I met an immigrant tonight while Ubering. He barely spoke a word of English...

I met an immigrant tonight while Ubering. He barely spoke a word of English, and he was shocked I could barely speak a word of Spanish. But we could communicate decently enough. He said he wanted "Rock", and we cycled through my Spotify songs until he found some Metallica, then he was happy. He played air guitar, he sang horribly. He was a little drunk, I could tell. But he was a really sweet, sweet guy. In his best English, he asked me where I was from, and I told him in my best Spanish that I was from here. He said he was from Guatemala, and that he was having a good time tonight, because he is afraid something is going to happen tomorrow. Right off the bat I said "FUCK TRUMP" to him haha. And he said it with me. We chanted it together, really loudly and I almost started crying from joy, I don't know why. It felt good. Letting him know in a sense that he wasn't alone. And there are good hearted Americans here. Anyways, He said he was afraid for his grandma. In my BEST Spanish, I said to him "America es su casa por vida. Bienvenidos. Aqui es su casa". I know my Spanish is garbage, but he understood what I meant. And he squeezed my hand, and he gave me a big hug. And I want nothing more than to stand in front of his door tomorrow and prevent anyone from telling him he has to leave.
I know most of you don't give a fuck. Comfortable in this country, where the Presidents actions don't effect you, so it's not your problem.
I don't have friends, and my family and everyone in my social circle won't care for this story. So I thought I would share it here. Even if it only touches one persons heart. This man is not a criminal. Just someone trying to live his best life.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine having this connection with someone who wasn't here illegally tho. Not hard

did you know that "cabron" means "cuck"? you're even worse than that.

i don't mean because you sucked mexican dick like a faggot martyr, but because you can't come up within anything even plausible as bait.

Always try to help someone who is helpless, it feels good

Fuck off kike. No spics allowed in america, you shouldve called ICE on his ass you fucking traitor.

cool story bro

All the illegals are going back. All are scum, all that employ them are felons all that support them are brainwashed traitors. Death to the left.

What genre is that picture?

I was with you until the "live his best life" bit. Now, I think you are a massive cunt, because only massive cunts say live your best life or a variation of the ball achingly shite phrase. This is why you have no friends.

Good on you, OP. You'll only find a bunch of tryhard faggots on here that'll belittle your story, though. Don't let that deter you from continuing being a good person.

People are people, regardless of country of origin.
We connect across borders and despite religions and allegiances.
You're a human being, and you just demonstrated it.

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Cabron definitely doesn't mean cuck, you should take some more Spanish lessons user


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Yeah, you’re pretty much a dumbass. And it’s early too. Fuck...it’s going to be one of those days.

Cunts like this can barely speak English, let alone another language, You over estimate this wassock.

Imagine having bigger problems in the world. I think the only thing that could possibly save humanity at this point is an apocalypse.

Thats pretty wholesome considering this board is full of porn. Nice story

Spic maintained infrastructure.

>where the Presidents actions don't effect you

What does that mean?.

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Fuck off shareblue

You're an idiot!

no one uses exclamation points here ivan you're supposed to be on pinterest

OP here, and tbh, killing myself tonight Yea Forums, ive finally had enough
>gf hates me
>family hates me
>dad molested me when i was 5
>get gang stalked and people constantly look through my window
>brother recently came out as transgender and said he has feelings for me
unironically not dealing with this shit anymore.
since you guys have given me a home, and kept me entertained, ill return the favor.

Stream link & quick rundown:


Thank you for always being my favorite board btw.


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They do!!!!! ;)

Real OP here.
Jokes on you, I don't even have a brother. Hah. Faggot.

Hey shareblue

Remember boys, traitors before enemies.

Don't forget to thank me sir

