Come snuggle with us dude

come snuggle with us dude

Attached: b563e23958c2fff5b2a1927ced4e21d86aca5073.png (1000x1198, 941K)

no pedos pls thanks bye

Attached: s15.png (591x568, 242K)

snuggle a gun you fucking pedo

The Kappa poster

why the fuck would you think this picture of cute little innocent girls has anything to do with pedophiles!?!?!?


he failed life

i dont know who kappa is but dont reply to me unless you've something important to say. i am the only good poster on this board, i cannot waste my time talking to smallfry

ok kappa :^)

hop in dudette!

Attached: 1556988167591.jpg (366x514, 226K)

(dubs! wooh!)
leds b nice tto eachudder insted ob horriblel..

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第33話「遠足はみんなでハイチーズ!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 131K)


Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第33話「遠足はみんなでハイチーズ!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 214K)

pedo are not nice :(

ids nod pedro ids habby a sleepober wid frens!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第15話「お母さんのわからずや!」(DVD 640x4 (640x480, 193K)

get squashed you annoying bug

but im an adult man
im not a pedo though but i still want to cuddle with the girls

be my bf

[s4s] meetup!!

Attached: Doremi and Pop pajamas.jpg (800x600, 100K)

okay dudes!

i don't liek dis draw-y
id's rreretcal tuuards da original dsaign

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: aiko(29).png (1135x851, 635K)

the doremis look really bad in the show
i think this pic is a lot nicer

the drawing it's your standard moeshit but in an western-lite style

at least the actual show is somewhat unique with its style
(s3 and forth are really good for comparison)

just grumpy right now, pay no mind to me

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: Disturbed(41).png (1002x965, 1.19M)

i never do

oooooh i love dis

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.25.[640x480].[D6564BA5].v2.mkv_snapshot_15.09_[2017.07.29_11.38.06].jpg (640x480, 218K)

oh ok well here I come haha

i liek u girle

Attached: doremi(38).png (1135x851, 439K)

but unique does not equal good. the stick figure body plus ridiculous foreheads doesn't achieve more than looking stupid
op pic might be generic but at least it looks alright (i don't like the reflections and the weird pink blobs on them)

i love how dey look in da showe...

Attached: 1508006600613.jpg (960x1344, 621K)

agree to disagree i guess
being different and quirky is an positive trait on my eyes, of course don't blame you for finding it awkward
most already think the showe is weird due to being aimed primarily for kids

Attached: doremi&pop.png (1135x851, 688K)


Attached: Hana and doremi sleeping.jpg (640x480, 35K)