[s4s] daily nof*p thread #8

dis thread is for all of you who want to stop f*pping! u ar not alone. there ar a bunch of us here who r willing to support one another. beating addiction is hard so lets do id together!!!!

pls share tips and tricks dat work for u. and if u slip up dond be ashamed to share it so we can identify the problem and help u in the future

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ops progress: day 10 wooh! no strong urges today. led's hope dat continues into da night

i had a raging boner looking at a thread earlier today and it wouldnt go away for an hour and it started to hurt halfway through but day 6 going smoothly otherwise


is it really that hard not to touch yourself frens?
why don't you fellas just hire a hookah or something

she said fapn't, not sexn't

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just do it

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dubs wooh!!! good job fren u can do it!

Starting today, wish me luck.

i believe in u fren! if u eber need help/advice we will be glad to gib it!! u can also post ur progress on here. dat helps me a lot

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Holy shit dude are you serious dude lol

Nothing wrong with a little SELF LOVIN

GO on treat yourself

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tomato serious! i have gone 10 days without f*pping and im planning on going eben furder!!!!

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how far?

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howeber long it takes to get dis addiction under check.

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How is it an addiction if you've gone days without it? I think you're just trying to talk about something but at the same time you're so fucked this is what you choose to talk about.

dubs wooh!! trust me it was a very unhealthy addiction to me. eberytime i started f*pping, i would do it 5-10 times a day and when i tried to stop i could only go a few days or a week and a half at most.

5-10 times a day


I put crap in my butt so I still fap, but every now and again I like to feel the refreshing release from my penis. Sex is good too, but I haven't been on nofap since 2011.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

i say was because im hopeful dat i can finally overcome it dis time!

put crap in my butt

Just stop being weak dude what are you an animal? Ever think about just having sex? Ever think that you are taking shortcuts in your life because you're a weak person? Ever think that you made me hate you?

if i was and animal i would succumb to natural desire and f*p. if i wanted to take shortcuts i would f*p because dats a quick and easy way to feel pleasure. im sorry dat u h*te me fren but im going to continue on dis path and u can do u

You're right, you can have this I don't need it anymore

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dubs! wooooh!!! thanks fren. u do what works for u and i do what works for me

Nothing works for you lol

nofap is a meme

im fighting some preddy strong urges right now but looking at replies like this helps me overcome dem!

5- 10 times a day though is some kind of wrong

Looking at pictures like this helps me

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Have you heard of chemical castration, ask your psycho therapist about it i think it might be useful for you

dubs wooh! also this lole thanks fren

I'm not your friend asshole

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forgot to check ur dubs

dat sounds interesting bud im nod at dat level yet

what about once a day

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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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dond bully my fren pls

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le schizo has arrived

im piss

I still need attention
24 hours in btw

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good job fren! keep it up I believe in u!!

how do you make those things you are tempted to say all the time even though it doesnt make you feel any better to say them go away

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come again?



I have all these things I want to complain about but complaining about them only makes things worse

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try to put yourself in situations where u have to talk about other things.

u have to talk deepliy about it wif a good fren

what did he mean by this

i used to fap once, often twice a day. now i fap once a week, mainly so my facial hair doesnt grow so fast and i don't cume in my sleep which is icky. sometimes only once every 2 weeks or even a month. my advice is to get busy, sitting around stagnating leads to masturbation. i have 3 main hobbies that keep me occupied, they are engaging enough that i dont really *feel* like masturbating. you should not avoid masturbating if you feel like doing it. wanting to masturbate and not doing it is only going to frustrate/stress you out, which in turn leads to more lack of motivation and anxiety, which leads to masturbation. you need to be busy and either happy or neutral; this is the recipe for success. i would also add that i didnt stop masturbating regularly because i thought it would improve my life at all. it was just the natural consequence of my general business and lack of frustration. i don't think masturbating in itself is a bad thing. nofap is just a mind game. if there is any reason successful people masturbate less it isnt because they avoid it, it's just because they are too busy to do it and don't think about it as much. the cause of success is not at all a factor of masturbation, rather a lack of masturbation is just a consequence of success. you all spend your time working towards a goal that will only serve to make you equally as stagnant but less happy when you achieve it. instead you could discipline yourself to read often, which would lead to both increased intelligence, and less masturbation since you are more busy digesting other information.

this is just my two cents. i would consider myself a successful person in some capacity since i am comfortable with my mind, happy with my general conditions, and am actively pursuing my goals. though i never intentionally tried to cut down on masturbating, i would say one benefit is that when you do finally blow your load, it's much bigger and more satisfying. once/week provides optimal reload time imo

shitting after masturbation? seems reversed tbh

if you are totally celibate how do you maintain prostate health