Yeah here are some plants, I hope you like them

Yeah here are some plants, I hope you like them.

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I hate them.


thanks for all your hard work

The flowers are blue

Lavenders are shit

die nodoka

lavenders nice, helps heal burns. good for skin in general

I just realized how crazy you guys are

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Jak se wysyszysz to odstessza komary

Your spells won't work on me psychopath

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corz ty tam wygadujusz

yes i like plants

yes there r a lot of leaves in the piccy


I am ambivalent about plants. They are just something that exists.

but do plants exist exist or exist but not really exist like love or the inner part of the moon that is shaped like a shoe,

Plants defintely exist I'm sure of that.

ok ur right lol

" " lol

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btw do things exist that can be defined or because they can be defined as things that exist on a more fundamental level put together or sections of them but why do those parts exist then? is it concepts that exist, are we making concepts up or are they just always there? lol

Meet me in the astral plane I'll show you everything, brb skeletons

things exist as they are but we can only perceive a small portion of the universe, so we seek and struggle to give definition to everything, and give loose definitions to some intangible concepts as well since we are able to think beyond the scope of our senses

dubs nice (twice)

Idk I never learned anything I just went through the motions and got to be there. My dad told me they are basically demons and messing with them will make you one too. If you need to know anything then just know this, it's all a game.

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