Oh gee golly gee. When he gets attacked by the left and death threats from celebrities and every other communist goon shitbag in the universe, the man actually fights back.
Oh the horror. The shame.
Oh gee golly gee. When he gets attacked by the left and death threats from celebrities and every other communist goon shitbag in the universe, the man actually fights back.
Oh the horror. The shame.
>It's okay to be a piece of shit because I say other people are pieces of shit.
You sound well adjusted, OP.
You sound like a leftist cuck
Thanks for proving my point at least.
kek shitskins btfo
Shut up faggot fuck. You’re stupidity is ruining this beautiful world
Sounds to me like reality is ruining your ideal white world.
Whomp whomp.
Reality of communists and shitbag democrats letting in illegals to invade the US? Yea I’m not putting up with that.
What Trump said was 100% true
>What Trump said was 100% true
Imagine believing a single word coming out of Trump's mouth.
Hey man, if you're a racist asshole be a racist asshole. Quit hiding behind Yea Forums and Trump like a pussy.
>Not wanting concentration camps at the border
Yup, user was right. You're fucked in the head.
I’m not a racist, but I’m a very proud xenophobe and nationalist. I could give a shit less what your skin color is, all that matters to me is where you’re coming from and what you believe.
I’m not a racist.
The old "I'm not a racist but..."
What’s your point exactly?
That's cool. Could you actually support your Nation's values system then? You can support practical immigration policies without resorting to extremes.
Your phobia is your problem, not America's. Most likely it is a crutch to deflect from the obvious racism you've embraced.
An oldie but a good, amirite?
"I'm not racist but fuck people who aren't white"
Lol, disgusting bitch on the right
I don’t embrace racism, I think racism is repulsive. I served in the military and some of the finest human beings I ever met were black, hispanic, asian and all other races.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with race and those who say that are liars. Is has to do with our laws and allegiance to the US
Shut the fuck up black boi
Every day I love Trump more and more. What a fucking cat that man has thrown amongst the pigeons. I wish I could vote twice for him, in 2020.
if you have to tell someone you aren't racist likely its racist.
similar to ending something with "suck ma dick"
it adds so much context to who you are deep down
Wow, the largest political figure in the world gets criticism by other politicians and threats by angsty teens on twitter.
So he responds with confirming every rational persons belief.
Trump: Why don't you go back to the country you came from.
Trump: Why don't we get more people from countries like Norway.
Yep. This is the guy.
Thats because people from Norway generally don’t rape women, kill entire families in minivans while driving drunk, join gangs, deal drugs and generally be shitbags.
>Nothing to do with race
Bull. Fucking. Shit. Your head is up your ass if you think this.
>Our laws and allegiances to the US
You mean the laws being ignored, or the allegiances being dissolved?
>rational people
>bigots and xenophobes
pick one.
Yea the left is ignoring the fucking laws about immigration, and left-wing socialist bitches in congress hate the US.
You are fucking retarded.
Maybe so. But I’m right
And you know it.
So gonna go out on a limb and assuming you watch Faux News for your source of daily happenings?
Ah, you're the special kind of retarded that doesn't grasp how being retarded makes you think retarded things.
You are wrong. America was founded by immigrants, and the entire point of having a elected governing body here is to SERVE THE FUCKING PEOPLE, not idiotic bigoted ideologies based on fear.
Actually I watch CNN, MSNBC and Fox News all about the same amount. I do like Tucker Carlson and Fox & Friends
Is there a point to why you’re asking?
Stalin fought the Nazis. Doesn't make him any less of a communist.
pretty sure that's the smog.
your racist persona and ignorance to someone clearly debating you on your views was a starting point...
fox and friends aren't news. that's like saying you get your news from the view.
The narrative being pushed that Trump said "go back where you came from" in the sense of "we don't want your kind here" is ludicrous. What he actually said was more in line with "if you know how to fix countries, go fix the ones your families fled from"
>we treated barack obama like shit for 8 years,now please treat our president nice
If you really think progressives are looking to an outdated, disproven model like Communism, you're being willfully ignorant.
Actually America was founded by slave owners on a conquest to own more land and more wealth.
Kinda funny how you faggots go bashing the founding fathers for that and at the same time (whenever Trump tweets hurt your feelings) you gush about what great things the founding fathers did to make America more diverse and inclusive.
Irony abounds
more like cucker carlson
also,you immigration crying trumptards only get your news from trump's twitter account.it wasnt the democrats who created the term "fake news"it was you retards
The only thing Trump actually knows how to do anymore is Tweet, and it serves as the closest thing to a direct link to what he's thinking about.
Posting stupid racist bullshit is still posting stupid racist bullshit. Stop trying to change the narrative, when you know he's a bigoted fuckstain.
You need to whine harder and faster than ever before when Tucker comes on tonight and defends the president. If you don’t, you’ll disappoint me
This isn't the fucking 50s anymore. Calling someone a communist is like calling them a carpetbagger and expecting people to care.
Graham has probably called someone a carpetbagger as an insult, to be fair.
Fear comes from ignorance.
Knowledge comes from experience.
They are absolutely communists. They just call themselves socialists because communist still sounds icky to rational people.
>Irony abounds
It's definitely ironic when someone decides to purposefully misrepresent America's founding principles in order to support his argument that America was founded on slavery instead.
The irony is that you pretend to be "patriotic" while in reality you're a white guy who doesn't want a level playing field.
>stop trying to change the narrative back to the truth from the false narrative the leftist media outlets already worked so hard to manipulate!
What did Trump mean by telling people born in the USA to go back to their own countries?
This is correct, until you apply the fear as a way to modify people's experiences.
Definitely ironic that the left could give a flying fuck less about a dead black baby that was just aborted but they go on a war path to get illegal immigrant kids rooms at the Hilton Hotel
Trump is righteous and the hand of God almighty is upon him. See, there is a thing called eschatology, look it up and be wise.
If your head is so far up your own ass that you can't grasp the concept, no amount of me calling you a faggot is going to change it.
You may not be a racist, but you sure as fuck don't mind the ideals, and you support them.
>you are stupidity
Why does the left think it makes sense to look to the founding fathers as the perfect example of immigrants coming to the country and making it great, while simultaneously demonizing them and tearing down statues of them because nothing they did can ever make up for owning slaves? It's almost like they are saying they don't want immigrants if they bring shitty practices with them.
How about we get the kids out of cages instead?
if you can think of a better place for them, I'm all ears. They don't have the facilities to humanely board them and Trump made it very clear they would not be allowed in...but they came anyway and their countries let them.
Well we have to put them somewhere. Wanna go down there and build a warehouse to put all 2 million of them in? I’ll go with you to help
Oh, wait.
They’ve already been built.
Nice straw man, I'm sure it keeps the right colored crows away.
You losers actually argue over politics lol you sound exactly like the christians do. Please keep your garbage opinions to yourself, you dont have nearly enough brains or experience to criticize any politician for their decisions. Do your part and pay taxes and stfu nobody cares what you think
so i shouldnt believe that gays should stop being killed all over the world? i shouldnt believe in helping our people?
It's not a strawman. They shit on the founding fathers for being slave owners to the point of claiming everything they did was invalid because slavery was happening. (Betsy Ross Flag = Nazi Flag)
And yet they attempt to appeal to the people who respect and honor the founding fathers by referring to them as immigrants, implying that all the mexicans trying to hop the border could potentially be of as much value to the nation as Thomas Jefferson.
A true story to put things perspective I was a sailor in the US navy. We hit a liberty port in Mombasa Kenya. Beautiful place. First day all the black sailors rushed off the boat. Of course talking about the motherland and such. I went out also had a great time beautiful people and country. Wouldn't let me buy a drink or pay for my food. Fast forward to day 2. None of the black sailors were going to shore. I went to the same restaurant I ate at before. and asked the bartender why. His answer was simple. I'm African,the white man at the end of the bar he's African. They are Americans why do they want to be on my team. Hell I want to be American. moral of the story. we're all on the same team like it or not. The least we can do is try and act like it.
It’s almost as if they are saying the movement of people is okay but treating people as lesser than others is not.
Why don't you go the way of spronsten and liberate these so called concentration camps? You won't cause you're a faggot that's all talk.
>America was founded by White immigrants
1.im not whining
2.i dont watch mainstream media in general.and it has nothing to do with trump,i just find myself more happy when i dont see depressing bullshit on the news everyday
>they are absolutely communists
>even though my definition of communism isnt the same as the real definition of communism
>"And for this volk"
>"And for the sake of this volk"
>"We shall struggle and fight!"
>"And never loose courage"
>"And never slaken"
>"And never loose faith"
Sounds rather Nationalistic and Socialistic to me user.
He's not really much of a man though
I mean just look at those tiny hands
>implying Trump isn't antiwhite
niggers get out
Go back to /pol
Ha! Got eem.
Get cucked libfags
Sweetcheeks the libcucks are the only ones affraid. That and the illegals. But yall should be. Fuck yall
Half the left does tho
Well, to be fair trump is a badass and obama is a cunt illegal alien
Its mental gymnastics. You cant compete in a game with no rules. They are all mentally ill.
>when an orange man shitposting page is more relevant than leftist media
Looks terrible
>implying Trump is racist
Trump is an antiwhite Jewish Supremacist. Neither of you will EVER get what you want from your respective parties. Republicans will NEVER end immigration and Democrats will NEVER challenge capitalism or initiate redistribute wealth to the people. The Republicans will keep doing amnesty and bringing in more migrants and the Democrats will keep giving money to Jewish health insurance scams instead of just cresting a single payer system.
what he meant is the countries(heritage) which they came from need more fixing than America, so they should go back and fixed those countries so that hundred millions of brown/black people will enjoy a better life.
you gotta be outta your fucking mind. thats is a life well lived in that photo.
So here’s my take on Trump.
>be me, humble civil servant with a small 401k type investment thing.
Under Obama, made meh gains.
Under Trump, FUCKING SKYROCKETS under his economic plan.
As a result, he could literally fuck the immigrants all to death on live television and I would vote for him, even if he was running against actual Jesus Christ himself.
Butthurt soibois and sobbing feminists are just the cherry on top.
Lol Hypocrite
LOL. Maybe he can help
I'm looking for that white privilege everyone says I have.
Tell their useless leech parents to leave then in their own country.
You wont have a choice
>YOU'RE stupidity
Fucking hell, dude. Are you even trying?
Jewish control of congress will end soon.
You're racist
You could, but then you'd be a democrat.
People like you are gonna be first against the wall
Nah I’m not a professional victim so I’ll be just fine
Gotta put down the silent for more than 20 seconds user. U ain't gonna do shit
Sage all hasbarat threads.
Almost like we value existing lives more than potential lives. Huh, how about that?
They both have the same orange skin color, tbh.
Gains will be wiped out before 2020 election. Mark my words. They ((())) will crash the market and blame Trump. I guess then, we go back to gold standard.
>tweets are now "fighting back"
Blindfold, bullet tot he head, a mass grave. Count on it.
Based Graham. Who knew a limp wristed faggot with a girls name had the balls to call out those commie whores.
“Attacked by the left”
Is that a problem for you, snowflake?
JFK tried to convert back to money from currency...
Jackson tried to convert back to money from currency...
This is the 4th iteration of a private central bank on this continent. Wont be the last. Gold standard is dead unfortunately.
>the man actually fights back
Just another way that he's not like Obama.
Are you trying to tell me Norwegians can safely drive drunk?
Yep. and no one deals drugs there either. No one, he said.
>Why don't we get more people from countries like Norway.
I don’t think so
Big words from a faggot who probably pisses themselves at the mere mention of a gun.
But they were born here? They are elected representatives here? they are trying to improve here? I dont understand this argument. It's just changing the topic
republicans be all like
>we should kick all them colored people outta ma country!
this is OK
democrats be like
>we should copy 'dem other white only countries that do things better then we do!
user, you don't understand. There are no other countries that do better than the USA. High average happiness, low crime, low percentage of people below the poverty line. These statistics are all lies because there is no country greater than the USA
Those filthy whores need to go back to their shit hole countries
end yourself
imagine being so retarded that you get swindled by fucking donald trump
please dont procreate
>attacked by the other 2/3 of America
>their shit hole countries
yep, Murica has been pretty shitty these past couple of years
All in good time
Hey dipshit, did the left send any bombs to the right? No? How about running them over with a car. No? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
the argument is simple and you understand it well, though you try to feign ignorance so you can continue hating him.
itt republicans are dumbfucks and op proves it
I too throw a huge retarded baby tantrum that lasts for weeks when people say absolutely true things about me, using my own words as evidence.
he cant even get the salute right. you have all fingers pointing out, not just the index.
i would never wish violence on anyone, because that is morally reprehensible
and the more i hear from aoc and her little possie of newbies, the more i realize that i would laugh a little bit if somebody took them out
stupid whores
Immigrants are statistically more law abiding user...
There's so many of them of course there will be anecdotes to the opposite. And of course you're too stupid to realise all fox/trump has to do is pick the one bad apple and plaster him on Facebook ans the news and you're fucking sold.
there are no concentration camps at the border
though i wish there were
fuck every single man woman and child who crosses our border illegally, not one of them deserves to be here
so I'm racist because I don't want 5,000,000 white germans crossing our southern border illegally any more than i don't want 5,000,000 central americans crossing our southern border illegally?
what the actual fuck are you talkign about?
anyone who crosses our border illegally should be shot dead on sight
fuck them, go to the main point of entry or don't cross the border, it's fucking easy
Time to Roll, faggots. Be a man.
You'll get got just the same, we've got the numbers
You're racist, yes.
But have you got the balls? Oh wait, you cut those off. Faggot.
The problem isn't how any president is treated, its how you all think in this retarded team mentality with shit like "our president". Theyre all "our president", you just might disagree with some of their views.
People used to understand this.
Pretending that leftists are blue haired dykes and pussies in chastity locks is part of the same fantasy conservatives have that lets them believe they arent mostly just fat losers who dream about owning a jetski and drive around the suburbs in oakleys with sausage sized rolls of fat at the back of their necks.
I can just smell the gunsmoke in these threads. This is never going to end without a fight. Settle it, once and for all.
Oh gee...the guy does stupid shit and gets called out on it and somehow that justifies his bullshit?
OP, you are a true retard.
We actually have practical,immigration policies. No one follows them.
Germans and slurred Americans are a race, you colossal faggot
Southern Americans
>It's definitely ironic when someone decides to purposefully misrepresent America's founding principles
I cant even fucking help it, its so funny because you cant even see your own hypocrisy.
LITERALLY the biggest issue surrounding the unification of the states was slavery, which directly resulted in the 3/5 rule. It was the compromise that got the south to sign.
Also you people are comparing immigrants from hundreds of years ago to today. Back then an immigrant endured a several months trip by ship, with horrible conditions, to come to a country with no infrastructure and hopefully build a better life for themselves and be free.
Now it is the opposite. People come here because life is comparably easy and they can milk the system. Not all obviously, but welfare housing is a big step up compared to a 3rd world slum.
So, you are doing the same thing when you call an illegal an immigrant and compare them to immigrants that founded this country. I would take lots more of the latter, but too many of the former will collapse the system.
ok racist
Nope, they are saying the movement of people is only ok if they become slaves when they get here.
Donald Tump .....more like Dickald Dimpfff
Leftist cuck... More like smoldering corpse.
>>implying Trump is racist
>Trump is an antiwhite Jewish Supremacist
wait, are you trying to say jews can't be racists?
Well that's the thing isn't it. Socialism will only work if the supporters outweigh the takers. It seems this only happens in successful countries with overwhelming white populations.
Probably a total fluke though... I mean we're all the same, right?
Immigrants in general or illegal immigrants? One by definition is already breaking the law...
But they are spewing anti America rhetoric on a daily basis. If they don't like this country or it's policies, they can get out. Don't try changing it into a 3rd world cesspool where their parents came from.
Trump is 100% correct
We should get rid of all niggers and non-christians
Citizens or not
This is a white christian nation
Can I get a sample of this anti-america rhetoric?
I fucking love how triggered AOC makes you cunts.
They are being manipulated to think that ideology that is serve to them is not continuation of communistic program
Then they aren't very practical are they?
They want nothing less than leadership and demographic change. The same goals as an invading force.
>Xenophobia in 2019
The world is mixing and you'll never be able to stop it. Just remember that while you cling to your tinfoil hat.
>No Concentration Camps
Just because we aren't executing them en masse, doesn't make it any less of a concentration camp, faggot.
Go hump a flag.
>Country of immigrants
>but only white people matter
Clearly you meant the lady on the left is a great American compared to the racist rapist fascist on the left.
A white country, tolerant of legal immigrants. Being taken advantage of and subverted.
That can't be true as the only people who commit political crimes are republicans.
Didn't one of your fags get domed yesterday for throwing bombs?
Jews are worse than all other stains of this world.
Trump should take his foreigner bride and their anchor babies back to Russia.
Trump is correct. Those cunts are at the very least socialist if not full blown communists and they hate America as it currently is.
Trump made a valid point that if they hate the US they could just leave. Maybe if they did leave they could learn first hand about immigration laws and border controls. They may also come to appreciate America more.
See how long AOC lasts in a Mexican ghetto pretending to cry over illegal immigrants while wearing a Gucci watch.
Fuck those cunts. I'm not even American. I'm Irish and can't stand these fucking identity politics marxists
Yea, poor poor white people. The struggle is real, huh?
Is that why the right-wing states utilize a disproportionate amount of welfare services? Oh wait, those aren't white folks though, right? All the white folks are definitely working 9-5s and contributing to society, sure. Rural America is dying, factory jobs are disappearing and unskilled laborers are going to be utterly fucked. Where are most of these jobs? RED STATES. Wonder what'll happen to the welfare numbers then?
You are clinging desperately to a promise of the "good old days" coming back, and that's fucking impossible. Humanity is not going to reverse engineer itself to keep things exactly as they are. Technology has exploded, and humans are still trying to wrangle with the consequences. One outcome guaranteed never to happen is "we'll go back to the way it was before!" We're not going to magically reinstate slavery and purge non-whites, and you're fucking retarded if you think we ever would.
Immigration reform is never going to happen to anyone's satisfaction, because neither side will budge. So look at it practically.
Whites are already the minority. People of color are already competing and BEATING white folks for jobs, scholarships, etc etc. They're marrying, fucking, raising kids, going to whatever stupid events, and living life. There's already multiple generations of mixed race families, and globalization isn't going to slow it down.
Trump isn't going to change that, even mass deporting illegal immigrants isn't going to magically undo the last few generations of human beings.
Sorry about your luck. Feel free to return to your bubbles and false realities.
>Is that why the right-wing states utilize a disproportionate amount of welfare services?
Socialism and communism are not the same thing, faggot.
The only America you accept is a whites-only America and that shit is well past dead and gone. Grow the fuck up.
Trump's being a bigoted shitsipper in order to rile up the bottom 28% of our IQ curve.
As opposed to Dr. Covefefe?
Nice try.
Pic Related, it's a snip from the link.
Venezuela is the most oil rich country on the planet. It only has a pop. of 32 million.
They ate all the zoo animals and now rats are the most common protein.
Not one Dem will even talk bad about Maduro.
If libtards think nothing is wrong with Venezuela. What makes you think they should run the USA.
Libtard logic is a race to the bottom
What in the fuck does Venezuela have to do with fucking anything, you colossal faggot?
Keep trying to deflect and distract though.
Fuck you.
here is the fact.
>if if if if if if if okeydokey
Fucking whut.
There's no way to actually calculate that without insane extrapolation. Testing the first four "links" cited lead to nowhere but 404.
In other words, your "fact" is nothing but shit.
go choke on a hamberder faggot.
>BEATING white folks for jobs
lmao no, they are getting their affirmative action check mark. It isn't hard when the government says you have to hire a brown person because you already hired too many qualified white people.
Because dumb shit-tards like you want to bring it to the US.
How come you want to bring millions from shithole countries here but wont talk about the source of the problem.
That's my President!
>Affirmative Action
Oh boy here we go again.
Preventing discrimination is not forcing employment. Grow up.
he fights? HE? I am shaking, in laughter. he's a moron.
Here's a great example of that. Goggle released this with an apology, for not doing more...
A leftist that argues with you is not actually acting like a cuck....you do realize what a cuck is right?
Yeah let's just let the slide continue, fuck trying to take it back to good times right? Kys degenerate
What in the fuck are you talking about?
Do you mean immigrants or some shit?
Is this what Trumples believe?
Are you fucking retarded??
Or is this the socialism thing? Because their shit is broken by corruption, same as ours. So your point is that both systems are bullshit?
If you have to hire people based on anything other than the ability to preform the job. That is true discrimination.
Actually, manufacturing in other countries has steadily gotten more and more expensive because (as expected) countries that manufacture things economies grow and their people flourish. They demand higher wages and the jobs move.
My prediction is that as a country becomes more brown it inevitably fails. The US seems to be following that path, along with france and the uk.
Good Old Times are dead, faggot.
Jesus goddamn tittyfucking Christ.
was that clear?
Can all of you treasonous fucksticks go hang yourselves?
>actually fights back.
He's not fighting back. He's lashing out, to get your vote. Because you're a retarded racist who falls for pandering every single time, no matter what the context. He doesn't even NEED to have a pretext. You'll literally invent one FOR him, such as
>death threats from celebrities
to excuse any kind of filth that flies out of his fucking mouth.
Oh golly gee whiz, you mean you actually have to be held accountable for the shit you say?! What a fucking shocker. Welcome to being an adult, champ. Your actions will have consequences that you'll have to face
Ok, so the left attacks him for being a shitty racist leader, how does he respond? By acting like a shitty racist leader....
>You're not letting me discriminate! DAT'S DISCRIMINATION
its fairly easy to look up welfare and income statistics by race and do some quick math, but we both know you won't like the answers that gives.
go airdrop $800m cash to the iranians, nigger
Does your mommy know you are on the computer again? she must be busy making chick tendies for you.
You are such a dumb fag you think socialism and the US system are the same. I dont blame you I blame your dumb libtard public school system.
Affirmative Action policies begins way before employment
Today on "let me just cherry pick the right data out of context so I can present an actual argument"
If you gotta dig that far, you lost.
It really isn't but you're a moron so you'll only believe what comes out of your master's mouth.
All them Niggers and Spicks need to get the fuck out.
The right tries and fails again to meme.
Someone needs his diaper changed, he doesn't seem to grasp the actual concepts of socialism and how it functions in a democracy.
Go back to Russia if you want someone's dick to suck so badly.
Conflicts like these, are solved with war. Is that clear?
Whites too! Native Americans ONLY
How about letting a brown person into med school with lower test scores? That sure seems like discriminating against non brown people to me.
Also why when I see a brown doctor I assume they arent as smart as a white one.
Fucking Obooma gives all that money to ISIS pimping Iran. Not one libtard says a thing about it.
Good luck fighting a war on nonwhites when the majority of the world isn't white.
>That sure seems like discriminating against non brown people to me.
You want to know why? Because the majority of the opportunities in your life were given to you based solely on the fact that you are NOT brown. And you'd have no idea, because you take your own privilege for granted.
It's pathetic and sad that laws have to be passed, to prevent people like your boss from hiring you over hiring a minority that they themselves deem "less qualified". You can make the argument that anyone is less qualified than anyone else with a phrase so ambiguous as that. To you, he was less qualified. To him, he wasn't. See how objective that phrase is?
Enjoy your sheltered white existence, faggot. You have no idea how hard it is for people who DONT look like you. That must be nice. I wouldn't fucking know.
He doesn't get death threats. Republicans are the psychotic pieces of garbage that commit mass shootings, not democrats. Also, even if he did, he responds the way fucking petulant children respond to someone being mean to them. Get over it you fucking retarded manbaby. You know, like every other president has done. This is why republicans shouldn't be allowed to vote. You're all the most inept dipshits on earth.
I really feel as though I could explain it to you and you still wouldnt get it so I'll save myself the time.
You dont need to cherry pick shit, you just use some readily available govt sources lmao.
>he doesn't seem to grasp the actual concepts of socialism and how it functions in a democracy.
Tell me some more libtard fairy tales. There is not one time socialism has ever worked outside of a libtard college classroom.
That's a fucking strawman, and a shitty one at that.
You're using extremes like most racists. "Here let me come up with a hypothetical to use instead of logic or reason"
Except in this case it's even more retarded because that's not how affirmative actions works.
You're mad about brown people? Too bad.
Fuck yeah, I love Trump and I hate these stupid cunts he's referring to. Worthless pieces of shit.
Oh look, it's THIS line of bullshit again.
People love to say that liberals are triggered and have been since 2016, but the racist faggots in the GOP haven't stopped crying about 2008.
LOL'ing @ no niggers and turbo asians
Jesus imagine having this small of a worldview.
asians need to score higher than white to be admitted, so your reasoning is moot, the real reason is because of their lower intelligence.
Affirmative action is mainly race based.
Stating something that didn't happen and calling it TREASON is not treason. It means you're fucking retarded.
>asians need to score higher than white to be admitted
And you DONT see how racist that fucking is? That is literally a double standard you just linked me to, in an effort to defend your own racial bias against Asians. Can you see where your logic is fucking up? I sincerely hope so. Maybe it's YOU that needed to earn high scores, so you'd learn how to reason properly. There should be a single set of requirements across the board, and once those are met the person is officially AS qualified as every other applicant submitted. Period. There should not be a lower standard for white people to meet, and a higher standard for minorities. That in itself, is racist.
Calls giving terrorist a cool billion in cash(so you cant trace it) some ole bullshit.
But thinks Trump was elected because of Russia
So is white privilege, what's your point?
>Be Trump
>People be mean with jabbing truths
>Make up total lies about those people and stoke extremist racism and hope that your followers will just come out and start executing your enemies
weird since the only verified double voters in the last election were white trash republicans
Democracies all over the world implement socialism to varying degrees, and with great success. You don't seem to understand that democracy is a form of government, while socialism is economic and implemented by that government. They can coexist. I do not want a country that is overwhelminly socialist, but I appreciate many social programs. I'm sure you do, too, even if you don't realize it. Socialism is not immoral, no matter what Been Shapiro says. In fact, socialism promotes the tenants of most religions. We have a democracy. We can try whatever we want. Why is it that when someone says, "Maybe we should try doing things to look out for each other a bit more?," you act as though they said they want to rape your grandmother in the ass?
Oh, what a surprise, youre brown defending the practice of discriminating for brown people.
I have had 0 opportunities given to me because im not brown. Actually I missed several because I didn't check a box.
Joke, right? He is implying that other countries are shitholes incapable of being fixed, so just go back there and never come back. What amazing spin, faggot.
Small world view?
Do you know of some large world where this dumb shit you push has worked?
Fuck off with your small world socialist fairy tales.
I call bullshit because your spin on it is bullshit.
GOP Diplomacy is what? War?
>why when I see a brown doctor I assume they arent as smart as a white one.
Probably because you're racist. Also, questions end with a question mark, not a period. I bet those brown doctors know that.
> see how racist that fucking is
tell that to the liberals/democrats that still insist on affirmative action policies.
Someone's afraid of brown people!
What? That is exactly how affirmative action works. Are you really this dumb? I am getting excited about the possibility. Good bait 10/10
I am Native American STUPID !
And I’d rather have whites than any filthy stinking Niggers any day.
>you do realize what a cuck is right?
your dad, right?
Your worldview is tiny because you literally only care about White Americans, when you share a planet with 7 billion people.
Fuck off with your inability to grasp big concepts.
>Trump said it works this way so it works this way!
Congratulations on getting married OP, your wife looks beautiful!
We shouldn't NEED affirmative action to get employers, or colleges, to treat applicants equally. Or to compensate for their racist practices. Affirmative action levels the playing field, and you think its boosting them up specifically because you didn't realize how further down the ladder they were than you are.
I'm sure to you, the privileged white boy from perfect suburbia, it would look like they're getting privileges. But in reality, they're being given the same ones that you have. And you think that them getting more means you have less. When really, it just means you're both getting the same amount. Now you get to see just how stark the difference between the two actually was. Everything they get now, is everything you get automatically JUST because you're white, and for no other fucking reason.
Asians get the dick harder than whites in things like college. Wrong in either case. Also why faggots like arguments fall completely apart. Im not mad about brown people, im mad that they are preferentially giving one group of people an advantage, sponsored by the government.
Unironically this
>except for the suburbia parts, these cretins come from all walks.
The nazis called themselves socialists, but they weren't.
AOC and friends call themselves socialists, but they aren't.
How is this a hard concept?
Deflect and project more.
not ghetto enough for you, obviously
Which is why I ended the only question there with a question mark. You must be brown with a low IQ. Let me rephrase that sentence so you can understand it.
"The reason I assume that black doctors aren't as smart as their white counterparts is because affirmative action probably landeded them that position." See? No question mark because no question.
But we both know you bitching about my grammar is just deflecting at this point.
And considering I work with brown doctors, no they often don't, believe it or not.
>I'm not mad about brown people
>I just can't have them on a level playing field.
Are you familiar with the country of Spain?
You're right, theybrebranded it as socialism, progressivism, and liberalism, as a means to achieve authoritarianism/totalitarianism
>keep deflecting
>no deflection
It's starting to make sense why you like communism
Do you need me to provide a link?
"Affirmative action describes policies that support members of a disadvantaged group through education, employment, or housing that have suffered past discrimination" first line on wikipedia
I can also show that AA allows minorities to get med school spots over more qualified people of other races? What are you saying doesn't work that way?
only for you retarded crybaby communist liberals. why don't you leave if you hate it so much.
Why would you assume Affirmative Action, a program based in protecting all races from discrimination in employment, is the only conceivable way they could have become a doctor?
It's probably because you're a racist?
Calling someone racist doesn't have the weight it did in 2016. A lot of libs I know have backed off criticizing Trump as the economy stays on track, and though they're loathe to admit it, many like the fact that he's trying to stop mass immigration. The issues that were important to libs in 2016 just don't exist at the same magnitude. People are more or less content; unless the economy goes south, Trump gets back in.
I just care about Americans but you jump to racism(the libtard tactic).
If you care about 7 billion other people so much. Go fix their fucked up countries.
The US cant "fix" the whole fucking planet. What dont you understand about that?
If everyone in your neighborhood wants to eat at your house every night. Just because you work and have food. When you ask them why they dont work? they just say they dont want to and you are racist. See how that works? The US is not the world police
Yes, there are brown people there too. You'd better stay away or one might touch you.
What do you call presenting a strawman designed to distract me as an argument?
I call it deflection. The projection comes from the authoritarian (Nazi) element that you'd prefer.
It doesn't treat them equally you literal fucking moron, that's the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT.
It is like an entire race (or several), going yep, we fucking suck... were just going to need you guys to pick some of us even if were all completely worthless, because we know we can't compete on a level playing field.
Are you literally that pathetic? Is your entire race that worthless? That the BEST of you cant compete with the shittiest white person?
Missing my point on purpose is not an argument.
I can greentext too faggot
>level playing field
>accept brown people with lower scores
So which do you want?
I can't imagine OP understands much of anything.
Regardless of how you feel about his politics, he does ruthlessly dunk on his opponent's when they talk shit
>That the BEST of you cant compete with the shittiest white person?
Its not a matter of competition. You only THINK you're literally better than everyone else around you.
What's going on here, is that you have no black or minority friends. So you don't see what inequality actually looks like. To you, both races started off equal. To ACTUAL minorities who actually know what the fuck they're talking about because its their life every single day, they're finally getting the same amount of opportunity that you are.
You took off at the starting line, and they're just now getting to that same starting line. Now you're pissed that they get to run the same race that you do, because you think they got a head start. When really, its YOU that had the head start the entire fucking time.
Let me know if I need to reword this yet again so it'll finally sink into that thick, "superior" skull of yours. Fucking cunt. If you were so damn smart, this wouldn't be fucking rocket science to comprehend.
The criminals endangering their children's life aren't being very practical.
They don't have lower scores. You yourself posted literal fucking evidence that they're being asked to SURPASS THE SCORES that you yourself have to achieve. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT ACHIEVES LOWER SCORES AND GETS MORE OPPORTUNITY.
how do they get the meat patties so firm and even
No, its because statistically speaking, it probably is.
They probably got their med school spot over a more qualified white/Asian... which literally means that were it not for AA, they wouldn't be a doctor. If AA weren't a thing, I would assume they are a very smart person who worked hard got straight A's in college and studied their ass off and got a good mcat score, but that's just not reality... They probably got their med school spot with a 3.0 gpa, where a white/Asian would be laughed out of the interview room with that gpa.
>Accept brown people with lower scores
Why is this the only possible outcome for you?
This is the ONLY argument I ever fucking see from you faggots.
It is the ONLY recurring point you can attempt to make and it's been shut down repeatedly. Affirmative Action does so fucking much more than "dick down whitey", but the only argument is "but the scores may be lower"
You are fucking CLINGING to the past and hoping the metrics still apply and the fucking DON'T. Affirmative Action was established to protect people, not attack whites.
Just fucking admit to yourself that you're racist, Christ.
True, imagine what they must be fleeing to come to a concentration camp in the US.
Please just stop this. Trump is a slightly richer, slightly whiter Obama. This board used to be the best site on the Internet until you zoomer cucks showed up to make it stormfront lite. Yea Forums used to be the place you went when you realized that most faggots were just giant ducking faggots. Democrats, Rebublicans, they were all just fucking faggots. STOP RUINING MY Yea Forums
-faggot born in the late 1980s
But it's futile. They're literally incapable of imagining the plights of others, because they have no empathy for anyone who isn't white, like themselves. They're narcissists, and if they can't see themselves in others then those others are not human beings anymore. They don't deserve rights because they're not like them. Its sad.
Ignoring the real world is not a argument.
I have no fucking clue what your point was?
All you cried about was socialism is great and white man bad
I just cringe so hard on how the summarize a tweet like that into:
A lot of trap thread posters in here.
The man "fights back" by revealing, yet again, that he believes people are defined by their ancestral backgrounds — that someone who was born in Somalia deserves a share of group blame for the failures of other, distinct, Somalis.
The man is a bigot. Those who deny this are fooling themselves.
LOL i like how you assume that because I am white I had some type of extra opportunity.
I really wonder if minorities think that theres like this big white person club where we're laughing about all the oppression we can do on the daily.
>You bitches should all go back to your own countries!
>Only one of us was born outside the US, the rest are from here
>Durrrr I'm not racist for assuming darker skinned people aren't natural born Americans, YOU'RE all da REEL racists becauuuse, ummmm, mumble mumble(lol it doesn't matter, my suckers will believe anything I tell them to)
so native Americans and the black people that were brought here by WHITE AMERICANS don't count?
>really wonder if minorities think that theres like this big white person club where we're laughing about all the oppression we can do on the daily.
The fact that you CANT see the white boy club, means that you're so far into it you can't see any other color. Take it from me, someone who lives the life you're just now GUESSING AT, white boys do hire other white boys, which is why congress is JUST NOW seeing women and minorities getting elected. After what, 300 years of existence? And a slavery era? And a civil rights movement? And racial segregation?
It's pretty fucking hilarious that you're this ignorant, to be honest. Even when someone flat out tells you the reality that they have to live through every day of their lives, you still manage to talk yourself out of it by saying IM The one who doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Even though this is my fucking life, and I'm speaking from literal personal experience.
You can take my word for it.
You literally have no fucking clue what you're talking about right now. I promise.
Well, when you pull out the stats
Why are anti trumps always so fucking blind??
thats not what was said at all
Uh, yes they do, look at the pictures again (which I didn't post btw). The only one higher than whites is Asian. And I agree that Asians as well as whites and anyone else should get in on merit.
I know you are trying desperately to make a coherent point, but even making the argument that an Asian was discriminated against doesn't mean that a white had more opportunity. In fact, it almost 100% guarantees that a Mexican or black is getting that Asian's spot, and not a white person.
>It's okay to respond to a piece of shit because other people are pieces of shit.
>Affirmative Action does so fucking much more than "dick down whitey"
At least were now admitting that it exists primarily to dick down whitey and the other benefits are negligible.
Oh I will don't worry about that. I'll just watch the US burn from another great place.
>I know you are trying desperately to make a coherent point
What I'm doing is literally fucking repeating myself until the message finally sinks into your thick skull. That's what I'm doing.
PROOF WAS POSTED THAT MORE IS BEING ASKED OF A MINORITY THAN A WHITE MAN. That means YOU don't have to work as hard as a minority does, which means YOU are the one getting privileges that the OTHERS DONT HAVE. Because IF THEY DID, YOUD BOTH HAVE THE SAME REQUIREMENTS. BUT YOU DONT. You get in for much less than they do, which means YOU GET OPPORTUNITIES THEY DONT.
How many fucking different ways do you need me to say this, you fucking moron?
>He doesn't even NEED to have a pretext. You'll literally invent one FOR him, such as
>death threats from celebrities
Sure kid
>Trump: Why don't you go back to the country you came from.
you missed out on the rest, which is substantial
Trump: Why don't you go back to the country you came from and fix it there then come back here and tell us how its done.
I can imagine and sympathize. It doesn't mean that I want to live in those shitholes. Why do you think they are shitholes? What is the ONE defining thing you can say of all shitholes?
>implying whites would have to rely on numbers alone
>vs third worlders not knowing how to technology
The Moors ruled over Europe for almost 800 years.
I dont hear whites crying about it everyday.
I grew up poor and white. There is no fucking white boy club.
If you think businesses want to hire based on skin color you are crazy. They want to be able to hire the best person. Should sports teams have to hire Yea Forums keyboard jockeys to be on the team? Just because somebody says its fair
95% of this thread is literally one unhinged leftist screeching and samefagging like a pathetic woman about "muh wacism", and these faggots wonder why normal people want to see them strung up from lamp posts
Someone doesn't grasp ironic quotation marks, huh?
OH, I am sorry, I didn't realize your experience was worth more than mine... I forgot im arguing with a liberal (I am not a repub either faggot).
Well from someone living the great white life that youre only guessing at, let me tell you, based on my super awesome beats all your experience times infinity experience, that there is no such thing as white privilege, its a made up thing by butthurt faggots that like to larp that their failures aren't their own fault.
Sorry I had to be the one to break that news to you, but this is my fucking life, and I am speaking from personal fucking experience and you don't know shit. Also I am older than you which obviously means that my infinity experience is multiplied by my age.
>Implying whites are masters of technology
no nigger im just messing with you
And yet here you are throwing a bitch fit.
>Should sports teams have to hire Yea Forums keyboard jockeys to be on the team? Just because somebody says its fair
basketball DOES have an unreasonably large percentage of black people