Call me a cuck, fag, white knight or whatever else, but this is why we need feminism. I used to get reflexively defensive when people talked about male on female biolce, but it’s a serious issue.
Call me a cuck, fag, white knight or whatever else, but this is why we need feminism...
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck her killer i honestly hope he fr died or gets raped in prison
I hope they forcibly tattoo his dick
deserved what she got, whores die everyday no one cares she's not special she never will be
That’s the point. Whores, or women as non incels call them, die by male violence all the time. How many more until it’s taken seriously?
who cares? im never going to take it seriously as long as its shit like this. she was fucking around with the feelings of edgy incel sperglords and she got her throat cut. play stupid games and win stupid prizes
Do you know who else dies of male's violence? Males
Why would I feel sorry for a emotionally manipulate whore?
She got what she deserved, at least she cannot hurt anyone no more
Let it be a lesson, that you do not play with people
she's not your daughter or your sister or your friend, and you're never going to stick your dick in her dead mouth no matter how much you might want to breed with a qt3.14 e-girl so why the fuck should you care about some dumb slut getting her head ripped off for playin with fire? kinda cringe bro
You're joking right? No this is why we need parenting, morals/values/purpose, mindfulness, positive esteem psychology.
Now stfu idiot.
Man juice
You don't know the circumstances surrounding why she was killed. All you have the ability to think is "Oh no! Dead pretty girl! White Knight Mode™ ENGAGE!"
No, people shouldn’t die because someone got offended.
Point being?
You could say she was a
pain in the neck.
larping is a serious issue as well
what does that even mean you massive cunt
anybody have her nudes ?
What’s wrong with feminism? Directly addressing the issue? Not saying what you mentioned isn’t important.
OP, she's dead. No need to white knight her. She won't fuck you.
it isn't taken seriously? Rrrreeeeaaaalllllyyyyy?
Aren't there hundreds of articles written every week about it? Isn't being a wife beater one of the most stigmatised things in the world? Well, the western world anyway, it isn't a big deal in the middle east.
Women make up 80% of child murderers, when are we going to take that seriously?
Because you got offended by some girl, doesn’t mean you should kill her.
Dont everyone lose their heads over this now. *CSI theme song*
Yeah, the only reason I’m against this shit is so that I get fucked more...
Are you a sociopath my man. It's called empathy. Not every single person you meet needs to provide value to you
If person kills a person why do we need feminism and protect only women?
Yeah, like you
This thread is too good
she had a habit of meeting up with mentally unstable and deranged fags and then acting like a complete cunt to them while she whored herself out for money and attention
whether she deserved it or not isnt relevant
just accept that nothing of value was lost at all and that more good came of this than bad
Please kill yourself. You have no value.
3rd wave feminism was DOA.
Why did the men in her life that cared about her not train her to defend herself? What wasnt she armed with a weapon to defend her life? Her dad failed her. Hard.
If she was an armed responsible citizen, this story would've ended much differently.
is this the utica NY guy?
dont be an E-thot and you wont get stalked by creepy dudes
pretty simple
Just writing articles obviously isn’t helping, is it? And I mean getting taken seriously in that responses to a post like this isn’t saying that the girl deserved it.
someone link the fucking news story
also maybe she was nagging
>who cares?
literally every decent human being. if you don't care you should just kill yourself
all these pics of this egirl but no nudes
You guys know the FULL story right?
Kill yourself. You are devoid of anything that gives a human value
Lol are you that much of a pussy? She hurt muh feelings she deserves to die wahhh.
you value manipulative people? thats weird
Pro-tip: There are 7 BILLION people on this planet. Some of them are just fucked up and crazy. No amount of politics is going to stop them from doing crazy shit. You can not legislate their crazy, you can not rationalize to them their crazy away. This is just the way the world is. Living in this fantasy that there is some ultimate magical cure ala "feminism", or any other -ism, does nothing. Grow up.
75% of this thread does not
she's one of million of random ewhores that just happened to get her throat cut and people care why?
whats so special about her?
she has nothing of value to anyone, she was a junkie and a disappointment and her family are probably thankful that she cant make any more of a mess of her life. fuck her lol.
shes dead, shes not coming back. who cares?
Different reasons why women and men get attacked. It’s about asking why men kill women. Or why men kill other men. This guy was apparently obsessed with her, after she rejected him. I don’t often hear about women killing guys for rejecting them.
youd actally have to be retarded to interpret what I said like that
she was fucking around with people who are already prone to violence and bein fucking dumb
she was playing with fire so she got what was comin to her, so why the fuck should I feel sorry?
Kill yourself. Really do it.
Her parents are probably trash tier as well. It all starts with the parents.
Lots of people. Who are sad this happened, and want it to stop.
and a lot of these people spend their lives on the internet. Playing with these people for personal gain obviously has a high chance of setting one of the crazies off. It's the same with tinder, people need to use their brain. No matter how sanitized the media is, the world remains a shithole with many shitstains in it. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there.
literally why aren't more ethots found skinned and worn as an incel dress? serious question
>if you don't care you should kill yourself
maybe you should kill yourself, she might finally fuck you in hell since you've been whiteknighting her like a complete faggot
People in general die by male violence all the time. Quite a few more men than women, actually...
>tells a stranger to kill himself
I bet you think of yourself as a "good" person. You're not. You're a piece of shit scumbag. Try to be a better person, and stop being so vile and loathsome.
I don't even know 2% of the story
you’re gross kys
for anyone whos not an incel and reading this, we need to start beating these fuckers up when we see them. transphobes, incels, Nazis, overbearing trump supporters all need their faces fucked up forreal. idgaf anymore. this is fucked upbeyond belief and the whole internet is looking at all us on this site as a part of the cancer. us cis men who have the least slightest bit of sense and empathy need to do something about this and talkingisnt gonna help, documenataries expalining why incels are the way they are wont help, therapy wont help. they need to be even more afraid to leave there moms basements.lets step up guys nows the time.
Again, it’s always the woman’s job to be more careful, not the man’s responsibility to not be murderer.
Did he at least rape her first?
He could have easily fucked her for a day or two before she started to stink. What a waste of pussy...
how so? no matter how you raise your kids, as soon as they enter school they're get brainwashed by all the shit that's flying around out there. Especially girls have it bad because all the attention they get from guys goes to your head really fast.
b-b-but she was so pretty and s-she was one of US!
lots of people are just going to be a minority.
she kicked a hornets nest and started being a fucking idiot, why be a whore? why be a whore to upset fucking psychotic cunts online?
you literally deserve whatever backlash and injuries you sustain if you actively choose to put yourself in harms way
What more can be done? It is political suicide to oppose any measure that helps stop domestic violence. All that can be by police or the state is done.
What are you suggesting? put a camera on the shoulder of every man and have a cop watch the livestream 24/7 just in case some guy flips? Violence happens, sometimes women are the victims. Much, much more regularly, men are the victims. You saying it must be taken more seriously is just nonsense, it is part virtue signal, part nothing and just plain dumb.
>Who are sad this happened, and want it to stop.
stop the ewhore violence
stop the ewhore violence
stop the ewhore violence
It's like those slags who went to Panama to improve their Spanish cause Spain's too mainstream and got raped to death in the jungle.
It's good to have morals. It's better to know others don't share them.
where's the video
Eh, some incel went full beetlejuice on some bitch. Whatever.
damn ur weird
shut up faggot kill yourself
now the R34 version
or Pippa Bacca
I don't think the guys a hero for doing it and I don't condone it, I just couldn't give less of a shit that she's dead
and I don't feel a fuckin flicker of sympathy because she deserved it for being fucking stupid
im not proud of the guy for slittin her throat open but i give props to him because it gave me something to bust a nut to
This is a nice bait. It's not god tier though.
*has an ounce of humanity*
Yea Forums fags : Duh INcEl wHiteKnigHT.
Yep. Men are more violent, stronger, and impulsive, and are responsible for most of murders, rapes, assaults etc. If you were a woman, how would you feel if the majority of other women were dying and being raped because of men? That men make your life more difficult and dangerous? As a woman, you could literally just say you’re life would be easier if half the population was gone.
lol this is the reason why we need feminism? lol yeah cause thats going to fix this issue.
And I think playing on the internet has a much, much higher chance of setting one of these crazies off. It is inevitable we will stories like this from time to time. In the Middle East they kidnap foreigners and cut their heads off on camera with dull, blunt, rusty knives. I don't see anyone boo-hoo-ing on Yea Forums when an innocent traveller gets caught and kidnapped in a foreign country. This is nothing but the "beta-orbiters" sad that they couldn't "sweep this poor girl off her feet and show her the ways of the nice guy". they're sad for themselves.
Can someone here tell me who is she ?
And why she was killed?
You should kill that faggot and post it on your IG
The more you push the more you will get. it goes both ways
You further prove the point with this comment.
It all starts with the parents influence, that's all I'll say, because trying to go any deeper than that is an exercise in futility. I don't know in what ways they were deficient, because I wasn't there. But whoring yourself out on the internet to strangers is stupid and dangerous and any adult could've told her that.
take this cunt to a concert see how his mom likes it when I send her a cock-tribute of his throat hole
I'm not gonna lie, she's kind of hot
Found the incel faggot
ethot that was killed for being a ethot. The interesting part was that the retard who killed her posted the pics on IG. That's it.
I guess bitches should be nicer to men then, right???
This guy should of just crashed his car into a wall or someshit resulting in easy double suicide.
Instead all this nonsense.
she should have been more careful. she wasn't, now she's dead. Ha ha unlucky who tf cares
Time to Roll, faggots.
It’d be fucking cool, if Yea Forums could be the driving force in taking these guys down.
still wont bring her back faggot
she still wont suck your tiny dick either
Exactly. This shit has gone on since time immemorial. Just now we have digital cameras in our pockets that connect to a big web where we can share the photos. This is the same as it ever was, tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme.
Me, and a few other decent guys who commented here.
It is taken seriously, more seriously than "men" being killed. That's not the point, don't even bring gender in to it. People die, and when people die from shit like this; it's wrong, no matter the gender. Fuck you
something not your personal army something something
What exactly does this image have to do with female supremacy?
wow fuck everyone in this thread. Blaming someone for being killed is absolutely sick. I hope none of you ever have daughters. This guy obviously had mental problems and you have the nerve to say she deserved it.
and we all know that teenagers listen to adults, lol
You should organize it then. Go ahead, get started.
Yeah, if it’s gone on for a while, that means it’s okay.
if a bitch is a bitch then yes
Didn’t say this was.
Yes, just yes.
why do you care? do you feel you have some connection with this girl besides having seen the instagram photos recycled on Yea Forums for shock?
maybe you and your decent guy friends can all get together and suck each others dicks then and try to summon her whore soul back from hell bro
Are you fucking retarded, he clearly states "people shouldn't die because someone got offended."
I was the one who started this thread, and I can’t even get anyone to rally behind the fact that killing someone isn’t okay. Doubt anyone can shift the toxic culture.
>retarded guy goes psycho
>this means we need feminism
wat can someone explain how that even makes sense? what the fuck is feminism going to do besides make girls pretend they're stronger/equal to men?
how about we just celebrate the difference, accept our roles, and realize that there's gonna be fucking psychos that exist and feminism isn't what its about - its just a retard who snapped cuz the internets got to him
the irony is that feminism is the reason she treated men like shit which got her killed.
feminism is cancer
it literally kills
all the whiteknights are probably her incel orbiters from discord
Where did I say it was okay you dumb fuck? I'm saying you can't stop it. I'm saying it happens, and will keep happening over and over. Go ahead, try to stop crazy people from doing crazy shit. Get a fucking clue retard.
Who is she and why she was killed ?
incels deserve death penalty. if you are older than 20 and haven’t had sex yet it’s bc you freak women out and should be lined up and put down like cattle.
gas em
exactly. believe it or not we all have a hand in shit like this happening. we sit here day n and out and just scroll past their bullshit.
we need to stop the cancer at the source and it starts with us taking the power from these guys.
sidebar-shit like this is why I still hate Kanye for wearing that fucking trump hat and hugging him normalizing the degeneracy of their whole culture. its sickening.
Men who push for more feminism do so for brownie points amongst women.
There's really no mincing about it. Women have all the protections available to them right now.
Someone explain to me who the fuck this is and why I should care.
It’s not about gender roles, this is about stopping violent incels from killing women.
No, she was killed. No idea why you think feminism is to blame.
Today I learned that janitors here (and Americans in general) think an underage pussy is way shocking and worse than an underage slit throat.
which had nothing to do with the point I was making dicksplat, don't fucking pipe up to defend your boyfriend nigger
I can't imagine how you try to justify death for anything other than death. A life for a life is fair, but just because some retard got mad online she deserved to die? I don't care if she manipulated people cuz they're incels that were retarded enough to get manipulated and used, getting used like a retard doesnt give you the right to take a life, thats not how it works.
We should try to stop it as best we can.
anyone got sauce on the pics of escty chopped up?
I have a daughter who’s being raised correctly. Take care faggot.
Today I learned that janitors here (and Americans in general) think an underage pussy is way more shocking and worse than an underage slit throat.
Obviously you are new here, take a seat.
Girl known as Bianca was killed by some guy called Brandon, and he posted her dead body to Instagram, after he killed her for rejecting him.
Everytime a cute girl gets killed and there are pictures of it, these incels lose their shit and obsess about it, posting non-stop for a week...
She was an ethot with some shit like 45k followers on Instagram. @escty From what I heard one of her oribters or some shit lost it when she rejected him. He went to a small concert she was at on Sunday got her in his car and then decapitated her. After that he tried killing himself but failed. She was 17 or some shit
Wonder why that is, huh?
"I don't often hear about women killing guys for rejecting them."
Are you reeeaaally this ignorant?
You can't even fix your own shitty life, let alone anyone else's.
fuck off moralfag you browse Yea Forums just like me you'll never be anything more than what you are right now. truth sucks get over it
You people think it's okay to murder someone because they are "slutty"?
Just fucking end yourselves already, little dicklet edgelords.
Well, clearly they’re not good enough.
so fucking edgy. None of these fuckers do any of this on a platform where they can get recognized though. Pussies....
women are the root of all evil and never the victims, if you don't accept this fact it's because you just don't want to acknowledge the truth
new hero
Apparently there's a video too.
Oh fuck
It is taken seriously, the problem is that women don't want to press charges against their boyfriends and husbands who just hit them now and again, until one day he kills her.
Okay now I'm getting a little spooked.
said it publically still dont care, only people who get mad are fucking virgins like you who will defend anyone for pussy instead of going out to a bar and getting it
Agreed, the whole “haha it’s just irony” shit everyone from Yea Forums users to moderate liberals pushed enabled people like this and the Christchurch killer.
Nah, bad parenting.
The punishment for this isn't murder.
I am starting to realize that's true.
How about just fucking "violence"? Why do we need to focus on male on female violence? Is that worse than male on male, female on male, female on female, trans on attack helicopter etc? It's so strange that people cannot simply be decent and kind, to everyone.
Maybe if you cry hard enough, you can unslit her throat.
Woah, hey there Mao. Any other reasons of race, sexuality or politics people should be murdered?
Going by how you're acting, maybe we should kill all of the dumbass leftists like yourself. Maybe we should even create the facist regime you're wanting to create, but on the opposite side of the political spectrum?
If you want a change these so called feminists are not doing it women need to protect themselves with guns or learn self defense
nice dubs. checked.
I pray for your daughter.
The wages of sin is death.
Heard she had some leaked nudes, anyone got some?
>being older than 13
>taking internet relationships seriously
tits or it didn't happen
She's a grown woman who can take care of herself. She doesn't need a man to protect her. Oh wait..
The percentage of women who get attacked/raped AND who didnt do anything to provoke it(or their fathers for that matter) is insanely small.
All the rapes by negroes is our fault.
Abusive relationships? families fault.
Drugged and raped? Partly society partly theselves.
Honorkilled by muzzy? Fathers fault.
Femenism splits good men and good women causing only harm.
If you want to help women, attack the ones who want to harm them. Traitors, jews and mudskins.
Violence is only an option when the life of innocent people is at risk by something that won't be stopped otherwise. If you think differently you are a degenerate immature monkey.
Let the god be the judge
Obviously you shouldn’t kill people, that’s a general rule everyone gets pretty well. But you gotta have common sense. If you treat anyone like this bitch did, you can’t rely on societal agreements to protect your physical wellbeing. That’s not justification, that’s fact.
By that logic, 98% of users in this thread should die because the shit said here is way worse.
She had it coming, she could have prevented this from happening entirely if she wasn't a souless whore. I'm not saying she deserved it, but acts have consequences.
>that’s a general rule everyone gets pretty well
do they? do they really?
>haha incels and beta are worthless trash but I love it when they orbit me
>uses orbiter as an emotion support pillow
>orbiter falls for her but she doesn't care she just wants free meals and rides
>go to a concert
>orbiter gives a lift
>meetup with bf who you don't tell orbiter about
>orbit see's you with chad
>snaps and kills you on the way home
hurr durr how could he do this what a terrible incel, we should kill them all, she was a saint, this is why we need feminism even though its on the 3rd or 4th wave now
Are you under the impression that I killed her?
That's an atlantic salmon.
Think about it.
You, posting this. Reading this reply. You're an atlantic salmon. Aren't you?
Think deeply on all that means. On how much time you've spent being a fish, trying to be a good one, fucking up, learning, trying, fucking up, and persevering through it all. You are more than a salmon. You are ALIVE.
She's not.
All of that everything coagulated into one something is now, for lack of a more honest term, nothing. All those emotions, fuckups, lessons, memories, all that time, all that potential - gone. A body can barely contain it to begin with.
Now here you are, judging that fish by a comparative /nothing/. From this screenshot alone, from those few sentences, you would categorically reject a salmon's right to fishhood, judging the entirety of their existence's worth, that humongous and unknowable sum... from fucking nothing.
And even within that screenshot's bubble of nothing, the very little something that there is is intangible and easily faked. Were it real, it'd still be just another young fish figuring out their fucking life and acting out and fucking up along the way JUST like you. Like me.
And personally, I don't think either of us deserves being dealt a card even halfway as horrible as was dealt undue to this poor fucking salmon.
I literally kept telling myself it wasn't real when I saw the pic.
Do -any- of you want to pause, salmon to salmon, and acknowledge how absolutely fucked our world is?
Speaking of fishhood - surprise! It seems more and more likely every day that the last generation of a modern salmonity has already been born! Either we go extinct, get reduced to medieval post-apocalyptic steampunk ocean-tribes, or discard our intelligences' play at mortality and altogether ascend finally into one singularly glorious digital multi-consciousness possessing the summed totality of samonity's experiences across all existent and recorded individuals.
Be a good fish.
everyone who thinks she deserved to die cuz of her 'mean discord messages wahhhh' are probably dicklet incels lol go get pussy and learn how to treat women retards "I hate feminism because men are dominant haha!!!" but you shitheads dont realize we cant be the dominant gender that protects the other frailer one if we keep letting incel retards fucking kill them
Ah fuck, I fell for it
Get out of here you little bitch. Feminism is a fucking myth and faggots like you need to bend over and shut your mouths. Be the little cockfag you were meant to be and let the adults talk.
Probably not bone head
That’s cool. Thanks.
i saw a meme about this and thought "huh i bet i can find the pic on b"
>thanks for not disappointing
Yes, some people are insane, and should be avoided.
fuck u
you dont have to be a leftist to have common decency and empathy toward woman. see how far youve sunken into the depths of your own existence? this world is bigger than yalls little incel problems like forreal get over yourself
this. getting mad at your cheating girlfriend isnt a reason to kill anybody
Are you?
Time to Roll, faggots. lets so this!
What the fuck are you talking about? How is this evidence that we need feminism? Is it legal to murder women? is this guy going to get off just because it's a woman that he murdered and not a man? If anything he's going to get even more severely punished that he killed a woman... So just what the fuck are you talking about you dumb fucking retard?
Awww shit ghost dubs
is she okay?
I hope so.
Talk about how this girl deserved it, or why men are so great? The “adults” aren’t doing a very good job.
This. Totally this. What seperates us from shitskin african warlords if we do shit like this?
Get off your damn soapbox, you live in a first world country and are in no risk of being murdered senselessly.
Fuck does feminism have to do with this? This is about the incel, weak men being raised by “empowered” females. Seems to me that feminism is the reason shit like this happens.
Can someone sensibly argue this point?
Feminist ideology to help prevent murders like this in the first place.
He's right. What happens when you play with fire, kiddos?
>talking about adults on Yea Forums
You're one of those autists that call everyone "kid" despite being 14 years old.
thats a sin
>single mothers are because of feminism
Most murders are senseless imo.
I smell dumbjuice
Come one lads thats taking it too far, leave mums out of it
The majority of women are not being murdered or raped. Cite sources if you’re going to make ludicrous statements
Why do men always pass the buck? It’s always women needing to be more careful, single moms need to raise their sons better, society needing to take better care of men. When will it just be accepted universally that we, men as a group, have to do better?
Then you start. Kys.
>I used to get reflexively defensive when people talked about male on female biolce, but it’s a serious issue.
Cuz black and browns can't keep thier hands to themselves.
>Call me a cuck, fag, white knight or whatever else, but this is why we need feminism.
This poor girl died because she treated men like toys, which feminism supports.
If you're telling me that you support treating men like shit, then you should be expecting a lot more of this kind of stuff happening.
>everything I've ever done
>everything I ever do
>every place I've ever been
>everywhere I'm going to
>it's a sin
Femenism does adress the issue you idiot!
Femenism was pushed for 4 reasons mainly.
1. Sell products for "strong women"
2. Give "strong women" a say(voting rights), aka split the family, the woman will parrot state propaganda.
3. Have more workers
4. As a result of 2 working parants, the state now raises/owns the children in the crucial periods of life 6-18 years.
The new so called "bad femenism" is just ugly mental women and their pretty supportive friend. (You know the typical ugly+pretty girl friendship)
Adressing the issue is, raising boys to be men and girls to be loyal. Also geting rid of mudskins
I left it in yer mum.
based trips psycho poster
Violence against women is very common, but common or not, I don’t like it in any amount.
>”I’m so fucked up”
That's a person.
Think about it.
You, posting this. Reading this reply. You're a person. Aren't you?
Think deeply on all that means. On how much time you've spent being a person, trying to be a good one, fucking up, learning, trying, fucking up, and persevering through it all. You are more than a person. You are ALIVE.
She's not.
All of that everything coagulated into one something is now, for lack of a more honest term, nothing. All those emotions, fuckups, lessons, memories, all that time, all that potential - gone. A body can barely contain it to begin with.
Now here you are, judging that person by a comparative /nothing/. From this screenshot alone, from those few sentences, you would categorically reject a human's right to personhood, judging the entirety of their existence's worth, that humongous and unknowable sum... from fucking nothing.
And even within that screenshot's bubble of nothing, the very little something that there is is intangible and easily faked. Were it real, it'd still be just another young person figuring out their fucking life and acting out and fucking up along the way JUST like you. Like me.
And personally, I don't think either of us deserves being dealt a card even halfway as horrible as was dealt undue to this poor fucking girl.
I literally kept telling myself it wasn't real when I saw the pic.
Do -any- of you want to pause, human to human, and acknowledge how absolutely fucked our world is?
Speaking of personhood - surprise! It seems more and more likely every day that the last generation of a modern humanity has already been born! Either we go extinct, get reduced to medieval post-apocalyptic steampunk cave-tribes, or discard our intelligences' play at mortality and altogether ascend finally into one singularly glorious digital multi-consciousness possessing the summed totality of humanity's experiences across all existent and recorded individuals.
Be a good person..
I’m not saying she deserved it.
Why are you wasting your time in this thread. Shouldn’t you be messaging women online and warning them of the danger that is man?
call me old fashioned, but I don't mind male on female biolce.
Not sensibly im afraid.
Time to Roll, faggots. Get in here now.
This is sad and devastating BUT why didnt he think to at least take her tits out? I mean come on
Because that's assault lol
mine leaked out your mums gaped fanny, you must have been a smol baba because she was still tight
bc she literally got murdered for owning her sexuality or just plain exisiting. some incel had his ego crushed and he went to the extremes to get revenge. feminism will teach future generations about the fragile male ago and maybe your kid (god forbid you don't have one) just might listen and help prevent stuff like this in the future
I’ll do what they can, a lot of girls I know are already extremely cautious.
What an abhorrently dumb comment.
So you think calling for other idiots to kill "incels" and such is "common decency" and "empathy toward woman"?
First of;
Learn to fucking spell.
Can you say something that makes sense?
Fuck you, again
Wonder if she said "ouchie" like those stupid bitches that got beheaded by sandniggers.
>this is why we need feminism
tbf killing incels isnt such a bad idea. They just suck up state resources anyways.
Goober, learn to type without having a stroke before you tackle issues like feminism.
>durr on Yea Forums
>they durr on Yea Forums
>durr Yea Forums
>she doesn't deserve durr
only a frail child would resort to violence
Oh no, a girl sent some messages.
Who dis? Some roasty or does the roasty have a story?
But who's got those "supposed" nudes?
white bitches getting their throats slit only matters when white men do it.
when blacks and border trash does it, they just turn a blind eye and kill the story because "muh narrative tho."
fuck her.
lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.
if you wake up at all.
trash goes in the bin, bin goes out to the curb.
Yep, her legacy is being a drug-addled whore who abused retarded people on social media.
All incels are neets with neetbux? Neet removal isn't a bad idea. Maybe we can stop welfare to section 8-ers too.
hahahaha nigga what?
We need more feminist ideologies to prevent violence against woman. If you actually believe that would EVER work then you are depressingly naive.
Ya'll need to understand, this entire event happened not by some creepy stalker, but by a close family friend. the kid had a mental break, and fully intended to take his own life that night. and he is already in custody, he was found with severe cuts all over his body.
if they're too in the shit to get better then sure its a good idea. If an incel works then I don't really care but if they just suck money from the state like ticks then they're worthless.
>wants to kill a frail child
you're worse than him mate sort yourself out
>not by some creepy stalke
it was creepy stalker who reeee'd because he wasn't emotionally mature enough to handle her rejection and went manlet meltdown mode.
>bc she literally got murdered for owning her sexuality
I think you meant "for being a manipulative poor excuse of a human being"?
see here :
well aren't you hardcore
Imagine being such a mentally frail faggot you think some loser whining over a girl is justification to murder.
I just came and I see one quadrillion threads about this slut and no backstory. Can someone give me backstory? What happened to her?
Sooo what’s the story
Leave. Get the fuck out. Yea Forums is not for you. Jump in front of a train. Die in a fire. Kill yourself. Double nigger.
Thinking otherwise isn't going to bring her back, sorry.
I seen it, it was fucking gruesome.
Anons got a point
Jesus Christ. Kill the orbiters, kill the men. Are you people fucking retarded?
Less women = more guys that can't get laid = easier for women to get attention = more orbiters
Less men = less orbiters = women having to work harder to get the attention they crave = you getting laid
You deliberately took her out of the equation to nullify her responsibility in her fate.
You force yourself to only see one side of the event, the result, and you make your judgement from that.
Imagine being such a hypocritical waste of space thar you think destroying someone mentally will lead to no consequence.
This pick makes me hard, soooooo fucking hard.
>>poor excuse for human being
youre literally defending a kid who killed someone bc his ego got crushed both of you are the poor excuses
I mean realistically this. Enablers are worse than the enabled.
You're a bigger bitch than her if you think this is worth killing someone over.
"heehee im so fucked up everyone look at how edgy I am, i totally teh edgy lord xddd"
>That's a person.
>Think about it.
>You, posting this. Reading this reply. You're a person. Aren't you?
>Think deeply on all that means. On how much time you've spent being a person, trying to be a good one, fucking up, learning, trying, fucking up, and persevering through it all. You are more than a person. You are ALIVE.
>She's not.
>All of that everything coagulated into one something is now, for lack of a more honest term, nothing. All those emotions, fuckups, lessons, memories, all that time, all that potential - gone. A body can barely contain it to begin with.
>Now here you are, judging that person by a comparative /nothing/. From this screenshot alone, from those few sentences, you would categorically reject a human's right to personhood, judging the entirety of their existence's worth, that humongous and unknowable sum... from fucking nothing.
>And even within that screenshot's bubble of nothing, the very little something that there is is intangible and easily faked. Were it real, it'd still be just another young person figuring out their fucking life and acting out and fucking up along the way JUST like you. Like me.
>And personally, I don't think either of us deserves being dealt a card even halfway as horrible as was dealt undue to this poor fucking girl.
>I literally kept telling myself it wasn't real when I saw the pic.
>Do -any- of you want to pause, human to human, and acknowledge how absolutely fucked our world is?
>Speaking of personhood - surprise! It seems more and more likely every day that the last generation of a modern humanity has already been born! Either we go extinct, get reduced to medieval post-apocalyptic steampunk cave-tribes, or discard our intelligences' play at mortality and altogether ascend finally into one singularly glorious digital multi-consciousness possessing the summed totality of humanity's experiences across all existent and recorded individuals.
>Be a good person.
All the contrary dear user : we all agree this guy is a piece of shit.
I'm merely pointing out her responsibility in her death.
Or, in poor's people language : "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"
Male on female biolce is totally outrageous
My god, this thread is a gigantic bag of white knights and thots.
Who brought Reddit here?
WTF is biolce?
Quick rundown?
This fucking guy... You realize your on Yea Forums right?
This thread is hilariously retarded
Everytime something happens to a female , motherfuckers wanna start playing keyboard warrior and virtue signaling everywhere... You are here.. I'm 4 Chan most likely with your dick in one hand and the other scrolling through your fucking loli collection.. just masturbate and leave already
Seriously, this thread is shocking.
I've left Yea Forums for years. Coming back to this energy really makes me wonder where y'all went wrong.
I get not caring, but to go and believe she deserved it? yikes, guys
>girl meets guy on discord
>girl plans concert with another guy
>guy 1 decapitates girl
>posts on 4chin.
Well this aged well
here says she wasn't killed by an orbiter or stalker, it says it was a family member/friend
Also, more men are killed than women.
Outrage is only because it is an anomoly. doesn't happen as often. Also because she was cute. Wouldn't be a story if she was nasty looking.
I mean like... really NOBODY should be cutting anybody's throat. It shouldn't really matter who did it to whom or why, throat slitting is just a general no-no. But that's too obvious. That doesn't feel like news. It's not new information to most people that knives don't belong in necks.
>It's not new information to most people that knives don't belong in necks
The fuck you say.
you are not only a white knight faggot, but also a cuck
Yeah, except, when "soul crushing" becomes an epidemic by which women have the right to destroy men's soul, this shit happen. And then, we ask ourselves, why? Well, my dear sluts, check your fucking reality and stop being fucking whores and stop playing with people's emotions. Simple as that.
what do you think a PC term for 'orbiter' would be? family friend maybe?
If anything these things are blown out of proportion. More men are murdered by men than women murdered by men. It's not a sex issue its a murder issue. These things get more attention than they are statistically represented.
In polite society, you're generally not supposed to be sticking pieces of metal into other people. There's a bunch of exceptions like dildos and phlebotomy, but knives into throats is almost always extremely rude. I hope this helps!
orbiter is not PC?
Definitive edgelord
Does anyone have any evidence she "manipulated" this incel at all? The only conversation I saw between them was him spamming her 1000 spergy messages and her sending him one message saying she doesn't want anything to do with him anymore (probably because he's a fucking psycho).
She wasn't even romantically involved with him at all, they played two games together and he started stalking her. I'm struggling to find evidence for anyone saying she deserved it.
>hehe I'm totally butthurt about you sick creeps meming this stunning nice girls death
*roll eyes*
>polite society
You're in for a huge beating
Eat it
unlike bianca
>act like a cunt
>die like a cunt
Kill yourself incel
maybt this will persuade more girls into not bitching for attention online
There is no excuse for murdering an innocent girl. Kill yourself
always look at the bright side of life
cuck, fag, white knight or whatever else,
You need to be locked up you sick fuck.
You're gonna die soon
What's cringe is being this much of an edgelard faggot
On what was can you justify her murder? Seriously? Fucking incels and right wingers need to be out to death.
sounds like someones still salty over being rejected
grow up
The bible says no one is innocent.
>remembers video of women turning their 3 year old trans
nah, I wish those guys the best of luck
She was 17 you sick bastard
>goth rightwinger
that's new
based newfriend
what happened to Yea Forums?
And always will be.
Would it be justified if she literally asked for it?
i cream myself everytime i see his lats
holy shit kek
>Why would I feel sorry for a emotionally manipulate whore?
>There is no excuse for murdering an innocent girl
I don't see how these 2 statements clash with each other.
You fags are soft. I haven't been here for give or take 4 years and the reddit influence is palpable. I pray you don't move to other boards where actual discussion takes place. Quit white knighting over a dead e-girl you didn't know existed until yesterday at most.
never kek, I'm not a fag
Learn2decapitate fagget
this is what it looks like to be irredeemably cynical
this is the stage where your cognition is permanently hampered and is a threat to the rest of us
this self-willed mental illness will eventually be stamped out
until then I vote these for lobotomies
this one got me unalerted. wp user
Not everyone can have the experience of Mexican cartel members.
based tacos