>American politics
>one side cares about brown people
>the other side does not
>even a child could see which side has the moral high ground
American politics
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LOL ! What in the FUCK makes you think caring for brown people is a moral high ground ?
Also, the people he was telling to go back to their own countries were for the most part born in the USA.
orange man bad
And technically he said go back to where they came from which is their own districts. But you know. Play that race card, early and often.
True. Whites make politically superior decisions, which result in a better society for people who deserve it.
Left: Black people are victims they deserver reperations for shit they weren't a part of.
Right: Black people are hardly oppressed and shouldn't recieve any benefits because of the colour of their skin.
Ironically. The import of slaves to the USA was banned after 1803, meaning those of African decent in the US have been here longer than the Germans, Irish, and most Scandinavians.
Only the Dutch and English were here at that time...
You know that isn’t what he meant. You’re not fooling anyone and tbh I don’t know why your bothering. His supporters know he’s a racist and they don’t care.
Fuck shitskins
Moral highground: Protecting your nation, which is a government's job. Brown people can help themselves. Fuck your socialism.
>American politics
>One side cares about Americans
>The other does not
>Even a child could see which side has the moral high ground
This. Fuck them and their leftist bullshit, they can shove it up their faggot asses
Ironically the import of slaves was the only way people of african decent came to the US. Ever.
>Be anyone but American.
>Care about American politics.
Why is this rest of the world so obsessed with America? I literally couldn’t even tell you who your prime minister or whatever the fuck you have is.
>African decent
It is only natural that people want to influence the politics of the most powerful nation on earth, in an attempt to weaken them. It boils down to jealousy, essentially.
Of course, if some non-americunt says he doesn't give a shit, you'd be up in arms about that instead
>cares about brown people
>even to the point of ignoring their presidents violations of the constitution,because muh brown people are more important
miss the days when republicans believed in the constitution and defending it.instead of whining about mexicans
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......
....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....
....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
More libtard wrong think.
They are flooding over right now, idiot
I fucking wish that he actually was racist, but he's not, faggot.
You literally have to care about brown people to understand
Just saying "oh youre playing the race card" doesn't mean it wasn't warranted
No you are not fooling anyone. Race baiting moron.
You missed the second half of my point. Americans don’t give a shit about the rest of the world. If we’re not bombing it, it doesn’t exist.
If anyone's race-baiting it's Donald Trump and is blatantly racist tweets
> If they have a functioning government at all.
With those four in our Congress, our government isn’t functioning at all either.
Mexican isn’t a race, you racist.
Still waiting on a libtard to call out the leaders of any of the shit-hole countries.
But hey, its easier to call every American racist because they dont want gangs freely roaming around the US.
Mental Gymnastics at work
The Trump apologists
Oh God, everybody look out ! We have a Social Justice Warrior here ! Oh boy !
Good, our mindset as a nation should remain like that. Fuck globalism, fuck tolerance, and fuck all the half-baked progressive faggots in our country like (you).
If you're not the targeted race, there's no reason to care about racism
Oh yes you’re just so intelligent too.
Commie apologist.
It is very amazing how he can write about how they come from crime infested countries, and then say they should "go back where they came" in the same tweet but a different sentence, ans now you're actually arguing he meant their districts ..
>one side cares about people not sneaking into their country like thieving little shits
corrected that for ya
>Hasn't read a history book from before 1950.
so very much this
its this kind of snowflake bullshit that is going to have trump win in a landslide in 2020
Bitch, people be targeting every race everyday. You have collectivist identarians who only care when their race is being attacked or not in the limelight and then you have everybody else who just wants y'all to shut the fuck up.
Just shut the fuck up man.
>Muh globalism
>Muh tolerance
>Muh diversity
lmao get cucked.
gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8, but no h8 as it was f8 that you sl8
Different fag, but no. The Spanish had their own empire thing going with South America and Mexico. And in the early 1800s Texas and California and everything in between was still Mexico.
Dems don't have a chance in 2020. Especially after all that Trump has accomplished and done for his country.
>refuses to acknowledge that the vast majority of major societal achievements were made by white civilizations
Oh yes, all the countries that aren't white or asian are doing very well
Imagine thinking America as the greatest most powerful country.... Then electing a president with the slogan "make America great again" lmao
Donald Trump is a liar and a sociopath. It does not matter what your political preference is; you should be doing everything you can to get him out of office.
A lot of the fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa right now.
Independence, civil wars over, genocides done, established unified governments the natural nation building process..
Pic related. Kigali, Rwanda, today.
Read a damn book. Africa has had a lot of powerful empires. They had a rough couple centuries, which happens anywhere. It just doesn't jive with your undereducated Cletus brain.
The United States is the most powerful country in the world. It has the largest economy in the world, thanks in large part to its massive entertainment and media industry. The economy in California alone produces about $2.5 trillion. Assuming California was a country, that number would have made the California economy one of the top six in the world. Imagine that.
In terms of political influence, the US is unparalleled. A founding member of the United Nations, the US plays a huge role in almost all international issues, especially ones regarding global security. The US remains a powerhouse in the international community.
The US has the most powerful military in the world. It has the most modernized and sophisticated military weapon systems and possesses a huge number of nuclear warheads. And the US isn’t shy about showing its military power to the world, one reason why some countries often accuse the US of meddling with international affairs too much.
There is a very good chance that this list of the top 10 most powerful countries in the world will remain the same in 2020. One or two from the bottom-five countries might get replaced with a different country. But the top five countries are likely locks to hold their current position.
I'm voting Trump in 2020, just like I did in 2016.
And he will win.
>Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe
Which country did AOC originally come from, or Ayanna Pressley, or Rashida Tlaib?
>fastest growing
Sort of like the way a 4-year-old grows faster than an adult?
Libtards ignore all of history and spew retard group-think moron ideas learned in lib colleges.
>It does not matter what your political preference is
Wrong, faggot. Only progressives hold your mindset over Trump.
You missed the point faggot
We're talking about nations, user. Not human growth rates.
Lol he didnt say which one was the moral high ground...but you just did!
>not understanding the analogy
moral high ground doesn't matter
And technically you said race card as in street race right? Retard
Have you been to college my boy?
You have no idea what is taught or how.. you just focus on women's studies kids. We hated them too. They're the laughing stock of the campus.
But no, I'm afraid we aren't handed information to parrot. You're taught how to find information and use effective research skills and how to understand the world despite your natural biases.
For example, your words on pictures you posted here means nothing. Someone picked and chose images that support their views and slapped words on them. This was not made by a scholar or a historian. It was made by someone like you. Possibly a neet.
Yep! White people come there and make it great. You run them out and it goes to shit.
(see South Africa)
And they came through the revolutionary airports...
My guy just posted a pic of Notre Dame on fire and blamed it on immigrants, kek
MAGA moms do on there free team
You fixating on faggots? You sure you dont shove things in your own ass?
I do understand what you're getting at. It's really dumb is what I'm pointing out. They're two totally different things and incomparable. It just rings right in your head so you think you've nailed it. The true mark of an idiot.
Things like extra-european immigration would end at the drop of a hat if we just repealed the 19th amendment.
Rwanda is 100% black and has accomplished the pic related in the last 30 years user.
Is that even english?
You are absolutely retarded if you still cannot see it..
God I'm going to miss Trump so much when his 8 years are done
Meanwhile the rest of america is too busy living their happy carefree lives to care what some buzzfeed journalist has to say
Only liberals refer to people as “brown.” It’s part of acting like you own them and they owe you votes.
No, one side infantalizes colored people and robs them of their agency. The other sees no reason why standards shouldn't be universal.
I'm a double major.
I know libtard colleges.
Thats how i see through libtard logic. A social system thats never worked anywhere wont work here. Socialism still has not worked, not ever
Trust me, I can't. Neither can anyone else with a brain. Maybe though, if we keep our fingers crossed, Trump could turn out to secretly be a racist. He would have done one hell of a job covering it up for all of these years. Maybe his Russian overlords helped him do it.
Ok barring we leave out the district argument. He said come back and show us how it’s done. So what’s your argument against that Commie supporter?
I don't think you understand so allow me to explain it to you. It is easier for something tiny and insignificant to have a higher growth rate than something that is large and established, i.e a tiny insignificant economy versus a large established economy, or a child versus an adult. Maybe I should dumb it dowb for you even more. I have 3 units, I add 3 units, the growth rate of my units was 100%. Next, I have 10 units, I add 3 units, the growth rate of my units was only 30%.
The analogy is on point.
You're a dumb nigger.
*drops mic*
And you think the Dems believe our country is great ?
All you got to do is murder 800,000 people in a 100 days.
When you kill 1/10 of your pop. you got lots of money to spend
Your point = nothing.
No Is just plane old race card, dumbass.
No, I do understand, and it's still dumb.
You're acting likes it easy as fuck to go from genocides in the 90s to being the central trade hub of Africa with a lower crime rate than the US and booming business and economy.
Like that's exactly what happens when a country sucks.
That's not how it works you fucking retard.
Yes. That's part of unification. All nations go through this shit. There are multiple cultural and language groups who won't accept a common government. So there's war and/or genocide until one becomes unquestionably dominant.
This has happened everywhere.
I just asked a question stupid.
40% live below the poverty level. Not that high of a standard to call a great country
Can you refute it?
Well prepare to die!!!
Dumb shit Antifa Lefttard
Why do all the Commie Supporters want to find racism in every thing he says. And play the obvious race card ?
You just don’t know how right you are. -_-
>Are you foreign and hate our core ideals of personal freedom?
>Get out of my country
Fixed that for you. You're welcome.
>If you don't support trump you're automatically a socialist
>even a child could see which side has the moral high ground
facts don't care about your feeling liberal, hurry up and support Israel already they've never done anything wrong
The trick is to not play their game. Just become a racist.
Only Illegals.
Hummm...Interesting idea.
The left doesn't understand that they are the ones creating the extreme right-wingers. And they can't meme, either. What a shame
I've noticed that the libs have lost a lot of their fire over the last 5 months oe so. Not the same frantic jumping up and down and shouting racist and nazi like they used to. It's almost as if at some subliminal level, they know they've lost their edge, that the Dems are in huge trouble. They used to sound somewhat progressive with good ideas many years ago, now they come off as borderline crazy.
If you don’t like it you can leave
Okay, fucking crazy.
When someone says racist shit you have to call it out. There's no grand conspiracy about it. Fox News has your perception fucked sideways
>American politics
>one side cares about brown people
>the other side does not
>even a child could see which side has the moral high ground:
the ones that think browns are not people at all
Nah I think I'll stay and vote more Muslims into office until you have an aneurysm.
>When someone says racist shit you have to call it out.
You're right. Racism in general ought to be commended.
>There's no grand conspiracy about it.
Actually, there is. It's called social engineering, and you're both a victim and a puppet. But mostly a puppet.
>Fox News has your perception fucked sideways
Actually, I agree. Fox News is infected by Zionism.
It's bizarre....
Teach me senpai! You're so goddam redpilled I got hard
>The Left are the ones creating the extreme Right Wingers
I think that you have just spoken the most truth here on this thread. Most will never know.
i don´t see you calling out racism against white people while zionists inject millons of rapefugees in the whitest countries to use as mass destruction bio weapons
my ass cheeks are bigger than yours
rapefugees are like silver chariot requiem.
Rome people will start to mutate with them into hideous 56%
How's that working out for you? Your message has lost a lot of its bite - these are not the Obama years. People are living pretty well and making money and are becoming desensitized to your social justice war cry. You're not going to rouse the citizens to action like the Obama era.
You're literally racist and anti-Semitic which means you are meme opinions can be disregarded entirely
No. The Left is playing the race issue obviously, and as much as they can.
what do you think about Disney replacing redhaded characters with blacks?
Redheads are a minority among a minority. this kind of racism by (((mass media))) is a think to call out
You have to be joking.
Are you saying political affiliation determines if you care about someone?
One side seems to be bringing up the race card endlessly, on every issue they have a weak argument on, the other does not.
Both statements are fucking stupid stop talking in absolutes fucktard.
Fallacy ad hominen .
you automatically lost the argument
Is this what they teach at cnn college?
You just did lmao
I love how nonbias posts bring out the truth
Not that user, and while I agree that NAXALT is important, not everything is "racist". And ignoring opinions or information based the person saying them is utterly retarded. More so than the actual racists.
Only the Sith deal in absolutes, same with the right.
>American politics
>one side cares about white people
>the other side does not
>even a black child could see which side has the moral high ground
>thinks the ancaps and the flowers can stop the globalist
Ah, denialism at its finest.
I really do too. lol. Shhhhhhhh......
Hollyweird can do what they want. I just wont watch the stupid shit (like most people). They can go destroy whats left of the industry. Nobody will watch the new 007 Jane Bond. If she was after me. I would just go to Saudi Arabia and rent a fucking car.
Siths = Nazis
Jedis = Juden
Death Star = Holocaust
6 gazillion = Fiction
Name one policy that names, in a beneficial way, a single policy that the Rs have proposed that benefits specifically white people. Or any laws that they are excluded from in a beneficial way.
I'll wiat
putting words i never said is another fallacy .
you automatically lost the argument again
>6 gazillion = Fiction
Fuck you commie
>Jewllywood can do what they want
HArvey Weinstein: exist
The Wall
cool bait retard
that meme image is against the jew? lol
>literally posts ancap and white flowerfag wanting to fight the leftist globalists
>gets called a denialist for that exact image
>nuh uhn I didn't say that you lost the argument
So you're terrible at debates and worldviews, what's new?
That doesn't, in anyway, mention white people. And it benefits literally every American not utilizing the cheap labor. So if anything this hurts white people. Just not most.
>pic unrelated
I mean, it really is pretty good bait. It's non-biased, you don't know who he's specifying, and yet you have all these conservacucks coming out of the woodwork falling for it.
These kind of threads are my favorite.
fucking saved lmao
lick them boots
Don't forget the blackmail pee tapes, the bribery, the hotel and 50m suite at the top.
Putin's a fucking genius. Systematically dividing and conquering the US from across the globe. Using our own internet against us. History texts will definitely speak volumes to his tactics.
the image i posted has nothing to do with the text.
It is called "out of context meme image to trigger lefties"
and you took it like a dildo in a gay parade
inb4, attacking the put of context triggering image again
if it triggers lefties, it is helping white people.
i am not even from USA btw.
spicy take from this edgelord
>You took the bait
Meh, merely just called it out, it's actually hilarious some people think the right will win. They never have, and they never will.
triple 4 says it´s ok
they already took Pakistan and Afganistan.
USA is a right wing imperialist militaristic country
every lefty says it outside USA.
you already lost the argument years ago but no one told you
well the right is the side of conservation and the left is the side of change. Change always wins so you're not wrong. but change isn't always good either
The right lost the culture war user. You're the only one who sees this as an argument, I'm just presenting facts.
and you think i am the right so you use another fallacy ad hominem to back your thoughts...
lol you are so lost
Of course that's what you wish he said, but he never said that, he said if hate our country you re free to leave. Naturally you would not post the truth as your TDS has destroyed your sense of humanity.
that's funny, we've already won and you do not even realize it. And if you're referring to the American civil war, might want to check your Stats on how many died and why it actually ended....course you think murdering babies is a win too so there's that!
>Thinks things lasts forever.
Every Generation rebells against the other. While you may be arguing for Leftest idealism the youth of tomorrow may not be so ready to hop on the government controlled crazy train.
in fact many commit this mistake of thinking Fascism, and NS or similar like Strasserism or parallel like ancap are ""the right"" and ""conservadurism""
in fact NS where the change, cleaning Europe from bolchviks, but the allies wanted to stop this change and conserve the sionists in power...
destroying things is also a change but not a good one
Republicans don't care about morals anymore.
Well, you thought I was a leftist, which I'm not, so I definitely think you're a hypocrite. I wouldn't' consider you lost, as you'd need a high level of IQ than you have to actually be lost. I just don't think you're very smart.
i am not from USA, and i even know that. but the lefties inside USA are so deluded like roman prostitutes thinking Roman empire was not right wing conservatives just because the senators let them work in the streets at night and participate in orgies...
It's crazy how people can just group many different ideologies into one. Like if you support gay marriage, you're a socialist?
What truly defines leftists and rightists? What If I support abortions, but also support a capitalist economy and a border wall?
I really think this whole leftist and rightist bullshit is a way for the dumb to put people into groups. It's cancerous.
i never said you are a lefty, i just posted memes that trigger lefties and you were affected. if you are not a lefty why would you get so triggered? lol
True. Identity Politics is definitely a bane to our country. And is getting worse.
The world is consolidating because of fast travel and the smaller world effects of the internet.
The US doesn't even have a "west side" "east side" slang anymore, because slang has been culturally globalized to the point where everyone uses the same slang.
People are afraid of a global culture and change. But it will happen, it's just a matter of when.
if yu can´t distinguish the right from the left, then you are lost dude.
Abortions are good for eugenesics, thats nationalist socialism.
if you apply that to white people then is zionism
if you support mass production of stem cells for Soros you may know what kind of abortions are those.. not NS eugenesics... and then you are not right wing
LoL. implying USA slangs can be used as a common language outside internet in coutries like Argentina or Hungary
>the tinfoil conspiracy faggot calling me lost
Bruh, you do realize race won't be an issue in 200 years, let alone probably the later half of this century.
Modified genetics is a real thing, and it's coming to a baby near you. It's not the joos the socialists or the globalists that will pursue it, it's the market.
>that image
>I-I know you are but what am I
I can't be the only one seeing regurgitated forms of stereotype memes. They always come back when it stops being used, but for the opposing side. Every single time it's the same character with a different target.
if this is how it looks today, why does this image look computer generated? is this that sacred land of Wakanda they talk about?
>LoL. implying USA slangs can be used as a common language outside internet in coutries like Argentina or Hungary
So you're saying Hispanic slangs won't consolidate over time?
implying the (((market))) is not controled by the 1%
OK well go move to where brown people live and care about them with all your might. When you run out of energy and money they can eat you.
Meanwhile I'll be here in the US not making demands of others such as pay for my living costs.
Oh, it totally is, the elite will have it first of course, just like most anything new and fancy. But eventually it will be available to everyone, and race will be a cosmetic choice more than an actual inheritance.
so you are saying USA is adopting Argentinian and hungary slangs do to globalization??
lol. another fallacy used by you and thn against you. you must learn the ways of the fallacied young padawan
Give it a rest. Another alarmist prediction that will never take place. Are the Illuminati behind it? haw
>so you are saying USA is adopting Argentinian and hungary slangs do to globalization??
They very well could if the slang was powerful enough to do so. But slang will most likely be inside of this sphere of language until everyone on the planet knows and speaks the same language.
Many Hispanic slang words are used in western cultures though and vice-versa.
Aside from the fact that trump wanted to get rid of your healthcare and you guys felt the repercussions immediately so he decided "okay never I'm a dipshit."
China has already successfully created 3 CRISPR-cas9 babies and they lived. VC in the valley are dumping money into CRISPR startups. I see it everyday in my work. Rich people want smarter better immuned babies,a nd they will get them. Call it what you will lol, but it's very real.
You really think the left cares for black people? They care about themselves and if they need to use a demographic to get what they want than so be it. Think about what have they actually done for you besides get you angry? And screw your perception with affirmative action. I'm prob missing some things. I'm just trying to figure out when you guys are gonna learn. Just so we're all on the same page they have continued to try and incite violence against white people. I'm sure your aware of that. For one that's not moral high ground there is nothing moral about resorting to a supreme authority (violence) to get what you want. You already have everything you NEED to survive unless you fucked that up. Second if there is a civil war which i pray that never happens, I think we both know how it would end. So the most logical conclusion to draw from that is that your being used in more ways than you know. love you guys and i want nothing more than everyone to be successful who deserves it, there's no reason to think otherwise. But I also have to look at reality for what it is and this my friend is what it is. We spend 600,000 white and 59,000 black lives to get your asses free. They died..for you. (if your black) it would be a very different place if they didn't. Yes you do have some dumbass rednecks (went to school with them) who cant see the bigger picture. I try not to see the world through a race based filter because intelligence is far more important of a quality than skin color.. But that doesn't mean we cant. Your post is naive and all of you who sound off like this sound like children. its not your all your fault because I firmly believe they just kept drilling it over and over till it stuck. Difficult to get away from so I understand but at least ill tell you get better, not act like there's no hope for you and we should just give you everything. That creates a pathetic parasitic human being and that's not how this country was built.
It's already begun
nice overflow theory there...
yes cultural marxism is a disease that contaminates the folk...
that doesn´t mean the wakandians will start to use ipods in near future
you are starting to get the point.
and eventually get redpilled.
The right will blackpill or fight, but they've lost either way.
>french and spanish aren't white
>implying amish (swiss and german) weren't coming to america in the 1700s
left in charge of knowing history
Aaaaand... you discovered cultural marxism.
thanks god that people can open their eyes a little and start to get out of the cave
This meme describes the radical Left far more than Trump.
Once again proving that the Left can’t meme.
He who uses the most words is always the most triggered
It's amusing that two of his wives are immigrants. His mother was an immigrant. His grandfather was a draft dodging immigrant. Me thinks the orange fool doth protest too much.
there are different kinds of "right" and many towns survivein far away places living happy and not having to fight.
There are places in south Argntina and Chilean patagonia were german colonies fluorish and live there since 200 years ago away from leftist degeneracy
The rightie memes are created by the KSB to specifically appeal to the most gullible lowlifes.
>I'm going to pretend the internet is real life and blame a single race when trying to shove different peoples and communities together doesn't work as well as populating a discord channel
the post.
I would play a game of csgo with you in the same lobby, but come into my physical house and I'll call the cops and be ready to shoot if needed because what the fuck are you even doing here. Make sense?
Globalization is retarded because it provides no safety net of independent countries. If that one giant system fails for whatever reason, then everyone gets fucked. It is a disasterous ticking timebomb that is doomed to implode into sudden division and conflict. You want people to get along? Leave them fucking be and have basic respect for bounderies.
Whatever you want to label it, it will happen. The species will consolidate and spread out amongst the cosmos. That's common logic. If you need to label it something bad or scary, that's fine. It's just humanity becoming a level 1 species.
some immigrants are more equal than others
some are illegal
I agree, there will be segments of the right that will branch off, much like the Mormons or Amish. But in the end, they will lose to globalized humanity. However, there WILL always be factions. There WON'T be a singular government controlling everything. Even in space, it will be like it is now. But culturally, we will continue to consolidate.
because bonobos and tigers can consolidate in a same species and travel the universe...
Yes, but the Democratic side cares *too much* about brown people at the expense of literally everyone else. Pushing shit like sanctuary cities where you literally refuse to kick out illegals, giving free food, free healthcare, etc to illegals when plenty of people in this country can barely afford insulin/dialysis/epipens/AIDS medicine and rent on their own is fucking stupid.
Republicans might be immoral idiots (especially with the abortion and climate issues) but even a child should be able to see why someone would vote for one.
t. democrat
>Globalization is retarded because it provides no safety net of independent countries
Where did I say we wouldn't have independent countries?
Oh that’s rich. Lmao !
Only on yer Fox TeeVee cupcake
I cringed
Man, if only politics were so simple as that.
We know that Trump has the moral high ground, but what's the point?
culturally advanced theorical species become übermensch by eugenesics.
with technology advance and the new genetically modified babies you mentiones it seems we have a bRIGHT future in eugenesics. And with help of natural selection, lower IQ lesser beings will srve as slaves in mines like morlogs
Holy fuck, kikes! What time is it in Israel? Go to sleep already.
Does your troll center in Israel not check your grammar before you post? Kike.
there can´t be a "globalized humanity" when your definition of "globalization" is a mess of degneracy and AIDS like a big mass of ORCS living under the foot of Sauron
that's kinds cringe bro, pick one
The left hates white people the right hates brown people. Civil war inevitable
Nice full house.
I can't tell if you're real or not.
>alt-left reaching levels of butthurt not found in all recorded history
>msm no longer even pretending to have integrity anymore
>democrats admitting they support their country being invaded
brown people fuck the world up. /thread.
Humans will always have their differences until they become a singularity or are replaced by their successors. But their culture will continue to consolidate and variants of global cultures will arise. Just the natural order of evolution and the effects it brings. Again, label it what you will. It's damn close to inevitable though. I do think something catastrophic could stop it.. er well, hold it off. But in the end, humans will culturally globalize.
libertarians think snakes are not combative i guess.
>Thinking the left hasn't already won
>All things are going PC, fast
>Kids being indoctrinated in schools, gen z is conditionally leftist
>Capitalism has evolved into a corporatocracy
>Leftist control big data
>Globalist control central banks, all around the world
>Western countries are far beyond the point of stopping multi-culturalism and race mixing
>Censorship is the tool of the victor
>Individualism, a result of putting the dollar above all, has stiffened national loyalty
>The right will segment off, for a bit, then eventually die off
>The left is the side of change, change ALWAYS wins
>Change isn't always good
>some are illegal
like his wives, mother and grandfather
The word 'may' comes up a lot in the article. May have changed, might have had. I see phrases like this and I doubt the credibility. Also, they have almost nothing in the way of empirical evidence.
you mean "non blacks" by humans...
>The word 'may' comes up a lot in the article.
there are plenty of scientific backed articles on CRISPR-Cas9 available all over the internet.
If you don't believe the validity of the article, read others, there are many. Dude is in trouble, but he opened pandoras box.
What makes America the greatest country in the world? It's not the greatest country in the world.
You're going to tell people that we are the only one that has freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, BELGIUM, has freedom. 207 sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom. There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that the US is the greatest country in the world. 7th in literacy, 27nd in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, 4th in labor force and 4th in exports. The US leads the world in only three categories, Number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending. Where you spend more than the next 26 countries combined. 25 of whom are allies. So when you say the US is the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Yosemite?
But it sure used to be. We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reason. We passed laws, struck down laws, for moral reason. We waged wars on poverty, not on poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were and we never beat our chest. We built great, big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases and we cultivated the world’s greatest artists AND the world’s greatest economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We aspired to intelligence, we didn’t belittle it. It didn’t make us feel inferior. We didn’t identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election and we didn’t scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed… by great men, men who were revered. First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.”
left is in one side.. below the (((puppeteer)))
and thy will not accept your truth and call you "nazi" for pointing it out
they have passports ... and visa. they are not illegal.
i am from Argentina and i travel to USA often not as an illegal.
donnie should "go back where he came from"
>Little faggot in daddy's house
Like his supporters, never was or ever will be his own man
Why lump true anarchists with that other shit?
>implying the Nazi party was a grassroots resistance movement like a miseducated fool
Not everyone is a racist piece of shit user.
at this point you can see the left openly admiting the jews control them as puppets and want a globalized cultural marxist degneracy planet. Weimar republic 2.0
the NS were right
good job copy pasting the news room rant
typical trumptard
either 14 y/o, or 6th grade "education"
>One side accuses everyone who disagrees of being racist
>The other does not
it is called racialism.
racism is just a term forged by commie jews to make facts look like a bad thing
>Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, BELGIUM, has freedom.
You can go to prison for hate speech in all of those countries; you're retarded
Call it what you will user lol. I think it will be more about modified vs natural in the future. Skin color will be cosmetic, shit there will probably be purple people because wed they go purple. I don't think our current social ideologies and issues will last the test of time, even another century. But there will always be issues, just new ones.
"wetback" is a term used for mexicans that run in the desert to USA and their backs get wet.
how do you relate that to a non mexican going in first class airplane to Washington... i don´t know..
also isn´t that a ""racist"" term according to your own beliefs? lol hypocrite
Change is always needed because Humanity will never get anywhere without it. Mistakes are unavoidable. You can't have your cake and eat it too you jaded racist
and lower black IQ and greedy traits in jews will be eradicatd.. so the nazis will win. Yeah!
>implying urban ghettoification == signifier of more intellectually evolved society
an animal being eaten by parasites and gettin rotten is a "change"
destrying and ecosistem is also a "change"
if you want humanity destroyed then yes accept the leftists kind of "change" and die with aids..
when a riotting mob of niggas destroy your car
they will tell you .. hey dude! accept the change!!
Well, they won't be "white" or "Aryan" either, so I wouldn't call it a nazi victory. Also, nazi's weren't entirely right wing.
true dat
fallacy ad hominem
>npc tier leftist pretend they're smart and moral, the thread
Does the brown side care about their own shit hole countries?
Do they care about the white countries they are turning into shit holes?
Do they about little white babies in white countries?
Seems a little one sided that only whites have to care about every other fucking country.
China is laughing at us for this.
Closeted faggots don't age well.
>Also, nazi's weren't entirely right wing.
no, but they held to the ideal that if "you're not one of us" you must go"
Sounds like a certain dumass residing in the whitehouse
übermensh ftw
You can spew your sideways fucked perception but it doesn't prove anything except that you have your head up your ass.
but leftists will say that if you don´t let illegal enter a country then you are against right wing because they will not have cheap labour workers... LOL
those lefties trying to help the right wing slavery
Dont like America, move.
I like that moral ground.
It's even more insane people that can place billions of people into 2 whole groups and still be able to pass 5th grade.
Mommy must be so proud that you can define stuff.
get some tendies now JR
That looks like a very gay Jon Voight.
Either way, they won't win either lol.
you sound like a spic
I mean, an interesting concept, but it's more likely people become even more diverse with the genetic revolution. Even dude with the face tats trying to be different shows individuality and originality are human traits.
but with your logic, the head up an ass is a kind of change too, and change is good.
leftism in a nut shell
He literally just told three US citizens to go back to their own countries. FFS.
Horsetrump. The term comes from them swimming across the Rio Grande.
not a solid argument
more like "i hate you so i will insult you hurr durr"
it's easier for stupid people to consolidate things into smaller groups. Makes things easier for their mental process to digest.
Let's cap off this thread with something different and relevant.
... because you can hear sounds in text.
strawman fallacy in 3 2 1
Meanwhile, he's married to a wetback prostitute.
sub human
>hate speech
>being this retarded.
lol, still won't win.
Pointing out that YOU are and idiot, is not open to debate (you are)
not EVERY post here is an "argument". Some posts are just OPINIONS (google it, if you don't know what it means)
Or, just keep drinking the orange koolaide,
the bar is set low enough for you
There’s something to this. Illegal immigrants are modern day slaves, and the Democrat party has always supported slavery and racism.
so seeling drugs and killing people for fun is not evil but a grey area according to you.
because telling good from evil is for simple minds
who won´t win?
cultural marxism? there will be always intelligent people against it.
you can´t kill good ideals unless you destroy humanity making every future baby a retarded nigga
Since we got so many of you payed shills together, I just wanted to ask how does one enter your line of work and how is the pay? I'm asking for a fren
misegenetion for lower classes
eugenesics for higher classes
that sounds pretty nazi to me.
>the tweet said
>if you don't like america, then leave
Wow...howndo come up with racism over that?
He said America is amazing, go back where you came from
The fucking clear implication is that where they came from is not America you stupid fuck
I don't get this because I'm not a burger but wouldn't the border patrol also stop(and detain) white people coming into the southern border without papers?
>so seeling drugs and killing people for fun is not evil but a grey
The post I replied to differentiated billions of people into "brown" and "white". Which is probably one of the most idiotic absolutist retarded things I've seen in a while. Not only that, he segmented countries into "brown" and "white" ones.
Now I'm getting strawmanned with half of those people are selling drugs and killing people for fun? Lol. This has to be a troll.
i guess lefties work for free for jews. that is why (((they))) love those little pets.
In theory, yes, but the people coming up across the border aren't white.
Go fuck yourself Commie cuck, AntiAmerican, Antifa fag. They need to get the fuck out of this country. And go back to where they belong.
Nazi's won't win, neither will socialism, both are failed ideologies. Humanity will globalize from a cultural level, but they won't become a single country or single government, they will still faction, it's not in our nature to consolidate into a singularity... yet. But we will speak the same language, have similar traditions, and be able to talk to billions of people instantly and understand jokes etc.
it´s racist from the left.. because Lefties don´t like white people or America
Exactly, all leftists, every single one of them, all hate white people. That's not low IQ grouping and absolutionists at all
>fastest growing economies
Only because China is pumping money into it.
Fuck, you libtards are ignorant.
Lol, what have we become where this post represents the free world.
oh! it certainly IS!!
i am grouping low IQ people in a group:
>muh culture is dying to change, better shit on the people doing it reeeeeeee
blackpilled ftw
Nazis talked about the survival and natural selection . if a greater race survives over the other s then nazis were right.
i wonder why...
Nature and natural selection have nothing to with genetic modification and all to do with conquering nature and evolution itself. So if that is their philosophy, and it not being the "white race" or "aryan anglo etc race" will prevail, then I guess you're right. But thing is, I think there will be far more races than there are now with genetic modification being a factor. Shit you could have cat people for all we know. It will be like nothing we've ever seen.