How do I get my boyfriend to pay attention to me...

how do I get my boyfriend to pay attention to me? he’ll text me occasionalally during the day and goes silent when he’s talking to his friends. I just want him to talk to me more

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Send him memes, preferably dank ones

Stop being so fuckin needy.

I'm already sick of your needy bitching, guys a saint for not leaving you yet

Get really clingy and insist that he give you attention all the time.

I already do send him memes

I haven’t asked him for anymore attention besides from one time, i don’t want to annoy him

I always do this shit to my gf when she’s being boring in a conversation. One word answers, only an emoji, simple yes or no’s without any explanation at all... You might as well be telling me “I’m just going to sit here on my fat ass and let you pull all of the entertainment and conversation out of your own ass so my life can be as easy as possible. And if you don’t agree then you don’t really love me enough!”

Really really good way to get your ass ignored for a day or two kek. Maybe a week if she doesn’t take hints

Send nudes.

he’s worse at making conversation than me. I make plenty of attempts at conversation. i’ll even play cheerleader sometimes, agreeing to everything he says acting like like it’s impressive. but he still give me shorthand answers.

Ask to cuddle with him, bam all the attention you want.

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>Tits or gtfo

post this question on Yea Forums when you know he'll be browsing so he wonders if it's about him and then says hi

brb texting my gf

it’s a long distance relationship sadly

I get my dick out, that usually does the trick

try getting your dick out. its hard to ignore a dick

In that case maybe you SHOULD annoy him. Maybe instead of trying to make up for what he’s refusing to put in, you should keep pestering him about it. It sounds like you might be taking the indirect approach and most of us are too oblivious to pick up on that. Tell him straight up that it feels like he doesn’t try when he talks to you. My gf can annoy the hell out of me but I’ll always feel bad if I hear her say that.

How much we allow you to annoy us correlates very closely to how much we love you. Start testing that shit if you aren’t getting what you want. If he’s not willing to be made fun of by his friends for sending you a text here and there, then he sounds like a chump

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ask to talk to him, get alone time - no other distractions. directly talk about your emotions and feelings, tell him what makes you sad, the attention you need etc - if he doesn't respond positively then you need to heavily consider and think about the fact that he isn't willing to consider your feelings within the relationship and you should consider ending it. if you are unhappy now and he isn't willing to help, it isn't going to change.

also you probably need more hobbies and other things to invest your time into, he can't be your sole reason for living or your sole time investment

u r not there for talking, faggot

>i don’t want to annoy him
if he cared about you at all, it wouldn't annoy him - it would make him want to make you happy, so he would put some effort in to it.

it would annoy me that you don't feel comfortable enough to talk to me about a certain subject, suppressed emotion kills relationships and creates friction.

Unfortunately you're probably a basic bitch. Try to find a real personality before you start talking to guys. The guy I'm talking starts to go silent cuz hes playing his games and I'm just like okay have fun with your stuff I'll let you go for the night, I'll go do my own thing. He really appreciates it tbh. Also makes it feel like it isnt a chore to talk to me.

>agreeing to everything he says acting like like it’s impressive.
sounds boring, men don't like it easy, they want a challenge - where is the fun of the chase if the lion we are chasing to eat just lays on the floor with his paws in the air

get some real life friends, step out of your fantasy

This is true to an extent however people have hobbies of their own that they loke to focus on and relationships require a happy medium

Hes got an avoidant attachment style. Sit down and have an adult conversation where you express to him that you need more attention from him to be happy. Also state that youll put in more effort to make conversations interesting and fresh and worthwhile. Once thats done scour the internet for good conversation topics, make sure to talk about deep things as well. Also having casual conversations about the state of your relationship is extremely healthy as well.

Also initiate some flirting and sexual stuff, make sure to make it extremely obvious. Send em some nudes tease him get his attention.

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or just date me i need a gf whose not a normie

Get out Emma you’re not fucking old enough, also if you didn’t say you’re going to kill yourself and use dudes for relationships I wouldn’t be ignoring you, fucking kek.

give him a blowjob every morning. Like seriously. Wake up before him and suck on his dick while he's still asleep. After a month stop doing it. You'll get his attention.


Do you ignore your friends to talk to him?