Whats the worst drug withdrawal you've ever experienced

whats the worst drug withdrawal you've ever experienced

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The only thing I'm really addicted to is nicotine, and well, that's pretty tame since you just get angry.

Meth. After like three days of being awake I had a panic attack where I kept thinking someone was going to break into my house. I sat by the door with a butcher knife with my heart pounding and sweat pouring down my face for a solid 2 hours before it went away. Could’ve killed somebody but I got lucky no one came home.


Damn I should of knocked

alcohol for sure
coke is bad for a couple days and crazy addicting but I've had some alarming things happen while withdrawing from alcohol
I've heard from friends opiate withdrawal is absolute hell though

fuck those shitty anxiety meds, they're only useful for stim comedowns

how does alcohol withdrawal feel

Antipsychotic meds. It was like my brain was a puzzle that someone took apart and mixed up all the pieces.

Xanax, hands down. Withdrawal from Xanax can kill you. Do not get addicted to Xanax, and if you do, don't quite cold turkey, because you'll die, and if you don't, for a while you'll wish you would.

Same. Also had serotonin syndrome while quiting cold Turkey from ssris. Nightmares were indistinguishable from real life.

tense, shakey, anxious, irritable, restless, very hard to sleep. also includes a lot of hallucinations, auditory and visual. I get sleep paralysis bad and I'm fairly sure I've had a seizure while withdrawing. it can also literally kill you

My cousin babysat me during an alcohol withdrawal a long time ago and he said I wouldn't get off his couch because I thought the floor had turned to a liquid and I was scared to drown and spent a couple of days having panic attacks and hallucinating. Only other drug I've been addicted to was coke, and it didn't come close to alcohol withdrawal

Caffeine surprisingly. Quitting weed/nicotine was a cakewalk compared to not having my coffee. I've been drinking coffee since I was 14 and right now I take in about a gram of caffeine a day. I've smoked weed for over 6 years and went cold turkey. First few days I was a moody bitch but after that I was fine. Nicotine was easier than weed because I had smoked for about a year before quitting. I took up the habit recently again because life got a bit stressful.

Not a withdrawal but a come down story:

Went out on a work night took 9 e's over 7 hours got home at 5 in the morning. Coukdnt sleep because i was still off my face and went to work at a warehouse moving furniture 4 hours later. Decided i was going to OD at the festival i was going to the following year.

Only reason i didnt is because this freaky red heas i met on the first day, let me smash all weekend and let ne put my thumb in her ass.

I've gone cold turkey off nicotine, heroin, coke, and others, but nothing compares to Xanax. All were misery, but coming off benzos fucks you physically. My skin erupted in lesions. Not thinking I had lesions, actual bleeding lesions that burned and itched, but hurt worse if I scratched.

I'd only been taking Xanax for two days, and thought I'd got chiggers or some kind of parasite. I went to the doc, and they sorted me there. I took a LOT of Xanax over a couple days (dozens), so I'm not kidding about only two days.

Be wary of benzos. The high is shit anyway.

i live in a sobriety house and came off a lot at once. was using meth and alpraz for 5 years straight and drank regularly for 2 years while also using kratom for the most part. It took a good while for me to feel alright. i got committed and had to detox at a hospital for a month. that was the worst month of my life

weed. found it way easier to quit than alcohol but the withdrawals sucked more.
when I quit drinking it was just a matter of night time being boring and having trouble getting to sleep.
with weed i had that, plus i was irritable, quick to anger, no appetite and i was really stressed. it all went away after a week though.
main thing is when I quit both I suddenly had really vivid and weird dreams. surprising how much they both suppress dreaming.

sleep paralysis is literally a normal process that everyone goes through every time they fall asleep.
the only weird thing about it is still being awake when it happens.
try taking up lucid dreaming and see if that helps it.

Pregablin, no shit. And I have done plenty of "street drugs" and weed of course. But, no shit fuckin pregablin withdraw fuckes me up when I forget to order it. Take like a day then it hits and hits hard. Fuck big phram.

heroin i can relapse any day but i just
smoke a pack instead

I'm well aware. I've had it sober plenty of times but it's really bad when I'm dealing with withdrawals. like really terrifying and intense experiences, worse than normal


injected two marijuanas

In your eye?


I take 50-100mg of tranadol daily and am convinced this is what triggers my almost nightly sleep paralysis

Effexor was hell getting off

Coming off of my SSRI's. Made me more depressed and suicidal as well as vomiting and diarrhea for a week straight.

Brown eye more like


>dem endorphins tho




Fucking this.

Head zaps are the fucking devil incarnate

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tramadol is bad news lol but I enjoyed my scrip when I had it

would have to agree. years ago I went from binge drinking 3-4 times a week straight to going cold turkey. a very strong compulsion to drink stayed with me for a little over two months, I remember thinking about it almost all the time.

at work was always the worst because it was a manual labour kind of job so I'd have a lot of time to just think "fuck I want a drink right now". but now I have no problem with alcohol, whereas I used to drink a litre of 20% vodka out of the bottle in one sitting and couldn't stop myself from finishing it.

None. I have never had drug withdrawal, because, well, I don't do drugs.

Name an antidepressant, any at all. Had a shitty doctor that prescribed a new one every other week. Stopped meds over two years ago and I'm still fucked up. Head zaps are the most prominent.

Coworker was on these meds. Either you keep taking them and become a zombie or become a physical and emotional wreck.

nicotine and paxil

Percocet. I was on them for about a month—had a kidney stone and had to wait for my urologist together back from vacation, but still had to work so gobbling Percocet with Valium so I could drag ass into the office each day. A week after the lithotripsy I came off cold turkey—I didn’t know better and no one told I should cut back before quitting. Couldn’t sleep for three days, constipated like a motherfucker, and couldn’t type for shit.

i had to cold turkey from 8 year IV oxy habit when i was up to 2-3000mg/day

on suicide watch, which meant no blanket, no nothing except a padded vest.

not even most opiate users know what it's like to cold turkey from that level... literally nonstop screaming and flailing when i wasn't puking pure bile or shitting clear jelly because i was so empty. eventually had to be put on IV because i couldn't even keep water down for more than 5 minutes for several days

i've had lower levels of a habit, taking a few hundred mgs a day (still higher than most people get to), and gone into precipitated withdrawal from bupe... still wasn't as bad as that.

>ooooonce, I had a few too many bourbon and cokes
>theeeennnn, in the morning head was dull and tummy upset
>theeeennn I went to McD and got a chocolate shake and and was good
>the end...fucking loser

Impressive. The most I did was about 100mg/d oxycodone.

How/why that much?

multiple doctors + cheap pharmacy prices covered by selling a small portion of scripts... so basically limitless access for 8 years, just kept going up on the dose

Life, the withdraw is death.

I can see that. A month of 5/325 percs only cost about $2 or so.

yeah back then the 30mg instant release oxy was $1/ea and the ABG oxy 80s, while they existed, were $6ea, and the name brand $12ea.

wholesale street prices were $8-10ea for the 30s, $25-30 for the 80s

plus i had insurance to cover 1 dr

I've had to go to the ER coming off of morphine, about 400mg/day of morphine sulfate. I didn't kick and scream but I couldn't drink water without throwing it up and I was shitting clear jelly for a week. Once I got that IV I slept for 12 hours after not sleeping for 3 days

Kratom. 5 days with 3 hours of sleep total, aches, flu symptoms, depression. If kratom is that bad I can't imagine going through real opiate withdrawals.

Wait, I've been taking pills for weeks. I'll probably find out soon lol

the only reason to go through hard withdrawal is because you're in jail

there's a cheap, otc med that completely blocks physical withdrawal; just the psychological part isn't really all that bad without that

They're the exact same withdrawal.

Trying to quit klonopin cold turkey.

Fucking cursed imaged

caught the flu from my friend while I was coming down off molly, thought I was gonna die for 3 days straight

that wasn't molly

The only thing caffeine withdrawal has done to me is a day long headache that feels like a migraine

What a fucking faggot

Alcohol. Had to go to rehab twice to get off of it. I had it easy because I'd been able to "cut down" in my alcoholism in the 2 months beforehand. I've been off alcohol for 2 1/2 months. I have no desire to go back. I still smoke weed though although I know I shouldn't be. One thing at a time I guess.

Weed withdrawal sucks. It makes you want to smoke more weed.

It really does. If you get into the habit of smoking every day, quitting cold turkey will make you irritable, make it impossible to sleep and eat. Definitely not the worst withdrawal, but unpleasant nonetheless.

Nicotine, surprisingly.
I had two weeks being quite unreasonable - kudos to friends and family for not just forcing to smoke again.
Been an ex-smoker for 7-8 years now.
Even now, I get the occasional sting, but it's rarely strong, and it rarely lasts more than a few minutes.
Best thing I ever did, quitting, now I can taste, smell and breathe.

Pic unrelated

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I occasionally quit weed for months, then smoke again for months. The dreams when the first week or two after stopping are fucking HELL! All the other bad feelings too but the dreams are easily the worst. Even now while I'm off and fine, I don't want to dream, or at least not remember my dreaming, I just want peace and quiet while I sleep.

After being sober for 2 months I had the most beautiful, vivid dream I've ever had.
Dreaming is badass. Don't be afraid to explore your conscious honestly.

I have a friend who was straight-edge his whole life. Right before he moves out of state I notice he's got WAY more energy than usual. He casual tells me he's been taking Adderall.... I've been trying to get him to smoke weed with me for years but he would never touch it. Now the dumbass is taking Adderall all the time. I've only had it a few times my whole life so I understand why it's great, but never needed it. Has anyone ever had to cut themselves off from it? Really curious what he's going to be going though if he does, especially since he's otherwise straight edge for life.

Alcohol. It sucks.

Meh, not for me. I do acid or shrooms about once a year and that's plenty of a trip for me. Good dreams suck because you wake up and they aren't reality, and bad dreams suck because their either hellscapes or me just doing mundane shit that I'd hate doing while awake. I enjoy the come serenity of nothingness for a few hours.

Opiods. And not really even the good ones. I'd been popping vicodin on the reg for a couple of weeks and didn't even realize I'd gotten hooked. When I ran out, I thought it would be nbd, but I couldn't sleep for 2 days, felt like my brain stem was being wrung out like a washcloth, and puking for a day, then dry-heaving for a day, then just feeling nauseated for like, 2 more.

Now I don't like to touch the stuff, even if it's prescribed for legit purposes. Just thinking about the high makes my stomach turn a little.

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Adderall is an amphetamine. If you develop a dependence on it your tolerance goes up fast and you'll need a lot more for it to work. Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, etc. is all pretty much speed. Withdrawal can be similar to a meth withdrawal. You can get a heart attack or really high blood pressure by taking too much.
The comedown is also fucking miserable. It's no joke.

Fair enough. I cherish that I got to experience the dream in the first place. but whatever floats your boat


Dude, you'll have to take that forever if you start, and you can never get off it, or you'll die.
Upshot is you'll live forever.

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Nigga what? Im talking about synthetic marijuana


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Not a withdrawal, but mdma comedowns have put me very close to suicide and can last ~a week if you had taken too much.

DPH high causes hallucination similar to nightmares in real life like shadow people and spiders crawling on your face.

Gabapentin. Came off that shit couldn't sleep for 5 days.

Head zaps are the fucking worst indeed

Nothing compared to heroin or xanax I imagine but I came off of a 200mg Zoloft, and 10mg valium a day prescription cold turkey for a week. I had no other backup meds. I kept going in and they kept telling me the same thing at the pharmacy. My piece of shit doctor had not put it through or whatever the excuse was. Everyone there should be fired for incompetence. I will never let that happen again. I've got backup meds. I felt like I was dying. I was unbearably irritable. My skin felt like it was burning and my brain was being zapped constantly. It felt like a strong electric current was hooked to me and was being randomly flipped on. I honestly cannot remember much of that week. Just misery. When they called me to tell me they had my prescription I had to fight every urge to tell them what knuckle dragging fucking apes they all were. I took them the moment I walked out the door. I was opening the box before I even got out. Fucking desk apes.

You can control mdma hangovers look it up you're just out of seratonin had the same with mda too

Probably cocaine

Benzo come down doesn’t feel as shitty as coke but it makes you crazier and more prone to anger/violence

zoloft and welbutrin. Both are evil, terrible feeling drugs.

Meth wasnt that bad. Probably crack. Just awful.

Valium withdrawal has to be my worst and then anti-depressants.

I am dependent on Valium still and im stuck on 5 to 10mg per day, I was on 40mg when i withdrew and HOLY FUCK never again would i do that.
I felt so much rage i was super close to going on a rampage or hurting people but i controlled myself enough to not do anything thankfully.

Valium is no joke and should not be outside in public coming off it.

Benzos are CRAZY hard to get off, some say worse than heroin.

I've had opiate withdrawal and all I really did was shit my brains out for a few days. I've seen people withdraw from alcohol and that can be much worse

also experienced legit spice withdrawal and know how actually fucked it is, user

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I'd say weed also but after long extended use. I smoked practically daily for 10 years and had to quit for my kid when she came. Didn't sleep or eat right for a couple weeks.

meth is the only thing I had actual withdrawls off of. after you quit getting the image of melting a crystal down and taking a hit and seeing it recrystallize back up just keep replaying in your fucking head for months. it's at least 5 years later since the last time I used and I still occasionally think about doing it. but after getting through the withdrawls I don't want to go through it again.

the thing with antidepressants is you're supposed to take it for like a month before it starts actually taking effect. I had a similar problem except my problem was I didn't feel any different after using them for like a week so I just stopped taking them so I wasn't putting bullshit into my body. my mom thought I was trying to save them up to get high on them LOL

luckily enough there is always a never-ending supply and it's 100% legal

I've been off of ice for six years. Not a day goes by that I don't think about doing it, I can still taste it.

One day at a time, user, congratulations on your recovery. Keep it up and live an amazing life.

Caffeine. 14 months and still going.

That was definatly not molly you large tard