Meet the main character of every single movie coming out in the next 10 years

Meet the main character of every single movie coming out in the next 10 years.

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Better kill yourself now and spare yourself the rage

Get mad faggot, it's literally just free advertising for hollywood when they kick white people out of white rolea. You think they give a shit about James Bond being played by a negress? They just want right wing sites making butthurt articles and left wing sites making "muh beautiful diversity' articles. All blood for the blood god

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>left wing sites making "muh beautiful diversity' articles.

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>wahhh wahhh wahhh

Funny to think what would happen if people made a movie based on African fairtales and had white actors.

African fairy tales?
Please, elaborate.

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Fucking idk but they exist man. They wouldn't ever be made into movies but it's a hypothetical.

Here’s one

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You know, what really gives me the big think here is if Eric is still white.
>poor undersea black grill gives up her voice and prior life to become a wife to the foreign upperclass white man and get COLONIZED, despite everyone trying to drag her back down with their crab bucket mentality
Should be good for some ironic shitposting at the very least.

t. David Rossner and Chaim Greenblatt

cry more

Wrong. You forgot to swap the gender. It'll be black women, not black men.


and you're on the list

Fuck, OP, if you’d only be born 40 years earlier you could’ve REALLY enjoyed being white! All that shit was MADE for you guys back then, you should’ve seen it!

I don't know why they can't just make new movies with black leads.

Django was awesome, pulp fiction was awesome, American gangster was awesome, just about every will smith movie.

You can't just swap out white characters for black ones and call it progressive. It's lazy.

The only white character who should be swapped out for a black one is the lone Ranger since he's based off a real person (Bass Reeves) who was black but Hollywood didn't think that would fly in America at the time.

Just come up with a new movie that features black leads and be done with it.

Of course then they'll be complaining there's not enough native American leads, or tranny leads etc.

Based and niggerpilled

I blame the stagnation of Hollywood for all that shit. Disney owns prettying much everything these days and will only make sequels and reboots.

It’s a bad time for original stories in film.

Fuck this, next shaft movie needs to have a white lesbian sjw for the lead role

I don't even have a problem with some characters being black. 007 would be rocked by the the likes of Idris Elba. I have way more of a problem with female unoriginal ity.

Well I'll take a Django sequel whenever they're ready.

Little mermaid is black, hope the actress dies

This. You'll see white folks give up theaters because the nogs won't STFU and chimp out en masse, just as whitey has surrendered the bowling alley, Red Lobster and Pappadeaux

Gonnawatch this without a main black actor, first one that dies in the movie is bike thief LOL

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You’re getting cucked hard, whiteboi.

Can’t even enjoy bowling without the black folks scaring you away

Hey, better niggers than women