No running water at the house at the moment. My piss jug is getting rrally fucking rank...

No running water at the house at the moment. My piss jug is getting rrally fucking rank. What is the best way to dispose of it? I cannot pour it in the toilet.

Attached: jugpee_poster.jpg (236x360, 16K)

Well, you can't throw it outside or anything but you could try to drink it or something.

Drink it obviously. If you can't drink for some strange reason, consider taking it OUTSIDE?


O U T S I D E.

down the drain followed by some cleaning product to mask the smell?

These. This. Orrrrrr YOU COULD pour on yourself..

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH.png (271x324, 104K)

Leave out in hot sun. Wait for it to explode.

Toilets work fine without running water. Just pour it in and then go get a bucket of water to flush it from a neighbor's hose.

mix it with potting soil and plant some things. no srsly the pee smell will go away in a day or so

you DO have to plant something in the soil though

Will beef jerky work? I want to be self efficient. And i would save a shit load of food stamps on beef jerky

This lools like a job for me
hey everybody i got a jug of pee
Need a place to set it free
Because the autism is strong in me

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no it has to be a water hungry plant like a succulent. Jerky Seeds need more nitrogen rich soil like adding coffee grounds

The toilet is overflowing with feces

>no running water
Stop squatting and get out of that vacant house you lazy bum. It doesnt belong to you, you have no right to be there. Go to the shelter, get a bunk, hot shower, laundry and a meal. THEN you can work with them to get your life back in order.


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Well fuck, can i shit in it a little?

Obviously litter. If you piss in a jug clearly you shouldn’t have apprehension tossing that sucker in the woods somewhere.

if you put the plant outdoors every day you can otherwise the shit won't break down. Suggest you only add a few ounces of shit per plant once a week or you'll kill it with fungus or cause smells

pic or it didn't happen

Why not just pour it outside you dumbass?

Kek nice user

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that image is mostly aimed at truckers who just piss in bottles and throw them along the highway.

confirmed. trucker here, and we have to use those because all too often when we pull into a state run service plaza (the smaller ones), they close the building at like 4pm, and we have no restroom options otherwise. wouldn't just throw the container away though, unless it was leaking.

nah i understand completely

truckers seem to be cool with me or my pickup for some reason. I usually get warnings when theres state troopers or HP around and most of the time they let me squeeze through when they hold up traffic

Dump it in the first open car window you see.

it's called piss-bottle.
toss it, and it's called a trucker bomb.

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczXYwMMBQdw

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczX

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczX

throw it out the window as hard as u can

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczX

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczX


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get a plunger as well

Why are you pissing in a jug and not wearing diapers?

Why not just hang wang and piss out the window to begin with? When you're out at the park, drop a log and blame a dog.

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczX

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczX