trips decided what im gonna do with this gift of my cat,
im not gonna eat it, and it is already dead
trips decided what im gonna do with this gift of my cat,
im not gonna eat it, and it is already dead
cut it up into small pieces.
use as onahole
take a vid of you putting it's tail in your nostril, and storing it as far up there as you can.
heck no
pls what
Up ass and you must take pics
show organs
Microwave on highest setting for 10 minutes.
i dont own a microwave, but an oven
blow it up
Pull a dead from mayhem and get some sticks and crucifiy it
stick tail in peehole
honestly i would love to do that
Blend and drink
do this user
Shane Dawson and cum on it
stick tail in pee hole
Bring it back to life
you're a massive pussy. mail it to me, i'll post a vid.
tfw finally got dubs, but doesnt matter in this context
oven for 30 then.
i dont even have a mask or something, im not gonna become the dude that sticks a mousetail in his body, epecially not if it didnt even get trips
if you get trips no problem, even tough the crucifying or cutting out his organs sounds more fun
still waiting for trips btw
OP will deliver if he gets his trips
slap in on your nips
blend and drink- rat juice
pics and video
>not gonna eat it?
why not? it tastes probably as good as american meat once fried
blend blend blend
make a pound of thermite and bury it in it, then set it off. Or mix gasoline with styrofoam and set it on fire with it.
just so you believe me,
i took this about 2-3 minutes ago
cum on it
chop it up cook it and eat it with your cat
screw my original idea, this. Take some firecrackers and shove on up its ass then light it
skin it and use the pelt to make a tiny hat.
i would chop it up
Lube it up. Insert in the A
Up your shitter
tie it to your forehead with tape and a sign that says "I am the rat man"
blend it into a fine paste and drink it
i have a little rocket, i could send it to the moon with firework up its ass
i think its a mouse
tape it on your face and then go for a walk in public with it- MAKE SURE PEOPLE SEE YOU AND YOU PHOTO/VIDEO THEIR REACTIONS
rolling for this
in. the. ass.
when my cat catches a mouse, if it isn't already dead from her playing with it I take it out back in a plastic bag and let rip with the pellet gun. Those fuckers are dying regardless, might as well have some target practice. Pic somewhat related, is what happened to the last one.
If trips, rip it in half
giftwrap it and sent it to a girl you like
Oh, double close
that would be funny as hell, stream it on youtube
sheeesh double dubs
I think thats a win?
make a rat earring- hang that thing from your ear by the mouth and photo it, then ask people what they think of your new earring
rolling for this one
wait in this case do quads count as trips? Also, firecracker in ass reroll
rat on the face and walk in public
I wish lol
Cut it in two parts
make that delicious rat juice and drink it
Get some smol toy clothes and fashionably dress him up.
tape it on your head and public walk
i can only offer to film it, my datavolume is used
make a puppet and go in public and hae him talk to people
Blender and take a vid
shove a sharpie up its ass
Stretch it over your cock and post pics
Give him a proper burial
in your ass no lube
check em
do >804730239 but have an argumet - a loud one- with it
draw a pentagram around it with your own blood and sacrifice it to satan
Open it use as a fleshlight
also its currently night outside, so i could only offer to go for a walk with it taped to my face
Put him inside your foreskin
stomp on it until it's dead. or even more dead.
bury it with respect like a good person
re rolling
Norse funeral
make a paper boat and burn it in the oven
in your ass
So close...
lick its inner organs
Eat it raw
deep fry and eat it
Shit on it
up the butt
reroll, like a burrito
still thinking...
Burn it and inhale the smoke.
rolling for the ass
cum on it
rolling for this
Rerolli for Shit on it
put it in a condom and jack off into it
I have the same toilet paper my nigga. You should make it a little hat
Bite it
still rolling
Shit on the mouse
Blow it up with firecrackers
cum on it
mouse on the head and walk in public
Take the intestines out and wrap them around your neck
come on this one plzzzz
put it in the microwave
dead mouse puppet live for peopel to see and make it talk to random people in public
cum inside it
Go back
Shit on it then light it on fire then cum the burning pile of shit flaming rat
put it in the microwave
Lick it for 2 minutes (film it)
cum and spit on it
take a bath with "mouse soap"- rub soap on that like one of those scrubber things and wash yoruself wiht it- take photos
Put it in a sandwich, eat it
burn it
Use it as a Fleshlight
check 'em
print out a picture of the flag of israel, wrap it in it, then put it in the oven
Crucify it
dead mouse puppet talk to people
Shove a little speaker up its arse and make it look like it's singing opera
Squeeze it with your head
make sweet tinder love to it
put it into the microwave
Bury it. Otherwise some one is going to have you put it in your ass
Shove a little speaker up its arse then open and close its mouth to look like it's singing opera
Regift it to a different cat
throw at random person
bump lmao
That's disgusting you absolute faggot
Put it in the blender make a rat soup out of it, mix it with your own vomit and cum, freeze then stuff it up your ass jerking off as the juices ooze out of you, film
bury him and make him a swastika gravestone
Crucify it
Give it a traditional Christian burial
Tape it to your dick and go outside for a walk
Sign it up to run for Congress
I give up
skin it and make a tiny hat out of its fur, post results
crucify itt
Turn it into a finger puppet
Fuck yo- I mean....
fat win
got the trips
Rollin for this
Make it a little bed
OP, deliver
fucking finally
Put a Fleshlight in it and fuck it, film
now waiting for the hat
Cover mouse in lighter fluid, light it on fire, cum into fire.
if you tell me how i can do that, sure
i will make a hat but i dont know how
explanations pls
Put a hentai photo on it and fuck it with a condom
Trips confirmed, do it
i also dont know how to skin a mouse
Id just take the skin off and say its a bandana
Skin it and use its bones to make three tentpole-things inside, then use it as a triangular hat
ill try to, wish me luck boys
i also just noticed i dont have any gloves sooo, thats gonna be fun
Dunk it in mayonnaise. Sauté it then consume.
or scoop out the organs and it's an improvised beanie
film it fag
Got the triples by the nipples
bump dont let the thread die yet
cant film it, i only have my phone and nobodys around to help
ive got the legs cut off now, what do i need to do next, because i have no fucking idea
nice, we need the trips
Behead it and cut the tail, then make a single cut to skin it and pull the skin off
look at this video OP
Make an X shaped cut on the chest/belly area.
>Starting point be the former legs area
Then bury your fingers (not too hard tho) just to make the skin go loose.
Grab that fucker from the back and gently pull the skin up.
Expect shit
i watched it, i have never done something like this before, and i think i accidentaly cut its gut, because i smell shit
dont expect a fucking fedora okay, im trying my best
im a newfag and i hope you sick fucks accept me now, this is the result
This gon be gud
this is the mice poop (probably)
Show mice
That's disgusting.
Nice job, OP.
there it is
You sir will forever be remembered as a legend
god you guys are so fucking degenerate.
nice fucking job OP, the hat is pretty nice
ur not on reddit, what did you expect?
You've made my night (and probably many other's as well). Thanks, man
agree, it was worth
>OP delivered
Nice one!
this is why i love Yea Forums, because you couldnt do something like this anywhere else
It's not a gift its telling you you are a shitty hunter and owner
make a vid
he can't he has said it here
i couldnt, im sorry i needed to do this without gloves, and i didnt have anyone who could film it
Mount it on your wall to show your appreciation and pride.
Nice hat. thanks for the quality thread, appreciate it
also please gib trips
someone pls archive this thread and send it to me, i mean come on i made a fucking hat out of a mice for you
waaaaaay to late buddy
no but show the aftermath
archive this thread
its up there
i accidentaly cut its gut, so the brown stuff is its poop
You are fucking disgusting you are not even human if you can do shit like that go get help dude seriously that ain't some shit normal people do you are sick you are looking for false validation from Yea Forums a bunch of people that could give a fuck if you dropped dead I feel sorry for you dude I thought I was fucked up
no you didn't understand. make a vid of the aftermath
stfu faggot
stfu u fag kys
I'm only telling you because you did a good deed, but there there are Yea Forums archives like "archived DOT moe/b/thread/804727407"
go back
you know that there is a tutorial of a little boy skinning a rat right ?
And it wasnt even a living mouse so
fuck off to reddit if you dont like what you see
downloaded from firefox if thats any good
Newfags btfo
Rip Bianca _ She was a /soc/ member on Yea Forums
Whoops, it didnt upload the folder. Here is a zip
OP here, i started browsing Yea Forums like a year ago so im the newfag but i knew what was coming, i saw some gore threads but this this is nothing, the only thing thats disgusting about this mouse was that i fucking cut its gut and freed its poop
Nice OP delivered
just upload it to google drive and give me the link for fuck sake
OP always needs to deliver
yeah i read the rules before posting
nobody cares, unless you skin her and make a hat out of her that is
thanks user love ya
i think Yea Forums could use some newfags like OP, bringing quality to Yea Forums once again
ill repeat this thread if my cat brings another mouse tomorrow
trips of truth
OP here thank you, i tried to not make a shit thread
Tie helium baloons to it and launch it into outer space as a message to space aliens.
im sorry but you missed everything
i needed to make a hat and i did
Fucking Kek
Not half bad for a newfag
You did good OP
thank you user, we need to bring back "quality" threads to Yea Forums
also, thank you user
Cook it into a roast and feed it to your cat
Lol that's so fuck up
Keep posting daily pics of decomposition, also give Gerry a name thread?
You should of ziplock bag it and mail it to a local animal shelter with a note saying I can't take life anymore
Or...This ain't never gonna stop, try and catch me...serial killer.
>This guy
hes just innocent user,
and definetly browsing the wrong site
close,you can do it
drink it
Lol that be fun as shit someone keeps mailing dead rats
maybe tomorrow, depends on my cats
they hunt quite well and i live in an old house so the mice need to die no matter what
You have now graduated from newfag to rat fag, congratulations
im gonna call myself like that from now on
Good luck on your adventures ratfag
thank you user
if the stars align in the right way, this will be repeated
Can we get some more picture OP?
im sorry but i already cleaned everything
maybe i'll repeat the thread tomorrow, depends on my cats
Says the one still in the thread faggot
true lmao,
he wanted to see it, to confirm im a sick boi
which makes him a even sicker boi
Cool. Thanks.
my ass is gaping hard right now