I'm an ER x-ray tech at a major level-1 trauma hospital. Ask me anything

I'm an ER x-ray tech at a major level-1 trauma hospital. Ask me anything.

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What's in the photo? What happened?


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Do you guys ever pretend there are fractures to make more money?

LIke there are a few times I've taken an x-ray and I see literally nothing wrong on the x-ray and they're like; "Yeah that's 5 fractures", you need a cast for 8 weeks and an operation.

WHile I see no place there bone is separated, and when I ask how they say it's because it's blurry or a different color in certain areas, which mean a fracture, WHICH MAKES NO SENSE!

what are some of the weirdest x-rays youv'e seen so far?

Can you post OC instead pictures from the internet?

That was a google image search. I won't post any xrays I've taken because HIPAA. But I'd guess machine accident?

This man's clearly a doctor. Go with his assessment.

No. It's not like we get paid per injury. Also, the radiologist is the one who makes the call, along with an orthopedist, and not every injury is super-obvious. They see things I miss sometimes, and I even see things they overlook occasionally.

Things in asses, things people ate, a crossbow to the foot, weird bullet trajectories...

Nope. I don't wanna lose my job. HIPAA.

What kind of things in asses. you got my attention.

Oh, I forgot a couple of hands blown up with fireworks. They look kinda like that first pic. The actual hands looked REALLY fucked up, though.

If u cant post oc maby tell us a story of something interesting that happened. Idk

Beer bottles, thermoses, a barbell (1.5 lbs), a toothbrush. I think that's it. (pic not mine, but accurate)

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I xrayed a guy who tried to essentially seppuku himself with a chainsaw. I don't know if he lived, but his ribs were fucked up and he was sent straight up to the operating room ASAP.

Did you ever had a patient, and thought you'd remember this injury, even in old age?
And why ?

Why do you lie on the internet? Also pic related is an x-ray tech from Bristol VA. Slut named Julia. Please spread this pic.

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Plenty. Lots of them are just weird enough that it'd be hard to forget, even if they weren't terribly gruesome or anything, like the crossbow guy. The chainsaw thing was pretty fucked up. Hands blown up with fireworks are pretty gnarly.

The most disturbing thing I've seen was probably someone who tried to shoot himself under the chin, but he leaned his head back too far. Blew his jaw/mandible off, but the rest of his head was still there, with some meat just hanging off.

This is what getting a shotgun to the arm does to your humerus. Don't get shot.

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Can the arm be saved?

not if it's atheist.

As long as bloodflow, movement, and feeling past the injury is mostly maintained, then...

Hell yeah it can. They'll compress it some, put a cast on it, let it heal a bit, then drive a rod down through it after maybe 6 weeks. Another 6 weeks and they're out of the cast, and in physical therapy. Don't get me wrong... it'll probably hurt a little for the rest of their life, but they get to have an arm.

Kek'd hard

It would look something like this, but most of that buckshot still in there. They tend to leave bullets as long as they're not causing problems by pressing into organs or nerves.

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Lots of motorcycles end up with an "open book" pelvis. This is very bad.

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We sometimes get crazy people who eat all kinds of stuff. I've x-rayed someone who ate a spoon. Also, one person with several coins, a chain, some paperclips, 4 razorblades, several thumbtacks, and a few hairclips.

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I just thought of this one... it wasn't an injury, per se, but I did a chest x-ray on a guy in a wheelchair who was basically a hunchback and severely contracted in every way possible. His x-ray was fucked up in about 5 different ways because his body was twisted and bent like a horror movie.

Working with a 9/10+ chick, naked as you carefully position her in front of the machine, then step back and x-ray her. Do you get horny, or are you too focused to notice?
And while you have her in position, ever take a few regular pictures, 'for science' of course?

That's hilarious because I've maybe only xrayed one 9/10 chick ever, and there was a pretty terrible injury to her calf/shin area. Somehow, attractive females never seem to need xrays.

Also, I'm pretty professional at my job, so I'm pretty hard to distract, but when the patient is covered in blood, has a compound fracture (ie a bone poking out) or is acting really aggressive, "hotness" doesn't really come into play. Sorry?

Bump... a pregnant lady's xray basically looks like the Alien.

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That doesn't look very humerus to me. It looks downright sad.

You're the worst, dad.


I've xrayed a hand like this. Not a foot, though.

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It's an unfortunate truth that reality doesn't conform to /b fantasies.
Now, who does the x-rays for Hollywood plastic surgeons?

arent xrays extremely radioactive? Wouldnt this fuck up the fetus?

Do you enjoy rekt threads or does it feel like being back at work?

No idea. But I wish I could get in on it. Best case, we get to be "on call" during my city's NBA team's games, which means I can be at the game, on-court, and if something goes wrong, I can x-ray a player ASAP. That's happened... ... ...once. And he was not a famous person. So...?

Yes. Mostly. In general, if someone is preggers, we shield the fetus, at least, with a lead apron. But if you need an x-ray to a part of your body where the fetus might be, then we gotta do it anyway.


Solid question.

No, I don't mind rekt threads, but to be honest, they sometimes fuck me up. I don't SEE the injury occur. I typically only deal with the aftermath, which can be horrifying, but I never witness the injury take place.

Do you get better treatment at the hospital because you work there?

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Nah, not really. Mostly. The thing with radiation is that it definitely has an effect, but it's VERY hard to quantify because it affects different people more than others, and those effects take a very long time to manifest. Did your skin cancer at 55 occur because you got a bunch of xrays in your 20's, or because you were out in the sun a lot as a child? Or was it because you had a gene that made you susceptible to skin cancer? I'll expand in the next post.

Heh. Probably not initially if I were to roll in because I was involved in a trauma situation. Once they realized who I was, then, yeah, maybe, but only because a particular doctor might insist upon providing care. tldr; I would expect the same great care we're known to provide.

any fucked up skulls?

Radiologists don't make the call. We just take the pictures. It's got to be one of the most boring fucking jobs at the hospital (and they locked out the fucking internet!)

We don't x-ray skulls much anymore because CT can provide a lot more information, so if I do have to xray a skull, it's usually to find foreign body. A bullet or a knife blade are easily found with an xray.

Radiologists don't take the pictures. I do.

As for being a radiologist, yeah, it's probably kinda boring, but that's why a lot of the super-smart introverts go into radiology. Sit in a dark room, look at various medical imaging, and dictate what you see, with minimal patient interaction.


Wow. Without x-ray this foot we would never know what is the problem here.

Sorry to disappoint? I'll admit I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie when it comes to mechanisms of patient injury, so I enjoy the more fucked up stuff because I see it as a challenge.

I know, right? But really, it's not about "if" there is a problem. In this case it's clear a person is missing their toes. But if you want to reattach them, you're gonna need an x-ray to look at the bone structure and analyze the soft tissue swelling.

Are there some people that just don't get the 'stay still for an xray' idea? Like kids or people probably on drugs. This is apparently someone sneezing in the middle of an xray

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Usually drunk people who don't follow instructions, which at my hospital, is reeeeally goddamn common.

Kids, we don't see so often. There's a children's hospital pretty nearby. that said, there are tools that can be used on kids that I wish I could use on adults. Pic related.

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What gang sign is that?

What's the difference between x-ray tech and radiologist?

Do you date girls from your field?

A very rare one with few members, but if you mangle your hard, you're in.

kek what is that?

what's the weirdest thing you've found into someone's ass

I take the x-rays, and the radiologist reads them. They also read CT scans, nuclear medicine scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds. A radiologist goes though med school and picks a specialty, just like a cardiologist, a neurologist, or a endocrinologist, etc. They make a ton of money. Like 330k/yr minimum. I make essentially $49/hr (thanks to weekend/night pay differentials), which to me, is plenty.

I'd happily date someone from my field, but most of the people in my field aren't as "adventurous" as I am regarding partying and/or kink, so it can be tough in that regard. Lots of people who want to settle down and start a family, etc. That's not me.

It's a pig-o-stat. You can get textbook chest or abdomen x-ray on a kid in one of those. But goddamn if it doesn't look hilarious.

Thats fantastic. The kid look surprisingly stoic about it.

yea that kids' going to grow up with maximum chill

that's just bone cancer, pretty gay

I mean, he's probably confused mostly. But a lot of kids cry in that situation, understandably. My hospital doesn't get a lot of young kids unless they're burns, so I haven't seen much of that since I was in school.

what causes this literal ass split ?

if you make xrays of dick, to see if broken, do you need it to be erect? if so, how do you get him to have one

testing yM

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we suck em off of course

>be me
>18 yo
>passable trap
>parents kicking out
Time to kill myself, sorry guys its over
heres the stream doing it in 20 minutes

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I dunno about that pic in particular, but I see those semi-regularly. If you're in a car, don't lock your legs/knees when you hit something. The energy of the impact will travel up your legs and into your core. Alternatively, don't hit something and get thrown from your motorcycle crotch-first onto a guard rail.

Xrays can show some soft tissue, including dicks, but they're not good at identifying problems with your dick.

Fun fact: if your hip is dislocated, your dick will point to the dislocated side. It's called "Throckmorton's Sign."

>don't hit something and get thrown from your motorcycle crotch-first onto a guard rail.
lol, how someone recover from that ? can walk again ? can they even sit again ?

Would you?

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Do you enjoy your work? I’m thinking of going into that field. How is the pay?

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They'll put a few plates and screws in there and as long as there wasn't significant damage to the nearby organs, they'll recover. The rehab will probably be hell, but they'll manage. Pic related.

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I love it. No two days at work are the same, and I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie when it comes to this stuff, so I welcome the really fucked up situations.

I work a lot of weekends and nights (those shifts make more per hour), so I earn about $44/hr/ on average.

There are a lot of places (orthopedic clinics, urgent care, smaller hospitals, etc) where you can have a more low-impact situation, but they don't pay as well.

How many years did you study? Is it expensive? What’s your degree? What would be your best advice? help an user out :)

that sounds terrible

Whats the biggest dick youve seen?

>be me
>unpaid 4 week intern at hospital
>one day crazy cutter comes in
>put a hand full of paperclips one by one in her arm, cuz "makes me feel better"
>röntgen_pic related
>arm gets a nasty infection
>other hospital wouldn't operate on her because she will probably open the wound right away before it'll heal
>surgery is performed
>not all paper clips can be removed
>shit was too grown in into her flesh
>arm is sewed shut
>"Don't try to fuck up your arm again, at least untill the wound's healed"
>two weeks later she's back_in_black.wav
>8 a spoon
>also has weird bandage around arm
>apparently she put a bunch of screws and other shit in her fresh arm wound
>shit's fucking infected
>arm looks like sausage bout 2 burst

Sadly that's the end of the story, don't know if she got her arm chopped of or anything.

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