What the fuck is wrong with americans? Can't they at least downgrade to save the fucking children? No, they NEED their war guns. It's a fucking disease and they should be institutionalized for the safety of everyone. Maybe then they can join the civilized countries. Maybe.
What the fuck is wrong with americans? Can't they at least downgrade to save the fucking children? No...
Other urls found in this thread:
> can't kill a high score with a 308 no full auto
>save the fucking children
cry me a river libtard,my freedom is more important then your feelings
>civilized countrys
yeah,like the ones where they cant walk down the street without muslims cutting their heads off in?
>It's a fucking disease
Top tier bait, rofl!!!?!
Amazing how little the people that are biting on it, actually know about guns. That or their reading comprehension completely sucks ass.
I salute you sir!
>Maybe then they can join the civilized countries
Cant wait for you retards to finally take away all the guns so china can march in and slaughter all of you useless amoebas. Finally youll get what you wanted so badly.
Nice reddit spacing, summer faggot
308 is way more deadly than 556
Spoken like a true American. "Muh cuntry bedder thyn yours."
>AR-15 civilian platform
>fully automatic
You need to go back leddit faggot
I thought AR-15s run .223?
Lmao .308 is safer? The exit wounds from a .308 are the size of a basketball. If someone shot up a school with this thing there would be no injuries, only deaths
What the fuck is wrong with people who rate guns by scariness rather than how they mechanically function. Maybe we don't want to join the "civilized" countries that arrest their citizens who complain abut their children getting raped by foreigners.
Umm the picture clearly is labeled that it is full semi-automatic. Which really means the same thing as standard semi-automatic.
>full semi
That's the point, retard. This is clearly satire
What the fuck is“full semi automatic?”
>war guns
>not actually war guns
I bet you say “bad guys” too
As someone who has never held a real gun in his life I read that and thought how fucking retarded
Ur dumb
You can get an ar15 in whatever you want
Considering that civilized countries are characterized by the import of hordes of refugees, the institutionalized rape of their women by these refugees, and an Orwellian level of censorship over free speech, I hope we stay uncivilized.
i can kill you with a semi automatic 303 just as fast as i can with a 556 or 762
Hahaha triggered.
wha? your dead either bullet size
Air guns will kill you it doesn't make a difference about safe, pretty sure a kid choked on a nerf gun bullet hence the change in design
It's best if you can pick all of it, gun ownership is just about the only thing they actually do right at shartland
Shut UP
you're not a Hillary supporter are you user?
>Can't they at least
No. No we can't, and won't. Fuck you. The purpose of guns in the US is to fuck up an oppressive ruling class, NOT for any other need.
Wide spread makes a country civilized, because it scares the worst of it in to feigning politeness.
>that file name
only phone posters fell for this bait kek
or children it seems
Simple. As long as you're not in a black neighborhood, more guns= less crime. Idiots cannot understand this simple concept.
Statistics show us that there are more cases where a gun is used for good than bad.
Want less guns? Then you want more crime.
Please define "full semi-auto" for me.
I hear it bandied about and have no idea what the fuck you idiots are talking about.
>btw gr8 b8 m8, r8 8/8
cause its semi-auto guns that stop China from invading the US? Not like trade or our actual military but civis with handguns? How stupid are you?
user, stop spreading that alt-right conservicuck propaganda.... No refugees welcomed into the heart of Europe have committed any violent crimes like rape. That's all fake news circulated by bigoted right wing racist white nationalist websites. There has never been a single verifiable instance of a refugee committing acts of rape or other sorts of violence. And don't start posting those doctored Photoshop pics of supposed 'news reports' the guys from /pol/ always shitpost with. We all know it's complete bullshit. Just let go of this cuckoldry you are afflicted with and join the ranks of the enlightened Progressive wing. You will feel so much better with all those guns and hatred gone.
hurt your feelings? big guy needs to rub his guns on his butt hurt?
So many people itt know something is wrong with the OP pic but nobody can quite nail it down lmao.
Same. I mean tbh i would probably switch sides if I had a kid that got shot at school or something.
But thats how all political opinions work. You choose the methodology that you think works best and hope that life dosen't fuck you in the ass till you think the opposite.
People from other countries dont understand that having guns is just another one of the "checks and balances" that prevent the country from turning into a police state whenever the powers that be fucking feel like it.
Would martial law in the US be some impossible feat for them to take on ? Nah. Military is too strong
BUT it would definitely give much less incentive for the gov't to just pillage and do whatever the fuck they want if they know theres a possibility that Mr. joe plumber is packing heat. At any corner there could be just some guerilla barrell going off and making you question your line of duty.
A bunch of people with knives and sticks just cannot instill that fear. Sorry.
I'm an American and a liberal. I only own nine guns, only one of which is an AR-15. I'm totally about better gun control laws. I should not be able to own many more weapons than I already have. But taking the AR-15 vending machines out is where I draw the line.
you have to go back
it is fucking sad but everything written there is true
Please enlighten me as to what statistics you are referring to. I believe more guns is directly linked to more gun crime in every single independent study, and no your NRA funded bullshit is not valid. They are a terrorist organization.
Ban blacks before banning guns and you'll see a decent improvement im crime.
Post guns, faggots.
I think any gun owner would immeditely see this is a troll pic.
>bigger, more devastating round.
>being firearm saavy enough to get the troll picture
>being a foreigner in a country with strict gun laws.
Pick one.
The real question is how stupjd are you? Just how long do you think your beautiful capitalist utopia will last for? And when it falls how will the citizens protect themselves? You dont care do you and youll be slaughtered like the rest.
5.56mm is actually smaller than 308 blackout.
I see what you did.
might be more up to date
A trained marksman is far deadlier with semi than any call of duty zoomer with full
exit wounds are wasted energy
This graphic makes no sense, unless it's intended as satire. Every factual assertion is incorrect.
The .308 round fires a larger, heavier bullet than the .223 and is therefore more, rather than less lethal. Many states do not allow hunting with the .223 cartridge precisely because it is perceived to not be lethal enough to kill the prey animal quickly and cleanly.
Both the AR-15 and AR-10, as sold to civilians in the US, are semi-automatic -- i.e., they fire only one shot at a time, rather than firing fully automatic, i.e. "machine gun" style. The terms "standard semi-automatic" rather than "full semi-automatic" don't even exist.
Fully automatic weapons are sold to civilians in the US only with a special federal license, the application for which must be signed by the local chief of police. This has been the case since the 1930's.
This is a classic example of anti gun rhetoric coming from someone with no knowledge of firearms and no knowledge about the gun laws which already exist in the US.
More of your school children have been shot in class than britbongs have been decapitated.
In fact, if you do the math you're losing quite badly on that point....
Maybe we should go and take over your government and give the citizens guns. Then see what happens man, it ain't the guns it's the fuckheads who misuse them. If you want to say otherwise I'll come over and... well let's just say alot of your women will be mysteriously pregnant
Holy fuck the bait is so strong in here
Lol... just ask the Jews how well gun control worked... next thing you know they ended up in campus.
Or ask the native Indians how well that worked out.
When the govt goes insane you should be able to protect yourself...
Imagine when the economy crumbles on our trillions of dollars of debt.
.223 is the civilian type, .5.56 is a military standard. The cases and bullets are identical, but 5.56 it rated to a slightly higher pressure.
As such, 556 rifles can fire both calibers, but a gun rated 223 cannot shoot 556 safely.
The 308 mentioned in OPs post is just a slightly larger version of the AR15 but fires at the same rate, and can easily hold 20 rounds. Similarly, the AR10 shooots the civilian 308 Wichester, OR the NATO 7.62x53 round. Unlike the AR15, however, a gun chamerbed in 308 can fire civilian and military grade rounds, but 7.62 rates rifles can only fire the military variant.
Not quite, but there are a lot of available upper receivers to cover a pretty wide variety of rounds. Not all, but a lot.
303 and 308 use the same bullet size. Slightly different case sizes, but otherwise nearly identical.
Fuck off back to plebbit nigger
>There's no perfect answer, so let's go for the obviously wrong answer
>Trump is the gag answer to every question
>beautiful capitalist """""utopia""""""
For who? The corporations?
"The civilized countries" you mean the rest of the shithole third world countries? Please kys being american is literally the best, jealous faggot
chances are the founders had never seen or heard of this weapon as only a handful were ever made...
Just because it existed doesn't mean anyone knew it existed, even if they did they could not understand the implications this had with the future, even if they could they would not understand the monstrous etsy the Gun Business became, beyond that even if they did they didn't intend it to be unregulated, as the
'WELL REGULATED militia' part in the 2nd amendment.
BEYOND ALL OF THAT THO, they never intended the security and safety of the people to be undervalued to the profit of business. No one cares about the security of the state, but just about the 'privileges' of freedom.
Trump supporters are sad, this is why they think Trump is a savior with little to no evidence to support it.
Meanwhile London has more murders than New York.
Since every type of gun has been used in wars all guns are war guns.
A well armed population IS the security of the State.
>Standard semi auto
>full semi
This was indeed masterful baiting
OP thous truly are a masterbaiter
OP is a disease
Well regulated militia. Regulation on guns was always intended.
Nice bait, also consider suicide or go to school
Same in Toronto Canada where we actually have those restrictive gun laws that dumbshits want USA to have. Face it libtards, guns don't don't kill people, people kill people.
OP if you aren't american, why do you give a shit?
here in USA the constitution is designed to limit powers of government over people. That is just how it works. The government cannot take rights away from the people, the people grant the government certain powers. but one power the government CANNOT take away, since it is guaranteed by the constitution, is the right to bear arms.
this is a sacrifice we make for freedom. and there is nothing anyone can do about it without a fight.
Without a well armed population we’d all be eyeballs deep in Mexicans by now.
Historical context really helps when discussing historical things like the 2nd. "A well regulated militia"... You know, back when the USA didnt ha e a standing army during peace time and there were rebellions, Indians invading cities and when Great fucking Britain invaded again in the War of 1812 and burned down the fuckin White House. Back when states had laws requiring able bodied men to own a weapon and participate in regular militia training (like Pennsylvania). Back when Militia's were literally the only means of protection for most territories expanding throughout the continent that was disputed by the Spanish, French and English as well as the natives.... C'mon people its really not that hard
Fuckin read & learn something
>standard semi-automatic instead of full semi-automatic
see filename
Whoa kid your 4th grade report is looking pretty stellar, but it's too bad you drooled all over it and smeared the ink.
>thinking the USA is in any way unique in this way
>cringe worthy explanation of a simple concept that is also the case in most countries around the world
>but muhhhh 2nd!!!
>.....except the well regulated militia part!
Americans, ladies and gentleman. Absolutely astounding....
It was the Alabama state science fair.
Africa needs a revision. There's too many rape gangs for that to be accurate.
I’m sorry I guess I took it literally
lol fuck those kids
it is as simple as I say it. nothing cringe at all. that is exactly what the government is.
and why should anyone anywhere but the USA care?
it doesn;t matter what system other nations have in place. in USA we have the bill of rights, the second of which is right to bear arms.
that is obviously important, making us distinct from most other countries.
so piss off.
>>thinking the USA is in any way unique in this way
what other countries have as their second amendment in their constitution as the right to bear arms? what other countries are as large as the united states and guarantee such freedoms?
why are you so mad about USA having right to bear arms?
Oh, I know! ENVY!
Yeah America never gives a shit about what other countries do, which is why the American government has toppled many democratic governments and installed military juntas to replace them in the past century. Also flying robotic death planes that shoot missiles with as little care and as little accuracy as possibly and just in general spending infinitely more money on an international military force while having the shittiest health care, education, worker's rights, and just about everything else in the developed world.
Shut up snowflake
what our current federal government is doing has nothing to do with the creation of our Bill of Rights and it is a long stretch of the imagination to think that if the american public were disarmed, there would be LESS us intervention in world affairs. most likely there would be MORE.
you wanting to disarm the american people makes the federal (that you despise so much) government stronger.
I loathe our current federal government. and for that reason I am very glad we put the second amendment in place.
>people are only rarely murdered with long guns of any kind
>it's overwhelmingly cheap handguns
>it's overwhelmingly in big cities with democratic mayors
>it's overwhelmingly black people both killing and being killed with said handguns
This is a Hi-Point JCP in .40, a little bigger than the .38 cops use. This gun is $150. You wanna ban something effective you would ban blickies, but you're not even going to suggest something sensible that responds to the avalible data, you're going to go after the gun you don't want to deal with when you raid people's rural properties to arrest them for being evil far-right nazi viruses of satan or whatever your fucking narrative is this week.
Guns are a problem. Kids are being shot to death in schools. Murdered. Dead. Children. There should be no discussion necessary beyond this.
Letters of marque. The Founders approved of privately owned warships. You don't know what you're talking about.
Its cringe because you say it like that is somehow unique or otherwise worth explaining to others.
"A well regulated militia" begins the 2nd amendment but seems to be forgotten. There is nothing "well regulated" nor particularly militia-like of the current interpretation of the law where basically anyone with a clean record can buy a semi auto rifle with 30 round mags, even if they show signs of red flags.
The whole crux of this dicussion is basically you cant do this anywhere else in the world (and U cant compare Switzerland to the USA with a straight face bro) yet we watch you all ask yourselves why there are constant shootings and massive amounts of gun homicides in general.
The mentality of "well the criminals have guns so why not us?" is precisely how u got in this situation in the first place.
The one I get the biggest kick out of is the argument that "the 2nd is to protect us from our government" lolol. There are a couple of vague, out of context quotes that are rammed down your throats and many others that are completely untrue. Your founders did not want to arm you to attack your government. Period. Fake news lol
fuck children.
it's pretty obvious they want to ban the "assault rifles" because those are the weapons that will be used during the second (or some would argue, third) revolution. organized militias don't have much use for handguns. that's why they make the propaganda to target rural white conservatives.
at sandy hook they destroyed the crime scene before the investigation was over and then changed the CT laws so that they never have to release the evidence. This is all documented fact you can easily reference.
there is not this epidemic of children getting shot in schools and there is no need to arm teachers(another absurd argument made to make the right look stupid).
the problems are in the inner cities and nonwhite neighborhoods and, of course, overseas. where the us taxpayers flip the bill for murdering innocent people all over the world. there isn't a problem with elementary schools being shot up. that is just media hype with no substance.
It's because rural white conservatives have been responsible for 99.9% of domestic terror attacks in the last three years.....
Remember, most of the people that support the "the government wants you to attack it" viewpoint are the same people that enjoy plastering the flag of a failed rebellion that surrendered itself about a century and a half ago. These people don't even live in the modern era, let alone do they have any hope of making any sort of rational political thought.
who cares what amendment it is and what the "amendment" is actually called. Regardless of what you may have heard, you can legally buy guns in most nations. Even Europe, even Australia. It is far more regulated and closely monitored but then again they also dont have psychos raining down hundreds of shells from a Las Vegas hotel on a crowd.
The USA is very large indeed but dont lwt it get to your head. Much like how when the state of Illinois or Chicago in general makes new gun laws and they "dont work" even though all sorrounding states dont have those regulations.... Dont think that policies in Germany dont affect France or Poland or Austria. Europe is a very, very large place and they dont share these silly gun violence issues
>shall not be infringed
Lol good joke op, for a second there I actually thought someone was that retarded
Yeah guns are one of the 3 sciences in Alabama, the other two are moonshine and inbreeding.
Do you even hear yourself? You are gonna peddle Alex Jones and racism to try to defend keeping millions of guns on the street? There are hundreds of devastated families in this country who would beg to differ with you. Mass shootings and gun crime in general are an epidemic and one there is a very simple solution for. Ban the guns and collect them all. You can't shoot up a place with no guns.
Because I am unfortunately in bed when live coverage of your most recent mass shooting comes on TV.
The Vegas one would have been quite entertaining to watch. The USA is like real life call of duty lol
When are you going to start collecting?
That guy targeted a country music concert so we let it slide. Public service.
what we do in usa is none of your business. we have an elected government and a bill of rights which is designed with built in protections so that we can defend it.
the second amendment says "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"
saying "well regulated militia" implies the necessity of being able to form regular armed militias. and interpretation beyond that is void by the statement "the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" there is no arguing with it.
and since you aren't american(i take it) it is really none of your business so seems more like you envy us. don't you have your own problems to deal with?
When we can get enough lawmakers who aren't taking NRA money. We need to get money out of politics.
I'm sure someone has said this already, but the .223 (don't know wtf you're on about) is a shoot-to-wound cartridge, and the .308 win blows it WAY the fuck out of the water. Ever wonder why so many mass shootings end with something like 14 killed 57 injured? Cause of that puny little .223 cartridge that was designed after international war laws made it so that countries were SUPPOSED to have to care for their wounded, hoping that wounding soldiers instead of killing them would strain their resources.
No, when are YOU going to start collecting?
oh so because its on tv you have to do somehting about how I live in my part of the world? how about turn the fucking TV off you idiot.
The Constitution can be amended. It's happened several times. In fact you are quoting an AMENDMENT
>As little care and accuracy as possible
They're laser-guided by a human operator, they couldn't actually be more accurate, error is introduced by bad military intel and operator error.
This Hi-Point C9 is under 100 dollars. You know what gangsters do after they kill someone with this? They throw it in the fucking river, I have found 3 of them while fishing. You remove gangs from the equation and the US has an identical gun homicide rate to Luxembourg.
yeah i dont think so
I'll vote for people who will make the changes we need. That's how a democracy works.
>Last three years
prob already is.
it's taken as a given. lol
>save the fucking children
pro-abortion dipshit who has no problem killing hundreds of millions of kids out of convenience suddenly cares about saving the fucking children.
fuckin YEET CANNON comin out and y'all niggas be bitching about the armalite rifle platform. CANNONS MOTHERFUCKER!!!!
Islam is a disease. Mass illegal migration is a disease.
So you're satisfied with the current situation, then.
There's never any shortage of entertainment to be found in our great country. After the next big event you can always have the big debate with your coworkers who think that people that take an SSRI are responsible for mass shootings, instead of the fact that any American with a Discover card can build up an arsenal to arm a South American paramilitary group and then go ahead and brag about it, all without raising any sort of suspicion or alarm whatsoever.
Americans don't want guns that look like military guns. We want military guns.
>a well regulated militia
>military gun
seethat is the media narrative SPIN and HYPE which targets the section of the population which will defend the constitution. they aren't afraid of nonwhites because they typical do not maintain inner self governing values like whites do. and white americans are willing to fight to protect their rights. as evidenced by the revolution and civil war.
Can you define that?
You forgot chewing tobacco and domestic abuse
No. I'm not. That's why I will vote and protest.
>10 U.S. Code §246
>mass illegal migration
call it what it is, invasion. they are not armed cause they wouldn't just let them walk in otherwise.
Democracy says fuck off.
I'll give up my gun when abortion is illegal
We will see incel.
This isn't a negotiation.
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
yea a well regulated militia is formed by the people. that's what a militia is. locally raised. and they have the right to organize and be armed. it is not a militia if it is not armed. that's all that means.
why? because it is needed for a well regulated militia. so the people can organize and train with firearms. not the government, THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE regulate the militia. it is a MILITIA not under the authority of the federal government.
the bill of rights NEVER gives the government power over the people. only recent entries give government powers.
the bill of rights is the PEOPLE giving the government rights. not the other way around.
We will indeed.
Until then, we have all the guns. Good luck with that.
The faggot without a gun thinking he can force terms on people with guns
Well how many times do we have to fucking do it before you people understand we want to be left alone?
You're lucky we arent stacking bodies as much as we want to, now get in line and conform to our will fucking yesterday before we kick off for real.
So in other words when people stop being greedy and loving money..
I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one.
Who said I don't have a gun? In fact I have several. You think we are all pussies? I'm ready for you dickless fuckheads. I'll give mine up when they change the laws happily. But if you try to come to my house starting shit I will kill you.
Nobody wants anything to do with the most inbred and backass swamps of Alabama and Mississippi, we promise.
Again with the cringy explanation. Ouch, bro
Have you done a lot of reading from political minds during that time? You do realize that they constructed sentences very differently back then and the meaning of putting "A well regulated militia," first means a lot different than it does now... In fact, even in American English that sentence is constructed nonsensically. You pretending to be able to interpret it (among the common literature of the late 1700s) is absolutely laughable.
Also, dismissing the first part and only focusing on "shall not be infringed" is flat out wrong.
Honestly, don't care about your gun toting country. I just think its sad that I know more about your own laws than you do. Sad, or fascinating?
I know right, what an idiot.
>Give us your guns or we'll take them!
Op we all sold our ar15s and got 10s so its much safer here now.
>You think we are all pussies?
Yeah, actually.
For the children is actually a well-known fallacy and easily deconstructed.
After the popularization of the phrase on The Simpsons, its use in society was often ridiculed.[8] In the Toronto Star, journalist Edward Keenan referred to it as "Lovejoy's Law". Keenan defined "Lovejoy's Law" as a warning that the phrase is a probable diversion from a weak logical stance, writing that true empathy toward children involved rational argument rather than manipulation.[15]
The callback to rationality being why children are being murdered at all, in school or otherwise. What is the sociological cause of school violence heightened to the point of deadly attacks? Why do kids want to kill each other and can we end whatever pressures upon them make them feel that way? Could we routinely screen children for poor mental health? Could we educate parents about the signs of poor mental health? Could you do anything besides ban, ban, ban? Like some actual fucking work?
Yeah, they're scared of another Waco or Ruby Ridge incident in which the ATF has a standoff and ends up murdering a bunch of people and making entire religions pissed at them. That's why they wouldn't engage Y'allqaeda over the bird sanctuary thing. They're genuinely scared of groups of people being able to resist them and it makes me think they have something planned, something they know we won't tolerate. Probably 70-90% tax rates or some shit.
>implying the 2A mentions and only refers to muskets
How loud does your wife scream when Tyrone fucks her in the ass? Do you have a daughter that you let Jamal fuck too?
Are you drunk or retarded? Maybe both? I dont think you understood my joke
you have several guns but you want to take away peoples' right to bear arms? what are you talking about?
what a fucking moron.
IF law abiding gun owners were a problem, you fucking mouth breathers would know it.
Always did want an M1 Garand, but lot of fudd boomers made them absurdly expensive
That’s considered recreational activity
i've been all over this country. i've never been afraid (at an instinctive level) of being shot anywhere but nonwhite areas.
I mean, you're welcome to do that, but you're under the impression that you're the first to think of that. We've been voting and protesting since the 80s. We figured out how to make it work in the early 90s. Heres how it works:
1) Pass ridiculous laws in the friendliest of states. This is easier for us than you because we're loosening laws, not creating restrictions, this saves us from having to fight every law in court.
2) Once we have seven or eight of the friendliest states with a law, we use that as evidence of developing consensus in tier 2 states.
3) Enough tier 2 states and our law starts to look normal, so you get it passed in the neutral states. Now you're starting to build a track record of your law both being within the norm and generally having no effect on anything.
4) Begin litigation pressure on unfriendly states, some will fall because they don't have the stomach for a fight, the rest will either end up an extreme minority or lose in court.
Lather, rinse, repeat. We've built fundraising and ground game for 30 years, by 2050 you might be able to meet us head on.
No, you don't. Post em, post em with a foot and this post in the background, bet you dont you little cuckbitch.
Even if you did it doesnt matter if you're going to hand em over when the social justice reich comes knocking at the door. Then you'll have nothing. Then I will come to your house and you wont have guns anymore and you will die and your wife and children will die. Because you let societal pressure turn you into a fucking nothing. You know MMA? Can fight? Too bad Ive got a gun dipshit. Nice work.
>Yeah, they're scared of another Waco or Ruby Ridge incident in which the ATF has a standoff and ends up murdering a bunch of people and making entire religions pissed at them. That's why they wouldn't engage Y'allqaeda over the bird sanctuary thing. They're genuinely scared of groups of people being able to resist them and it makes me think they have something planned, something they know we won't tolerate. Probably 70-90% tax rates or some shit.
I think you're right.
SCOTUS disagrees.
Letters of marque are a regulation. You can have a warship and use it like one... if the government, effectively, gave you a license. If you go acting like a pirate without the governments permission, well, you'd be treated like any other pirate.
you're the one complaining about what self governing people are doing in their own country.
yeah shall not be infringed means "shall be infringed" oh i am so stupid it is laughable!
fucking idiot. you're a moron.
Yes, the militia by definition is for the well being of the people. The government couldnt keep a standing army in peace time and people revolted under the articles of confederation (and the constitution) and countries invaded the US including the brits that burned down the white house in the war of 1812.
You are completely redefining "militia" outside of the intent it had. The gov didnt want to arm citizens to fight their own government. Thats bullshit.
Again, "A well regulated militia"
Nobody is. The white murders are high profile because they are rare. Thats why the world thinks there is some chronic white murder problem in the states. Jewish conspiracy, black conspiracy, liberal conspiracy, whatever you think the origin is doesnt matter - the point is its real. How many black murders are blown up and presented for the world? Basically zero. Not talking about OJ, talking about large-scale shootings. None.
Can i have one of those please preferably the springfield one lol
I'm not sure how old most of the people in this discussion are, but I was already into guns in the early 90s. The feds aren't terribly afraid of a Waco or Ruby Ridge, they're afraid of an Oklahoma City. They're not afraid of shooting a couple of yokels on their terms, they're afraid of what happens when things get out from under them. Thats why they backed down from the Bundys, the situation became difficult to manage and was guaranteed to create martyrs.
Again, 10 U.S. Code §246. We're all militia.
Glad to disprove your bullshit.
Not married. No children. GF and dog actually. Also not a cuck you braindead parrot. Seriously you should kill yourself.
If it will save the lives of innocent children, yes I want to restrict the ownership of any assault weapons. I'll gladly give mine up in a buyback if they change the laws. Otherwise I just have shotguns and pistols.
I don't have to prove shit to image board autistic incels. Lol. The fact you think you actually matter to me cracks me up. I wish you would come try me son. I'd lay you out deader than 4 o'clock in the morning.
Sure thing, Kaptain Keyboard. We're all impressed.
>The bill of rights is the people giving the government rights, not the other way around
That is the most retarded thing Ive read on this thread. So the right to a speedy trial and the right against cruel and unusual punishment is a right given to the government?
Im outta here lol you are crazy dude
Has anybody mapped out the complex roadmap of the mental gymnastics of being a lefty who believes the government should have guns, but also believes that the government is sexist/racist and cops are racist and power hungry? I mean they are literally not compatible at all. In theory gun ownership is the KEY to what hey want, true governmental change.
>I'll gladly give mine up
And you'll be in the minority, just ask New York and Connecticut (or Chicago). Or maybe you want to teach a whole new generation of gun owners that the whole "law abiding" thing is marketing?
you keep saying "the government" you don't seem to understand that "the government" was never a central authority at its first inception.
"the government" typically would be at the state level. And example of this is the civil war. Even regiments were raised by the states.
The federal government never started as an all powerful central authority.
it isn't reaching at all. The second amendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
it follows the first amendment which guarantees individual freedom. and is followed by the third amendment, which protects landowners from the government from quartering troops in private homes.
even in the most basic context the second amendment is couched between INDIVIDUAL personal rights! it does not give any explanation of government power over people. it takes powers from the government without expressing at any point, nor referring to any outside article, the rules and regulations you are pretending we implied.
if it implied rules and regulations it would details those in the amendment, or refer to another amendment, as any legal document would.
no, it doesn;t! why? because it is simple "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" right between freedom of expression and freedom from quartering troops in their homes!
Citing a retard on Yea Forums does not make him not a retard.
Total fuckin' badass over here everyone! You couldn't shoot a squirrel with a .22 without crying your eyes out.
>it follows the first amendment which guarantees individual freedom. and is followed by the third amendment, which protects landowners from the government from quartering troops in private homes.
>even in the most basic context the second amendment is couched between INDIVIDUAL personal rights! it does not give any explanation of government power over people. it takes powers from the government without expressing at any point, nor referring to any outside article, the rules and regulations you are pretending we implied.
>if it implied rules and regulations it would details those in the amendment, or refer to another amendment, as any legal document would.
>no, it doesn;t! why? because it is simple "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" right between freedom of expression and freedom from quartering troops in their homes!
>Can't they at least downgrade to save the fucking children?
Because saving the children is the point, in an extremely abstract sense.
Hunting and self-defence are just what they're used for until the actual reason for having them comes up. Which is to facilitate a revolution against a government turned tyrant.
Military weapons are the point because they're are for fighting against a military in service to a tyrant. If you can't fight against the military with them then they're not "assault" enough.
303 uses a .310-.312 diameter bullet
The ammo cans say "Cal 30" but the rifles take 30.06, don't they?
>self governing
Y'all been bitching about your retarded and expensive healthcare for what, 15, 20, 25 years?
Has anything actually been done to help it?
You might have a vote but to think you are "self governing" is laughable
Hey, man, theres a chance that one of the 27 individual rights outlined in the Bill of Rights is actually a poorly labeled restriction.
Fuck me. Where can I turn in my guns now?
>right given to the government
user's point wasn't well phrased but isn't wrong, regardless.
They could have said it better as:
The bill of rights outlines the constraints on government, which makes clear their powers by the negative space around rights.
The government CAN'T do THESE things, and therefore, can make laws about everything ELSE.
There's dangers to that approach but that's how it is for USA these days.
Unfortunately, a large portion of our population (almost everybody in non-urban deep south) is actually so stupid that they will continually vote for leaders and policies that openly go against every single one of their best interests.
>I don't have to prove shit to image board autistic incels.
Oh, thats just sad. You already look stupid, so it doesnt make much difference, but next time don't bother lying about having guns.
Whats your tactic? Try and sway other gun owners by pretending to be one?
>I'd lay you out deader than 4 o'clock in the morning.
lol wtf does that even mean. Ill wait until after confiscation then come ass rape ya boy, just sit tight.
>Full semi
Nigga what?
>We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
the constitution at no point refers to any outside authority or regulations. it is the founding article of law in the united states of america.
there is no expressed or implied external government authority over any amendment and there is no citing or referring to any outside article.
if the second amendment limited rights, or implied authority of some outside regulations, it would be cited in that document.
since it is not, the only course of action to take is thus:
The right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
even the context "WE THE PEOPLE" should be enough to understand the context and that no outside governing body or document is given authority or precedence over the constitution and its amendments.
there is no authority over the second amendment. the right is guaranteed to all citizens of the united states. without question.
Central federal government indeed didnt start as a central authority. The articles of confederation was a total mess and all the states rejected it. The constitution provided a number of far reaching federal powers including coining money and war time powers.
During peace time, the only realistic defense was a militia.
You are reaching when you assume that militia is the equivalent of an autistic psycho looking to blast up a group of people
how is .308 safer? HAHA put a 100-round canister on this and you're good for combat
>durrrrrrrrrrr a spoon can kill!
>ban cars then!!11111
>knives can kill ppl hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
this is why Americans have lost their right to own guns. ban them. then legislate it, just like trump recommended. THEN take the guns. if they won't give up their firearms, gun them down.
yeah so that means we should give all the guns to the corrupt government.
>if they won't give up their firearms, gun them down.
I don't believe you've thought this completely through.
Is it the constitution or the fuckin bible? Youre acting like its the word of God and every non linear assumption you make was totally fucking intended.
You wanna go over all the retarded shit written in the constitution too?
Again, you are reaching
preamble of the constitution
the constitution limits powers and outlines mechanics of any central governing body.
but most importantly, it guarantees under no conditions can a central governing authority deprive the people of any of the first ten amendments (Bill of Rights).
there is no arguing. the right to bear arms is guaranteed to the people. there is no reference to any other authority in the constitution.
no outside interpretation is possible. the second amendment is guaranteed.
It was one of the earliest weapons to be referred to as a "machine gun", being called such in a 1722 shipping manifest,[2]though its operation does not match the modern use of the term. It was never used during any combat operation or war.[3][4]Production was highly limited and may have been as few as two guns.
Two guns made one from iron one brass, never used, I'm sure every one of the founding fathers knew about these badboys 60 years after the inventors death.
>if they won't give up their firearms, gun them down.
The irony and idiocy of this statement is a perfect snapshot of the American left.
In their countries they have the right to be raped and killed, here we oppress them with the red, white and blue bars of freedom.
So why even write "A well regulated militia" if it doesnt mean anything anyway?
>if they won't give up their firearms, gun them down.
it means that no authority as formulated by the federal government can be legitimate if it seeks to overstep any of the 10 limitations (guarantees of rights)
any authority acting out of the federal government of the united states that attempts to overstep the bill of rights renders itself illegitimate and in breach of the bill of rights. it is violating the rights of the american people GUARANTEED LEGALLY and so any course of action taken to remove that person or persons from power is legally justified.
it is OUR RIGHT. and so obviously i will protect my rights and defend my rights.
It does mean something. Just not what leftists want it to.
Cool, now explain away the Girandoni and why the founders preferred Kentucky long rifles to muskets during the revolution.
What the fuck is the image you posted?
It's complete fucking bullshit.
Anybody that knows anything about guns can point out the obvious lies of what they're saying.
And I'm not even a fucking Pro-Gunner!
>The NRA also wielded a smaller purse in the 2018 midterm elections: The group and its political arm spent just $10 million, a 64 percent drop from the $28 million it contributed to races in 2014 and a fraction of the $55.6 million it spent in 2016 to help elect Donald Trump and other Republicans.
Meanwhile liberal lobbyists have budgets in the billions of dollars. Soros alone spent $10 million on lobbying in the second quarter of 2019 alone. That's April, May and June of this year. The NRA is fucking tiny compared to the dirty money shit you people pull.
Finland remembers
you are seriously fucking retarded if you think kids that shoot up schools cant get their hands on whatever kind of gun they want, even if their parents/guardians dont own guns
Try hiding that in your trench coat
It does mean something.
A well-regulated militia to protect against tyranny. Obviously, people would band together to form a militia if this every did happen. Basically an armed protest.
Who makes up the militia? Armed citizens. Thats the point. Thats why the line after militia guarantees citizens may arm themselves. What good is a fucking unarmed militia.
Thus, militia = armed citziens = citizens may be armed. It really IS NOT that fucking complicated but libniggers cant parse fucking english.
because it is saying that the people have the right of the first amendment to organize
then consequently, they have the right to arm themselves.
in the USA in the 18th century the center of town was most usually a church. often the town hall was the church.
so the militia is the extension fo the first amendment.
and then, furthermore, we can see how this leads into the third amendment.
since there is no outside document referenced and the bill of rights are guaranteed, you are forced to dismiss the notion that it is referring to any written laws outside of itself.
the regulations are determined by the personal beliefs of the people, as outlined by the first amendment.
there is a logical sequence of thinking that is built into the constitution. they didn't just roll dice to determine the order of the amendments.
Well, the NRA's money is tiny. You can't buy the kind of organizing, networking, volunteer hours, and voter turn out the NRA delivers on a bad month in a liberal state.
I’m genuinely interested actually
lol imagine having two 500-round cases strapped to your vest.
That's fucking brilliant.
>223 to a 308
This is some pretty amazing bait.
You're not even going to ask the blacks and mexicans for their guns, are you? Oh, no, you're only after REGISTERED firearms because that's all you've got a list of. They'd get 40% of the guns at most and it would cost over a trillion dollars while also opening up the government and the police to massive legal liabilities. Not only would you fail, you'd be racist while failing and start an even bigger conflict. Guns would pour over the unwalled border in response to the higher value and demand and you'd make sure they all got into colored hands you rile up through the TV so they'll fucking kill us. Fuck you, genocidal asshole.
This is actually genius.
Yeahh no, i'm still hanging on to mine. Go harass someone else, democrats.
You mean people are actually engaged in protecting their civil liberties? No, you can't buy that, you have to piss people off first. You come for the guns and I'm not going to shoot back, I'm going to repeatedly start forest fires in CA. I could make a device that starts a fire literally weeks after it's been planted from a cell phone, a Raspberry Pi and a road flare.
Conservatives haven't even taken a swing yet, you don't even know what that looks like. I bet you don't even have night vision goggles.
Reminder that everything I post is satire.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
The Girandoni was an air rifle that was in service with the Austrian army as early as 1780 and was known to be owned by several founding fathers. It was deadly, silent, produced no smoke, capable of accurate fire out to 100 yards, had a tubular magazine with 19 rounds, and was capable of almost immediate follow up shots. The downside was that when the air reservoir was empty it took awhile to reload, it was expensive, and it was relatively fragile. Still, it was abundantly clear where firearm technology was going nearly a decade before the bill of rights was written.
The Kentucky/Pennsylvania/Jaeger long rifle had a slightly slower reload time than muskets, but was capable of precision shooting at 80-100 yards for an average shooter and up to 300 yards for an experienced one. It allowed for revolutionary war soldiers to effectively snipe and went a long way to shattering the typical strategy of shooting volleys from formation.
Both are clear examples of evolving technology and increased firepower during the time of Second Amendment's writing.
Man, I was agreeing with you. I have a pretty good idea of what it looks like when we take a swing, given that I've lived through both Oklahoma City and the fight for carry in Illinois.
That said, I'm just a casual observer now that all my guns were lost in that tragic boating accident.
Ok sure. Sources?
Nowhere does any of the founders say the 2nd was meant to protect against their own government. That is flat untrue
Fuck your children, commie.
Isn't an 5.56 just a .22LR but with more powder and a pointed nose?
>Nowhere does any of the founders say the 2nd was meant to protect against their own government. That is flat untrue
just look at the amendments it is couched between.
the bill of rights limits the powers of government. the whole document is about limiting powers of government.
come on, man, at least think a little bit.
Have you read the Federalist papers? Any of the historical analysis that won in the SCOTUS? The majority decisions in Heller or McDonald?
He's read uninformed screeches on DU.
How stupid are you? This was written by someone pig ignorant. So instead of the pansy ass 5.56x45 NATO this uses the safe hunting 7.62x51 NATO? You do know both those bigger numbers are important? You do know that this is the big older brother of the AR15 which was made to actually kill people at reasonable ranges. This is what the military now use when they need soldiers to have something to kill rag heads at the ranges they are engaging from, and behind light cover.
So eager to disprove someone you gave up opsec. Shit like this isn't how we got short barrels in Illinois...
Thats fucking retarded and not within context.
A militia is a defined group of amateur citizen soldiers. A well balanced breakfast is a fucking breakfast. Apples to oranges you goddamn idiot (cause im sure its just one of you posting all that shit)
>Nowhere does any of the founders say the 2nd was meant to protect against their own government. That is flat untrue
"Security of a free state" implies a resistance to some form of tyranny. You can "interpret" that however you want, as its irrelevant as far as firearm ownership goes.
Lol no it is not. Youre still making shit up.
Cringe bill of rights explanation again.
How many times u gonna define basic principals like ppl dont already know lol
Still mad she lost?
If only he'd been old enough to vote, dammit!
you must work for someone or you are just flat out crazy.
The bill of rights limits government powers and the second amendment is the obvious extension of the first amendment, and is, in turn, limited by the third.
these were enlightenment ideals you are arguing with, not lowest common denominator CNN MSNBC bullshit.
>A militia is a defined group of amateur citizen soldiers.
Relevant statutes say you're wrong. Here, lemme show my work:
10 U.S. Code §246. Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
Stupid ass thread.
OP, get yourself a rifle, start shooting, get good, you won't regret it. At least you'll have a reason to get in shape cause that gear has weight to it.
I bet you want to, cuckservative pedophile faggot.
what's a "registered firearm"? you neckbearded libturd
only property-owning Americans who earn $250k+ should be able to own guns.
>Relevant statutes say you're wrong. Here, lemme show my work:
that is not an authority over the bill of rights, but obviously what he refers to falls under class 2
Yes and yes familiar with dc vs Heller McDonald vs chicago. Both cases are 10 or 11 years old or less only and i know heller had a ton of additional lawsuits that are still being sorted out. Both were decided by conservative courts in recent times where scotus appointments are very political. Thats not a great example and as much as id like to spill on rhese cases point by point, this thread and interest will die long before
Not an argument.
Kill yourself.
True, 14A almost certainly nukes the gender requirement and the under 45 requirement. The point is, even when these fucks want to shout about "WELL REGULATED MILITIA!!!" they're not only wrong as far as precedent goes, they're wrong as far as the current legal definition goes. They have no leg to stand on, nothing.
AR15s are literally used for hunting, mate.
the current legal definition has no authority over the bill of rights.
people have freedom of assembly and said assemblies have the right to arm themselves.
this is guaranteed by the bill of writes.
10 US code 246 was written in 1956. Decades after the creation of the national guard and over 150 years after the 2nd.
Try again
They're the controlling precedent and the court has gotten more conservative. Losing Kennedy is potentially very bad for the gun control side, given that he's the one who wanted the language about sensitive places and reasonable restrictions.
More importantly, 10 or 11 years means we've have a full spate of SCOTUS and lower court cases that rely on those precedents. Stare decisis and interconnection issues being what they are, I don't see anything changing in the next couple of generations. Even then, you'd have to fundamentally change the makeup of the Senate to change things. The GOP couldn't get an abortion ban through during Trump's first two years, how the hell do you think the Democrats could possibly gain ground on guns at the federal level?
shut the fuck up troll
We're agreeing with each other. Heres the thing, though, if you point to 2A they're going to point to militias and the whole thing degenerates into a debate about opinions. You shouldn't even give them that. The moment they bring up militias you cite the unorganized militia and cut their shit out. They aren't arguing from a position of ignorance, its not good faith, they think the right is outdated and want a pretext. Don't fight on that field, don't give an inch, don't let them drag it down into philosophy and liberty. They want to argue about a fight they've already lost in the hopes that they can change the dialog.
We have all of the cards, we don't need to engage. They're wrong, we're right, engaging only gives them the appearance of legitimacy.
Yep, and its a recognition that everybody is part of the militia which, in turn, is a recognition of a fundamental right to the individual ownership and use of arms.
good point.
Not sure much will change anytime soon. Doesn't mean I wont argue about it :0
You could point to a lot of Trump's policy measures on his 1st 2 years. He failed to accomplish a lot of his promises, without congressional resistance no less. Only after he lost the House did he really start making a stink about stuff like the Wall that he supported a gov shutdown over.
That shits all just politics and invigorating your base. Kid ass bullshit. Both sides do it. Its a shame we all fall for it
Stay mad.
So youre admitting that the founders didnt intend for the current definition to be valid as currently accepted by definitions written over 150 years later?
Can you read?
>doesn't mean I won't argue about it
I mean, sure, whatever, but while you're arguing we're tricking Illinois into short barrels, quietly killing assault weapon bans, expanding open carry, expanding constitutional carry, passing more Montana laws, quietly writing out the duty to retreat.
So argue on, have a march, whatever. Ten years ago I wasn't supposed to own a gun in Chicago, now I carry on the train in clear violation of the law and Kim Foxx won't prosecute because she's afraid of letting SCOTUS define what a "sensitive place" might be. You guys probably won, though, given that I had to burn a weekend and a couple of hundred bucks, right?
Nice b8 but there is no such thing as a “fully semi automatic gun” people who are against guns just put the word “fully” in front of it to make it seem worse, you know what guns are “fully semi automatic”? Most pistols are semi automatic, good try tho
No, I'm pointing out that Congress recognized a right in a statute.
>The GOP couldn't get an abortion ban through during Trump's first two years, how the hell do you think the Democrats could possibly gain ground on guns at the federal level?
Banning abortion doesn't serve the agenda, while disarming citizens does.
Can you be any madder?
good bait :)
Meh, I think its giving both sides too much credit to assume they have much of an agenda outside of making sure they get to suck up as many dollars as is possible before the wind changes. Promising the base meat makes that more likely, following through risks pissing off the halfbrights in the middle.
One of the problems is that the people looking to regulate guns are stupid enough to believe that picture
308 is a large round. It's larger than 5.56mm. Also, they missed the point. People who are enthusiasts don't get guns because they "look like" military guns. They get guns because they are military (or that's how it used to be).
I'm fine with this firearm displayed in the OP's picture.
True story I buy these cheap from pawn shops and then rig them to explode sell them for 500 to retarded crack slangers. When Tyrone goes to do his drive by bye bye hand.
fuck the children an fuck you
Normies do not realize that .308 is larger than 5.56. .308 is 7.62x51 which is real fuckin NATO you liberal
OP mind your own fucking business, and go eat some tea and crumpets..
The oppressive ruling class is fuckng you hard in the ass just fine
You have an empty soul. That’s probably the reason you can’t sleep at night
Epstein, is that you?
okay lets flip a metaphorical switch and say the guns are banned, now you have to stage a full on war with civilians gun owners, so almost all of us. also the US is FUCKING HUGE and it would be impossible to control them at this scale. there are also more guns owned by civilians here than anywhere else in the world. 5% of the worlds population owns over 40% of the worlds firearms. 390million+ firearms in civilian hands. there is NOTHING at this point we can do about it N O T H I N G. (drugs are also banned and used heavily if you didnt know.)
we need to take mental health more seriously, that is the main issue at this point in time, it gets glossed over by the media and people tend to poke fun at the mentally ill which only causes catastrophe. teachers are not allowed to help students that are being bullied, and you get made fun of for being depressed as a male. the whole situation is fucked over here. just because of negligent school staff and poor mental healthcare thats in this country they want to take my rights to defend myself away, taking our guns is not an option and it never will be.
>implying journalists have the same professional credibility as the other 4
>implying the left listen to scientists either
How are those essential oils working with that measles epidemic, faggot?