Wow, this board is trash. They said it was bad, but I never knew it would be THIS bad

Wow, this board is trash. They said it was bad, but I never knew it would be THIS bad.

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It was never good.

Move along

According to japanese legend, when you cannot sleep at night it is because you are awake

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it was never this bad
go fuck yourself

You are literally bitching about a shitty board being shitty.

Go fuck yourself.

Go fuck yourself you useless nu/b/

Go make it better if you're so butthurt, faggot.

Stop whining and start fixing.

do the legends mention anything about chubby Jap goth traps appearing in whitby (England) cos its kinda weird

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you're not too bright are you?

>admits Yea Forums is fucked beyond belief

Yea Forums was never good.

This is a rule, and you'd do well to remember it.

Tha laughingstock of Yea Forums

You're fucking retarded, get lost.

I am lost, that's why I came to Yea Forums

Yea Forums is just a porn site now

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You'd do well to stfu bitch

>this board is trash
You'll fit right in then nigger.

You just don't know how to use filters, you juste prefer the taste of dick

You'd do well to suck my dick, faggot.



Kill yourself.

Are we just gonna go down the list?

Let's see, after kill yourself its....


"No U" appears to be the next one up. I hope you're enjoying yourself user

No thanks, I just came her to say this.

Not op, but I oftenly enjoying myself, I had pretty good time almost everyday. And what about you?

I have fun on Yea Forums. It's good ole harmless quality family entertainment at its finest. Would recommend.

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Like I said, good quality harmless family entertainment.

But how do I sleep?

but what if the Liberian catches you ?

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shit some commie must have turned on a spell checker

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