It's okay to criticize Trump if you don't like him.
It's okay to criticize Trump if you don't like him
nobody said it wasnt
Always have, always will
Yeah but he's doing better than the last few cucks so, I'm fine with him. Small improvement is improvement.
No, someone here was posting this same exact pic saying how it's not okay. Are you new here or something?
Val de travers
Une correspondance
La fée verte
Fleurs du mal
Artemisia absinthium
Notre dame de l'oubli (For Olivier Messiaen)
Verlaine: Part I: Un midi moins dix
Verlaine: Part II: La bleue
Rend fou
thease are the tracks
and it's Naked City
nah,he's doing worse then george w bush
True, but criticism isn't gonna win Dems the next election
At some point they're gonna need a platform to stand on besides open borders for illegals and free healthcare + college
It's okay to not be on "the other side" too.
I--big govt--------------------------------small govt--I
Dems, reps, communists (socialists), socialists, fascists are all on the same end of the scale. Coincidentally enough, financed by the same private bank too.
>everything that happens is pure coincidence.
>It's okay to criticize Trump if you like him.
its fixed
What in the fuck are you talking about?
your right,because the republicans platform of
>waaaah immigrants bad,trump good
is any better.retards like yourself are doing a good enough job at winning the dems the next election.time to kick trump and his supporters out,make the republican party a decent party again
No it isn't. Prepare to be deported.
ICE, ICE, (you)
But don’t you dare criticize: minorities, women, communists, or liberals otherwise you’re a racist.
don't forget fags and men who cut off their dicks. Can't be criticizing them either or you're a literal nazi.
As President and Commander in Chief President Trump is the embodiment of the country so any criticism of him is treason and should be subject to judicial punishment.
Should be an automatic death penalty, no judge or jury required. We don't have time for those when we're Making America Great Again.
Okay fag, America is still a democracy no matter who is in charge and your First Amendment guarantees Free Speech, so why don't you shut up about who "should be subject to judicial punishment" fag.
Liberal masquerading as Trump supporter
>okay to criticize Trump
for now, in a few years tho it will be illegal.
No... in a few years it will still be legal.
Imagine if you were a big enough faggot to believe this.
You'd be approaching Trump's level of faggotry.
so, that's then true of democrat presidents like Obama, right?
Use it on yourself tonight
In the USA it's always legal to criticize the President. What fucking backwards shithole country are you from? Algeria?
That’s a tall order, but 100% of the Trumptards are chasing it!
This is America. It's ok to criticize any elected officials
Keep telling yourself that. I can't wait to see the look on your face when Trump wins a second term.
i guess we'll see
I would be happy but not surprised.
Yeah, I guess we'll see the look on your face when Trump wins a second term.
its funny how people seriously think trump is gonna win again
you wont be winning a republican election when your hated by gun owners,the military and conservatives
Why do you think I am hated?
Learn the difference between a group and an individual
Not my president.
Good on you. Stay in your shithole country then.
You gays know it’s also okay not to pick a side. It’s okay to be in the middle and not directly align yourself with one party or the other?
But how come when it’s anyone but Trump getting criticized its called hate speech?
and he has the right to criticize back.
>comparing an individual to social groups
Stupid and buttblasted is no way to go through life son.
>Thinks the Puckle compares to modern automatic guns