God-tier metal:itt
God-tier metal:itt
Other urls found in this thread:
Chad Metal
>nigger music
Metal Roll Chart
It's time to start listening to metal, Yea Forums!
We got:
>Death/Doom (Some Funeral Doom was added.)
>Heavy (Black Sabbath is Heavy Metal, not Doom.)
>Black (First Wave, War Metal, Second Wave, etc. included.)
>Death (Mostly OSDM)
>Brutal/Technical Death Metal (MOAR LOUD SNARES PLEASE!)
fuck off
I think you're confused.
early suffocation is the stuff
Name a better black/ death metal band.
Give up,, you can't.
Only BDM and Grind is real!.
good post
true god-tier
Yup. I love this thread a lot more than the one on Yea Forums!
Now I can never get banned again!
kill yourselves dumb niggers.
Chad Metal Inbound
lmao. the /metal/ thread on Yea Forums is going to die because of me.
Props to the OP who made this thread.
chartanon memes inbound
Bump also .... FUCKING SLAYER
Feel free to make memes of your own. I'll post the images soon.
Here's the head. Place it on anything!
Don't forget about the brace, either. go crazy!
this is fucked
I listen to a little bit of Breaking Benjamin, but that’s about it for metal (if you can call it that). Does user have any recommendations for metal for me to listen to?
RIP in Peace, Ace Quorthon.
fuck this show
Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill
I am going to have nightmares about this.
marilyn manson
What I get?
Right? Donny is metal as fuck
>iron maiden
>nigger music
Just how fucking white are you?
shit tier thrash
That's one motley crew
Keep bumping the thread, faggots. The OP can't do it on Yea Forums.
We got a fucking Roll Chart! USE IT!
FAS - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
This album is a riff machine
Any of you come here from /metal/? That shit is so boring.
Mustaine is a metal god and Megadeth owns all
the riffs tho user, the riffs
Stop lurking, faggots. Show yourselves.
Rules are so fucking stupid. I will make this the new /metal/ general.
Hims like little banshee I likes lot and also checksums
Autism metal: the thread
The only reason this thread exists is because the chartanon said so.
I am about to start the metal roll chart thread. I'll merge it here.
I wish his song writing could keep up with his playing, metallica have better song narratives
We have to start rolling on that thread.
Everyone go to this thread before it dies
Going to see them in charlotte this weekend . Party is ON
For real though, totally underrated by the community
it has too many normie elements
Babby's first epic trole
>calling maiden nigger music
Imagine being this mentally incapable
Great writing on the album, I've always just been turned away by the vocals. Too much brutal death metal listening
You have been visited by the Laura of horrible cereal noises.
Y-YOU HAVE TO BUMP THE THREAD! It's c-coming, don't you u-understand?! It's coming! And if you haven't b-bumped the thread by the time it gets here, the thread is going to D-DIE!
He has cancer dude
I am laughing at you
In this moment rocks
metal is mostly boring, predictable and over-long garbage like most of the shit posted in this thread, one of the exceptions is this album \m/
kek get out
is this better, elitist?
much better
all of you fucking elitists are so stuck up, hating on bands like disturbed or godsmack because they're not your precious metallica, why do you douches like metallica so much?
Show yourselves the door
disturbed sold out and started making faggot rock, and godsmack was never good and only has like one song. Neither come close to the skill and proficiency of metallica
terrible slayer album
their only good one, thrash sucks
when did they sell out? i like all of their albums
Hm... I don't know what to say to this rant.
the song writing is abysmal and the playing isn’t impressive
huge dip in quality and integrity after 10,000 fists
i suggest every album by slipknot and papa roach
this one!
How about some Razor- Violent restitution, or demolition hammer ?
roots was wayyyyy better
slipknot is casual tryhard faggotry for scrubs
roots is for gigantic faggots
If you go for demolition hammer, go for Epidemic of violence
>starts "god-tier metal thread"
>posts maiden
>pic one
Iron Maiden has always sucked. They have always and always will be considered one of the worst metal bands of all time. The songwriting is childish stuff any moron could kick out over a joint. The guitar work is mediocre at their very best, but typically shit-tier. If you've ever seen them in concert (I have several times), you will be very disappointed at how lousy they really are without studio engineers cleaning up all their mistakes. Last, they have never had a decent vocalist.
Zero taste/10
no, you see, when you listened to roots you realized something: all the thrash albums you listened to were terrible all along, and roots and other nu metal bands were all 100000 times better, you can't accept this because you have loved these albums for so long so you get all pissed and whine about roots and korn
no, you see, when you listened to roots you realized something: all the thrash albums you listened to were terrible all along, and roots and other nu metal bands were all 100000 times better, you can't accept this because you have loved these albums for so long so you get all pissed and whine about roots and korn
iron maiden is unrivaled in power driven excitement and audacity. you are wrong.
agreed, korn is a lot better
I love korn. Their song writing is much more real and intense and less cringe than roots.
If you want to try out the modern stuff
metal is gay and for low tier fags O_O O_O O_O
excellent album, not metal
wasn't gonna say anything but basically this
these threads are always started by some moronic brit who chooses nothing but uk has beens who are garbage copycats
ultimately, a bunch of other eurotards chime in and pump their local trash
hint: despite retarded brit propagandist brainwashing their children to think metal started in the uk, it did not and was over a decade old by then
hint 2: the electric guitar was invented in the u.s.
hint 3: black sabbath, widely miscredited with being the originators of heavy metal, were actually late to the show; the heavy metal sound actually came out of san francisco years prior and was originally called "acid rock" and its genre. in fact, the term "heavy metal" was applied (and coined by) Bill Burrough's and used by Steppenwolf in their "Born to be Wild" tune ('heavy metal thunder') written and released a year prior to Black Sabbath even forming.
get a clue, dumb britards
he's right about them being sloppy and about them sucking in concert though
i find them listenable these days, but you have to spin them many times to get an appreciation for their mess
korn is and always has been tight
their songwriting is also tons better than iron maiden, obviously
for all of you noobs, listen to KoЯn's (that is how it's really spelled, idiots) Wake Up Hate, their lyrics are genius and portray anger and hate in the most accurate way possible
they’re just all really old
You want good text ? Go for this
Yeah, I agree. It was actually early 60's San Francisco. Even in Canada they were turning out heavy metal by the mid-60's. Black Sabbath wasn't even around then and they just copied the sound. Listen to The Guess Who in 1965 and you will definitely hear the same lead chops and baseline that Iommi and Ward copied for Black Sabbath in their first album 5 years later.
Most of what Led Zepplin did was ripoff U.S. blues. Everybody knows this. Same with Deep Purple. The British did nothing but copy and steal. How sad that they feel the need to believe heavy metal had anything to do with them.
Led Zeppelin is mastercraft heavy metal. They used the sound of the blues organically to convey the greater heavy metal sound. they are best band.
So, I like Korn, but you are dead wrong. A name being stylized with a character does not make that the actual name. It's language, phonetic first and foremost, and the spelling is irrelevant. Further, the pretty picture you see with the R backwards is entirely omitted everywhere else--both legally, with respect to all formal reference to the band, and by the band itself. Last, I'm not sure how someone becomes an "idiot" because they don't have a backwards R on their keyboard, but you keep living in your little mind, kiddo.
yes, but tbh honest they were never good even at their height
millenials discovering that which was b- or c-tier at best for us only shows they have no actual experience
anyone who spends more than one or two listen-throughs with maiden is a moron as they are missing out on way better out there
maiden was always kiddie-metal, with a band that technically sucked and needed to pedal a look to cover up their lack of skill
and yeah, their concerts were always terrible and they could never sell out even low venues on their own
i liked it
jimmy page is god-tier if not GoAT.
they are simply not consistent enough, and too cleanly produced and straightforward
so is robert plant
Eh, I dunno, what you say definitely can be true for them since like maximum overload or something, but the older albums not so much, especially this one. I feel they changed up their shit a lot when they changed their vocalist
there’s a lot of melodic guitar work on it but dragonforce overall seems shallow and not memorable and catchy
If you're 14 maybe? Afterwards you shouldn't be allowed to be seen in public if you still listen to this GOOFY shit past that, You wouldn't like others to find out you enjoy listening to songs about wizards and fairies written by manchild who live in their moms basements and have never heard of a haircut, let's go over them for some perspective
>Heavy metal (Iron Maiden, Led, ACDC)
More like Dad Rock, there's nothing heavy about shit like iron maiden or ACDC other than their actual body weight, these fags sing like a cat being strangled
>Symphonic/Folk metal (Dragonforce, Sonata, Varg)
This shit sounds like something that came out the ass of Weird Al Yankovic after st. Patrick's day or a gay leprechaun for that matter, can't believe anyone can take this harmonica violin deedledeedly-doo shit seriously
>Black/Death Metal (Megadeth, Sabaton)
Emos who don't want to be called emo scream like they would at their mom for not buying them some dragon playmobil playset and the more silent emos strum autistically at an electric guitar (anyone can do that) then pretend it's an actual skill because it sounds "tough" and "hard"
>SID/Chiptune AKA Autistic Beep-Boop Metal (Machinae Supremacy, The Protomen, Minobosses)
This is the lowest of the low and even listening to any other type of metal is passable in comparison to this cheap "Us gamers, huh? get it im a gamer like you" shit, If i see anyone listening to this shit IRL my condolences because they're probably a huge disappointment for their parents, their son is a huge faggot who thinks adding "retro" beep boop sounds to music makes it unique or interesting.
>Black/death metal
>Megadeath, Sabaton
Ehhhh... you're playing it wrong there faggot
>Symphonic/Folk metal (Dragonforce)
>Black/Death Metal (Megadeth, Sabaton)
I think the fuck not
cavedinhead.jpg take as fuck
LOL imagine being this much of a pleb
Still pretentious edgy trash tho
Imagine listening to music aimed at edgy teens past 18
Epitaphe - I
Funeral doom/death/black metal, possible AOTY
MM sucks bad.... It was all about shock value at the time but his music is complete garbage.
>Yea Forums hates niggers
>Yea Forums prefers to listen to nigger music instead of white man rock
no, it’s on par with korn and better than slipknot. Manson has a lot of really good songs
If god-tier is ripping off everybody else's music and chords, then yes, he's god-tier. Jimmy Page is widely known as the biggest fraud in the industry. Every single one of Led Zepplin's "hits" were ripoffs from another artist. Look it up, then tell me you still have any respect for him as an "artist".
Most of the British Heavy Metal was ripoff crap. They were late-comers to the heavy metal scene, didn't know how to do it, but wanted to make the cash grab. How funny that retards decades later think they invented the genre or that their fake shit was epic.
marilyin manson invented black metal, do you want to get flunked out of metal class?
O... kay ?
Jason is the man, more shred incoming.
this but the brits have always brain-washed their kids into thinking brits are the best and invented everything
just look at all the science they claim they invented
they literally think Berners, who assisted in the copying of random code, invented the internet
they are that retarded
who made better heavy metal then, fellas, Black Sabbath?
very little of what people think were led zeppelin tunes were theirs
they lied about it and failed to even give credit to the actual songwriters
basically, they were a cover band with a great publicist, nothing more
hard to look up to page for anything after finding this out
goat shred
the production hasn’t aged well but it’s still very solid
Not him, but 'better' is the topic of this thread, which is entirely subjective. I think few people would say Black Sabbath is 'god-tier' metal. You literally can't listen to them more than a few times. Simple tunes and not much depth. Few would rank Tony Iommi amongst great guitarists. He's slow and they are basic chords. If you ever listen to the guy, you'll realize how dumb he is. There is a reason they made Ozzy the front man, because by BS standards, he is the smart one.
Hell - Hell.
ozzy’s voice is timeless and they have such consistent standards in their first 3-5 albums, all which few rival. technically they are outclassed however, plus they invented doom
>pic related
but to be fair, all the brit rockers are dumb as fuck
it's always been about their getting out of the gutter factory
Put on a good live show. And i conviced a drunk guy I'm the bass player in them
didn't he kill his 17 pet cats or some shit
I'm fuck welcome me
Easily the best album to feature John Sykes.
welcome fuck
>black sabbath
pic one
ozzy's voice is easy to recognize, nothing more
as a vocalist, he is sub-par at best
the power puff girls are also timeless to some
that doesn't make them good
and certainly not by today's standards
easy to recognize is good. also there isn’t any other blues driven slow metal to compare it to even in the modern era.
Not him, but I don't even understand how that point bears any validity to anyone. There is little these days because it isn't popular. That doesn't support your position, it undermines it. There isn't much steam powered-driven ships these days either.
this thread is a lot better than the one on Yea Forums. I can spam as much as I want.
good to see this here
it is hard to replicate. iron man is still being recognized today because there aren’t heavy metal songs as modern sounding and memorable. only iron maiden and led zeppelin come close
I thoroughly enjoyed this
remember hating this with my guts when it came out, revisited it last year and loved it, i dont understand
>there isn’t any other blues driven slow metal to compare it to even in the modern era
Lol. Ok. Wrong again. There absolutely is, but just like "acid rock" got renamed "heavy metal" even though it was the same thing, all blues-based metal is now called sludge metal, doom metal, stoner metal, etc. You have to search for blues-based vocals amongst the lot, but there is plenty there if you are looking. Honestly, it is more appropriate to call Black Sabbath "doom metal" than "heavy metal" anyway.
literal nazi levels of 'white'
not true, the blues scales are used by many
look at dimebag, he used nothing but the E blues scale
maiden used nothing but sped up pentatonic licks
basic shit
garbage in the eyes of serious guitarists
you can learn that simple shit and be proficient at it in under a few hundred hours of toying around
turn up the distortion and reverb and nobody'll know you suck and didn't mean to touch that string
imagine if the album had any basslines
I'm not sure what you are even talking about. Iron Maiden and Led Zeppelin did not even play the same type of music. The fact is that they are NOT being recognized today, except mostly as simpletons and ripoff artists. You are living your life from decades ago. Move on.
you are absolutely retarded and don’t understand music if you think it matters what scale they play in
most critics today would rank black sabbath’s original 3 albums amount the greatest albums of all time, but you believe what you wanna believe, buster
nobody truly invented anything, everything we have is based on something else that was maybe rearranged or improved
i have written and recorded just over 120 tunes now and have been in a band my entire life
how funny you are
the scale is what determines everything
there are hundreds of scales, yet most artists settle in one of but maybe a dozen
those dozen determine the sound more so than any other component in a metal band
this is how retarded you are
in fact, just in applying your fist example, iommi's black sabbath "sound" is not even intentional
it is because he is missing two finger tips and was forced to use banjo strings and detune so he could play basically at all
wanna sound exactly like black sabbath?
E minor pentatonic, banjo strings, then tritone
these are mere instruments you fucking retard, not vocals
enjoy being a retard, kid
how ironic you call me "absolutely retarded" and claim I don't understand anything about music
go get a couple decades under your belt and do a few hundred gigs, get a contract maybe, and live it, then come talk you dumbass armchair critic
Grindcore can be pretty boring tbh - saw Full of Hell on Friday though, they were pretty fun
>nobody truly invented anything
Maybe the stupidest thing I've ever heard on even Yea Forums.
your entire life? so were you given a guitar right after you came out of your mom's asshole or something?
I agree with you.
This clown is an imbecile, obviously. He's basically saying the sound of the guitar makes no difference, but that is exactly what defines heavy metal. What an imbecile. He obviously doesn't play guitar or he would never say that.
scales don't matter just hit the guitar and you make metal right?
ill ask again
anything that sound like this?
and no it does not sound like the other striborg albums because you can actually hear the guitars
>most critics
Please post proof of these MOST CRITICS (>51%) putting Black Sabbath's trash as the "greatest albums of all time".
Good job proving to the other guy that you are in fact retarded.
google it
ummm, ok
done talking to an obvious retard
Not him, but it's obvious he was referring to his adult life.
Your nitpicky response to twist things though says a lot about you. Sorry he just embarrassed you publicly as about the most ignorant dipshit on these boards. I play guitar too. Scale is everything. It determines the sound more so that any other thing and there are literally scales called "blues" for example, which define what blues and other genres are. Metal has a very limited number of scales. Amongst advanced guitar players, metal is a very easy sound to replicate because of the inherent distortion. There are very few accomplished guitarists that don't view metal as simplistic. Maybe the easiest song on the planet to play is literally "Iron Man" from Black Sabbath". Anyone can learn this in minutes. It's merely a few power chords.
Here ya go, lil guy:
I do play guitar and you misunderstood everything
>sound of the guitar makes no difference
do you mean scale? no, it doesn’t matter what scale you play in. one scale isn’t more praise worthy than another, which is how this double nigger seems to think. you are both double niggers.
i can very easily tell you're the same guy as and i think might be too
what do you mean by sound are you talking about tone? Tone matters! however you change the way the instruments sound matters. scales are just the notes you use.
>scales are just the notes you use
nobody said anything about tone
>posts radio rock
Are you ok, user?
black sabbath is radio rock
sound is a weird thing to talk about when it comes to guitar I need it to be more specific a guitarist can sound awesome without being the best like Chris Holmes, hes got a great crunchy tone but hes not the most technically talented guitarist.But scale knowledge is important.
Only listenable metal is PowerMetal and you weren't born in the wrong century fags
power metal is pretty fun
power metal has the least inspired song structures of all the metal it’s for tourists
5 out of the 9 members are useless. Fucking meme band.
Here's an "old guy" who is playing a guitar not even his own that a kid with terminal cancer gave him just prior, wanting him to play it. He took all of 5 minutes tuning it before he started.
Point: if you are a dumb power chord player from the 70s standing there playing music you stole from some poor black and obscure black guy you hope no one will ever learn of, it does not make you a legend decades later, just a scam artist. True guitar talent defines the genre of heavy metal, not familiarity with has-been tunes you've heard a million times. Most of that old shit is unlistenable to anyone with a decent ear anymore, except for nostalgia and familiarity purposes.
Compare the above with this Iron Maiden solo:
explain, IMO they're all incredibly useful to the band
I was born in the 20th Century though
that was some good shit
prefered more IDR
metal rolll
I'll be seeing them live this weekend.
early xasthur comes close
Agree but have to wonder, how long until some elitist fag calls you a normie
I fell in love with Sabaton back when I saw them in Cardiff
umm, ok dumbass
you've done nothing but be wrong over and over again throughout this thread, so why stop being a dumbass?
what else did you think i posted other than that?
This guy knows his shit.
gave it another quick listen
it's still mediocre to me at best, despite me loving me some korn
overproduced or something, can't tell but it's like they tried to hard and should've stuck with raw
One of the few top-to-bottom quality metal albums of all time. Not a bad song on it and that is rare in music.
Omfg, is this for real?
He's that retarded.
Ace of spades?
Power slave?
W.A.S.P or The Last Command
>black sabbath is radio rock
Fair enough. Point taken.
I think we can all conclude that op is a newbie and dumb as fuck. Just listen to him talk about guitar shit and use words he knows nothing about.
This thread is good for a laugh, nothing more.
korn is always over-produced
Anyone got thoughts on Cannibal Corpse?
good one
slipknot is better
my favourite band is black vial bride super metal
Lsiten to Nail Bomb. It is Max Cavalera (of Sepultura/Soul Fly and some dude from Fudge Tunnel. But it is the best thing he ever did and I love Sepultura and Soul Fly.
Fuck the live album. Live is shit noise.
would you suck a log of shit directly out of Andy Sixx's asshole?
God doesn't like but likes Gojira
both new and old cannibal corpse is god-tier. corpsegrinder is an amazing vocalist, and the early stuff is some of the most technical most brutal death metal to exist. I’m really happy with what it eventually became.
Underrated classic.
only from Nikki
you could simply admit to being wrong
fine, fuck you then!