The fringe left does
The left is stupid, just like the right
newsflash: it doesnt matter,the left still voted for them and support them
If all goes well WWIII will send us back to the good old days and we'll have real freedom, not this shit they serve us on a silver platter. They will piss off other countries and we'll be given a chance to start over. We will never hear from them again after we rise from the shit they've left behind.
>Being this threatened by brown women.
Shouldn't you be training for the Area 51 raid?
You're fucking stupid. Aoc has 22% approval rating and Omar has an 8% rating among swing voters.
It's because non-white women are more attractive than white women on average.
so your dumb liberal ass can get mad when the goverment stops them? its always the left who complains about how the "guberment is bad"
What the fuck have any of these cunts done for America besides cry and scream about letting illegal immigrants in (people like them). Saying how "bad" and "racist" white people are. And proudly announcing they (dark skinned people) are gonna replace whites and take over America.
These cunts are the real racists and dividers.
As far as I'm concerned, they should all hang for treason.
They can't actually answer, they are so dumb that they actually believe 1 light skinned black woman (who has an arabic and not black mother) and two actually white women are women of color.
who cares,democrats will vote for shit on a stick if it promised them more welfare
newsflash: they own the Democrat party
meanwhile,what have republicans done to unite the country? oh wait,they've only further divided it with donald trump
ITT: newfags getting trolled hard
You're an idiot, fuck off to /pol.
I can only hope and pray that you are right.
Hey liberals? If abortions are so great why didnt your mom get one??? Pwn and teller
I got it. I don’t fault for typos. LOL
You can revere someone for their ideas rather than their skin color.
Is this really so hard for Trumpfags to understand?
oh right,another teen retard who cant vote yet but thinks he's a political activist
Like all weapons, it can be disarmed. They're not human, they're robots, they don't have a fucking soul like humans. The shit stain politicians you vote into office were probably your fucking toaster at one point. Push them past their fucking limits and they're history.
Hey conservatives, if jesus was so great how come he never owned guns? Pwn voy auge
>>topkek user
he didnt need guns,he's jesus
They all do it. Fight the power.
Lol. What great ideas do “women of color” have?
I’m an uneducated fuck and a stupid fuck, and I understand that I know nothing at all. You’re my light and my way out of the hole of ignorance. You tell me. What did “women of color” do that is deserving of all this adoration and praise?
Hey libtards, if racism is still a thing how come people hate me? It because they are racist!!! Pwn on the range, where the deer and the antelope play
hey liberals,if racism is such a problem.how come you never once criticized your own party for the past 8 years.it only became a problem when trump got elected and his supporters have did nothing except be white and support donald trump
from a internal DEMOCRATIC poll you fucking dipshit
the same ideas that their countries of origin have had that have lifted such countries out of the molten shit they are in, those ideas right?
They're just as bad. All government is shit. There is no right or left side anymore, they're a hivemind of machines trying to end humanity. We have to cut the heads off these snakes and start a new because we have utterly fucked ourselves by voting these stupid cocksucker politicians into office. Force them out, they'll flee like roaches exposed to light and then we will hunt them down like the vermin they are.
Hey conservatives! If black women weren’t superior then how come the founding fathers fucked slaves?
Because these people feel safe in groups, individualistic thoughts actions and accomplishments are beyonde them so knowing they can't lift themselves up they work together as a group to further the group its really coloured self worship rebounding off white guilt now add that to the echo chamber that is the left and you get a resounding "women of color good orange man bad" yo here's a thought what's up with all of these black supremecy interwceal porn? In the titles of a lot of them their calling it genoside and what are the odds of pulling off a raid on them using left wing tactics and calling it biggeted say something like mass flagging commenting and bitching to the websigbt people
>Hey liberals I got a question for your diverse and inclusive ass. When did “women of color” become a superior entity that is to be automatically revered and worshipped? The left idolizes them these days and it’s getting kind of fucking old
Nobody cares what you think, whitey. Your days are numbered.
Youd get board too if all you had to fuck was conservative, no ass having, unseasond chicken serving, white bitches to fuck too
>pretending like niggers arent obsessed with white women
Your wifes signature sex move is called the “judgmental corpse”
That black girl aint afraid to sneak a pinky in though.
Ya but ited piss people off n b funny the incells would totally dog it
>Pretending to have thought in your head
Those inbred fucks probably fucked farm animals too.
I guess to them it was the same thing.
>implying he has a wife to begin with
Stay mad, asshole.
We'll see what happens if a race war starts, darkie.
Hint: it won't end well for you.
>the left
You don't know what left wing is. Stupid ameritards. I hope russia nukes your shithole country. The sooner the better.
Hey libtards, if black women are so great why did my dad never love me???
I was just a boy? Why poppa why?
Counter question. Why do the right idolize cowards and draft dodgers who afraid of making the godfuhrer butthurt with facts and a spine? Disagree with me and you're be primary by cletus the inbred hick or staff Sgt fuckhead who the closest he got to war was at Walmart on black friday.
>stupid ameritards
>now excuse me while i care to much about a country i dont even live in's politics
good thing the muslims are ruining your shit hole country
oh right,he thinks he's going to get a serious answer even though he's a buzzword using liberal moron
Your comment isn't just bait, it's the worst kind of ghetto nigger bait. In other words, it's just like you: utterly powerless and useless.
>No matter what you do you'll always be a nigger.
European ruined mine. Oh Canada. My home and tim Hortons land
Hey conservatives! If jesus is so great then how come he never struck down that asshole Trey after he came over and drank all my mtn dew and did loud sex to my mom?!?!
Fuck you Trey! You arent my dad!
Jealous much?
that poll was done with old white people ya doofus
My question is if they're diverse and inclusive why they hate Israel so much? Oh yeah Hypocrites, never mind!
As a conservative, I think this has potential!
Quite the racist there huh, bet the left LOVES you!
When you became a psychotic incel. Fuck off, faggot.
Just gonna leave this OC here.
That’s some weaponized autism of OC.
Lets see what these "ladies" have done so far.
>they hate all whites even the other dems
>Green new deal no cars, planes, cow fart
> 9/11 was just something someone did
> cauliflower is a oppressor veggie
> being married to your own brother is cool
> running amazon out of NYC
> reparations (dumb shit)
i have to take a break. Please feel free to add to this.
Since white niggas made the country
Red devils always trying to destroy America
Are you guys trying to say the only reason you like Politicians is their race?
Like you can't agree with someone's positions on issues unless they are a certain race?
I don't even like AOC, and I don't like 90% of the stuff she says.
Do you guys live in such a bubble than the only way you can believe a person would agree with these women is solely because they are not white?
did you get lost on the way to /pol, cuck?
where the fuck have you been for the past 8 years,obama got elected twice and most of his supporters only supported him because of his race
It's enough to scare more white people out to the pools to vote for Trump, and that's my goal. Those are gonna be all over the rust belt in 2020.
>some gay shit about what liberals believe
>conservatives actually believe this
You jumped from step 1 to step like 30 here. Ignoring that step 2 would end this thought train you got going.
I wouldn't post this anywhere else, as it just makes you look stupid.
at least they can swim,unlike black people
So you are literally making Propaganda.
I hope you will remember this next time you see some bullshit the left puts out and remember "I do that too."
Man, you seem terrified that it might work. Protip: It will. It's been focused tested several times already, and it's approved.
I'm not sure the left all idolizes them so much, but the right is sure obsessed with them.
Yes, I am literally making propaganda. It's nice that you know the word. For extra points, guess how much I care about the ethics of using things like this.
liberalism =/= logic
It's not really OC then is it.
Cortez is a junior congressman. She has maybe the least amount of power of any elected official in the national government.
Why are you guys so scared of her?
racists think other people are at best just pretending not to be racist
more on the news at 11
>yes, they think everyone cares about race as much as they do and will accuse anyone that doesn't of pretending and shilling for "big be nice and stop killing each other over retarded shit". those crafty bastards
It's OC because I made it. And it's not that we're scared of her. White voters and Republican voters identify the democratic party by her image. That's what they think of when they think Democrats.
So all we're doing is using the image of the person they hate, giving them more reasons to hate her by smearing her to oblivion, and motivating them to vote in opposition to what she represents.
The internal Democrat poll that made her an Omar out to be the least likeable Dems among white voters is the reason we're doing it. The image is going to be printed in the 3-4 million copies range and posted everywhere.
Just wait till you see what we're cooking up for Omar.
>shilling for "big be nice and stop killing each other over retarded shit"
because old white men have done such a good job up to now
They honestly seem to have, yeah. Or, don't you like living in a country with plentiful food, safety, and at-will entertainment?