does cutting yourself actually make you less sad? or is this just something stupid attention seekers made up?
Does cutting yourself actually make you less sad? or is this just something stupid attention seekers made up?
I don't think anyone believes that, even people who cut themselves. Not sure where you got the idea.
feels fking amazing. i don't cut where I can't hide it with a tshirt.
If your sad just go workout or be active.
Cutting yourself is for fags
ive just been seriously depressed at the moment and im just trying to make it go away.
For some reason that seems to be a coping mechanism. Even animals do it, no idea where it stems from.
I do all that but I have almost none friends.
Releases endorphins, pain causes drug in brain to feel good. Like beer or meth
It can release endorphins, but cutting in visible areas is just a cry for attention.
Your brain releases certain neurochemicals when you cut which makes you feel kind "high" for 15-30 minutes. And if youre depressed it really helps
It’s like when you’re really pissed off and really want to smash something so you clench your fists as hard as you can and then release that little bit of frustration if that makes sense. It doesn’t really make you less sad. You’d get the same result out of beating the shit out of something. Don’t cut tho you’ll regret it years later the marks don’t go away trust a former depressed idiot
They do it for the fuckin attention, otherwise they would cut themselves in places no one can see. They want people to see the scars and feel bad for them.
Idk your situation but it sounds like you're sad because of a lack of social connection. You should spend time with the people you already have in your life and try to build new friendships over time
they claim to be numb and it makes them feel alive prolly
I don’t see why it would be done by anyone other than attention seekers. It just doesn’t make sense to think “hurr durr I’m sad let me slit my wrists”
They just do it because they heard other people did it too.
All the people in here stigmatizing mental illness is the reason nobody seeks help when they seriously need it.
Whose “they”? You mean literally anyone who’s ever cut themselves before? Because not everyone cuts their wrists..
I suppose. I wouldn't cut on any clear areas anyway.
fair enough.
I do I texted my friend the other day and he ignored me. I pmed him on Instagram and he just gave some vague response about meeting up soon. im legit volunteering for as many activities as possible at this point to try to get friends but it just doesn't seem to be working.
Fuck off back to tumblr or reddit or whoever you faggots come from.
Pain receptors in your brain register emotional trauma the same as physical trauma ergo if you distract your brain with a physical pain it will refocus sensation on that instead of your ackey breaky heart. Allegedly. Working out is the better option because you get that pain but also bombard your brain with endorphins.
Past self-Harmer here. For me it was a case of mere coping. It was a way to release the built of angst and sadness and seeing the blood come out to me was the sadness also coming out along with it. Its never a case of wanting attention just for the fuck of it, that’s for non diagnosed fags with “oh muh depression” who are sad for a day. I’ve been diagnosed with MDD. When cutting was avid it was a coping measure, but also an edge to death as suicide was close on occasion.
It has to do with an issue where you release actual mental stress through harming yourself, and some describe it as "Finally feeling something again" when they feel like they have no emotions anymore (wich can happen if you have to MUCH emotions).
Sry for my bad explanation, cant really describe it well in English.
German here
I can’t speak for everyone but for me when I cut it’s because I feel like I deserve it I usually regret it after I don’t do it for attention I hide it by cutting on my shoulders
can cofirm, its only for attention. did it myself
When I used to it was more like self punishment
Yea Forums is a cesspool of degeneracy why would you expect any different dumbass
It’s not just the degenerates stigmatising mental illness - it’s everyone. That’s why nobody seeks help when they need it.
Also sometimes they feel like they’re just making mountains out of molehills and don’t want to be a burden. And some of them genuinely are making mountains out of molehills.
Most cutters have a foggy brain, the cutting sensation clears all the fog in a second; eventhough the pain may not be the best feeling the fact that you can think clearly and not have a foggy mind is so satisfactional that they keep doing it untill not even cutting helps
I gave never cut, but I get why it would temporarily help. Injuries release endorphins, which make you feel good, and the reason for it is to help your body with the pain of the injury. The same chemical that releases when exercising, which is why people get a runners high. Also the same chemical that gets released when doing heroin. So while I'm sure a lot of people are attention seeking, the science does back up why people do it and why it can be addicting.
Yes, I do. And I’ll grant you, not everyone cuts their wrists. Some cut their forearms, their legs, ankles, hands, all fuckin visible, all in an attempt to illicit sympathy. It ain’t new either, shits been around before you started feeling angst. They’re all the same to me, a bunch of emotionally neutered asshats with a complex of something or another.
Such a dumb excuse.
>seeing the blood come out was the sadness also coming out along with it
What a pile of shit.
Whadda ya think?
I'm a schizophrenic user. Emotions and trauma are just too much too handle and you literally break.I guess some might do it for attnetion or to guilt others, I don't know.
Usually people dont notice the scars.
does it make you less sad? no, not really. its a coping mechanism. like said even animals do it. we're no different.
I used to cut my upper thigh area because I was going through 'depression' or some faggy bullshit and it gave me an adrenaline kick which was one of the few ways to make me feel something
ur foggy
Everything you said is dumb. Knife yourself
used to cut when i was 13, didn't completely stop until i was 17. it releases endorphins in your brain. for me it was the equivalent of a smoker needing a smoke break, and finally getting one. it just felt like relief. i mostly cut where it was very easy to hide but when i did it, it was because i felt like i needed it.
electroshock therapy was once used for treating depression. Much better than knifing yourself.
I've been cutting longer than some of you have been alive. I'll always be a cutter, even though I haven't cut in 4 or 5 years. It's an instant mood change. Ever see guys get so upset they punch walls and shit? Same fucking thing, just to a much lesser degree.
This is dumb because you’re not addressing what makes people do it in the first place numbnuts.
Using your own example - smokers originally smoked because they were peer pressured into it or thought it was cool.
It's still used and is coming back in favor. It's much more controlled now and the patient is under general anesthesia.
no u
If you’ve been cutting for that long you could’ve either done something more significant with your life by now if you didn’t.
Or you could’ve at least offer yourself earlier faggot
This user has the right of it. Pain is a powerful reset button to press if you focus on the physical the emotional goes away if only for a brief period
Ive been able to stop. I hope your mother gets raped by a horse. Go fuck yourself, shitbird.
... not triggered, I just have no patience for idiots.
i have a skin tag that is also a mole thats right on the bottom of my scrotum
i tried to cut it off and it hurt like a MOTHERFUCKER. didnt even make it 1/4 of the way through
Use fingernail clippers. Seriously. It hurts a hell of a lot less and doesn't bleed as much.
is that legit?
i used a factory edge spyderco and it cut no problem, i just stopped because i was bleeding profusely and it hurt like a lot
>not triggered
Sure buddy
I started smoking in the military during 12 hour classes at in A-school literally just to get the 15 minute break. No peer pressure, not because I thought it was cool. I noticed that smokers got a 10-15 min break damn near every hour, so I became a smoker so I could get a break too. True story. That was 20 years ago. I just managed to quit about a year ago. It’s a retarded habit but in no way comparable to cutting oneself. We do plenty of things that are hazardous to our health or safety from drinking to fuckin base jumping.
imo yes. I used to be depressed and when I was feeling really fucked up and I cut It would just distract me and make me think clearer. At first I did it on my wrist but when I started doing it often I only did the top of my thighs so nobody would see
You’re not exactly disproving my point. You didn’t know how smoking made you feel until you did it. By your own admission it was something else that lead you to it - that’s my point. Peer pressure and coolness were the only two things I could think of when I wrote my post.
I didn’t open the comparison of the two habits either that was the other guy I was relying to.
Drinking is typically cause it’s the norm though, do not peer pressure as much but just cause everyone else does it kinda thing
Either way, don’t cut.
It does, but if you do it on your arms you are a vapid narcissist who needs validation.
You can easily do this on the top of your legs or your thighs and receive the same rush.
Or, get some antidepressants or some weed and stop being a bitch.
there's other ways of self harm, and they do work
it's not really about attention, that's what you get from people who don't understand the difference between that and an actual suicide attempt
however you could also use other coping mechanisms
even just drinking hot sauce
read up on the thing, maybe you find a healthier way
2 different people then for different reasons. Definitely some who do it for attention, but a lot of people hide it and tell no one. It is calming after and distracts your mind. The blood is kind of nice to watch trickle.
It doesnt make you less sad but it makes you feel something different and thats what most people try to get from it
Where can I find info on animals self-harming? That's hella interesting user.