1. Dems win in 2020

1. Dems win in 2020
2. Abolish the EC.
3. Institute open border policy.
4. Federal and/or state ID for immigrants so they can vote.
5. Dems win every major election forever.

You mad, racists?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Literally unstoppable.

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That doesn’t make sense. There’s no policy proposal to abolish borders or the College. Non-citizens can’t vote, even if they’re legal residents.

If you’re gonna false flag about paranoid delusions, make them plausible than a 5-point plan that has absolutely no logic or would even guarantee democratic control if implemented.

The voters want it. Where the hell have you been? All of the democrat debates are 100% in favor of accepting all immigrants, IE open borders.

You do realize that there would be a genuine unironic civil war if Number 2 happened.

>Non-citizens can’t vote, even if they’re legal residents.

This is completely false



No, there isn’t. Even Castro’s plan isn’t “open”. It further militarizes border.

Sanders is on record supporting borders on the basis of securing the social interest of Americans, not the world.

Again, if you’re gonna get paranoid, connect real dots.

Are you even paying attention to what they're talking about?


>All of the democrat debates are 100% in favor of accepting all immigrants,
And it's exactly why they're going to loose in a landslide. Nobody not even the spics or nigs wants more border hoppers.

Not only that, but 'free' healthcare for them all.

“No, illegal immigrants aren’t allowed to directly vote for the commander-in-chief yet, but in vast numbers they can dramatically alter the Electoral College to favor Democrats for at least a decade because a state’s electoral votes are based on the number of people residing within that state, not the number of citizens present when the Decennial Census is taken.“

From the article.

Here’s an article on non-citizens inability to vote.


Guys come on. Stop believing easily disproved lies. The bill even grants clemency from punishment if the voter thought they were a citizen. But their vote still doesn’t count.

peepee Jeeni beni banning a whole country, nigger LOoA


Yeah they NEVER vote lol.



No one has said anything about having open borders.

That’s still in the social interest of Americans. People commit crime to pay for insulin. You’re already terrified of a minority that doesn’t actually commit as much crime as native born person, so why give them a reason to? It’s cheaper and more effective to give them healthcare than to not.

Besides, illegal immigrants pay taxes anyways. It’s not like their labor is a burden- it’s actually a benefit. Nothings free, right? Their work would help pay.


I'd love to see that bridge getting bombed right about now

peepee Jeeni beni banning a whole country, nigger FhRu


Please read your articles.

“The measure would have had no practical effect even if it had passed. Illegal immigrants — and indeed noncitizens as a whole — are not legally able to participate in federal elections.“

I can tell you right now if the dems win and do their extreme policies some how, civil war 2 electric boogaloo, nothing racist about it.

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Guys, this is embarrassing. I’m gonna heat up some food and contemplate why the most anti-American people are also the dumbest.

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peepee Jeeni beni banning a whole country, nigger Jatu



peepee Jeeni beni banning a whole country, nigger cPsu


You forgot #6 , Democrats lose control of their own party .

>You mad, racists?
Not at all accelerate faster faster commieanon
Lets get it please I am ready so ready.

Good news is in 5 years the U.S. becomes Afghanistan, better arm up now friends because the strongest tribe wins

Mexico is the new democratic party.

peepee Jeeni beni banning a whole country, nigger hpvj


They just need to gerrymander the shit out off districts then they can win for a while. Worked for the republicans

Cali doesn't have an agenda.

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Do you know what warring tribes look like?
That's the Socialist Utopia you're trying to bring about not to each according to his need but to each according to their ability.
Remember the Soviet style Zerg Rush, modern weapons make that a literally unwinnable tactic.

>doesn’t say how much

Oh no, a few hundred people accidentally voted. We shouldn’t disqualify their votes and their 0.0007 contribution to the election is so staggering.

USA will turn into a 3rd world country like all the majority brown countries.

Attached: USAracecontri.png (756x768, 131K)

Liberals are actually this stupid. Amazing. We know what you have planned. Inundate with illegals until your party completely takes over. Good thing you can't ban guns ;)

I don't understand how people fall for this. Dont feed these trolls.

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Good news is Somolia is the closest place in the world to resembling Mad Max and that's pretty close to what they want.

You're missing Indians, Nigerians and East Asians here

at least they have freedom from capitalism