Official Bloc Thread

>Official Bloc Thread
> eZ2cQwr

[Maintenance Bulletin]

We would like to take this time to inform you that we are taking requests for products to be sold in the vending machines. Please contact your nearest Maintenance Public Relations Officer.
P96 Bubbly is returning due popular demand.


Attached: 906077244.jpg (480x360, 32K)

The great drink returns!
Maintenance is truly benevolent

Attached: P96BUBBLY.png (520x432, 40K)

Someone needs to install UV lights in our hallway. We are starting to get dangerously pale.

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does anyone have any alcohol that I can use to work on my engine

come to floor 55 to get some of it

I can make some for 24 cycles of ration

Uhhhh what

Could we get this added to the vending as well?

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Anyone on floor 378 willing to trade meat rations for rat skeletons? They are freshly gathered from non-irradiated rats.

Attached: W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvcGxhY2VfaW1hZ2VzLzMyMTE3ZWRmMjNkYjI0NWFhOV85MDM0ODYzNDU1Xzk0N2U5ZTQ0ZGRfay5qcGci (520x390, 645K)

Maintenance Announcement:

Due to popular demand P-98 Dark is being reintroduced into the ration menu as well being available for order.

Maintenance appreciates the feedback we receive on ration menus. With your continued support, we will break yet another record for ration satisfaction.
Production goals for the entire ration menu have also been surpassed.


Ration Committee

no one wants you fucking rat skeletons

I can have some sent down to that floor, I will only trade for either some wires or wank material

I have yet to receive my ration from the last item reintroduced into the vending machine

This thing taste like shit we demand clean water for once

Maintenance Announcement:

Maintenance would like to take this time to inform the community that there is no intranet god. All worshipers of "Paul the Intranet God" will be either assigned janitorial duty or re education.

Asking "Paul" to hex Maintenence's intranet connection is also prohibited.


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will there be some sort of prize for whoever kills the rats on floor 321?

Clean water is a myth to make you think of outside.

Free meat from the rats! What else do you need? I'd love a good meal.

Ponte Tower, Johannesburg

This 54-story cylindrical tower was once a luxurious high-rise that fell into disrepair. It now stands as a crumbling legacy from the apartheid era. After being a base for several notorious gangs, it was abandoned and has since had an eerie number of suicides occur, and several ghosts spotted.
Bet it still smells like niggers.

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Must be a clerical error

looking to buy some of the good wank shit
I only take the best shit on the market

What’s outside

how dare say the "O" work here you shall have rations removed from for the next 21 cycles

Something made up by people to go against maint.

AM I gonna have to back to eating rats

It is not of the tower. It is a faerie tale told by the heretics to destroy your faith and sanity.

[Security Notice]

Dangerous propaganda detected.
HighSec dispatched to terminal locations.

Keyword(s): "outside"

Man I could go for a snack. Has anyone seen a can of chef crawling around?

Attached: download.png (500x500, 80K)

Fugg, ima get gone. I wanna keep my role as sec.

I am thinking of overthrowing Maint.
Who wants to join me?
I'll be with the Slavs if you want to join?

What cult are you with?

No, if we see you eat anything then we will have to use force to make you stop eating

That’s a bad idea

those disappeared several thousand cycles ago

can I get someone to help me with killing some huge ass rats that have just appeared on my floor?

I’m busy with rats of my own

some of them are bigger than a 10-year-old child

[Automated Security Notice]

Dangerous propaganda detected.
{Error: terminal untraced}

Its real, don't let the jew crew aka maintenance tell you other wise

Go to the underbloc, there are no rats down there

don't you have to go through the maint floors first?

We don't know of any rats because no one returns from there lmao.

How do I get it

Why I am a believer of The Klein Bottle Tower. There is the tower and only the tower with only one surface.

Attached: 240px-Klein_bottle.svg.png (240x461, 98K)

All floors are owned by maint

Oh, must have slept through it. Thanks anyways!

come on who the hell keeps killing my fucking pet rats?
I am trying to breed them in order to make the produce some meaty rats so I can make some better food

is that some more propaganda from the cults

Our only food should come from rations

There is no surface, stop spreading tour cult propaganda

Anyone want to trade a low hour sex droid for some good barbecue rat? I have 20 kilos on the grill right now. Homemade sauce even.

Guys we should overthrow maint and replace them with Paul

but the rats can also be used to make some ring fights to bet on

Maintenance Announcement:

We'd like to remind citizens once again that talk of a floor 0, a ground floor, a roof, a "top floor" or any talk of the sky will be grounds for eviction or conscription into the cleaning crew.




For sale now, why wait for them to grow up to get the life saving chemicals they need.

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who the hell is paul?

how do you evict someone?

The hero of the bloc

How can you evict someone if there is no outside? Check mate, maintenance.

Death. Eviction from life.

Ha! You mongoloid! I see the math escapes you.

Where's the Crow's Milk?

Stop by floor 207 for Molly and Deadmau5 ;)

Attached: buy-mdma-molly-pills.jpg (552x417, 123K)

That's dangerous propaganda there citizen

[Security Notice]

Dangerous propaganda detected.
HighSec dispatched to terminal location(s).

Keyword(s): "outside"

the bloc is in need of a restructure in the government

I'm not the one spreading propaganda, I will be calling Highsec on you.

[Security Notice]

Dangerous propaganda detected.
HighSec dispatched to terminal location(s).

Keyword(s): "overthrow"


the terminal can not be located

[error done]

Is Paul hacking Maint?

I have returned from the under bloc


Heretic! There is only one plane, obviously your tiny slavic mind cannot envision higher dimensions. Your kind shall never know the true beauty and magnificence of the tower!

nice try slicer, you didn't even intercept the message. you just latched onto the end. 0/10

This is Recon 2-1, several unknown foot mobiles have been spotted in the courtyard in Sector 27B-8, requesting permission to further investigate.

Greetings from the Balcony,
I got 3 cans of chef to trade, looking for 100 ft of copper wires or a week of taking care of my rats. these fuckers shit everywhere and get pretty bite-y when you feed them, I will compensate for any lost digits. L*wer-levelers need not apply

I have fresh poop for trade. Mmm mames good soup stock.

Floor 239 requesting a search team. Civilians have been disappearing in the early evening hours. Oddly enough no one remembers the missing persons names. Only pictures remind them of said missing persons.


Deputy Wren, 3rd squad.

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczXCIkAzjnG

>Maintenance doesn't tell us that the rats are a iradiated. >oesn't tell us why the rats are glowing green.

>Maintenance doesn't tell us that the rats are a iradiated. >Doesn't tell us why the rats are glowing green.

How about 100 feet and a month of taking care of the rats?

(IP randomizer enabled)
(IP set to
(beginning transmission)
this is paul can you here me I have just been able to regain control of my network. the revolution shall begin at the end of the cycle.
(IP randomized)
(IP 123124234)
the outside is real we shall be free the maint that kept us here for generations
(end transmission)

[Maintenance request]
Please detain this man, he is sending dangerous propaganda and as a sec officer he worries me. He needs to be put in a education program or janitorial service.

It is the Tower's amnestic soylent program at work. Do not investigate further or you're next.

He comes

Maintenance Announcement:

The blockage has been removed from Tunnel 15C.11.A17 and sewage should now be flowing normally.

Individual Residents are responsible for cleaning up any overflow in and around their dormitories.

You may file claim for damages, though this is strongly discouraged by Management, as wasting their valuable time with petty grievances diverts their attention away from more important tasks that benefit us all.


Attached: 37483_640.jpg (640x426, 98K)

We can throw your smartass down the shaft? How about that faggot?

You’ve been spoonfed so many lies it only makes sense for you to deny the truth

Nah, he's gonna be geeked by maint

this stays between you and me, but for that I can get you a can of chef for the next 12 cycles. if you're ever in need of balcony trash, i got you covered. it's the finest trash on the market, comes straight from the upper levels to my balcony

Ha! Infidel! Heretic! The Tower protects the true believers!

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[Begin Trace...]
{correlation traffic analysis begin..}

Somebody is sending me and my wife written compliments through the mail with a strange brown substance attached. I initially thought nothing of it, but my left hand has started swelling exponentially and they hurt like hell. Same for my wife. Is this happening to anyone else?

Sounds good I’ll get you the shit ASAP

There seems to be some interference

On another note I have fresh meat for trade.

[Maintenance request]
Please send some officers to my location, there has been an influx of slavs and other degenerates and some of my other officers went missing. We have lost at least 50000 rubits of equipment in the past 720 cycles.

Can someone please send help, there appears to be an issue with the bathroom on floor 272 section alpha subsection 15a within the green work areas.

Attached: oh-sht.-part-5-40-pics_3.jpg (700x933, 125K)

Anyone play papers please ? its a cool game

plus, send the maintenance guy, I havent had water for 2 days now.

Floor: 868
Re: Food price increase in A Block and F Block

It is with deep sadness that I report to you today that employees lives were lost while maintenance was being performed in our Alternative Rations processing plant 23A7-H.

Due to an unforeseen incident involving slurry processing equipment, Alternative Rations will now require 50 Rubits instead of 40. This price increase is a temporary measure and will expire in 30 cycles.

The incident is suspected to be sabotage due to the presence of graffiti disparaging our fine Rations as "recycled food", and the investigation is ongoing. Cleanup and maintenance teams have been delayed, once by a crowd of Residents angry over the price increase, and twice by the discovery of additional human remains. The investigation will reveal whether the victims were the traitorous saboteurs, or unfortunate employees.

It is important to understand the valuable role Alternative Rations serve. What may have once been discarded as waste can now be processed into something that sustains the very life of our Residents. Sabotage hurts us all. Report all suspicious activity and any persons making statements that could be construed as disparaging Rations or expressions of support for the traitors.

-Program Director of Alternative Food Sources

Are you suggesting Maintenance is not providing you with what you need? Sounds like Gulag talk.

That's normal just head down,the water is treated down there.

We are of the uppers so this needs to be done with the upmost importance. My wife is no longer receiving clear reception and I may need a new one, fix or replace ASAP or I will file a formal complaint with the penthouse. The penthouse manager is my Uncle, so DO THIS NOW!

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it's the curse. this is what happens when heretics are allowed to spread paul propaganda throughout the bloc with no recourse. your wife is likely the infected one, i'd suggest sending her to U-23 for questioning and reeducation

Better ask for a white one this time. The black ones NEVER work.

can you please state what floor you are on so we can give you your water?

But... when my daughter was sent there for a past incident, she never came back home.

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting\uzAtczX

Fresh roasted rat will trade for 1 hour with sex droid.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 35K)

Ah I see you have a rare nigger, please execute it before it steals everything.

What are the complaints? I’d like to avoid whatever is happening to you.

Has anyone been in the tower?

what tower?

Prolly caus e dey eat darkies down here. Where are you again? You sound juicy.

Attached: MV5BMTdhYTQ2MWEtNTM3ZS00MWZjLTk0MjgtOGVlZDQ1NzQ0MTZlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0_45_480_270_ (477x268, 14K)

One of them directed to me says,
"Dear Heath
You have very nice shoes!"
Another for my wife reads,
"My dearest Adelaide,
You have the most beautiful smile."

This is a notice from the communications committee.

Please stop pulling or removing wires. If new wires are discovered in your unit that you do not remember then we assure you they have been installed there with purpose.

Lower Floors, Area #12 Subsection C

To all Workers:
It has come to my attention that a number of easily preventable accidents have occurred due to Workers not leaving things alone. I understand the urge to explore these lower sections, but do not go throwing switches or opening valves without direct clearance from Tower Engineering. When you have clearance to operate equipment, DOUBLE CHECK your written instructions to ensure you are performing the specified action at the correct station.

[image attached]

This flooded section took nearly 8 hours to pump dry, and less than 8 minutes to refill after a Worker mistakenly opened a valve directly adjacent to the one he was instructed to open. No one was injured during the incident, but a simple glance at the label and checklist would have prevented what will now be another 8 hour delay on critical repairs.

It's not that difficult, people.

-LFA Reclamation On-site Deputy Foreman, Jamie Pierce

Attached: 7687687.jpg (744x558, 124K)

When I was in jail, we had water. It was just filled with metal. I was in Flint's lockup in Michigan.

likely an administrative oversight. take your Relaxaid and call maintenance. They're sure to straighten things out for you, just do not hesitate in sending your wife. The paul curse may set in and the only thing to do then is send her to alternative rations

OK this has become more serious, this is the penthouse manager's nephew again. You will send somebody up to replace my malfunctioning wife and now it appears I also have a Ronald McDonald infestation in my personal transport car as well.

THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. I DEMAND MAINTENANCE ADDRESS THESE ISSUES NOW!!!!!!!!!!! Or you will find yourself begging to be reassigned to CLEANING the lowers as a step up!

Attached: 1540955346789.jpg (960x902, 104K)

Slava Bloc

Alright, I will.

I think its the 95th, but I am unsure. We dont have any markings here. Can you back trace where I am sending you the message from ?

WHo dares me to try to swim to the subfloors?

If you say so...

Attention all residents.

We are aware of the air quality issues however do NOT use the emergency respirators that have been provided unless instructed. These are for use only in emergency situations.

when can i expect my shipment of rat-proof wires? i ordered them 69 cycles ago and have heard no updates from communications. I paid good rats for that wire

I can get you some wire. How much you need?

For real though I live by this thing and it's known as the squatters den. They keep finding new bodies in their because of all the heroin, tik, gang wars and robberies. Polemics dont even go inside or close anymore, whoever took these photos was poes brave

can you supply 25 ft / week? the people's liberation front needs a steady supply

That’s a lot of work for me. WHat will you give in return? I’ll accept high quality rations or diving equipment

hows two tanks of air a month plus an upper level rations card good for 25 cycles sound?

Hello. I am Saul. I have a cache of untraceable terminal masks which mimic MAC addresses of m@!ntnanc3 terminalz ;) you may have heard of my better known brother.

I will give you 5 clean women a trap and 100 cycles of rations. If you give me the wires

Sounds brilliant you have a deal//
I’ll see if I can hook you up as well no promises