All this talk and news stories and some how everyone seems to have forgotten she was a chan girl, one of us.
All this talk and news stories and some how everyone seems to have forgotten she was a chan girl, one of us
We didn't forget, we just don't care. She wasn't one of us, we would have identified her by her tits if she was.
Here you have a perfect example of someone who thought she was perfectly unique and special - something all young people who appear through social media appear to also be suffering from. Self entitled individuals who have it good by default because she accidentally was born in the right country. They act as if they own the world - or that the world owes them something.
Brought up on internet culture because of an introverted anxious nature which - much like the one ring in LOTR - corrupts even the most sainted of beings (me) and erodes a sense of right and wrong, good and bad. Desensitizes and gives access to information which otherwise would be impossible to have access.
These type of introverted people are typically intelligent - but look at her, smart, attractive, young and born in a good country. She has it all but seems to spend her time stringing along countless INCELS through online communities. Uses these online communities to project her own ego and build up a network of orbiters and acquaintances. Make money in the process through exchange.
She either gains financially or receives a rush from the exchange - everyone is receiving something and it may be sex and images - typical E-Girl stuff.
She openly talked about how she was sexually open - whilst at the same time being heavily involved in communities which are denied sex - and sex is typically the most important thing for these communities.
She had access to information which otherwise wouldn't be accessible, she was involved with incel communities and building up networks online with her at the center. She (a 17 year old child) was involved with forces she couldn't control because she was in a situation she put herself in due to being neglected.
>Chan girl
Shut the fuck up
One of us...
>One of us
I must be from a different Yea Forums cause if I recall we don't give a shit about anyone of "us". For every supportive or complementary post on here there are 300,00 "go neck yourself" posts.
In otherwards. Fuck off.
fuck you speak for yourself
I love all my Yea Forumsros. minus you ofc
Not trying to antagonise you but genuinely, why do you hold women in such high disdain?
Seriously, why don't you respect women? I literally want to know
This thread was complaining about how all the newfags couldn't even tell that we knew this girl, making this event way more interesting. Of course being newfags that point went right over their head and they start splerging about how "waman ain't part of da club!"
Faggots, the lot of you.
>Implying Yea Forums is one person
Lying to a stranger on the internet? Didn't your mother teach you better?
>Lying to a stranger on the internet?
Who the fuck?
Just another teenage e-thot?
I will literally tell you, I respect women worth respecting as I equally respect men worth respecting. Fuck of you vapid whore.
Literally who?
Bro, why you being mean? I was trying to be genuine.
I'm a guy btw
Chan girls are generally awful people, I'm not surprised she was terrible too.
Source: dated a couple, one was a literal pedo, the other a massive attention whore much like neck wound over there. We didn't have insta and shit when I graduated though (2006) so her e thottery was pretty limited to Myspace and xanga
E-thot girl who spent too much time online and never fit in with her friends. Scams incels for a living and emotionally crushes them for fun, eventually one of them killed her.
It is probs the basic human construct of My team vs. Their team, it helps looneys justify their behavior in any context. She was probs mostly a victim of human nature, all humans covet. Upon base observation here, they seemed perfect for each other, given that I've read what they said to each other in messages I read posted in another thread. They were both covetous monkeys, but now only one lives
Sorry :)
The poster was referencing me and you lump me in with the incel orbiter.
Whatever, for the incels you're right, definately them vs us mentality - they care about sex utmost yet are denied it which perpetuates.
If an E-Girl wants to spend time with these people and flaunt it - and emotionally put them down for fun then go right ahead, obviously the danger is that people are fucking crazy and there's plenty of stories of crazy people coming to fuck you up.
Proof of what? That she was a pedo? She admitted to sucking a toddler off that she was babysitting. She would point out cute girls she saw when we would walk around near her house. I haven't talked to her in years though. Last I heard she got some beta black dude to marry her, she's almost 100% cheating on him too I imagine, she had a cheating fetish.
Also, she was not at all attractive.
You serious?
Hope you're not being nice cuz I'm a guy
Sauce it then, damn
her attractiveness doesn't matter
Becuz no coochie for them
he's not
they are held at the same level as men, you are the one creating a difference
fuck she was perfect.
>Those with personality
>Those without personality
Those without shoot up schools and stab women when they can't have their own way. Total spoilt brats. You know this could have being prevented. Attention whores will always act like this, always crave easy desperate attention. These guys don't see it though, they have no life experience, so they always feel played and lash out. Normal guys just deal with it.
How could I possibly sauce it?
Identify her by her tits seems derogatory.
IDK, screenshots, a link to an article.
what is so hard about proving your truth
She's never been arrested you fucking retard. I literally said last I heard she got married.
It's not like I saved texts from 10 years ago, much less nudes of her since she was a ham beast.
Pussy was fairly tight though, and she fucked well for a big girl.
She was from /soc, and you should go back there.
This is /b and the last thing an oldfag would do is to emphasize a vapid bitch which picked the wrong card and had the misfortune to meet the wrong incel.
In the meantime, she was literally stomping and fidgeting with the sentimental aspects of other people's lives, and not certainly in a positive way.
You're such a newfag that you emphatize with such a disgusting creature and such a faggot you don't even realize every act has a consequence, every risk a reward.
Telling a story without proof is pointless
You'd want proof is a girl said you raped her
The word you're looking for is empathize, which was not the point of the post. Nobody implied that. Why are you idiots always like this, speaking so confidentially while being wrong about everything. I bet you don't even know what color the sky is, but you sure think you do.
I have no idea what you're saying. I'm simply relating to a post the OP made about my own experience with girls I knew that also browsed Yea Forums. Believe me or don't, it doesn't matter to me, I don't owe you any proof and it would be impossible to get anyway since this was all of 7+ years ago.
>she was literally stomping and fidgeting with the sentimental aspects of other people's lives
So she was rejecting guys and then taking the piss out of their desperate clingy attempts to 'woo' her? Shock horror, a woman tells you she isn't interested and you carry on and get weird, yeah she's going to hurt you back to make you fuck off. Stabbing a girl over your precious hurt feelings is totally disproportionate. Take the rejection like a man, not a boy.
Anyone have the throat pic?
fml I'm a shameless phone poster and my autocorrect was set on emphasize, that's why. lmao.
Btw nope, it's the truth. She was from /soc, I spected a couple of her threads.
A really basic bitch which then became famous because she liked to ruin other ppl's life.
It's a dead girl, now, so it's a sad thing no matter how you put it, but it's nothing I'd waste my sleep about. There are more meaningful things dying right now in the world.
hello Satan, nice trips.
In any way I justified the murderer, so don't put any of your third degree irony in my mouth and try to learn reading.
I'm just saying I don't see the point of this amount of threads, but summer is surely hitting hard.
Literally this
More like she intentionally baited them into fake relationships then attacked them as being worthless objects. If some guy did this to girls and got killed nobody would care.
>More like she intentionally baited them into fake relationships then attacked them as being worthless objects.
>There is no thing as an internet relationship
>Learn how dating works
>Go outside and learn how to be social
They weren't lured in, they were clueless retards that thought the world worked the way they believed. It doesn't.
And so was she.
If she thought she could do that without having any problems in the future because of it she must have been really dumb other than not a 10/10 for sure.
Post penis
>she was a chan girl, one of us
she was an underage attention whore and a drug addict