I heard the devs are gonna turbonerf spaghetti-centered builds so you italy-abusers might wanna switch to a rice or a...

I heard the devs are gonna turbonerf spaghetti-centered builds so you italy-abusers might wanna switch to a rice or a vegetable-heavy playstyle to fit the upcoming league, personally I'm a bread one trick tho but just giving advice.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>use rice guys come on spag is getting nerfed
shut the fuck up. this hasn't even been confirmed yet and the ONLY viable bread at the moment is garlic

Dude if you don't even know shit about the bread build don't talk about it, have you seen the stats rye-bread has if you spec into it properly? I guess it's not a good build until you get enough skillpoints tho. But legit spagh will be worse than ramen next patch bro.

> he thinks ramen is bad
Just admit you're playing the shitty console version and go

Ramen is only good for faggots who don't wanna play the game, sure it's good for econ but the stats are so shit you can't make profit at all

cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope

> wahhh I get beaten by no-skill poorjaps
Cry about your profit while I sit here on a 7/3 win/loss with the cheapest fastest builds
Rye can't even make it to late game before they get zerged lmao

>t. never played ramen cause muh light builds
are all bread players this bad at the game?

Dude ramen just has shit support, with bread u can spec into sandwiches and carb-absorb to get insane clearspeed for gigacheap, it's easily top 3 builds and if more people played it it'd get nerfed, thankfully so many people still just OTP chicken breast tho so devs ignore bread.

It just doesn't scale dawg if u want cheap early game you go rice with the curry-addon it powerspikes harder and faster for same price.

are we playing the same game? you ought to realize the reason i'm so far into diamond and you're not, is because i invested most of my calories into the spicy ramen build which shits *all over* any of its bread-y counterparts and that's not even mentioning the chicken add-on near the final tiers of fridgespace

After I get out of Bronze maybe but there's literally no point at low rank
As soon as I find real competition I'm going Astronaut Food / Tang builds and I'll cheese until diamond, game is so fucking easy lmfao

Nigga I'm top 50 on the leaderboards your lowbie diamond-ass can't even compare I beat the glass-dude 1v1 every time.

> he spends that long finishing his build and he's using it on spicy ramen
Are you fucking kidding me the ENTIRE point of ramen is early game

>buttmad bronzie loudly coping with his shitty rye build
i bet you're gonna feel pretty stupid when everything in the ramen tree gets buffed

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The devs will never let ramen be meta again why do you think they nerfed it so hard? When ramen is good EVERYONE uses it so unless they rework it whole then it'll never be viable

yes user i know you're in bronze you don't have to keep telling me about it

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Yeah they're gonna BUFF Ramen when every fucking dev post is talking about balance at higher tiers, totally bro.
I know rye doesn't have a chance, but ramen can't hold a candle to any non- yeast builds and by diamond (which I'm in on my main account) they're completely ignored

>doesn't know about the hot sauce build
>shiggy diggy

You serious i just started and only know spagetti. I am thinking about trying out Soy or kale. Whats the easiest to learn? Sorry noob question i no.

maybe because you're not actually playing it properly? i devastate lobbies with my high-stats spicy ramen+chicken build with just about zero effort and i love how in your post you didn't even mention the sriracha mix boss drop
in short, i enjoy pubstomping servers full of you no-skill shitters on the regular

Kale is objectively the more powerful of the two, but the devs kind of fucked the class and there's an underwhelming amount of customizability in the perks system for kale. If you're new, start with a soy build. You'll thank me when you get your chocolate syrup drop.

Samefagging your own shitty thread. Are you 12?

Oh nice. Thanks for letting me know. I heard from gamespot that microtransactions might be added soon is that true? Will i be able to buy lvls? Or should i just grind and ge gud?

Lol dude's probably got the shitty console Maruchan ramen, not even the PC Chashu-Tonkatsu Ramen


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I recommend something that can be transotioned into any build, chicken is really versatile and can be specced into rice, pasta, soups and if you wanna go old school even potatoes

are you new? literally nobody specs into potatoes anymore

>Samefagging your own shitty thread. Are you 12?
Oh he must be new. Here fuck face let me educate you some so you can kill yourself with some sort of knowledge in that tiny brain of yours.
>This is /b the random board of Yea Forums.
There are threads that go on for hours and its relative to this. Ever heard of the tower threads? An unknown building with infinate floors, threads where people post where they live and what they do? Of course you havent because you are a new faggot. You see threads like this are made to troll into someone asking what is this about? So the rest of the rp turn on that person and shit on them. Do you understand?

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I know that's why I said old school, there's still that dude doing mashed potatoes in high ranks but no one rly knows how he doesn't drop

>solid food builds
this is why you plebs aren't triple plat
beer meta to hard on you?

Go back to bed grandpa whatever shit they're doing in Legacy Edition doesn't matter. If it's not tourney legal no one but the twelve year olds down at your local hobby shop give a fuck.

Well I mean it really depends on what you pkay. I mean, if you want to play a gourmet bacon wrapped potato dish, then yeah, you'll pay more attention to it. But if you're just looking for a decent complimentary mashed potato build, where you don't really have to be the star, then speccing aeound potatoes is perfectly viable.

Beer is the most generic build out there, no options for speccing out, generic xp curves and no real powerspikes, if you wanna use a drink centric build then rum is the way to go, but you need to grind a bit on another character to get the gear needed.

My entire team just got their shit pushed in by duo-queue macaroni smurfs and now I'm back at silver. When are the devs gonna get their shit together?

>he uses rum for the drink class

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No worries once spaghetti gets toned down beef will be top tier again and it's by far the best build for stomping low elo

This is how I know you’re all a bunch of bronzies
The Koreans stay classed in heavy ramen builds and outcompete everyone, makes you wonder why they keep winning the World Series

OP here, and tbh, killing myself tonight Yea Forums, ive finally had enough
>gf hates me
>family hates me
>dad molested me when i was 5
>get gang stalked and people constantly look through my window
>brother recently came out as transgender and said he has feelings for me
unironically not dealing with this shit anymore.
since you guys have given me a home, and kept me entertained, ill return the favor.

Stream link & quick rundown:


Thank you for always being my favorite board btw.


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>the only korean in leaderboard plays glass-build
Bet you feel pretty fucking stupid right about now hardstuck plat shitter

Dude, when was the last time you played? Beef AND Spaghetti got nerfed. Chicken is the one that got the hard buff

looks like someones going for a speedrun, wonder if its going to be another fizzle of a detergent build

>Posts that to a thread where the OP is still active and people know how to IP-check


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sorry if this is a dumb question but lately i've been wanting to try a ramen build but when i saw Scrimshaw play finals i was really inspired and im just wondering
is cup ramen viable in the current meta? again sorry if it's a stupid question

No dude we're in 4.8b atm spaghetti nerfs are scheduled for 4.8.5

>not playing on test server
fucking pleb, i bet you build with tomatoes to

Ramen is dogshit, it's cheap but makes so little profit and has poor scaling so you can't use it to grind for another build and it usually wont be able to keep up, only works as surprise-factor.

Enjoy those nerfs while they last. The devs know their main audience -- their PAYING audience are a bunch of spaghetti shitters. Give it a week tops, and the outcry will be so enormous that they're gonna revert, guaranteed.

The test server is really laggy + I gotta grind on live b4 season ends to maintain top 50

You'll get troll responses but honestly cup ramen just isn't worth learning. It's super situational and unless your micro is godlike it's just inferior to normal ramen in almost every 1v1

If that happens I might legit swap to ice cream and just keep hunting every fucking spaghetti user down

thats not test server lag thats you low ping from not enabling port forwarding

It's only laggy because everyone's shitting themselves trying to play that new pizza hero. Everyone else there is playing counters for ez stomps and guild points.

>ice cream
kek. i miss my old ice cream build but i got that shit swapped for sorbet
no regrets

Can we please not talk about OPizza for one thread
There's been 3 in /ck/ and 2 in fucking Yea Forums and YES WE ALL GET IT PIZZA IS OP it's like this every fucking new champ why are people still surprised

>mfw niggers forgot about pizza
Um, hello? Pizza is a straight fucking killer at every stage of the game, it puts punk faggots like you in your place just based on dps alone. First of all, if you're still playing ramen after unlocking tomato sauce or even alfredo, you need to uninstall and go back to playing Fortnite with the rest of the 8 year olds. It's fine for a while, but the stats are too low and the upgrades are trash. And bread doesn't amount to shit on its own, you have to count on getting the right drops and buffs, and even then you're pretty much limited to sandwich builds. Good fucking luck in the late game against beasts like lasagna or even some of the tankier ravioli builds. Breadniggers btfo

Jesus fucking christ we didn't forget we're just adults who have moved on to an actual discussion

>be me
>pizza player
>press E and use pepperoni lash
>it knocks everyone off the objective
>win, again
i REALLY like this new character

>Pizza is op
>Shortcake has been defining meta since release
Cry more, silver

OPizza isn't even out of beta yet and I have a bad feeling as to the impending accuracy of this post.

>Bread relies on drops
Yeah but if you're not shit at the game you prepare properly before starting ur bread build so you have everything set up properly to guarantee the necessary drops and it's all uphill from there.

What's wrong, bud? Got stomped by another ramen?

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Shortcake is fucking impossible to balance because of all the skills you have to take on the path from bread into cake that shortcuts to fruit. It's going to be meta until they make cake its own path, I've accepted that.

Pizza is the new pussy on the block though and none of you twelve year old fucks can shut up about it since patch

How about lasagna builds

Patch dropped last night bud

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Are you fucking with me? Is it actually out right now?

Tbh they're so middle of the road I don't think anyone cares. Noob friendly but not bad.

This is how I know you're just a silver peasant. When you lumo everything as a "Ramen" build, and can't distinguish Maruchan Ramen from a decent Chashu-Tonkatsu Ramen build

Lasagna is bad for solo play cus it does no damage but an organized team with a lasagna front line and strong debuff like grapefruit is rly hard to deal with.

Lasagna is for people who couldn't commit to the spaghetti build and opted to leech off of beef's stats, even more so than spaghetti. If it works for you then fine, but don't be surprised if you can't climb out of gold any time soon.

Why do you think all the kiddos have been spamming about OPizza.
No one even noticed the Fettuccini buffs

>grapefruit debuffs
this needs to stop. EVERYTHING is weak to grapefruit and it's fucking up the balance of the entire game

More like no one even noticed Fettuccini. Be honest, when's the last time you've seen a stack with Fett? Assuming you're in a decent rank, that is.

I've been thinking and I think I figured out a counter to pizza.
If you set up a good mustard farm and have a friend play supportive tomato you can go semi-bread with beef and make a really high econ burger that can tank a lot of hits from quad-cheese + pepperoni

You're not wrong but is it so much to fucking ask that my alfredo dream build come back from the grave
It was OP in the beta I had so much fucking fun with it

what if i don't have any friends

Don't forget to thank me sir


Idk just buy a script or something supportive tomato is really simple

Please don't advocate cheating. The last thing this game needs is more skids.

Yeah okay but what about all of us without any friends still in solo queue. Ice cream is so fucking predictable and boring but it's the only thing that works. Casters literally going to be yelling "is he going to spec chocolate sprinkles... OHHH HE CHOSE RAINBOW" lmao what a fucking joke

Haha eat my fucking ass

>Not rolling a level 1 sourdough from ancient starter compound.

Chili scales infinitely and is really easy to set up as solo, it's hard to play but only relies on your skill as a player, you could give that a go

>watching Casters
How's life in the fifth grade?

I can't believe I'm seeing a glimmer of old Yea Forums again, after so long..
back then the only thing we had was egg and pork builds. who knew you faggots would keep playing that cancerous bullshit game.
Ever since beef was added it became super pay to win. Yall are bunch of wallet warrior bitches who couldn't win with the basic builds like milk, egg, or nuts.

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Literally who the fuck plays sourdough

Not even as a meme, dude

Don't forget to thank me sir


Please. Even the best ramen build pales in comparison to even low level pizza, even without the standard upgrades. Low hp, even lower armor, and even lower topping support make ramen a shit tier class for suckers who think cayenne pepper is going to save them when real shit goes down. You're not even going to see the outside of your own base when you've got pepperoni and sausage flying at you from all directions.

yeah nuts are great
if you're still running alpha
seriously nobody uses nuts anymore unless it's going on your ice cream build or as a spread on a motherfucking sandwich

This is alfredo erasure and I will not stand for it.
I argued with you fucks about it in 2009 and I'll sure as hell argue about it now.

Another person who hasn't played ramen, talking shit. Big surprise. But riddle me this: what are all you shitty titty pizza fucks going to do when your shit inevitably gets nerfed and all the silvers are running flat crust? You know what you'll do? You'll look like a damn fool.


OPizza is always going to build straight into pepperoni and then there's no reason not to put on CONSTANT pressure, and even the lowest cost builds like Cup Ramen and Naan can't compete.

> meanwhile ice cream builds go soft serve and ggez within ten minutes.

This is why I begged you fucks not to make another thread about OPizza.
This happens with

Oh please. Alfedo was the most broken thing ever on release, all these whiny little new bitches whining about pizza dont know how bad it can be.
It didn't matter what you played, if alfredo hit level 3 before you hit 5, it was GG almost guarenteed.
Alfredo is what made me quit for a long time and it deserved to be nerfed into the ground and I hope it never comes back. You're just mad that you can't play the game on easy mode anymore after buying all of those loot boxes like a fool.
You're bad and you should feel bad.

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guys can we PLEASE stay on-topic for once? these spaghetti nerfs have got me really anxious i've already invested so much into this save

Hahah still mad literally a decade later that he didn't learn how to beat alfredogods

(Hint: they couldn't do shit about taffy pullers)

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Spaghetti has had it coming no one here gives a fuck. Unless you're playing unranked only or ARAM no one uses it.

excuse you? i pubstomp ranked with spaghetti
all the time
can you say the same about your shitty asparagus build or whatever the fuck you use in bronze?

Oh, you mean the new line that didn't come until 7 patches later? You absolute fucking mong.

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>ramen players be like "you'd respect it if you actually played it"
Pal, I was killing it with ramen while you were still shitting in your didies. But then I made it past first rank, tried new classes and saw it for what it is: a bullshit, one-note pretender with a limited skill set. To even compete you basically have to spam sauce, you can buff it with spices but you're still going to fold against any high cheese, high topping players with solid dps and range.

> he thinks taffy pulling started in the confectioner's path
It was still just an addon for Sugar before 1.3 because the devs didn't know wtf to do with their halfass candy build

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He's talking about next patch dipshit. Literally no one is arguing with you.


Literally the only good thing about pizza is the double-cheese armor and even that's a stretch when you go up against a build as versatile and perfectly capable of high DPS as ramen. What happens when you get splashed with hot noodles? You spam cheese coffin, again, just like every other time, because that's all pizza shitters can do. What I'm trying to say is that pizza is yet another point and click hero with buffed stats to get the bronzies hard when he's fresh out of beta.

> furiously defending ramen even now, twelve hours after patch
You probably fought a fortnight kid playing pizza as his first match ever. Anyone who knows what they're doing can have pepperoni by the time you're scouting, you literally cannot beat them even with a perfectly optimized build.

>high dps
top 5 highest dps:
1. Glass
2. Early game rice with green curry
3. Minmaxed beef with the medium-buff
4. Chili with grapefruit support
5. Strawberry-shortcake
And you compare RAMEN to these things? You're fucking delusional bub

Keep telling yourself that, bronzie.

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I said he's CAPABLE of high DPS. Ramen base stats aren't optimized for devastating an enemy's health, but if you add enough spices then things can get nasty for the other team really quick. Really, it's all a matter of item consumption.

Post your build order you actual child

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Yeah but ramen sucks ass for making profit so you need to use another build to farm up gear and currency first which is suboptimal to do for ramen because it's not top 5 in any category

Why no one talking about the Nigger builld? Fuckings noobs. Everyone knows all food systems are trash. Racial builds are the future!

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Cause the nigger buillds are too nigger rigged! They always bigger too

> can't go a single thread without posting racebait
Can you politely fuck off

Bigger? That's just a myth. Like the ramen/chicken hybrid system

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>nigger build
You mean that fucked up pickled pigs feet build? Why would you ever. I mean yeah there is a top 100 using that build but that’s just it, there is ONLY one.

Says you, faggot. Ramen uses a noodle base and everyone with even so much as 2 IQ knows that noodles are incredibly agile. Personally, I'd nominate ramen as the third fastest hero, right under water and tomato soup.

you got something to say motherfucker

They may be fake hardware but they are bigger, fag!

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Please ignore racebait in this and every other thread, it just shits up every fucking discussion immediately

All I'm saying is Etika was playing with a Nigger build and he dead...get fucked

Please no racebait. We're having a very serious discussion right now.

Ramen's speed simply doesn't compare to pizza's cheese-grappler and every drink-build is infinitely more agile, if you really wanna do noodles then you should go with Udon instead, they're just as agile and fast as ramen but have overall better tankiness and their support is way stronger.

Ok this is the first funny thing and only thing that makes sense in this retarded ass thread. You guys should debate killing your systems! KYS

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Hey, wo, i am being serious. The pickled pigs feet build is a really fucked up build. Would you use it? Like being real here.

>udon is tankier
>but somehow more agile
Do you even hear yourself? If we're going to include drink-build niggers then fine, but for actual food, it's hard to beat ramen. Also the speed granted from cheese-grappler is restricted to however long the ability lasts, which I wouldn't know since I'm not bronze and never played pizza, even in the beta.

Okay you get a pass. No one uses that shit it's a meme that won't make it past German finals. No idea how the fuck he won in Australia or wherever the fuck he's from

Ramen is a jack of all trades build that kinda has anything but it can't capitalize which results in it having a lot of counters as well as not being good enough at anything to counter any top tier build, it can work when no one expects it and you get a head start but specialized builds always beat it.
Ice cream absolutely fucks it's debuffs.
It cannot do damage to defensive builds.
It's not agile enough to be able to contest drinks.
It doesn't have the defense to tank any hits from offensive builds.
Udon is very similar to ramen but it sacrifices debuffs (which are useless for ramen after others scale up) for overall better base stats which allow it to still be semi-viable as an off-meta strategy.

What's this thread, a low-poly shitty fingerbox?

Do not get me started on the bratwurst users. Ugh, nothing more than glorified hot dog mains with shitty side of sauerkraut.

It's the thread where we all point and laugh at you now.

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Dude, we all just gonna act like the chi-mo build isn't the tightest build? Like seriously? Fuck your ramen, fuck your nigger builds. The chi-mo build has the tightest build, the fastest tip to port transfer rates, and it's good til at least 17 years old. You all are out of it!

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Kek. This is a build I don't want to touch!

Fuckin weebs and their "meta" builds.. i still shitstomp with my season 1 ice cube cereal build. Dirt cheap but effective

I use a modded Ice T build. More street and it makes a cooler lisp sound when running at high speeds

I haven’t heard of that build since my rookie years. Jesus, it’s so sad. It makes me almost want to trade you some milk for the ice if it wasn’t so pathetic.

Late game it rolls into essentially unlimited hot n ready pizzas


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More like hot n’ ready totino pizzas. Get your weak sauce shit out of here. Even the DiGiorno mains can do better.

Anyone else here subscribe to loot boxes? I get the 3 a week subscription. So far it's been pretty dope even though the drops are rice and chicken heavy

Players that use the ramen spagh glitch exploit are f pathetic. Instantly report them if you want to save the lasagne