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Other urls found in this thread:


OP is a faggot

That's great and all but when is she going to apologize to Asians for the Torreon Massacre and the concentration camps Mexicans made for Asians way back?

Leave AOC alone.

She is a beautiful, intelligent and humane woman who will be POTUS one day.

Only Fox News watching racists and fascists don’t agree that she’s making the world a better place.


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This thread again? Sage

So she won't apologize for the massacres.
Gottcha. We gotta do this in a certain order kiddo, in a chronological order.

shut up nazi

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Why should Americans apologize to Mexicans when Mexicans did the same and worse to Chinese migrants in the 19th and early 20th century?

she wasn't even alive then dumbass

If you don't want to be treated like a criminal, don't try to sneak into a country illegally.

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Not an excuse.
Reparations and public apology to Asians. Never made. Time to pay your due Mexican Nazi bitch.

She has TARDIS?

She has:
3 choices to start paying reparation and apology to Asians before talking shit to others on the same sins of her own people. Chop chop.

why should women and children fleeing for their lives be treated worse than death row inmates?

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Ask the Chinese migrants that when the Mexicans treated them worse than death row inmates and still do today.

You know you are insulting Asians by comparing them to niggers?

She isn't Mexican you fucking retard.

You’re a coward.

Still want to fuck her.

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Don't worry, i know Mexicans treat blacks and asians as the same.

For someone who isn't Mexicans she sure likes ignoring their sins and defending their crimes.
Chop chop vaginal mouth lady, those Asian cocks need lubing.

>documented massacres, mass rapes, and incarceration
Fuck outta here little bitch.

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Death row inmates don't get to have their children live with them either

They're being treated better than they deserve. The right thing to do would be to dump them back over the wall.

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Protip: be careful with your dick around her mouth.

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Gonna rub it all over them teeth

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Same but I'd be careful though.

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Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-18 A Transgender Woman Who Sought Asylum In The US Was Deported And Killed In El S (792x983, 399K)

aoc is sexy and id fuck her

Where's the X-rayed picture of AOC in a T-shirt?

Why is it our responsibility if they’re running for their lives? It’s time for the people of Mexico to arm themselves and fight back against these corrupt governments and cartels.

Nothing of value was lost
Gene pool +1

Cartels were brought into order when the previous right wing president was in power and called in the national military to treat the cartels as an insurgency force rather than organized crime problem.
Shit was damn effective.
Then this left wing socialist dumbshit came into power and now cartels are acting up again and feeling freedom.

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They should be shot on site, camps are too good for them.


Justice seved

it's not a concentration camp if you choose to be there


Time for a good old fashioned coup

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sought asylum and was deported.
clearly didn't actually try to get asylum and just crossed illegally
nothing of value was lost

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>Babies, toddlers, retards, children chose to be there

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did you make your own choices at those ages?
no, your parents did.
their parents made the choice.

I think all illegal Mexican migrants should be sent to Africa accompanied with armament and food which only gets unlocked at the destination after the ship leaves back. The rest is up to them.

So you agree that they didn't choose and should not be separated?

They indeed shouldn't be separated from their home country, and should be sent back.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-7-14 DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated.pn (800x710, 82K)

no i don't
they committed a crime and are facing the consequences.
do you not want the children housed? because the only option is kicking them onto the streets


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Nope. The entire family should be dumped back over the wall.

97% of them come over knowing for a fact they don't apply for asylum so when they get their court date they never show up. Lost in our country with dems giving them free shit

>because the only option is kicking them onto the streets
Certainly would be far better than being crammed in concentration camps.


lmao, you would rather these kids be wandering the streets of mexico than being housed and cared for and eventually put into the foster system.
genuine bleeding heart, you are.

lol crocodile tears

>concentration camps.

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That's where the immigrants are coming from, Einstein.

>a place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, *refugees*, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard

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What part of AOC not being from Mexico do you not understand, retard?


Where is the war dumbfuck?

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no one said she was moron

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In South America fucktard.

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>a place where children of criminals are kept and cared for

Can't stand AOC. She was a dimwitted bartender with a horse face that won a weak district. She lies and back paddles all the time. She even called Nancy Pelosi a racist recently lol

If you actually use your retarded brain and follow the conversation, you would realize that a poster wants AOC to apologize for Mexicans mistreating Asians.


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Isn't she? I mean after all Fox News calls Pelosi and Omar racists.

What countries are at war again?

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>Never heard of drug wars.

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When any democrat gets corner by anyone even from their own party.. pull out the racism card to get out

No sympathy for the devil keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

She's a dumb cunt over playing a dramatic fuckery of lie's for political gain. It's her fault a wack job got shot at the border today. Now blood is on her hands. Nice job AOCunt

>drug wars.

So there are no wars going on and these people are not refugees.

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Yeah they come here because fuck you. You're right.

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it's her fault illegals are now storming the border in mass being promised open borders free health care and free basic income by aoc and radical house terrorists

whites need to pay reparations for slavery so your excuse holds no water

If you (gringos) complain, about the INCREASE in mexican and south american migration, it is MOSTLY your fault. You are the main consumers of the drugs (and other illegal products) made here o pass by here. Also you are the main firearms providers, so drug cartels are overwhelming the authorities thanks to you. Lets be honest we (Latinamerica) are a shit hole and poor we dont have the resources to face your armament nor the power of the american dollar. Even the goverment is afraid of cartels not because of they are corrupt per se but because a lot of times they threaten them with the lives of their family or loved ones (sure you have seen videos about what happen when you fail a cartel).

maybe you should just let them in instead of being fascist?

She's so fucking stupid, she makes Donald Trump look like the stable genius that he thinks he is.

I demand open borders!
(From behind my all white gated community for internet points)

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Blacks for the heavy lifting, whites for tax dollars, asians for math, and mexicans because someone has to clean the bathrooms.

Not fascist. It's a sovereign country. National security, drugs, human trafficking, drains on resources by illegals that dont contribute are just a few of the reasons. For fucks sake, Canada and Sweden have harder immigration laws and requirements for citizenship then we do. Quit being a retard and calling people fascists that don't agree with your childish opinions.

Whites abolished slavery and died to free slaves in the civil war so no we don't.

or maybe you're just afraid of brown people?

Not in the slightest.

>AOC is stupid because Fox News says so
>Reason why the "stable genius" loves the poorly educated supporters.

then let them in

What are they fleeing for their loves from?

Imagine trying to sage in 2019.

I work side by side many of them. Ones that came into the country properly and have become great American citizens. Immigration is fine. When done properly. Otherwise it's illegal and they are criminals. In such cases they need to be removed from the country.

works if you put it in all fields

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There also seems to be one group who profits the most from it while the quality of life for everyone else is decreasing.

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just because jews make up half of the billionaires it doesn't mean anything subversive is going on

They can apply and start the process any time.

its outdated and too restrictive

Not restrictive at all. Maybe you should look at the requirements of some other countries. Ours it quite easy in comparison.

That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this important piece of history,

Shut up commie scum.

Yeah I'm sure it's just a coincidence such a small percentage of the population controls the media, universities, and large corporations and promotes mass immigration into white countries. *yawn* I'm getting sleepy. I don't think this issue needs to be researched anymore.

She gets roasted every time she opens her stupid trap. Here's her latest embarassment:


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I have a solution! Stop Illegally entering America! You are seeking asylum? Yet you passed through multiple countries and denied their asylum already?

>Don't like the conditions? Don't come here

> Simple

i wish someone would just rape and kill this cunt already

You guys are really getting sucked into this campaign fag being paid to spread bullshit and get you all hard for elections. Trump is obviously going to win. AOC is helping trump get re-elected if anything. I remember politics being more discrete and much nicer backstabs.

all spics should be executed

20 years is not restrictive?


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sounds like someone needs more layers to their tin foil hat

5 years.

20 years in prison is what illegal's should get for entering the country illegally.


Old article says 20 years. The wait is longer now.

she has a very punchable face, even for a spic bitch

They let north Koreans post on Yea Forums?
You know Kim Jong un does actually poop. You don't need to act all pro dictatorship on the internet because he isn't watching all the time.

Yes easily researchable facts are now conspiracy theories. I wonder if that's why google is "tweaking" the algorithm

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The process is 5 years. If the terrorist dems in the house would stop promising free gets to these poor people it wouldn't be such a problem. And moving the entire world population that has problems to the US is not a solution. We can't take care of our own people yet. Let alone adding millions more.

>look i put all these jewish symbols by names

i can't wait until she gets gangraped by a pack of mexican illegals

Look at the source you posted, oh wait you didn't. Why do you keep repeating 5 years? Sure there are countries like UK, Japan, Canada that have less interest to immigrate here. But we are not talking about them and you know that. I just showed you an article claiming 20 years from Mexico. Why are you so fucking dense? Is it deliberate, are you a troll?

>look mom i posted it again

In a Mexican prison paid for by Mexico.

>We can't take care of our own people yet.
The richest country in the world could take care of their own because other first world countries with less money are doing it. They spend less on healthcare and everyone has healthcare, with longer lives and no one dying from rationing their drugs. They don't have the homeless population that we have. It's kind of a fucking joke, because we could take care of everyone. It's people like you, you are a plague upon our government and everyone's way of life because you think the suffering is necessary.

She's fucking retarded and you're a cuckold

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>terrorist dems in the house would stop promising free gets

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

It wasn't the dems, it's the United States of America that opened it's arms up and welcomed your immigrant ancestors. Now that you and your ancestor have received those benefits you feel it's time to close the door on new immigrants? I say no, and democracy says no.

I'm jewish and I hate her. How you gonna pull the fascist card now?

I have to tell you this, but being Jewish doesn't mean your always going to be on the right side of history. It isn't a super power.

Facts and logic don't matter to those in the right. They just work on their feelings and bullshit prejudice. Pic related must be posted every time they call her stupid uneducated etc. She scares the hell out of them.

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And? She is dancing and having fun and looking fucking sexy as fuck while doing it.

i cant

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All points are true. Deal with it conservicuck. It's on of those facts I mentioned that trigger you alt-right cucks.

Oh yes, how dare I support economic ruin and racial division? How silly of me.


are you being serious?

'The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.'

Is this a competition? Because if you are looking for actual quotes of politicans saying ridiculous things Trump's got a 1000 of them. We would actually hit the bump limit and be forced to make several threads of just Trump saying retarded things.

Not enough. Hopefully they can triple it

We should let all of the anti lgbt Mexicans in.

Ew fuck trannies

>agrees with alex jones
>disagrees on a basic chemistry concept aproved by most of the scientifical comunity

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>People make conscious choice to cross border, get put in detention camps, Trump=racist nazi
>FDR rounds up American citizens and puts them in concentration camps based upon race=party hero

Actually look up her history and qualifications. Justice Democrats picked her due to her education and background. She is extremely qualified to serve in Congress. She is more qualified than Trump hands down.


No he wasn't a hero for that. He was a hero for other things.

Just because she paid for college doesn't make her smart. Why is it that she sounds like a complete dunce and has no idea what she's talking about if she has so many credentials? Anyone can pay for all of those things if they have enough money.

She never sounds like a dunce? She always knows her shit and has her shit together. What are you actually on about?



You obviously haven't watched her at all or seen any of her tweets. She's a complete moron.

I follow her Twitter constantly and watch all her interviews. I've never seen her come off as a moron. She's an intelligent beautiful and powerful woman. No wonder she scares the shit out of you incels.


its true, I think she might actually have some kind of mental disorder, but being in the public eye all the time probably doesn't help... She might just be a moron

obvious troll is obvious
surprise, it's you

>complete dunce and has no idea what she's talking about

Getting minor things incorrect or some misunderstanding of a law is not a justification to call a Junior congress woman an idiot. Every legitimate misstep by her has been addressed and corrected, which shows courage and that she accepts her mistakes. When the average senators, average Congress people or our president gets called out on their mistakes their response is to ignore, deny, or reframe.

Whats wrong with being a fascist?

Oh she's worse than an idiot. She probably the stupidest person in congress. Even democrats are getting sick of how retarded she is.

AoC is just another useful idiot for trash like Soros, The Clintons, and their vassal outfits like Fusion GPS, Podesta, etc. They know what a complete brainless shitstain she is and that she doesn't know her ass from her elbow, but they roll out garbage "politicians" like her in order to get the masses to follow them over a cliff and sign up for their own misery and destruction.

Politics/Elections/Voting/Left-Right...it's a sock puppet show, fellas, and entirely vestigial, all controlled by a gaggle of criminal psychopaths. Plato touched on it, and his Allegory of the Caves said it all. Nothing new under the friggin sun.

"What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history".

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Yeah she's not even doing her job.

And you're a poop face

Isn't that literally all kikes do?

You're out of order

She doesn't scare anyone. Based on what you've just said I conclude that you are probably one of the most naive, and ignorant person on the planet.

If they weren't Mexican, I'd say they did the world a favor, halting a future crime.

No I'm just not an NPC programmed by Fox Noise

>mfw I realize I forgot to type the negative form "not" in my sentence

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And you are obviously a low iq alt-right conservicuck incel moron.

Quit being so damn dumb already, holy shit. Just the very fact she said "the world will end in 12 years" involving that endless fraud and junk science garbage of "climate change", and that her "New Green Deal" is the most laughable and unfeasible thing since Timberlake's "Dick in a Box", just shows how truly incompetent she is. But then again, those ideas aren't even hers anyway and have been around for ages.

I'd still fuck her though.

Yeah that junk science is the consensus of the entire scientific community.... She's right you moron. If we don't change everything we are all dead.

>"the world will end in 12 years"
It's called hyperbole. She was making a point. realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/01/22/ocasio-cortez_the_world_is_going_to_end_in_12_years_if_we_dont_address_climate_change.html

this person deserved better. RIP.

Should have been dismembered. Finding it alive for a short time means they weren't thorough enough.

AOC doesn't even know what gender it is. Why the fuck should we listen to it about anything?

Do you have a personal blog? I'd like to sub to it.

Nah, blogs aren't my thing. Thanks though.

Trump thinks wind farms give you cancer.

He's allowed to be wrong once in a while. Libshits make a lifestyle out of being incorrect though.

so you have a plan to wipe out china and india?

Lol...riiiiight. Just like Al Gorre and his so-called cabal of "scientists" saying how we were all basically going to be dead 5 years from 07 in that fucking retarded speech he gave, and how they said all the ice caps were going to melt. Then NOAA/NASA put out pics showing how they actually GREW lmao. They've been wrong EVERY TIME, you dumbass. Oh and you're still pushing that regurgitated "scietific community" bs, based on that already debunked "97% of scientists" bs? It was shown to be the other way around actually and the trash over at the IPCC twisted it all. The truth was that those scientists said "they agreed the climate changes", they didn't say shit having to do with incremental warming bs.

The facts show there are constant 10/11 yr solar cycles of heating and cooling. Back in the late 70s, all the alarmist fuckheads were pushing Global Cooling lol. And all of this started in the late 70s as nothing more than a form of eugenics anyway, all started by Margaret fucking Mead, Paul Ehrlich and a bunch of other misanthropic cockroaches. It's all about more for them and less for us. Heck, Gore and his buddied had shitloads of carbon trading on Wall St all ready to go back in 07, but he then had to fold on all of it cuz congress didn't push the bills through at the time (there's articles about that all over the net from Bloomberg, etc). It's all about corporate greed, nothing more. It's NEVER been about science.

>claims left and right are the same
>coincidentally only complains about left-wing individuals or groups
Every time

USA is the 2nd biggest polluter in the world and USA has the resources to do something about it.

Attached: gw-graphic-pie-chart-co2-emissions-by-country-2015.png (2261x1565, 357K)

Nah, you're just projecting and being an ASSuming fuckhead. I don't support Trump, the "right", or any political party. I don't vote, get involved in elections, none of it. Because it's all soap opera theater trash. You'd think people would understand that by now. Trump is nearly like every other president: a puppet of the deep-state reprobates that pull the strings from way up high and have the real power. And just like nearly all presidents/politicians, he's a zionist suck up and has been jewed up from every angle since his early days in NY Real Estate.

Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities.


Your info is out of date and is missing a HUGE aspect of pollution - ocean pollution. Which is much more serious.

China will fuck the world no matter what.

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You know whats great about toilet water? prior to it being used its clean water, same water anyone would drink out of a tap

You know which economic system lead to use literally shitting in clean drinkable water? Capitalism.

How do they sleep on concrete for two months if they are only held for up to 20 days?

But what if your dog is thirsty. You want him to drink dirty toilet water?

That chart is not total pollution retard, read the title of your own graph.

>USA has the resources to do something about it.
The USA must shut down it's fossil-fuel-based economy because "it has the resources", while China brags about a new coal-fired power plant coming on line every 10 days.


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Carbon dioxide emissions are what is destroying the global climate, retard. This is what matters.
The USA is way ahead of China in total pollution, anyway. All the plastic polluting the world's oceans? At least 90% of it is Americans' garbage.
>World's #1 consumer of plastic

dog's frequently do, their digestive system is also completely different to ours'

If it’s better than the water quality from which he came then what’s the problem?

Global warming is about CO2.

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Fucking kek'd

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this couldn't be more wrong lol jesus christ


>Global warming is about CO2
God damn, I guess those last few ice-ages is when the cave-man stopped using cars.

kek'd and check'd

They're more than welcome to stay the fuck home. Maybe 1% have a legit asylum claim, MAX. The rest will be denied anyways. Any woman can bullshit "domestic abuse" in South America, but oh no she can't stay in Mexico need USA GIBS!!!!

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Yep. These things. They stood by and did nothing while their country went to shit, and now, instead of sleeping in the bed they made, or God for-fucking-bid, do something about it, they want to run away and do the same thing here. No thanks.

Globalism is retarded. I like my culture, I don't want it diluted by some illiterate barbarian from some shithole country.

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I'm sure some fearful racist said similar things about your ancestors when they migrated to USA.

Deport ALL ilegal immigrants and the legal too now that we are at it, include aoc and the two crazy muslims bombers

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They are fleeing the results of their own marginal second-class mentality, there is no war nor nothing in central america but their own poberty.

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I say take in their brightest and smartest, educate them, and send them back to improve their countries so they don't flock here

>the most educated people in society lead the way
Oh you!

They aren't fleeing for their lives, they've given up on contributing to their community and all fantasize about free shit in the states. There's a reason mexicans living close to the border hate migrants who pass through- very few of them are actually in danger and instead are just lower class

Reminder that ICE has detained legal US citizens and got away with it

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china and india will implode into cannibalism when all fossil fuels run out and they have a 2 billion population each in less than 200 years. their futures are probably very bad.

Let's start with the sacking of Carthage! Someone get the Roman republic on the line!

Fuck off to /pol...

Based and redpilled

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>a wack job got shot
Sorry about your father-brother

Sucks to suck. Mexicans and their filthy descendants aren't welcome in the USA.

Can someone please post more of her in tight shirts or otherwise hot clothing?

The amount of people in this thread who clearly have no fucking idea what they're talking about is amazing.

I haven't seen this many retards in one place since I watched the Special Olympics.