That's a person.
Think about it.
You, posting this. Reading this reply. You're a person. Aren't you?
Think deeply on all that means. On how much time you've spent being a person, trying to be a good one, fucking up, learning, trying, fucking up, and persevering through it all. You are more than a person. You are ALIVE.
She's not.
All of that everything coagulated into one something is now, for lack of a more honest term, nothing. All those emotions, fuckups, lessons, memories, all that time, all that potential - gone. A body can barely contain it to begin with.
Now here you are, judging that person by a comparative /nothing/. From this screenshot alone, from those few sentences, you would categorically reject a human's right to personhood, judging the entirety of their existence's worth, that humongous and unknowable sum... from fucking nothing.
And even within that screenshot's bubble of nothing, the very little something that there is is intangible and easily faked. Were it real, it'd still be just another young person figuring out their fucking life and acting out and fucking up along the way JUST like you. Like me.
And personally, I don't think either of us deserves being dealt a card even halfway as horrible as was dealt undue to this poor fucking girl.
I literally kept telling myself it wasn't real when I saw the pic.
Do -any- of you want to pause, human to human, and acknowledge how absolutely fucked our world is?
Speaking of personhood - surprise! It seems more and more likely every day that the last generation of a modern humanity has already been born! Either we go extinct, get reduced to medieval post-apocalyptic steampunk cave-tribes, or discard our intelligences' play at mortality and altogether ascend finally into one singularly glorious digital multi-consciousness possessing the summed totality of humanity's experiences across all existent and recorded individuals.
Be a good person.