Restaurant open due to AIDS.
Restaurant open due to AIDS
first trudeau and now this
just nuke canada off the face of the earth already
how long before closed?
brilliant idea. no one will live long enough for a pension.
Can you guess what their "secret sauce" is???
>inb4 dozens of posts thinking you can get the hiv from someone preparing your food
i wouldnt want a faggot preparing my food anyway
I'm pretty sure there is legislation that prevents them from being employed in this kind of business.
Depends, imagine someone cuts themself, even a little bit. Yes the chances of that are very low, but why would anyone willingly increase those chances?
You actually CAN that's the scary part. Go eat there jackass.
It was open for three days.
checked. i think a needle user made these dogs.
Nobody wanted the San Fran Fondue , you say?
nigger cum
if some faggot sticks his dick up another mans arse, he wont hesitate to put it in a cheese and onion roll
probably the nigger's fault
what if i put my dick in a cheese and onion roll and fucked your mother with it
the guys are faggots and I'll bet that black bitch got it because her nigger boyfriend was a bi sexual iv drug user(that's how most black women get it and being crack whore prostitutes
arent a good amount of black chicks just born with it at this point like some recessive gene?
I didn’t know moot is a bears fan
>Yeah but I hear hes diamonds over the Cubs. ba-dump- *crash*
Me neither till found that pic a few months ago.
What the fuck...
That is a lawsuit waiting to happen. lol canadians, bless their hearts
No, you can't.
You can't catch it from their urine, or their sweat, or their feces. This has been conclusively proven. There is exactly ONE reported case of catching it from saliva, which is dubious and the only reason nobody says that you conclusively cannot catch it from saliva, but no matter how hard they try to replicate the phenomenon in vitro they can't, because it probably wasn't the saliva that transferred the virus in the reported case; it is very likely misreported and involved a lot more blood vessel rupturing semen shooting anal sex than the victim cared to admit.
The whole concept is offputting and would ruin my appetite.
user seems to have a lot of first hand experience in anal rupturing disease transmissions
Are you some sort of genius?
Number one cause of death in the U.S. for black females age 24-29:
that stat is too funny to be true
It’s not tho you lying nigger
implying these 'adults' will hold a job longer than their lifespan
I work in a restaurant. You know what they use a lot of in restaurants? Knives. You know what happens when you cut yourself? You bleed. Fucking idiot.
Because it’s not
As a Canadian I agree
all it takes is for their gums to bleed a little
You have literally zero control over that. You probably eat something every day that was handled by a homosexual. Even packaged foods at the grocery store - handled by gays. So your best option is to KYS
lol noooope
Those chances aren’t low at all. I worked in a diner when younger, people got cut all the time prepping food
360 and walk
Kek'd and check'd
According to the CDC, HIV infected blood in saliva will last only a short time.
So if one of these fuckers spits in your food, and you have, say, something like a bleeding gum issue that day (because you're too neckbearded to brush your fucking teeth), you have a chance of catching it.
Fear sharing food with someone HIV positive? No.
Fear someone HIV positive handling sharp objects in very close proximity to your food? A little yeah.
It's still an extremely small chance but it's a small chance of a life destroying, deadly disease you could have easily avoided.
nope, nope, nope
call it what you will, but if my chances of getting hiv are even 1/10 000 greater then its just a big fat nope
It's HIV Delicious!