Just a reminder that you can't make up for missing out on young love

Just a reminder that you can't make up for missing out on young love.

You can have victories later in life, but they will never get you the pure love of a teenage girl. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have never experienced that and will never experience it no matter what they have and what they achieve.

Missing out on sex and intimacy when your body was craving it the most will leave psychological scars that will never heal. It's like having poor nutrition in childhood that stunts your growth. Sure you can buy all the food you want when you're older and you have a nice job, you can eat meals at the most expensive restaurants, but you'll be a manlet forever because you can't make up for some things you missed. Same thing with missing out on love and intimacy at a crucial time except it's your emotional development that will get stunted and you will carry that damage forever.

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yeah this is kinda true. it can fuck you up. mustnt happen tho

This is some fucking low-effort incel meme bullshit.

Not everyone was so unloved by their mommy and daddy that they were as desperate as you for some idiot teen's approval as you were, user.

good thing i fucked some random slag when i was 19 :))

What a load of baloney.
Next time you decide to put thoughts inside peoples brains, at least make it a less obvious that you're trolling.

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You don't think there's permanent damage from loneliness?

just a reminder that op is a miserable person

Personality disorder scum

what if im young but my love is 10 years older than me? does it still count?

Oh you mean sweaty hand holding, TV-taught jealousy and breaking up because you don't like the same food? God I miss those days.

It counts as long as you're young.
It doesn't count if you're older but hook up with young girls. That train has sailed by then.

Smells like bullshit. A teen doesnt even know what love is. Lust and love are not the same thing. Just cause you didnt get your fair share of cummies off during puberty doesnt mean you're gonna be fucked up for life. Just cause you didnt have a gf doesnt mean you had to be lonely.

im 20, shes crazy af and 29. getting pussy and much love every day. its mutual I believe

Bill Gates and Zuckerberg own several luxury escape bunkers.


Do you have one ??

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The only pure love is young love.

When you get older and your career/finances, compatibility and other practicalities become factors, that's not real love.

They can't escape the damage they've taken.
A life that didn't start right won't get fixed by a ton of money.

So no responsibilities = true love? sounds like some retarded shit a lovestruck teenager would say, or a troll.

Who says you have to miss out? Just abduct teenage girls to make up for the lost time OP.

Young love is true love. It's instinctive and primal and irrational and it will almost always end badly.

You have to be young, not the girls necessarily. Miss out on it and you'll have lower confidence, you'll carry resentment and sadness and forever try to recapture what you've missed.
But the damage is already done.

Idk don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Sounds like a you problem.

I didn't miss out OP, but thanks for reminding me of a better time. You can't understand the song Forever Young by Rod Stewart unless you had young love

And what happens to teenagers that arent as hormonal and that dont give in to feelings the same way you do. Are they just doomed to a life with no love? Cut the crap my guy.

A teenager that doesn't yearn for sex and intimacy is very lucky. Though if that ever changes, they'll have been left behind. As awkward is to lose your virginity at 14, it's much worse and much harder at 28.