If you still believe that the earth is a spinning ball, you're a fucking IDIOT

If you still believe that the earth is a spinning ball, you're a fucking IDIOT.

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Wow. Mind blown.

Globetards don't even know what a star is lol.

This will win Trump 2020

If u still doing a joke about flat earther, YOU'RE a fucking idiot. you welcome



What are you talking about. The only joke here is you globeass

Wow! He destroyef you

Show me the edge faggot.

Show me th curve. There is no edge, but rather an ice wall along withe the fermament.

and if he find it he should jump

bruh then show the ice

You know it's bait when the words they use get miss spelled.
It sucks because flat earthers are actually really fun to talk to, OP please stop trying to bait people.

Here's your curve

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Yay this shit again I love you flatfucks you make me giggle hard

Oh here it is too! Its true!!

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what is a star?

No-one here actually believes this horseshit, its just retards trolling other retards that are retarded enough to argue with the retards

The only "retards" are those not willing to think. Good luck being brainwashed kid.

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So what is this?


show me the edge faggot. show me where you can just drop down into space, where the water falls down, where jack sparrow turns his ship around. you made the claim, the burden of proof is on you. bonus pts for a dick pic of the elephant pillars

If those people are so convinced that they are right, why do they leave so fast when actually confronted?

Yeah just disregard all the other photos depicting a spherical earth they're fAkE...

Oh boy, if only you knew the half of it

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oh this again
hello, heard about this song yet? american idiot - green day

And how is this and answer to this

it wasnt hard at all for me to give up believing in santa as a kid, are you retarded?

shhhhhhhh just let darwinism do its work;)

I never saw it with my own eyes. Everyone in this thread. Look at my pictures and videos. Do what your told.

I'm in the sears tower right now, why can't i see new york, ect or any other city after a few hundred miles?

yeeeeeeees, very interesting indeed

Its a limited perspective of our imperfect eyesight

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but i can see the moon?

What would be wrong with that? Unless you really believe it is 238, 900 miles. It is roughlt the size of the sun and not that far away. The sun was said to be 28 million miles away, then 54 million, then 93 million, now 100+million. Bullshit. They arent that far away and not nearly as large.

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then why can't i see the smokey mountains, any skyscraper in newyork or the burj khalifa for that matter?

But what happens if i sail around the world like Magellan then eventually reach the caps and climb over the fabled ice walls? Will i just drop into space? Serious replies please.

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in not in a boat im in a high vantage point.

Dude, it is 790 miles away from you. Thats a loooooooong fucking way bro. The dirt, salt, and god knows what else in the air, along with the way our limited perspective works, why should you be able to?

But what of MY hypothesis?


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Still waiting for an answer:

so seeing in a 800 mile straight line is impossible?

What is your question bro

Checkmate i guess? Unless someone can explain if I'd fall into space beyond the ice walls as explained in hypothetically of course.

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So you say the planet is flat, see live footage of a curved earth filmed from the ISS and don't know what to say?
What a surprise.

To bad your mother's health plan didn't include abortion.


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Duh it's because it's like a million times bigger than you, if you were farther away you would see it's not flat hence other planets shapes.

That looks curved to me going at a forward angle. Right to left is not enough distance to see the curvature. But it looks like it is curving as you look straight forward.

Einstien has already proved that Earth is a flat circle.

Strange question. Why doesn't the sun light up space?

But u were easily brainwashed to believe he was real.

Things in space don't form in flat OP. Things don't form flat unless there are unequal forces pushing against 2 or more sides of the flat object. There are no surfaces in space to create an unequal force against gravity or whatever force you believe is governing space and the universe. So you're suggesting the earth was created by something that wanted the surface to be flat for whatever reason, and then put a rounded glass top on it to turn it into a ball in the end anyway, or the earth collided with another massive object and somehow split perfectly in half. Or you're saying space isn't real, the other planets which are all round aren't real, and we live in some sort of created reality where the creator decided to make the planet have a flat surface for no reason. None of that makes sense either because if you created some sort of auto pilot reality, like in a computer, you'd want it to follow mathematical laws and physics, and those laws point to a round planet in all cases

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Ok sheeple. Believe em bud

What? It does. The planets wouldn't be visible without it

No planets man. No aliens coming, sorry. But keep believing in make believe

If the earth is spinning like u say it is, the mass should be migrating towards the equator. Making it flat-ish

So light leaves the sun. Turns dark. Hits the earth or another planet and lights up again? Sorry for dumb questions. I went to public school

The light reflects off the earth. Everything you see is light reflecting off of the object you are looking at. That is why you cannot see anything without light.

Have you ever wondered why so many Flat Earthers are Christian? Ask them, and try to count the number of flat earthers who are not just brainwashed bible huggers. They're nonexistent.

The bible contains the "prophecy" that: "He will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." The problem with that is that the earth doesn't have four corners... because it isn't flat, like the authors of the bible thought it was.

So, you see, he only reason they say that they believe that bullshit is out of religious obligation. Flat earthers are basically Christian apologists who are sick and tired of the bible being proven more and more wrong with the passage of time.

For example: Before germs were discovered, it was believed that when people fell ill, that they had actually had an "affliction" given to them by a deity, for having done something that must have been so wrong that their God must have accursed them. Germ Theory is what is widely believed to be the cause of much illness nowadays, however.

You see, these people are so fervent in their zealotry that they believe they can lie about evidence to prove that the bible is real, since they're so cocksure about the bible being infallible, even if it wasn't that particular piece of evidence they're lying about that convinced them so. Bearing false witness is supposed to be one of their sins, but they believe it can be forgiven as long as they're saving a soul. Even lying can be justified as long as it is for the greater good.

Nothing about the bible can be proven wrong in their minds, otherwise they'll have a crisis of faith on their hands.

So this sunburn on the top of my head is from light reflecting off the ground?


they didn't use green screens back then. It was blue screens.

Are you asking why space as in the space between stars, planets, etc is dark?

I would imagine it is similar to the way a single candle in sports stadium would leave most of the stadium dark. We are in lit area of space, everything else looks dark because there is no source of light bright and large enough to illuminate everything. Also what this user said, If space is mostly empty, what would the light bounce off of.

I don't understand. There should be a beam of light from sun to earth but the pics I've seen of space don't show this

Let me guess, you're one of the flat earthers then?

When you say beam of light, what do you mean? I am not making fun of you here, but are you expecting something like a death star beam hitting the planet and creating light? I'm not getting your question.

I love how politicians and the media take this meme seriously.

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No, you can only see a beam of light if it is interacting with something. If there was something between the sun and earth, it would block some light from hitting us. Watch videos of the ocean deep underwater because they use very strong floodlights, but if theres nothing in the way of the lights, you can't tell how far the light reaches. In other words, there's no way to tell if the pitch black you're seeing all around you is 20 feet away or 50 feet away, until a fish swims by and you can now see how far the light will reach.

When will this meme die :^)

op fuck off with the bait, no one actually believes the earth is flat

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Lost. Didnt know this is YLYL