Fuck late-stage capitalism bread

Fuck late-stage capitalism bread

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I love being a capitalist lol

>mmmhhhm yes master your boot is simply delectable yummm

imagine being a communist lmao, at least capitalism isn't authoritarian

Capitalism is authoritarian. The authorities are corporations.

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I've never seen a more incoherent ramble of pure giberrish than this meme.

how brain dead do you have to be to think these statements are contradictory?
not no mention the fact that they're both strawmen

>System that lets the rich get away with tax evasion is a perfect system.
Perfect for the 1% maybe, but not perfect for the rest of us.

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Communism is authoritarian. Why have all communist/socialist nations had an authoritarian leader, and restricted political and economic freedom?

Dude the success of our nation is not reflected. Inflation is ridiculous and companies can fucm over college educated people legally.

Our inflation is ridiculous and companies are getting more greedy...so fuck the good folk our share price went up a penny.

You're completely missing my point, dumbass. In a capitalist society, the corporations are the de facto government, and they dictate what people are and aren't allowed to do with their private lives. Look at Google and Facebook and their alarming ability to censor anyone who disagrees with the establishment, for example.

but it's cool though, we're just letting them poison the waters and air for profits

A train.

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Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting discord.com\uzAtczX

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting discord.com\uzAtczX

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Google and Facebook are doing that on their private platforms, not in your home

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I'm missing your point mainly because it doesn't make that much sense. Yes, corporations in a capitalist society can act as small governments, but the federal government can easily put regulations on their power, however, in the case of small government or no government at all, the consumers can easily choose to not give those corporations power. Most large corporations (i.e. Facebook and Google) are only "in power" because consumers _choose_ to use them and find somewhat of a use for them. If anybody finds an issue with a corporation in a free market capitalist society, they can create their own website/product etc.

On technology and infrastructure that has been funded since inception by the public through darpa..

Bottom 44% of people in us didn't pay a federal income tax at all. So if rich don't pay tax who pay tax?

That’s not what authoritarian means lmao. Imagine being this retarded.
Google can’t throw you and your family in a gulag. Don’t call anyone a boot locker when you want the state’s cock down your throat.

Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting discord.com\uzAtczX

Go make your own telephone company or electric company and get back to us.

ight i'll do that

People seem to think that having any communist idea makes people fucking Stalinists or shit. Hard working people are living in poverty and some kids can throw wealth around like it's nothing because they were born into the right family is fucked up. The rich don't deserve to have what they have.

You are free to not pay taxes and stop being part of the US Citizens Club. Nobody in the club will conduct further business with you and we can part seperate ways. However, do note that trespassing on any US Citizen Club or US Government property, airspace or sovereign waters will be met with deadly force. Have fun!

this meme makes no sense. Holy fuck its true what the trumptards say, the left absolutely cannot meme

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>capitalism isn't authoritarian

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What about Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos? They started their companies out of their garages and are providing things that people actually need. And no, not all rich people are "liTeRaLly sAtAn" cnbc.com/2017/05/31/14-billionaires-signed-bill-gates-and-warren-buffetts-giving-pledge.html
Yes they fucking deserve what they have, die commie

it really isn't

>socialism = communism!

Is this what they teach burgers in school?

No one suggests the rich shouldn’t pay taxes you fucking retard. It could be argued the rich pay far too high percentage wise if they don’t evade them.

Watered down communism is still communism

>late-stage capitalism

What a fucking retard.

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Game over thing's going to be 'it', going to do a massive schoolshooting discord.com\uzAtczX