What are we drinking tonight Yea Forums?

What are we drinking tonight Yea Forums?

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This because at my store i feel its the best price to performance vodka. 17-18 usd for a 1.75l

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damn not a bad deal. im drinking a 750ml bicardi white. about $18 so not as good a deal as yours unfortunately. maybe i should switch to cheaper vodka since i drink it mixed anyway


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Water, because I'm not some neanderthal that needs to sacrifice his health to drink literal poison in order to have good time

y'all niggas need Allah

Nice. Straight, mixed, rocks?

Only the best.

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Don't get that lovely buzz with water though, which is kind of the point

might as well drink whiteclaw smh

A lot

love to hear it, what you got pouring now?

Its got less calories that white claw and it tastes better

alcohol content is msot important to me though. That's why I typically go for the hard stuff

Some cheap makers mark and cranberry juice


Not bad, gets the job done

Shop for sales if ur in the US. U can get mid tier shit 1.75L for 15 to 16 easy. Not talking about that Vlad and bankers club either.

I usually drink beer and then take a few pulls from some whiskey before i turn in for the night

A real man. I like it. Definitely hits hard. Bought some jack daniels a while back and polished off the bottle over a weekend and it fucked me up

How to get fat and not drunk 101.

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Damn what a deal. Like to save money just buy a lot of hard shit and mix it with some cheap shit like Ice Drinks with little calories to spend more on alcohol

Beer just makes me feel bloated if I drink too much. No more than 4-5 for me. Liquor doesn't have the same problem

Made an old fashioned with Hennesy VS and drank a scotch and soda.


always a good choice, gets the job done well

damn sounds good old fashioneds hit well imo

I've been meaning to pick up a bottle. How is it? I'm assembling myself a mini bar of sorts. Latest acquisition has been Johnnie Walker Black and Hennesy VS.

I've been experimenting with cocktails and it's probably my favorite thus far. I've really been searching for something that stands out well in it.

That's pretty much what I do....shop for sales basically under 20 bucks for 1.75L and mix or shoot with chaser.

I mean you arent wrong...

Wish I had the cask strength but it's too expensive and harder to find

problem with those is its a lot more calories to get a nice tasting cocktail. Not good for getting drunk but good for a nice casual drink for sure

definitely smarter than me just going and buying a fifth of rum every weekend lol

yeah the higher strength shit is always the best, hard to come by though

Yeah. All the carbonation really isnt that good for you. I go through phases so I'll drink beer for a while then switch to liquor then switch back. What ever im feeling

liquor only really does it for me now tbh

Yeah. I drink just about every other night but rarely get anything more than a small pleasurable buzz. A drink or two is all. I walk around 10 miles a day at my job. Calories are of little concern to me.

If u like rum, idk what country or state of US you are in. But where I am sales change like 3 to 4 weeks. Shop around.

Meth and vodka

ah gotcha in that case do what you like then

yeah i really should im just lazy and want it when i want it lmao

Ever drink devils cut?

probably a troll but I heard meth is like 5000% more pleasurable than sex. sounds awesome would love to try

nope whats that

Fair enough. I'll buy a 12 pack from the grocery store sometimes cuz I'm there even tho it's a 20% markup.

I think next time I'll pick up a bottle of buffalo trace. I've heard its flavor stands out very well in an old fashioned. Maybe some gentleman jack.

Great stuff.

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Not trolling I'm tweaking right now I been up for 2 days

Its jim beam extracted from the barrels or something. Its pretty good. Connor McGregor proper twelve is decent
And inexpensive

cough syrup

if you had to describe it what would you say

yeah gotta do what you gotta do for a buzz lmao

surprised no one else did this yet

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ah nice sounds good ill check it out at some point too

looks decent, hit well?

damn sounds good, need to look into it

yikes, in for an interesting night i expect. how does that feel then

Very. First drink cuts the stress and it's all downhill from there. Drink straight or with Ginger ale and lemon juice.

Go to erowid. Look up dxm. Don't do coricidin hbp above 8.

Ginger ale

Not the user you replied to, but gentleman's jack is pretty good. Pick some up the next time you see it.

it's not codeine. I've done codeine and it's just meh. feel too jelly on that.
believe it or not I've been doing DXM for 5 years quite regularly. I like it because it's easy to get a hold of, it's harmless, and I feel veyr immersed when playing vidya.
only downside is that tolerance can be kind of a bitch.
just to give you an idea it takes me over 700mg to get a hard 2nd plateau.

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Its pretty smooth

as long as DXM is the only active ingredient, you're fine. It doesn't cause brain damage. It doesn't show up on drug tests, and really the only negative aspect would be the digestive aspect. It can be pretty taxing on your system.

Over 5 years of heavy usage. Blood is fine. Nothing on brain scan. no change in GPA or work performance.

yum definitely checking out in that case. need some good different stuff that can wipe out the day with a glass or two

what is "8" supposed to be? sorry not familiar

and what else?

definitely need to, never had it. never really got to into whisky even though i have meant to. ive heard from some the buzz is better, thoughts?

damn interesting, okay. worth trying out or stick to weed/alcohol?

Sierra Nevada Brut IPA. I got it for free and free beer is the best beer

drug tests are a big thing for me. maybe i should check it out then over weed - which is a sad thing cause weed is so harmless

i do love me a good ipa

I drank heavily when I began experimenting around 16-18. I once finished a bottle of evan williams in one night and I had a realtively high tolerance for my weight. one day I just stopped. It's more of a downer for me. I haven't had a sip in 4 years.

I love weed so long as it's the correct strain. but I get randomly drug tested and can't risk it.

8 pills. 30mg dxm with i think 4 or 8 mg of some antihistamine. Doesn't sound bad but can be very lethal, not the dxm but the antihistamine. Best is robogells. 15mg dxm each but the shit they use might make u puke. Delsym is also great but lasts longer. Beginner use for dextromethophan is like 240 to 300mg. Just watch out for shit like aspirin and tylenol. That's why some products are best.

like I said, make sure Dextromethorphan hbr is the ONLY active ingredient.

I'm usually not too big on IPAs because of the bitterness but this one is really smooth

drug tests for weed are bullshit. can find weed you smoked months ago sometimes, not fair at all. What strain do you like? I dislike weed when it makes me feel too tired. Other people dont seem to have this problem (I do enjoy weed though just feel tired - could be my lifestyle). Is it me or the strain?

ah gotcha, how does the high feel then?

understood if i decide to try it. what should i try to buy for this then

depends on my taste that day but a little bitter can go a long way. but a smooth ipa that hits the cylinders can work wonders

Agreed 100%. Tho some antihistamine is good even if consuming pure dxm. It prevents "robo itch."

The usual. Beer and semen

Imagine falling into a hole and watching everything in front of you at real time in a robotic like interactive moment where u aren't falling just feel like it. It's a disassociative. You are there but feel miles away at the same time. Closed eye visuals in a dark room with awesome music is fun. Imo, it's stronger than ketamine....and I've done hundreds of grams of K.

Bought a 9 pack of 16oz Miller lite and watching Jackie Brown

sipping on this intoxicating beverage.

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It's different for everyone. and I'll be honest with you. the majority of people don't like it. It's not a social drug at all. you will want to be alone and left in your happy place. It depends on the dosage.
Each dextronaut is different. We each have our own experiences. Some like 1st plateau. Other's like a full blown 4th.
I'll explain the plateaus based on my personal experience and personal dosage.

1st plateau:
A slight body and head buzz. Like an uppity slightly drunk feeling. Lasts for about 45 minutes. 200-300mg for me to acheive
2nd plateau:
A mild body and head high. Very noticeable. Slight visual effects and all you want to do is sit down, watch a move, listen to music, or play a video game. Type of music may have an affect during this stage. You will be elated and in a great mood. Can last 2-3 hours depending on intake. 600-900mg for me. This is my go to when I simply want to relax.
3rd plateau:
A hard hitting body and head high. You will remember most, if not everything, that occurs during this stage. It's advised that you remain in one place, but if you get up and walk around you will experience what's called 'robo walking'. Minor to mild visual effects and mildly separated from reality. You will feel like you're in the movie you're watching or video game you're playing. I recommend a good RPG at this stage. This is when tolerance begins to build. You can forget about sleeping for the next 12-16 hours. 1200-1400mg for me to acheive
4th plateau:
You are flying through space. You are almost completely detached from reality. Simply by closing your eyes you may isit other worlds, see or talk to deceased relatives or friends. It's extremely hard to function without someone noticing. Minor hallucinations. Sound is completely different and much more crisp. This is like being awake in a dream state. I've achieved this state maybe a couple dozen times. Usually on accident, but it's no big deal with the experienced dextronaut.

jameson and pantyhose, classic combo

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Robo itch is a beautiful thing. It means your tolerance is at an all time low. I see it more as a boon. but that's me. It goes away in due time and as you get adjusted to DXM.

Pinned on mojitos

Just a shot of Fireball at D&D tonight. Nothing crazy.

The American corona. Decent choice.

As an ex dexer this is pretty accurate. Tolerance and bodyweight are variables. Also of ur on meds don't do it. And your dick will not work so don't plan on being with a chick.

Remember, it's a DISSOCATIVE. ie, you're detaching yourself from reality and letting your subconscious take the reigns. any hallucinations are caused by your brain reacting to the drug, not the drug causing them.

however there's one more state after 4th, and I encourage every dextronaut to explore it at least once.
It's called ego death. the ultimate state of self-realization.
you are detached from your body and most of your senses so much that you feel as if you're just an empty shell existing in a simulation. you will be convinced that you understand the universe completely.
many religious/spiritual people see this as the closest to God you'll ever be (alive)

ive taken antihistamine before for legit reasons. never wanted to remotely take it recreationally. how does that feel?

damn kinda feels like when i smoked a shit ton of weed early on

hm hows that

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shut the fuck up but....

earl grey tea and vodka. im poor as shit and havent bought groceries in over 4 months. go fuck yourself.

wow thanks, really helpful. sounds like 2/3 is good for me. in terms of something i could understand how much (volume/$/time) does it take to hit these? any danger?

completing the first half of farcry 3 on dxm was a spiritual experience. I'll never forget how immersed I was. the feeling when I killed vaas

Just free base a large amount of DMT for who death. Or like 12 hits of acid. I wouldn't recommend dxm to anyone for that self realization.

weight and height?

love me some fireball here and there

it's different for everyone, but yes there's better substance out there for ego death.

really cool sounding, sounbds like some of what ive considered high af hearing about dmt

ah bullet, seen those ads. how is it

No. Diphenhydramine is not dextromethophan. A super dose of benadryl is not fun.

I would argue it's DMTs younger cousin.

dont like the hate but love me some earl grey. british myself so love to see it - especially with some alch

toxic dihydrogen monoxide

190 - 6'0

9th grade science?

great beer, basically the American corona throw a lime in and its perfect. great for the beach

ah so its not whatever nasal shit i sprayed in myself then

have you ever heard of mixing it with anything though? i mean even as i pour it into my glass, im sitting there like "this is so fucking trashy, why cant you just go buy juice or something"

I like it a lot
It's peppery up front like most ryes, but it has a decently strong vanilla finish

yeah... no i havent lmao. i did espresso and some liq last night since i had to head out. ruining a good brew with liq would be a sin. spiking it up could work if done right - dont defile a good brew though. total sin.

interesting, hows the price? maybe i should check it out

you live out there though, can i ask you something? is it true that there is a time of day where the power grid has to beef up its capacity to handle the amount of people making tea at a specific time of the afternoon? sounds like a myth.

There is an over the counter nasal spray where u can consume the contents however u want but no that's just an upper.

I buy a bottle of HEB brand cough syrup. DXM being the only active ingredient and it was like 740mg or so DXM.

I recommend for your first time taking 300mg. Make sure you chase it with a drink of your choosing. I've found that some drinks such as fruit juices can alter the high for good or worse. I recommend something like pepsi but don't drink a lot. just enough to get rid of the syrupy taste in your mouth. literally the hardest aspect is holding down the syrup. I'm at the point where I can chug a whole bottle and not even be phased. do not eat 7-10 hours prior.

1st time, 300mg. you will know as you progress through the high if you can handle more and should be able to gauge where you are on the tolerance and dosage totem pole.
300mg should give you a hard 2nd/soft 3rd.
have a playlist ready and enjoy.

worth trying?

what the fuck is this 2008?
who drinks syrup anymore? except...

damn interesting. so just any HEB brand got it. first time how long will it last? should I be completely alone or could I struggle through a phone call/brief convo like I can on weed? What are side effects, anxiety at all? Why not eat for so long?

I got a bottle for like 25 bucks

Depends where you go though

Whatever floats ur boat. I'm into downers these days like opiates and benzos. But used to be into amphetamines and coke and shit. I forget the name but it's a piece of cotton u can either soak and drink or cut up and eat. Like I said over the counter.

>what is delsym?


>so just any HEB brand got it.
no. just make sure the only active ingredient is the DXM. it's a tall box. blue/yell with a black stripe.

gotcha, ill stop by cvs or some shit in a few weeks and check it out

its like you're drunk but...fuzzy and confused like you're on coke. its duration is dependent on your intoxication as well as BMI etc blah blah blah. the more you take, the "longer" itll last in terms of total duration overall. Generally, for someone 5'9 185 lbs, it lasts about 15-30 min tops. And thats using the dose other user recommended. Worth it? Maybe. I mean I guess.

Thank you user.

always heard meth was like 5000% a normal orgrasm in terms of how good it feels. normally into weed/alch, interested about what other things offer

ah good call out, thanks

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gotcha, any big negatives?

awesome thanks for the pic

worth the calories? no.

also be aware of the Summer trip fags. a lot of times kids will buy or steal the shit out of these around summer to the point where they don't bother restocking it.

tired on the come down.
none other than your standard shit to be honest. it slowly fades away as any drug does. you just start to feel it less until it stops. same shit different day.

oh shit yeah how many calories is this

lmao will keep it in mind

gotcha sounds fair then

its a lot of sugar.
210 calories for a 4 hour dose. its mostly sugar to be honest.

Never really got into meth. Wouldn't suggest it either. Look at those fuckers before/after. No thanks. And I don't shoot heroin. I've snorted it tho, like sex with angels while falling asleep.

yikes dont want too much sugar

on one hand i have a badly addictive personality so i know i should never do it. but on the other hand meth/heroin sound awesome for a once or twice type thing, especially for having sex. not sure how the independent highs feel though would love to know if anyone does

Who the fuck thinks about calories when u want to get high? Holy shit balls. Do an easy extraction if u want to faggot.

High levels of opiates will kill your dick. Whereas high levels of amphetamines might make u give ur grandmother a facial.

at least 2 people so far.

especially for a high that can be easily replicated, if not surpassed, by actual street drugs.

gotta stay healthy yk

ah so heroin will fuck me but meth will make me fuck. surprised cause weed makes everything fee,l great. kinda expected all drugs to do same lmao

v true tho

Dxm can not be duplicated for its capacity. It's a for real, surreal experience no street drug can give.

I'm drinking iced tea after sucking a big black cock.

My ex girl and I ate pot brownies and put a 4 hour porn DVD on and had to put another porn DVD before we were done. Pot brownies can make people horny as fuck. Meth is just like durrrrrrr cum. Heroin is a wet noodle.

awesome description thanks. have done a brownie once just got so fucked i couldnt do much but watch planet earth. gf is not into smoking but maybe i could convince her to do a brownie. idk. or just get her drunk. meth or weed definitely sound like they make sex great. heroin i guess not for whatever reason


my problem with brownies is the.."unquantifiability" for lack of a better term. There's a better word for it but that's the best you're going to get from me so deal with it. You just can't predict when its going to kick in or how strong it will be when it does. All you can do is ask yourself 2-3 hours later if you're willing to go to the gas station to get snacks, and if the answer is no then you know you're high. And who the fuck wants that? In this scenario, syrup would be preferable as its a for sure high that you can definitely feel in the moment, if not immediately afterwards. Like molly. You know you're high, and when, and exactly what you're feeling at any given moment. Especially if you snort it.

totally understand and agree. took a while to kick in but then i knew - definitely smoked the dab for a while. my buddy got fucked cause he ate the brownie, felt nothing, then raped that pen. dumb fuck he was lmao

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There are plenty of mg/dose of brownie operations. Even in illegal states I'm sure ur dealer can hook u up.

and im STILL over here trying to find a pen that's even worth the effort. I live in CO so sometimes it feels like im spoiled for choice. driving to denver during potfest is the best bet i have towards getting something thats actually worth the gas. but overall everyone here knows that edibles and tinctures are a money pit. overpriced, and not worth the high you'd get. dabs and flower are about as much as im willing to spend, not because its all i can afford if i really tried but mostly because the high dictates the cost im willing to incur. tl;dr edibles here are a money making scam most dispensaries use to pad their income. it kind of sucks because you know immediately that most of the customers who fall for it are elderly, sickly people who need it primarily for medicinal purposes.

IL here, so I have to balance the smell so i dont get caught. I have tons of friends who can hook me up with whatever - price depends on what, how much, and how soon - ofc. i normally go pen for the subtly. normally get it for $50-$60 lasts for a month+ so great deal especially compared to alcohol or whatever

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check this out guy. its this device that my sister uses back in TX. theoretically, you blow into it and it absorbs the smell (so your toddlers can't smell you making bad decisions in your bedroom). or so the story goes. ive never tried it but it might save you the hassle of macguyvering a contraption every single time you have to smoke in public. might help, idk.

That shit doesn't get you drunk.

room mate used it before i smoked weed, definitely helps. all about what you want, i love the slightly more body high from real weed so i should try it

If you drink a 30 pack a day maybe.
That's why unwealthy fathers choose it, to not piss off the wife. While sitting in ur trailer park with 3 kids.

did it work? i never bought one because why bother right? even the kids here know what weed smells like and they don't give a shit. but my sister is pretty retarded about the details. shes an ex meth head so she assumes im going to judge her
>as i live in Colorado for fucks sake

point is, did it work?

gotta get a buzz somehow

dont live in colorado - not sure if you meant to respond to me or if im drunk and misunderstood aha. pen definitely works very small smell that doent last. so fucking good. people cant tell

Fuck yea b/ro

no i mean the smoke buddy. theres just no point to hiding the smell here. everyone accepts that its part of life but there are genuine scenarios where someone knowing that you smoke might be disavantageous to your...goal I geuss,


ahn gotcha yeah the smoke buddy really helped. so does getting the PAX or whatever, basically a weed "oven". obviously do the usual opening the window, fan, candles, etc. that you normally do. but if you use one./both of those and the usual you'll be good

Your mom's pussy juice

Why am I drinking this shit someone stop me plz.

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The best rum in my fuckin book. Was a big Capitan Morgan fan but this is 10 times better

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