hey Yea Forums, is it gay to suck on a trap's girl cock? like i know sucking a dick is gay..but if it's a feminine cock how is that gay?
Hey Yea Forums, is it gay to suck on a trap's girl cock? like i know sucking a dick is gay...
Not gay
If your a woman then definitely not. Why do you ask?
What does it honestly matter? If you get off by sucking trap girl cocks, suck trap girl cocks. That's what I would do.
define gay
It’s only gay if your not in college, or if you only do it one time, the second time is gay.
this. tired of these scared boys with masculinity issues. gay straight fuck boys or girls, who gives a fuck?
its not gay, infact its more gay to fuck a woman because shes got half her dads DNA. so at the very least when you fuck a girl its half gay
Who cares, just do what makes you happy user.
Yes. But do whatever you love.
If you examine the facts sucking a feminine penis is straighter than eating pussy.
What the fuck people of b, just do what makes you happy fucking btards. Yes your a fucking faggot if you suck a dick period that’s that. But fuck peeps what if he wants to sucks a child’s dick next? He’s a fucking pervert has some slight mental issues and sucking a mans dick when your a man shows just that. We have sex with the opposite sex for a reason. You people all a bunch a fags I
Can’t wait till b is shut down.
yes and no, but it doesnt matter to me, cuz i do it anyway.
I want to eat your boi pussy
it's 2019. why are you so worried about being gay? there's nothing wrong with being a fag.
still gay niggah
telling yer parents
It's not a feminine cock
Even if it was "feminine" would it make it less of a dick
Y'all are fags that are in denial the same way I'm in denial that fucking a trap is gay
It's gay
>This, based, and sage
>tfw you'll never have a feminine cock
i'm not gay, i just want to suck cock.
A cock in your mouth is a cock in your mouth
fucking FAGGOTS
I think ur kinda missing the point trans women with dicks are still male... fag
>ITT: Trolls thinking they Trolled the Troll who Trolled, and I myself am a Troll.
I would let you if I close my eyes it’s not gay
>feminine cock
I really want you to think about this one
You really need to reassure your fucking sexuality? Suck that fucking dick and shut the fuck up, you piece of shit.
I'm a tranny and yeah it's kinda gay imo. I wouldn't let a guy suck my dick or play with it much because I'm attracted to masculine guys and seeing that would gross me out and make me lose all attraction to them.
Not gay, just like this queer said. Not gay, final verdict.
that seems counter productive
Totally gay
No Question
>OP is a faggot
Traps are not girls, so yes it's very gay for a male to suck a males cock!
Hence the conclusion is you are extremely confused and will likely commit suicide in the future!
That's not how it works but eh
>trap's girl cock
there is such a thing as a feminine cock. imo you can suck a traps cock as long as you don't swallow her cum. that would be gay
lol what. I'm happy af
very gay yeah
i wanna swallow, but i'm not gae
I don’t spend any time thinking about sexuality, and I consider myself to be straight enough to be straight, however, if I were with a very cute passable trap that I had a connection with, I wouldn’t mind sucking her cock no matter how big she is and taking her load in my mouth. So far I’ve known only ONE tgirl that I would do that type of shit with, I wouldn’t just do this with random traps.
What about jizz? You’re gonna be sucking on that.
No matter how you try to spin it, if you suck a dick and enjoy it enough to do it again, you're gay regardless of what it's attached to.
>sucking a trap's dick
If they act like women fuck'em like women
It's totes gay OP. Can confirm.
It's not a "girl cock" it's just a regular old cock.
Stop trying to put another spin on it.
Anyone have the imjes mega?
traps are a gateway to become a faggot
But what if the trap looks and acts more like a female than the female you're currently with? Dou you convince current qf to go ftm and grow a cock
sucking/fucking another dude's cock is not gay AT ALL
What the fuck is a feminine cock
its the cock girls have, you mong
Stfu boner breath
Balls not touching, then no homo.
he's gonna suck it, so balls are gonna be touching his chin
im basically the same user but id do it with a very few amount of guys, 2 specifically, I knew them in highschool/now still, one is gay himself, the other said to me recently hes bi and wants to suck a dick, thats when that one become a fantasy.
Might go through with it when we are both on molly
>I consider myself to be straight
>wouldn’t mind sucking cock
is it gay to suck a trap girls cock.
>gay to suck cock
>suck cock
Fuck no... it's not gay to suck cock... I do it all the time...
If you suck a dick, regardless if it's a gay man's or a lady boi, that makes you a faggot.
>>If you suck a dick, regardless if it's a gay man's or a lady boi, that makes you a faggot.
This, sucking the cock is the only caveat. you can do whatever you want to a tranny but if you suck their dick or let them fuck you in the ass you're a fucking faggot.