Sum up your life so far in 3 words

sum up your life so far in 3 words

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Bad, good, bad

Total fucking nonsense.

someone fucking help

slow, disappointing, mental

Man I'm horny.

Huge fucking failure.

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Please, wake up!

been going downhill

Not too bad

Is this the curvy natalie portman model?

Steamy, dreamy, creamy

Unemployed convicted felon

i love feet

dime a dozen. i realize how unremarkable i am

He's too weird

Not half bad

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no you're shmoopy

Oppressed by kikes.

lol, she looks ridiculous. she seriously should have a reduction.

i blew it...

Royal Professional Fuckup

Is that Labia?

Rule breaker

Its getting better.

What's the point

One continuous disappointment


Cursed monkey paw.

I like cheese

could be worse

not worth it

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sauce plz sir?

This is how you dubby,
this is how you dubby.
All the dubbies love me,
all the dubbies love me.

Sohphie Rundle

I hate myself

Kill me please

End it now

past is prologue

I am a rebel

nigger fag jew

Waste of time

No sex yet

Drunken bitter underachiever

waste of time

Not too bad

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good so far

eating large poops

Gas the kikes.


Cant complain much!

Lies, Hate & Blood

That's from that show Episodes. It's on Netflix. Don't know her name

>life so far in 3 words

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>nothing but shit

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mindgames, sex, drugs

this one is nice.
Don't know you sir,
but I wish you good luck in the troubles and challanges to come.
have a great life!

Honestly very lucky

Undo my mistakes

Bad but good

Unfair medical conditions

whirlwind of nothing

This as well

Born to lose

it's getting better

What is this?

Really fucking sad

I'm an addict

bad to worse


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Gay as fuck

Legitimately not worthwhile

"What a waste."

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>suffocated by regret

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