There’s going to be a 2nd civil war in this country.
It’s just a matter of time
There’s going to be a 2nd civil war in this country.
It’s just a matter of time
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4 bitches that couldnt change a tire if their life depended on it and rely on the first google result to collect facts vs. ?
I can't fucking wait for the day we get to run around caving in the craniums of soy powered leftists, consequence free.
What a coincidence, I can't wait until I can legally shoot some Nazis just like my grandfather did.
What a coincidence, I can't wait until I can legally shoot some Commies just like my grandfather did.
You’re far too stupid to live long enough to see it happen. You’ll be jacked just for running your mouth well before CW2
because antifa are the closest thing we have to Nazis in America and i will straight up kill those ironic dorks
Why the fuck are these cunts still breathing?
shut yer cunt
You're actually retarded. Have sex. Incel. Cope. You me.
Same user same.
the soy is strong with this one
Thats true.
I can't wait for the military to drive a tank over the fat neckbeard republicans with their "MUH GUNS" and then level their trailers 'monster truck style'.
Ahh yes the military that votes overwhelmingly republican?
We gonna get the bag, war cancelled
It should be quite entertaining seeing some alt-right militia types with AR-15 try to occupy anything. If the government was ever threatened they would call in SWAT, the National Guard, and the military. Alt-righters do not have nuclear weapons! They would be vaporized by one helicopter gunship. And then the gubmint WILL come for all your guns, you morons.
Orange man bad
Your grandfather? So what, you're like 60? Faggot. Your grandfather was a fuckin normie pussy, quit with your lies.
The majority of ex-military and virtually every gun owner in the county align with right wing ideologies. You little antifa fags in your walmart hoodies and skate shoes think you're so fuckin hard hiding behind your moms scarf with a can of bear mace. Keep pushing it. I want you to actually follow through with one of your "battelplans." The violent right needs to wake up. All we need is an incident big enough to motivate a dedicated response from everyone else too busy or important to care about the racket you think you make.
Your geriatric tranny faggot comrade could've been the one in Washington last week if he only knew how a fucking gun worked; reason 3234949 you fags are a joke. LOLOLOLOL at the highly effective John Brown Gun Club, striking fear into the hearts of literally no one. I tremble at your power.
The military may vote Republican, but they answer to a chain of command. Very few of them are willing to get the death penalty for insurrection. Like maybe five or ten in the whole military, and those guys are nuts.
He said - typing from the dark corner of his mother's basement....
I cannot wait to kill trumptard Nazi fuckwits like you.
Trumptard racist wank fantasies
Nah. As much press coverage as idiots like AOC get, they won't be around long. She's polling at 26% in her district and 9% with dem swing voters
Antifascist Aktion!
Death to fascists everywhere!
There will be no second civil war. The powers that be have perfected the concept of keeping us separated and isolated, while keeping us "American". The left won't raise weapons against the government, and the right is too busy sucking Mitch McConnel and Donald Trump's cocks to do anything of significance. Look at the occupy wall street movement, or the ranchers out west who occupied a national park. The government and media make them out to be idiots, dunces if you will. We are fucked my dudes. Buckle up, it's going to be a wild 20 years.
Smarter than you, Trumptard.
Guess how I know your skin Is the color of shit?
shut up bitch, pussies like you are all talk and too stupid to grasp nuance, and it's why we're all in this mess.
The trumptard is evident
Ah yes. I forgot about that classic military by-law, sentenced to death for disobeying an order
Shut the fuck up you uneducated dildo
Oooo, trumptard gets mad.....
woah buddy, settle down.
Agreed. I'm armed better than 95% of them.
Oh I bet!!! 3 o'clock at the jungle gym, tough guy!! The panic I feel is crushing!! I live in constant fear of the droves of leftists possessing superhuman strength. How will we defeat your numbers and might???
White as the lily of the field, you trumptard want-wit.
Fuck your trap boyfriend, trumptard shill
Are you even a country if you've only had one civil war?
The last one was before you even had all your bits anyway. Doesn't count.
There's always more anti-nazis.
That's why you'll lose again.
ok bois why are people from Tumblr here?
Eat your dad's dick
In 2028 when Texas flips blue the right will have two options:
>roll over and accept the commie left as overlords
The majority of the right will roll over but it doesn't take a majority of the pop to cause a civil war.
>Anti Nazi
Someone give this soy drinking cuck a dictionary
Because Tumblr died
And what makes you think the Military chain of command isn’t willing to take a shot at your pathetic anti American, Antifa ass dude ?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! What will I lose again, you delusional nigger? I grew up in America where my parents owned car dealerships. I have a desk job. You think I was hanging out with fucking Himmler back in the day? Like what fantasy do you live in? You're some fuckin GI hunting Wehrmacht every time you put on a bandanna and hold a sign up aren't you?
I am sorry your feelings are so hurt. My retirement and home value have sky rocketed since DRUMPFTFFRRRREEEEE got elected, and niggers can't afford to rent near me anymore. Explain to me what you are winning and have won?
Why are you even arguing with the delusional left?
They are all just emotional children who just don’t get it.
I don't think it will ever reach that point. The Supreme Court just voted and said gerrymandering is a state issue. You will see Texas gerrymander the fuck out of that state to keep it red for the next 50 + years.
My money's on the pathetic uneducated southern white racists losing... Again
And Commiefornia is Gerrymandering enough to keep it blue.
>being violent and disagreeing with your political views makes you a nazi now
this is why the far right is no better then the far left
Fuck off children. Let the grown-ups take charge. It's okay. Retreat to your mother's basements, eat pizza rolls, play vista games. Rest your sleepy heads on your greasy pillows at 4AM.
Trump will be the last Republican president.
Mark my words.
Racism pal, is all over. I live up north and there is plenty of us who hate shitskins and niggers.
the supreme court only cares about baby killing,thank your trump guy for that
You sounds just as dumb as the southern ones too. "There is plenty of us."
No shit, Sherlock. Been saying it for 40 yrs. You just figured out??
Right untill you wake up and realize your still brown and seething.
I would rather be a Nazi versus a dirty Commie
The South is mostly blacks. Might want to stop watching movies bud. Also. I’ll take you up on that bet.
What a coincidence, I can’t wait to tape you faggots. Just like my grandpa did
Thank you for the pic. I saved it.
What does this insult mean?
What makes you think all the blacks are going to fight against the whites ? I’m black and I sure as shit ant gonna fight for you.
Glad I live in canada. We just hate our politicians, not each other
Roosevelt was pretty in line with modern Democrats lmfao. God you shitheads are dumb.
What a coincidence, I can't wait until I can legally shoot some grandfathers just like the nazis did.
Well have you seen what your politicians have done ? And yet you all just shut up and take it. Oh, wait. I forgot. You’re Canadian.
Heh heh heh ! Salty !
2nd civil war predicted long ago
No lol there won't. There is going to be a small group of dumbasses that are going to attempt some kind of uprising, they are going to be declared treasonists and will be promptly executed on the spot. Plenty of lulz will be had when the blood of those filthy liberal educated, starbucks drinking, avocado toast eating communists runs rampant in the streets. Keep on making america great trump, the enemies of the state are proudly showing their true colors. Put them to the edge of the sword, spare not one, not even their women and children.
Cringe, fatty.
your grandpa was a fag dude lol
Militaryfag here, can’t wait to defend the constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Taco, bell.
oye wey me pelas la verga, cuídate
Whew kid.
Nah. The crowd storming Area 51 is stronger than a couple dozen Dem communists.
Well, it will be pretty much a coin toss at this point and time.
And that says a lot too because the crowd storming Aria 51 will equal zero.
Nazis lost the war. You are all faggot cowards deep down and you know it.
For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side.
This. Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.
They were the Confederacy.
They were the KKK.
They were on the side of the Robber Barons.
They were anti-suffragists.
They were anti-civil rights.
They were anti-LGBTQ rights.
They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment right now.
With their failure to address Russia's attacks on our elections and their refusal to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, they've also now anti-democracy.
They have always been the bad guys in US history. Every single generation we've had has had to fight them tooth and nail to make progress. We win, and we leap forwards with policies like the abolition of slavery, or the vote for women, or child labor laws, or civil rights, or abortion, or gay marriage, but their wealthy owners sit back and regroup and launch another attack on civilization after a few years.
And it works. Specifically because conservatives are tribalist cavemen who will do whatever their Big Chief tells them to do. They're authoritarians by nature who believe that right and wrong don't come from structured moral philosophies, but from whatever their chieftain tells them is right or wrong. What's true or false.
It's as you say. They're weak-minded children at heart, who yearn for an all-powerful father figure to provide easy structure to their world. Because they cannot handle the complexities of real life. Because the burden of free thought is too much for them to handle. And because they are fundamentally terrified of change. Change, above all, is beyond their understanding, and they know it.
>Equating conservatives from different eras
It was fun being a liberal back then you cuck, nowadays it just means you're a closet faggot on tinder looking for your wifes next boyfriend
LoL alt right is a small minority. Bunch libertarian basement dwellers, high school white incels with gun fetishizes, the dumb people in the military that works motorpol, college republicans, and retarded boomers. Yea majority of republicans don’t even fall in this category, they’re most middle class Christian doubt they want to lose their way of life, because some edgy right winger who has an autistic imagination about a second civil war lol
these generations are too lazy to go through a war, we just all hate eachother
lol glad you live in Canada, eh? Got some real bad news for ya, bud. If the USA descends into civil war, we're taking Canada down with us. Your entire fucking country will be overloaded with crazy as fuck American refugees, many of whom will take the battle up north.
If you think for a fucking second you're gonna escape this hell, then you just don't know us well enough.
I fucked your grandpa.
Do you realize the irony of your statement?
I may not agree with someone, but ill fight to the death for their freedom to have their opinion.
Your failure at history is truly stunning.
THE WORLD IS GOING TO END 2025! Stfu kid lmao
Are you asking him to have sex with you?
No one takes these dumb bitches seriously outside twitter world.
sucks to be you, brownman
i like to suck dick with my sister