Why does a boy need the public validation of female to have value?

Why does a boy need the public validation of female to have value?

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validation from women is only needed by men who don't know how to satisfy themselves creatively

Low self esteem from poor maternal upbringing

Validation of men by woman is essential to the survival of the human species.

What's the human species ever done for you?

lmao got em!

I think I would be pretty miserable if I were in this world alone.

ok, serious question here:
Why is it that some mgtow fags try to say which people are and aren't going their own way. Maybe having wife and kids is his own way, you don't know that. Claiming otherwise is just trying to see everything from your own angle denying the angle of the other person. which is just retarded and against the "going your own way" mentality.

Lmao. No. If men wanted to keep their species going without the consent of women they could. I mean they could if they weren't such betas.

You will find that most ppl live through brainwashing.if u disagree u are one of those ppl

He doesn't.
Stop asking leading questions.

Going the way of wife and children is sanctioned by society. No one is shamed for it. To go that way is to go the way society demands, so it isn't really yours. To reject marriage is to buck traditional values, which is to go a way separate for traditional exceptions.

If you were walking a path in the woods with a group of people and the group decided to go right at a fork and you chose to go left at the fork, you're going your own way, not the way of the group.

Men with regular pussy to fuck will always look down upon those who don't.

that sounds more like you are going our way. There is not much own in that if you base it on this one rejection.
Its absurd.

You’re just salty you can’t love a woman.

and those who do not seek that validation/sex do not reproduce and their inferior genetic proliferation ends. Their parents produced a miscarriage of evolution that should not reproduce. It's a natural and good thing.

Sure I can. I love my mother, both of my sisters and my cousins.

MGTOW isn't a rejection of women. It's a rejection of marriage.

Lmao. Inferior ppl reproduce every day. Yea Forums wouldn't exist without these spawn.

I loved your mother hard last night

MGTOW is feminism for men

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The fact that you see relationships as the male needing validation from the female ultimately shows how beta you are. MGTOW are always sensitive bitches who either 1) got their feelings hurt by a woman and are too mentally weak to come back from it or 2) are too beta to improve themselves and get women in the first place.

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A woman I love I would want to have a romantic connection with that’s exclusive to me. Also I would like the woman enough to have kids with her. Marriage is a still a special thing despite what social media and mainstream society will tell you

If you can't seduce, own and dominate a woman, you don't deserve to exist.

.A woman I love I would want to have a romantic connection with that’s exclusive to me.
So in other words, you're a bitch. This is why you can't get a girlfriend, fagot.

No I’m just saying I’m not into open relationships. What have you lost your morality that you wouldn’t care if your loved one were getting gangbanged?

3. Made a pragmatic assessment of the financial risk involved with marriage and concluded the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

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Sure there are wicked people in this world but you have to find the good. Atleast thats what I'm trying to do

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feminism for men, the /thread

Blame the internet and the bashing of masculinity

>what i think is enlightened thought
>what others think is brainwashing

MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way

It isn't a movement. It is a lifestyle. It is a total rejection of marriage. It is a commitment to remaining a single man. To never put yourself in a situation where a woman can use the state against you.

Most of you are MGTOW and don't even realize it. It is the way of the future. 70% of all men under the age of 35 are not married.

Why is this significant? It is significant because that means the vast majority of the men in our generation are MGTOW and they don't even realize it. They became MGTOW naturally, without having to be encouraged to do so.

Reject marriage. Let the other shoe of the feminist movement drop.

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MGTOW isn't meant for incels.

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go back to your home planet you fucking space jew.

You're clearly new
I am not a mgtow boy or am a follower but going mgtow means bettering yourself, not falling for female bs, playing their system against them as in avoiding court rape
It doesn't mean hating women, or being a fag (like me)
It means bettering yourself so that you don't fall for the gynocenteic bs (love songs and stupid programming that you'd believe women want but don't)
It's a way to wake up for some

>gynocenteic bs (love songs and stupid programming that you'd believe women want but don't)
That chivalric courtship system idea was invented by men

He doesn't. Mgtow ftw

He doesn't you disgusting incel, grow a pair

> if we just raped women we wouldn't have any problems
This is how it always goes with mgtow types. It always starts with "yeah, fuck social expectations!" which we can all agree with, but then it quickly becomes "yeah, fuck women! Everything bad is their fault!"
At which point the rest of us go back to our normal lives and let them go back to their temper tantrums.

I don't know much about history so I might be talking out of my ass sometimes
I guess men saw that that was not working out regardless of who made it or not and wanted to leave it
Marriage to mgtow is failing and not worth the benefits
So even if men or women made it, they are rejecting the old way of things

MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way

Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It isn't a movement. It is a lifestyle. It is a total rejection of marriage. It is a commitment to remaining a single man. To never put yourself in a situation where a woman can use the state against you.

MGTOW are the Viet Cong of the gender war. The men’s rights activists don’t like us because, while we agree with them on some things, we won’t be their cannon fodder in a war we know they can’t win. Pickup artists hate us because they can’t make money off us. Feminists hate us because we won’t fight them. Nazis hate us because "white birth rates" and women hate us because we won’t give them what they want.

In female parlance, the word commitment has come to mean "up until I'm no longer 100% satisfied with my partner", at which point a woman can generally end a marriage to her husband's detriment with very little negative consequence to herself and usually with some form of financial gain and increased agency.

It isn't that we are afraid of commitment, it's that the institution of marriage has become commitment incompatible.

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>I guess men saw that that was not working out

Thats because feminazis brainwashed women into hating a man holding the door for them. Women deep down prefer to be at home

I really don't understand this movement.

Is this a liberal thing? Conservative?

They claim to be
which looks like douche liberal speak.

>juice isn't worth the squeeze
But they also tend to treat women as having no value for the time/money invested.
Which looks like typical conservative misogyny, they think marriage needs some type of tangible value/investment.

I would say you guys are a step above incels (pure misogyny) but just below virgins (just pathetic)

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> mad because of patriarchal expectations of traditional gender roles
Just get a prenup dude, shit

It's apolitical. Both conservatives and liberals hate men.

Prenups aren't worth the paper their printed on

>Why does a boy need the public validation of female to have value?


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> they were brainwashed
> I, as a man, can tell you what women want
Do you even think a little bit about your rhetoric

as always, movement starts with a reasonable premise and gets fucked to death by their own retarded members who take it took far

gained traction from accounts of men getting burned by roasties who divorced them and or financially screwed them in some way

ok prenup.png

then incels get ahold of it and
>we're strong independent men who don't need no woman

men don't need validation from women, but MGTOW retards aren't men, they're butthurt little boys who say, "girls don't like me, so i don't like THEM, times infinity!"

Imagine yourself on a cruise and the ship you are on is sinking. As lifeboats are put into the water, it is discovered that half of them are not seaworthy due to lax maintenance. One out of two sink as they are put into the water and its occupants swim back, desperately climbing on board as everyone still on the cruise ship is panicking. You find yourself sitting on one of the lifeboats that actually works. However, a man wearing the uniform of a crew member points at you and yells at you. He is demanding that you get up out of your seat.

He says, "There aren't enough seats for everyone. Women and children first!"

You look over his shoulder and see a woman waiting for you to get up. You tell him to go fuck himself, and refuse to give up your seat. You assert that your life is just as valuable as hers and since you got to the seat first, the seat is rightfully yours. The man waves some of his fellow crew mates over to you and they forcefully remove you from the lifeboat. As soon as your seat becomes available, the woman sits in it without hesitation.

The notion that she has priority to that seat has been ingrained into her since childhood. She feels entitled to that seat and whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind. The fact that you are a professor at an Ivy League university and one of the most renowned physicists currently living and she is just a house wife is irrelevant. She is a woman.

Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy, traditionalism is focused on female superiority. Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat. Traditionalism is the assertion that your life is less valuable than a woman and that it is your duty to consider yourself disposable. It is the pedestalization of women.


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Most MGTOW are divorced men you dumbass

>I really don't understand this movement.


Not getting political but isn't everyone looking for a win win situation
Looking at it as misogynistic is retarded
Marry a 62 year old, wrinkly, infertile, broke, homeless, dirty, bummy, STD ridden, no tooth, 500 pound woman if marriage shouldn't benefit the other person to some degree

The problem isn't MGTOW. The problem is that the opponents of MGTOW (stormfront, jezebel) have shilled so fucking hard against MGTOW that you all have internalized their strawman misrepresentation of it. You believe that MGTOW = abstaining from sex. That isn't what it means. Here, I'm going to repeat that last part in all caps for emphasis.


Pic related is an accurate depiction of a typical MGTOW

Do you believe that bachelors abstain from sex? Of course not. The only difference between MGTOW and bachelorhood is that society expects a bachelor to eventually "settle down" and start a family after he has finished sowing his oats. MGTOW are just bachelors who have the audacity to say, "my bachelorhood isn't a phase".

It isn't possible for an Incel to be MGTOW. The essence of being MGTOW lies in the act of CHOOSING your own lane. If you can't be in a relationship because it isn't an option in your life, then your lane has been chosen for you. You didn't choose to be single.

That isn't MGTOW, by definition. To be MGTOW, you first must have the option of being in a relationship available to you and then CHOOSE to be single.

MGTOW isn't anything more than this.
>you may now proceed to strawman what we are because you're intellectually incapable of formulating a logical argument against our actual position.

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Beautifully written

Most women prefer to be submissive and feminine. Studies show women are happier at home. Also women are less happier today despite 40 years of feminism


What if I don't ever want to have sex?

When a woman cheats, lies, and then figuratively rapes you after years of marriage she has shown that she didn't value you so you will not value her
And vice versa

If you even think that is true you are part of the problem and contradict your own post.

>Care for you in the first years of your life when you're literally helpless
>Conceive you in the first place
>Provide an organized society where you have at least a modicum of shelter, nourishment, safety and medical care
>Provide every interesting connection to another human being or human manifestation (i.e. art, history, philosophy etc.)
>Provide knowledge and the means to acquire it so you can better understand what you are as a human being
>An education (doubtful in this case)
I can continue user...

That's your choice, user. But if you want to have sex but can't, your celibacy isn't your choice. You can't be MGTOW is your lane is being chosen for you.

Why the fuck do women wear dresses at weddings? Both the bride and the groom should wear the same thing. I'm so sick of gender-specific clothing, aside from things like bras.

Obvious b8

Women have flirted with me in the past. I'd say I probably could have gotten laid if I wanted but I don't. I'm sick to death of sex.

Being noble is being ascended. People who are in relationships/married are happier than people who are single.

True but if women throw themselves at him, or hint and claw for a hook, it might also be him going his own way
Either because he doesn't have to, doesn't want to, is gay, etc. Et.c et.c

They don't you're just insecure

>People who are in relationships/married are happier than people who are single.
Bull fucking shit. Every single married man I know is miserable. All of them have told me I'm soo lucky to be single

fuck that I never asked to be born

now that's what I call edgy

Lmfuckingao They are so fucking happy that a solid half get divorced. It would be kinda difficult for a single person to be happy when they are constantly being judged by society for not having a relationship.

Thats a meme. People in relationships are more happier than people who are single. Being single and lonely makes you die prematurely and is a physical health hazzard

That's not what I said. Stop being a fucking moron.
And u have no right to tell anybody that rape is bad.

Omfg. No

>completely contradicts my life experience
Listen user my boss is a cold impersonal man. He's divorced because his ex wife literally fucked the pool boy. The only time he's ever given me life advice was "Do not get married"

You can't just contradict his examples without evidence

Lmao. Shut the fuck up

i don't mean to be a smartass but... female gorillas don't validate male gorillas, but the males somehow take it upon themselves to secure the existence of their race and a future for ape children if you know what i mean...

You and your boss don't speak for everyone tbh. Men and women need each other, what you are seeing is the breakdown of morals


>Loneliness may actually cause premature death by damaging the heart, according to a new study. The research suggested that feeling loneliness may double a person's risk of dying of cardiovascular


It's not just me and my boss it is EVERY married man I know. Oh and fuck woman's happiness. Men don't need women. My great uncle never married and lived to 97

>taking the telegraph seriously

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Great arfument. I've changed my tune, for sure


preach, brother

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> sour grapes: the movement

It isn't possible for an incel to be mtgow

Dubs wasted on such a stupid comment.

it's just a matter of point of view

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I'm sorry. Let me rephrase. Tfw u realize having kids are just another addictive thing ppl use to make themselves "happy".

then feel free to show yourself out the door

