Failed suicide attempt

Failed suicide attempt

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I dunno about you but that doesn't look particularly failed to me

That would be tricky to fit a hat on.

Defo didn't survive, or did he?

Yes he did. Doctors managed to refit his brain and recreation his skull

Looks pretty successful. Got any pics of actual botched suicides?

Yeah, stuff like that happens more common then anything.

Most people who kill selves don’t do it like this because they know the doctor can easily fix this

Damn Migraines are getting pretty serious, especially when cleaning your guns.

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You are correct, friend.



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Doubt it. Prob put some extra chromosomes in his brain too

Just in case people are actually buying this shit, this is complete horse shit and that guy is deader than bianca

Shit sucks, poor guy was just cleaning his gun.

He's fine, I talked to him yesterday

Was he cleaning the fucking barrel with his tongue? This guy must be an actual retard

Nothing some band-aids can't fix.

Better luck next time


I'm actually him. Still got a few scars, but doctors tell me they will eventually go away.

I find this hard to believe, but mostly believable...

Elmer’s Glue™ and some duct tape. Good as new!

>mfw one day this will be a thing
How is that not a crime against humanity?

Used to be

Was probably staring straight down the barrel to make sure it was clear.

Did he say?...Christ Almighty what a headache.

Me too, when I asked how he was doing he said, "guhggagglgugagh."

I think the Ramen noodle trick will work here.

Buncha trolls running this thread

His nose was itching

Man in pic detected!!!

People saying there's no way he survived have clearly never blown their head off with a shotgun before. Never try and state an opinion unless you have expertise in that field. What I'm trying to say is, don't say it's impossible if you've never shot your head off.

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you are all a bunch of dummies


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