webm thread. no porn.
Webm thread. no porn
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Kek. That’s pretty great.
Such a shit driver - in the van.
It's like God sent him the cyclist as a warning to slow down, but no, he had to be a dick.
Fucking selfish cunt caused two lorries to crash, because he MISSED HIS TURN, and then he drives off - I hope he's dead rn
Fat & fatter!!
make America great again!
This is fine
i love watching million dollar robots fuck up everything they try to do
hold your phone horizontally you dumb cunt
even elephants know better.
>Look mom! I'm not a virgin no more!
Post fails
>no porn
I don't take orders from darkies.
user vs IRL
The future of europe, well done.
Turn it off and turn it back on again
No kill switch ?
isn't it killing enough people as is??
Instant karma
This is such a perfect juxtaposition of mental illness on opposite ends of the social/political spectrum.
Fucking wheezing
it's like shadow of the colossus
thats dangerous. not designed to be breathed and therefore might have CO in it
now i know how a retard feels when you talk to him
>when the light source is bouncing off the artificial dome just right
copied by Charlot's movie
clearly a woman
Typical tRump supporter
that was so avoidable
most satisfying post all week
Kek drunk bender
anyone else think it's fitting that the monkeys immediately climb into the tree?
Did he died?
Typical retard not knowing the video is fake
>didn't read the filenane
Only a woman or a guy being yelled at by his woman to take the turn could do such a retarded thing
Did she died?
everyone knows the driver of the car is a moron, so let me point this out, the driver of the bike is a fuckwit for not swerving right to steer behind the car to avoid collision.
Yea because you have a motorcycle right? Was he supposed to go in front and let that bitch run him over? Or go behind and hit her anyway because she stopped fucking short like a dumb cunt mid intersection after crossing a lane w no signal
good slave
>I'm up here and I'm really scared.
i have a bicycle...he had like 30 ft to slam on the breaks, and the option of swerving right
Why did I read this in Eric Roberts voice?
Yea because bicycles and motorcycles work anything at all alike.... What a faggot... You can't "slam the breaks" on a motorcycle if you've ever actually ridden one you'd know that its called high siding.
Better than I am at my job
that shit hurt
damn you're right. only a phone poster could be this dumb
>Implying he didn't eat it anyways
I love culture :)
dying light 2 looks good
Blood infections -> death
Hoping the stupid part of the population keep doing dumb shit like that and just self regulates
Did you?
his speed was too high
not really when you consider where the tradition of baptism came from and what it represents. when they used to do it in biblical times (and quite a while after that until like 1500s) they would hold the person underwater until they [basically] went unconscious because coming out of the water was supposed to be the beginning of a new life, they wanted you gasping for air. lots of people used to die from baptism
So nerds are sesitive to ultra sound?
is that the guy from married with children?
fucking mexicans
Nerve dab.
where do you think the air comes from? it's just pressurizing the air around him, it has the exact same CO makeup as the normal air just at a higher volume/second.
Why would there be more "CO" than in normal air?
fucking class
dumb bitch
actually you have to be really careful about where you get your air. if it's not specifically designed to be breathed it "may" contain harmful chemicals, particularly CO.
ive heard several stories of people diving with just a regular hose from a compressor and dying of CO poisoning.
i dunno why exactly it would have loads of CO but if it's not tested/designed that way you are at least taking a gamble.
The Boston dynamics killed me
Not them, but it could be drawing exhaust from the engine into the air stream.
Unlikely, but still technically possible. I wouldn't be worried about it for a leafblower.
if it looks stupid but works, it ain't stupid
modern apes in their natural habitat
Still, that motorcyclist is not safe to go out on the streets on any bike if he can't avoid a collision like that - dispite the fact that the car drove wrong. Plenty of time and room to brake to a halt or swerve behind the car, but the biker just froze. Plus, if the speed was too high to come to a complete stop by the intersection, his situational speed was just too high. Poor riding and idiotic behaviour.
Top kek
Nigger elephant
Sauce? That hot
Any fuckin porn site, noobs
I want this exact scene
>gays coopting the skinheads
Actually it makes sense to add the exhaust. You have the hot exhaust anyway. Heating the air will increase the pressure for free, reducing engine wear.
There you go
is2.Yea Forums.org/b/1563207682871.webm
the logic of a retard
Yeah, that´s Ted Bundy
swerving right is equally retarded
looks like the car was in the wrong for trying to make a left turn across multiple lanes out of the right lane
the motorcyclist was going way to fast, like holy shit is he late for work or is his wife giving birth
pretty fun to watch. any more?
Where's the money Lebowski
Best rek'd ive seen in a while.
Home alone, Detroit
That doesn't make it any less insane, retard
wtf happend?
i don't get it..
yellow thought she won but another past her at last moment
woman riding bike over cobblestone road, instagasm
Melting that shit like it's a marshmallow. Damn.
ah, thanks user
Orang utans are classier.
FFS our ancestors were so right on so many levels...
You can tell that poor bastard hasn't been allowed to have any fun for 40 fucking years.
Actually genius
They took my thumb, Charlie!
That biker is a cunt.
where is the car driver wrong???
That biker has no brakes?
He's just a dumb nigger who needs his ass beaten
What the fuck ??? Does that man have all the angels? taking care of it
motorcyclist responsible for accident and then vandalism. tastes good.
then don't be a speeding faggot.
Time to Roll, faggots. FUCK YOU!
Atleast he slid the crosswalk when he had a green light.
Love this one
literally every redfaced loser trump supporter hahahaha
Underrated comment
What a great response. And you really cracked yourself up too.
hahahaha at all the butthurt whitebois who know they can't fuck
"Sign says no flash photography, bitch"
What is happening here? Just a pissed off bitch?
cheers m8
Love that file name
Time to Roll, faggots.
Yep. Pissed off at her neighbor so the monkey decided to firebomb the house. Ironically, that's her own security cam catching her doing that.
wow look at that pussy jiggle
Nerve gas
I objekt
>but i dindu nuffin
not gonna get any pussy wearing those fuckin huggies sweatpants anyway
that made my peepee draw up inside me
We wuz kangz and shite..
>behind the scenes of every sesame street episode
me too
Mock sun effect is awesome
The Apening
Ia gree, this actually worked
The graphics on the new silent hill look pretty good
How can mayos even compete?
Sickle Cell disease causing priapism. His deformed dick no longer functions
How baptism was actually meant to be done
Mfw working retail
By being able to maintain erections, employment, and a family.
>Maintain erections
Hard doubt.
And no need to get upset buddy. Miscegenation is on its way and soon everyone will be the same race.
>Hard doubt
Why? My cock isn't 14 inches flaccid. It's not particularly difficult to maintain an erection with an average Caucasian cock... Which is the same as an average black cock.
Miscegenation? Doesn't bother me. It's not for me but it might be for my kids. My country doesn't have an abundance of blacks though, so unlikely
fucking dumbass should've been sandwiched between the trucks
what a rebel
lmfao I bet that really pissed him off
I saw that video lol. Meth heads are crazy bitches
>Boston Dynamics
lol what a dumbass. It's even a bb gun lmfao
that's why you let go of it lmao
yeh it's Al Capone
Chad Boomer
iPhones really aren't good for anything
fucking hilarious
lol that filename
Black, but human
they better get fined for littering
>brother and sister
So are you making claims revolving around a country you don't live in just because you heard bad stuff about another race on the internet?
I would NEVER have the balls to do that
Hats off
That's not even a MAGA hat. Libs really are bottom of the barrel retards.
God you people are such fags.
Am fuck that guy for trying to drive off. Is there a video with audio of this?
don't celebrate the win until you've actually won
Was that the vans fault or the other car?
"Oh I forgot mai hat."
Can someone give me gold? Im a good poster.
Is that Yusuke? Damn, that netflix adaptation looks sick.
screeching audio feedback. The sound guy fucked up
Fortnite! :O
Ah yes, the only thing that'll bring black and white Americans together, hating women.
Was expecting legs to get broken
That car driver dumb as fuck, turning left from the furthest lane.
>>thinking a ridiculously large dick is more important than having a job, wife, kids etc
that nigga is looking into garbage bins buck naked and all you can think of is his dick? you fucking closet homo
best terminator movie
the break broke and the weight of the riders it was carrying made it accelerated it backwards. Kind of like how an escalator slides backwards when its breaks break
I was gonna beg for money to post old gifs but I'm not in the mood for begging fuck you bois.
where are the stop signs? or yield signs? the fuck kind of shithole intersection is that?
fucking kek, any more like these?
Shut up. Just shut the fuck up honestly.
I am so sick and tired of people like you shitting on the iphone for no god damn reason. Appleâ„¢ is the highest valued company in the world FOR A REASON.
Their phones are of immensely superior quality when you compare them to samsung (yep, not even gonna capitalize the word). Every aspect is in every way better than samsung: The camera, the design, and the list goes on... The iPhone is without a doubt the best phone on the market, AND IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER EVERY YEAR. And what exactly can Samsung? Oh, you have a phone that bends over on the middle?! So cool!!!
While I go surfing the internet with lightning speed processor rates and top notch screen-precision, you can enjoy having to take selfies with the quality of a Nintendo DS.
The smartphone-war is over, and iPhone won fair and square, so get over it.
go die in a sewer like the alligator you are
typical bike cunt
I shouldn't be laughing but the boston dynamics
what a great dog
Yes the driver is a moron, but the biker caused the impact. He could have braked, he could have avoided he could have simply slowed down.
One day the biker will have his own video of his brains being splattered all over the road because he is entitled..or he had the right of way...
I hope you're just a troll and not actually that retarded. apple is a fashion brand first, and electronics brand 2nd. All of their products are shit any anybody that really thinks they are the best is ignorant and probably is the type of person to jump off a bridge if told to
You guys ever see these people practicing on ground level? When I was in school a group of them would run around campus jumping over small barriers and rocks. Occasionally they'd try to run up brick walls or leap over handicap ramp railings which would almost always result in the cringiest of fails.
whats so funny about boston dynamics? I'm from EU so I don't get it
that's a vape shop. you can see the mods on the lower right
Thought she was gonna eat it....
And in a way, I guess she did..
Thanks Dad, this is the encouragement I always expected from you.
He's also probably some random in a developing country.
And there isn't anything closeted about this homo ;)
should have punched that fucking pedo out...cunt
you NEVER stop pedaling until you've crossed the finish LINE
they make those quadrupedal robots you see videos about all the time
Lol ur one dumb fucker,
iPhones are shit compared to samsung
this was taken just after he took it off of his dick
mygod. im sweating my balls of because of this
sick fuck
yes but it ends there
I would have done that cunt if that was my kid..he would have drowned in that fucking font
They should show this to a movie producer and do stunt work for action movies.
the fuck is this even? chocolate milk?
Er don't think it was "these people".
i live in that area it was scary as fuck.
damn son
No, Columbia gas fucked up big time, and blew up houses in 3 different cities.
i hope i'm him in my next live
Dad, sit down. Dad, you're embarrasing me. DAD! LOL top fella.
Damn cunty fuck
I took her to the penthouse and I freaked it
Cagie is clearly coming to a stop
Proof that all bike riders are niggers
Sides went to another dimension when I saw the Boston watermark
What is dead can never die
>i hope i'm him in my next live
No next life. You only get one shot, and you missed, big time.
thats not funny i hope they found him and killed him
The headbutt was obviously stupid and wrong, but it seems like the car might've driven off if he hadn't chased them.
OI! get your head back down on the trak pussy!
This makes me irrationally angry
Dang that was an angry mother fucker.
"Boston Dynamics"
If a load obstructs your forward view, you are supposed to move it backwards.
Children don't like their choccy milk being spilled.
what movie? look shilarious
You complete wanker. Sounds like you've never been on a bike.
This is some final destination shit
No porn. we all agreed at the start of the thread.
For your eyes only :)
What kinda torch does one need for that?