Why do people hate her so much?
That’s not rhetorical I haven’t been paying attention to the women’s soccer team. To me she just looks like your run of the mill dyke with an annoyingly smug expression.
Why do people hate her so much?
cause she’s an arrogant cunt
Because she and her team of "world champions" were beat by a team of average 15yr old schoolboys, and she's acting like she's the Pele of the 1970 Brazil team.
This as well as being a pink haired skanky 50 year old looking Dyke bitch.
Because she talked shit about Trump and they still won.
Even if you ignore the politics, she seems like a horrible horrible person. Zero sportsmanship or respect.
Apart from her politics, she's a selfish, self-absorbed bitch. She kept saying, "I DESERVE THIS" next to her little soccer trophy. Every single male athlete always says "we" and talks in regards to the team's effort. Not this stupid fucking cunt. She's a waste.
Even if this was true, its a ridiculous double standard. Everyone loves MJ and Kobe for talking shit and winning games. Have a pussy and do the same thing and all of sudden you need to shut your whore mouth.
Imagine working hard your whole life at a sport you enjoy. Youre on the top team you can be on. You win the biggest honor your team can win. Youve achieved a life dream. Yet, no one cares or notices you because one loud mouthed selfish asshole has overshawdowed the rest of team. You are forgotten
Shes arrogant rude and she of course talks shit at every turn about Trump and people who like him. She's also a poor sportsman to top it all off.
She's a woman who spoke her personal beliefs and won on the largest stage. Which upset conservatives who thought god would punish her for saying things they didn't like.
She's a small breasted fucking dyke
No sorry. Soccer is a faggy sport, and woman's soccer is even worse. Nobody cares. She's just an annoying cunt
Hey you leave Billy out of this.
She and the rest of her crap team were beaten 5-2 to 14 year old boys.
To America's, sure. To the rest of the world? Its the most watched sport. On average a standard exhibition match gets more views than the Superbowl.
Makes sense since there are more people outside of the United States. It also makes since why the rest of the world is full of fags
so many pissed tards - love it
i can't wait to hear about how they were beaten by 13 year olds next
soon the story will be that they were beaten by fetuses, and then merely sperm
because in trump's america.anyone who speaks out against him is bad
And Alabama football would lose to the Buffalo Bills 3rd string players. Whats your point? Its a different league completely.
The international women's soccer team is the most successful soccer team in the leagues history. With 4 world cups of the last 8 and 4 Olympic gold medals.
>To the rest of the world? Its the most watched sport.
Yes. But dude it's womens football. Not even those of us in Europe who grew up with Football in our vains give a fuck about womens football.
Have you watched women try and play football? Even at the highest level they're embarridsingly bad and boring.
>nobody cares
except for you know,half of the country who are bitching about her
1.never cared about colin kaepernick
2.dont care about this cunt
learn the difference between trump supporters and conservatives,idiot
they definitely care, my dude
Its not her fault she was born with a vagina lol Even if its not nearly as popular as men's, it doesn't change the fact they are fucking amazing in their division. Regardless if you find it impressive or not.
Serena Williams will go down as the best female tennis player of all time. Doesn't change the fact she wouldn't stand a chance against any of the men in the top 500.
Reggie Bush will be recognized as one of the best college football players of all time. And a fucking average running back in the NFL.
>the rest of the world doesnt care about womens soccer either
no,they dont
like i said.learn the difference between a trump supporter and a conservative.go figure people call americans stupid,you proved it with the trump administration and his supporters
No, it's not, you retard. There are plenty of female athletes who trash talk and are respected, with the UFC being a good example.
And there are tons of male athletes who get shit on for being disrespectful.
Unless you're just shitposting, you seem to be too fucking stupid to understand the nuances involved, considering that you're trying to reduce this to a single trait or issue, instead of considering the entire situation.
>serena williams
what kind of faggot "man"plays tennis anyway.probably the same kind who drinks soylent to
>Imagine working hard your whole life at a sport you enjoy. Youre on the top team you can be on. You win the biggest honor your team can win. Youve achieved a life dream
Then you get rekt by an u15 team
>Serena Williams will go down as the best female tennis player of all time.
2nd best
they definitely care, my dude
The only nuance here is you don't like what she said about Trump. Thus making everything she said feel arrogant and ridiculous. And to rub salt in the wound she still won.
That's the only reason to hate her. Being butt-hurt the bad lady won.
/thread move on.
I'm an American and 90% of the population is dumb as shit. Trump administration or not.
>i can't wait to hear about how they were beaten by 13 year olds next
>soon the story will be that they were beaten by fetuses, and then merely sperm
Are you implying that the world cup winning American national women's team was NOTbeaten by 15 year old high school boys?
Because.......they were kek
are there any more creep?
How insecure is your masculinity that playing tennis makes you a faggot? Are you the same type of wannabe alpha that only fucks guys because fucking girls is for pussies?
Dead girl (Bianca)'s beheading video just got dumped in here, get in quick:
tennis is a women's sport.go back to your soy milk kid
i was just making fun of how the age keeps getting lower every time i hear about it
This is why no one cares about womens soccer.
u15 boys soccer is literally more elite at the sport
no they actually dont.like i said,learn the difference between a trump supporter and a conservative,ameritard
Was pretty sure that was Milo for a minute.
Quote from the article:
"Of course, this match against the academy team was very informal and should not be a major cause for alarm. The U.S. surely wasn’t going all out, with the main goal being to get some minutes on the pitch, build chemistry when it comes to moving the ball around, improve defensive shape and get ready for Russia."
there's more spin in that sentence than on a top shelf goal
>"tennis is a women's sport.go back to your soy milk kid"
>Checkmate beta cuck
>Goes and watches anime for 4 hours
>I'm real man!
When ever I see the word ameritard I imagine some stinky French fag saying it with that accent
lol if u think that they didn't let the boys win to make them feel cool
I found this for you
they hate that a run of the mill dyke is the champ.
ITT: People acting like boys being able to stomp women of any skill in a sport is a new thing
people dont watch female sports for perfection or skill, this isnt news and hasnt been for a while
Daily reminder this team was beaten by a boy's jr team from texas
>old lazy superstars beaten by a group of 1st round draft picks hungry to win
Grant Hill dominated larry backache, magic aids, and gambling debts
daily reminder that soccer is not popular in america
>there's more spin in that sentence than on a top shelf goal
>your run of the mill dyke with an annoyingly smug expression
That's why she's insufferable on top of being a commie shill.
It clearly means they're inferior to 13 year old boys. But keep buying tha woomin powa meme niggerfaggot
And yet they still got wooped on by fucking boys. lol
go figure that young athletes in their prime can beat old men
and? doesnt make up for the fact you retards care about a sport that isnt even popular in america.you just want to whine about some cunt who hates trump i bet
How is that creep?
and apparently children can beat the most elite female athletes
stay mad nigger noone will ever care about some stupid dyke or some poor performing second rate sports team.
she hates trump?
that certainly makes her unique
Jesus Christ user just listen to yourself.
Imagine for a moment that the men's German national team won the world cup and a week later lose 5-2 to an under 15 team. Imagine that and try to defend it.
The only good female sports are volleyball, and gymnastics.
I'm from UK and I dislike her
old men!??! lmao Michael Jordan was 29. Literally his prime. He won his first championship when he was 28 and his last when he was 34.
It was a scrimmage match that they were obviously intended to lose... Like letting your kid beat you, its intended to boost their confidence.
well its nice that eurotrash still care about countrys they dont even live in.the only people who whine about this cunt are snowflake trump supporters
This doesn't happen in soccer.
Tell me the last time Barcelona Real Madrid Manchester United or fucking Brazil lost to a junior schoolboy team.
I won't bother waiting obviously.
>poor performing
>literally the best women's soccer team in the history of the sport
She, and the rest of her cabal, deserve 0 attention for being so inferior.
I mean like a nipslip or something like in the video
and still got beat by boys
All women are inferior you stupid shit nigger
y'all are pretty mad about being nice to kids
why is that?
yes old
Grant Hill was 20 when he beat the "dream" team and won his first title at 22.
I'm from Ireland and I hate this dyke cunt too.
they definitely care, my dude
Imagine being so confused in your own ideology that you acknowledge men are superior physically in all aspects. Yet you are baffled at how women can lose to men.
>history of the sport
made so in recent times by cucked men caving to inferior walking holes. It's pretty easy to win when the only country supporting them is the only country that forced their hand in the first place.
The entire team should be raped by muslims
Women are inferior to men physically. Hence why its understandable a pro woman's team can lose to boys. They have an genetic advantage. It does not change the fact the women's team won 4 world championships. Not sure what you are understanding? How are you getting lost from your point to the fucking point?
Being nice to kids would be letting them win a goal up. They should have known being 7 goals down with no goals themselves would look pathetic.
I get it now. You just don't know shit about sports lol kindly fuck off and watch naratu or something. The men are talking.
Fucking damn, I didn't realize it was by 3 goals. I figured 1 lucky goal or so, but fucking 3? FIVE goals?!? How can anyone, let alone purportedly the most successful women's team, even allow some kids to even score, let alone fucking five.
Have you ever seen a vagina? Like in real life? There is no shame in paying for it. They will even let you call them mommy if you are nice enough.
>B-b-but scrimmage g-guys
First off, you fat fucking Americlaps should stop with your retarded phrases. A soccer match played out of competition for training etc. is called a "friendly."
Secondly, elite men's teams do not get beaten by underage kids in friendlies. It's unheard of.
Women just can't compete. Even with a team of 15 year old boys. They didn't let them win, you retard. They were beaten because the boys were better at soccer than they were.
Simple as.
it's real weird how much you hate the idea of being nice to children despite masturbating to them all the time
fucking kek at all the cucks and stacies desperately trying to defend their inferior team
i'm gay
>Yet you are baffled at how women can lose to men.
They lost to 15 year old boys, you fucking simpleton. That's the point.
Men team get payed 7% of profit made by the matches,
Women team gets paid 20% of the profits, and yet they say equal pay....sure equal rates for the men then...
>largest stage
>women's sports
Pick one
This. But unfortunately doesn't change the fact they are still the best WOMEN'S Soccer team. In the world. And history of the sport.
The English women's team is the best actually, you just got lucky.
You a fag
>doesn't change the fact they are still the best WOMEN'S Soccer team. In the world. And history of the sport.
Yes but that's not a very impressive feat. At all.
Oh honey
yeah, seen those. I was asking about older ones
go do it then
I would fall out of fucking chair if they actually said this
I like her attitude tbh - she doesn’t seem to give a fuck
[Citation Needed]
OP the real answer here is because she badmouthed trump and now all the incels and inbred trumptards are having a fit.
Huh. Would of thought she'd see this as objectification. She has at least one redeeming quality in my book.
Woopie Dyke...!5 years boys old Kick your Girls teams ASS
Trump supporter here. Honestly couldn't care less about this women.
Another Leftist uses up their 15 minutes of fame to scream 'Orange Man Bad' in the media, which of course thinks they need to report it like it's the most important revelation in centuries.
It'll be forgotten in a moment, except in threads like this. And yes, the moment's already up.
She's a champion in a competition nobody plays or cares about and she acts like she's Mayweather or Federer. The disparity between arrogance and achievement is cringe inducing
>OP the real answer here is because she badmouthed trump and now all the incels and welfare state socialists are having a field day.
I don't understand this fucking logic though. The entire 3 weeks of this game gathered just 1 billion views in total. While just the final fucking FIFA ga,e brought 1.3 or more billion views,
That's a her? $50 bucks she dies with a rope around her neck neck, a spilt wine bottle on the ground next to her and a picture of a happy mother with children gripped in her other dying hand. Dykes are so sad and depressing to think about. No wonder they are so full of hate and want to rape and murder children.
She insulted a whole country, on the international stage, as a representative of said country.
It ain’t just about Trump.
Yeah, she did. While wearing the uniform. Disgraceful.
When Germany beat Brazil (two big football nation's) 7-1, they told their crowd not to jeer, were very respectful after the 3rs goal, and took it seriously.
When the women's US team (a team that has insane amounts of money poured into it, Which is why they dominate the women's sport) beat Thailand (a team that can barely produce a decent team) 13-0 they cheered and jeered every goal. Rapino ran to the Thai fans and had a fucking kicking spaz attack on the ground infront of them. They had worked so hard to get their team on the world stage and apparently the US team felt that they deserved to be mocked. I don't hate her for politics, her looks or beliefs. I hate her (and a lot of the US women's team) because they are arrogant and bad winners. They ruin the game and discourage more people from joining. They play for a team that has huge funding and so in a sport that doesn't really have a pedigree, like men's football does, they end up doing well.
I'm kinda drunk so this is a ramble but you get the point. I also hate Morgan because in the US-Eng match she spent a total of 16 minutes on the floor wasting time, then has the audacity to laugh at other players who are genuinely hurt in other matches after she fouls them
You won a soccer game nobody gives a shit about your political opinions or cunt lapping ways
It's interesting how so many of the US women's team look like the kids that never had friends because their dad wanted a son and made them train every day after school. Look at lavelle.she looks and sounds like she has litterally nothing about her other than football and that showing any sort of personality would disapoint her family
Someone post the Webm
Hell just look at the /pol/ double standard, amoung many, on this point.
When it's someone they agree with showing a smug shit-eating grin in a pic they all circlejerk over how based he is and how infectious his smile and joy is and what a perfect gotcha response it is to any possible disagreement or argument.
Then when it's someone they disagree with they're overwhelmed with indignant rage like nothing else can trigger in them. Ranting about how THIS is why everyone hates them and everyone else on the other side, how they deserve assualt and rape and murder, how it's proof of the inherent danger of their ideology.
Theses shit threads are neckbeard nesting sites.
And I’m not referring to OP. My bad. I’m referring to her haters. The neckbeard salt is real.
Stfu retard, MJ, Kobe or any other fucking male are way better than any top bitches at the same sports. You can brag and everything if you are godlike but you can't if your so called World champion team get trahsed by litteral kids.
Op is a faggot, enough said
The danger of our ideology has not even begun to make a spark, dear child.
When that spark becomes a flame, and the flame an inferno...you will piss yourself in fear and horror as the danger approaches.
so HOT
waste of trips
>MJ Kobe niggers
She's no leludallasMultipass.
If you're into dudes, sure.
Tbh i did not know that women have thiere own version of soccer
is a woman football team even exist?
what movie is that gif from?
because soccer
Lol cope
You're just a loser projecting your insecurity on a winner.
Someone unironically typed this on a housewife bookclub board and thought it was anything but cringey.