What the fuck is wrong with my ball sack? My balls itch so goddamn bad right now. Is this just normal jock itch? They don't look right
What the fuck is wrong with my ball sack? My balls itch so goddamn bad right now. Is this just normal jock itch...
Shave them and dip in methylated spirits, that white build-up is ball mites and they're killed by alcohol
Are you scrubbing your sack with a new shampoo or body wash? That shit happened to me, allergic reaction. I switched to dial bar soap and the shit stopped.
Scrub them with gasoline and wire wool
this worked for me, my balls were driving me crazy for weeks, read about this online, tried it and in a day or so, they were normal again
Or if alcohol is unavailable, gasoline will do.
Ball mites
fungal infection
>going to Yea Forums for medical issues
Go to the doctor, user
I don't want to go the doctor
They're attached to a faggot.
Rip Bianca _ She was a /soc/ member on Yea Forums......
Looks like mites honestly
There are over the counter specifics for skin parasites
Or you can use alcohol if you're cheap but it's going to hurt
wash your balls with soap bro, after doing this
fuck off orbiter nobody cares except you projecting faggots that prolly give 50% of your neet checks to thots in the first plae
Bitch looks like my balls
probably poison ivy or allergic reaction, I had ivy and somehow it got on my balls and they looked like, just leave it alone and it will go away even though scratch them hard feels good, try and resist
I like to get in the shower and let the hot water run on them
I like that ball mites or not, I've never had ball mites though so I guess I don't know that 100% yet
I will drown the ball mites
wtf are you op, how did you know how water feels good on it? I am not sure if what i had poison ivy or what, but I would have lines of dots on my arms like straight lines, and some on my shoulders. inb4 bed bugs, different kind of bite pattern. But yeah I thought I had poison ivy, but it could have been anything as it it an allergic reactions, it was just weird how the line of dots or bumps on my skin were straight lines and and straight as hell but some poison ivy or oak kinda looks like that according to google images
how do you get ball mites?
Looks like fungal infection. Try the anti fungal ointment. For like a week and see if it helps. If not go to dr. DO NOT use fungal spray.. will burn like a mofo.
looks like athlete's sack
just cut them off
Yeah I'm OP. Whenever I have a rash I like to let hot water soak on it
makes sense
It looks like Ball Mites. Ben Gay kills that shit dead. I had them a few years back and a kind user recommended that to me. It worked like a charm.
This, bengay works wonders for ball mites
Not sure how the first guy got them, but you can get them if you sit in a seat in public you might pick them up if their previous host was scratching his nuts and the eggs fell onto the seat.
thats a serious case of sweaty nuts user. wash em frequently n apply talc powder also try to keep em aired. i had this once n it was severely painful for a good 3 days. its a bacteria buildup from sweaty balls during summer
Get a bath and put lots of baking soda in it