Fluffy Pony Thread: Monday Morning Mayhem Edition
Kickoff topic: How do you picture fluffies in your head? If you draw, draw 'em.
Fluffy Pony Thread: Monday Morning Mayhem Edition
Kickoff topic: How do you picture fluffies in your head? If you draw, draw 'em.
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Pic related is how I think about them looking like the most
Dancie babies are worstest babies
you guys are the faggotest of all fags, you know that right? your next incarnation will be one of these things.
no u
Where my lurkers at?
Jesus Christ it's been quieter than hell today
Where is everyone?
>Where is everyone?
They got killed by their meanie daddies
They were splorin' too much
>when you myke tythin this hard
How is this shit still going is my question you degenerate fucking scumbags
Kek, not even close to the most degenerate shit on this site
True but it's still pretty fuckin weird famallama
There's photos of an actual dead 17-year-old girl posted all over the site, and you're worried about some fictional ponies being fictionally hurt by fictional people.
Fuck off, you little bitch.
While your statement is true, this thread is the mental excretion of people who have no place in society and should be culled. Those who contribute here are utterly wrong in the head, without question. You understand that right? There's no salvation or pats on the back for the fact that it's not the worst thing on Yea Forums or the internet at large. The people who enjoy this would achieve their maximum potential effect on the race if they killed themselves right now, today.
It's probably the same sick fucks that post or jerk it to both of these things, you included. You really should consider suicide.
I love the angry posters. You guys make my day
Yeah but I've seen enough corpses I don't mind it, people making shit up just to jerk off to some kind of furry guro seems more demented than just sharing the image of a dead person. Take your meds or smoke a blunt man.
Cry some more, bitch.
If I had some fluffy’s I would experiment to see how house hold products effected them
And I love you, overly intelligent yet mentally weak and likely underemployed fuckwad. I'm gonna go watch spiderman. Remember to consider suicide, plenty of people would be pleased about it.
Like what kinds of products? Bleach?
lol stay mad
Lol cry harder faggot
Mm bleach would ruin the fun early probably start off with something like window cleaner getting worse each time anything with bleach would be save for last
Sorry it's not your usual porn shit, faggots. live with it.
Chillin and lurking
I don’t get why people are upset it’s just people doing something they consider cathartic without actually harming anyone like playing video games or listening to loud music to destress
Just don't feed them febreeze
When in doubt, assume autism
Why didn't Ruby just choose the dead one's legs
Nevermind, I read it wrong
I like theses threads and I’m not autistic
I'm saying the faggots who like to rage at us are the autists
Well luckily these are just drawings. You are wasting your fuming time here.
> spiderman
Fuck off normie
It's funny how high on your horse you are while telling other people to kill themselves
Oh ok and I see what you mean but honestly if they tried to look at it in the prospective of blowing off steam maybe they would understand I’m sure they have a way the destress
we need more foal abuse in this thread.
I truly hope that one day we'll be able to have these rats in our homes for us to poke, prod, burn, amputate and feed shit to.
Fuck yeah I love these threads!
This stuff is still going? A lot of these images are like 3-4 years old now.
I agree
This is art
Not all of them
>not a gif
For shame
I wish schaferaraks would come back already, his art was the best.
Right here
Keep posting my dude
Will do
This one needs human enfies.
How bout some fire, scarecrow? :)
>No fucking way
I’m just lurking dude
Kill yourself you sensitive little bitch They want to live in a fantasy land where the only emotion is happiness and no one is allowed to have a bad day nor violent thoughts despite being our nature
Aka faggots
I love this gif it’s so brutal in the best way
Love this gif. The babies stepping all over each other to save themselves. The last little touch of the mom/dad ripping the tail off