My mom is raging hard as fuck because I'm an alcoholic. And I am actually trying to get help for this right now...

My mom is raging hard as fuck because I'm an alcoholic. And I am actually trying to get help for this right now. Any tips from ex-alcoholics?

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Other urls found in this thread:!airdate

Just dont drink lol

Yeah, stop drinking.
Attend AA meetings.
Never drink ever again for the rest of your life.
Best of luck.

Always drink with your friends and not alone

I found going to a non religious affiliated AA meeting helped me get started. Though meetings can really be hit or miss.

I don't believe in the "never drink again" school unless you're just a total loser that can't control yourself. Look into harm reduction strategies and stop having alcohol at home. Helped me tons.

almost die

Out of curiosity, how many drinks would you say you have a week?

Add a lemon twist and less ice.

I think what op is sating is that it already is out of control

I have about 357ml a week

What is alcoholism?
Look it up.
You're not helping.

Make that 500 ml.

So, half a bottle a week - that's not alcoholism.
Don't waste my time.

Ok, very exact measurements. Mostly liquor then?

Aight OP, here's whats up. You in fact, as of current, need the alcohol.

This is a good excuse to quit drinking. You need only the will power to lower the doses of alcohol over time (by week) and supplement your urges with a different indulgence.

To quit cigarettes my dad chewed several pounds of gum. For you to quit alcohol you have to realize you will fail.

And relapse.

Over and over. .Use a psychedelic like psilocybin to give you the worst experience of your life. You're guilty, you have faults, and the psilocybin will make you feel a 1000 times worse for it.

You. Will. Pay.

You'd have a shitty shitty experience that'd scare you into being a good person. Happens all the god damn time. GL.

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Uhhh, that's not even a gallon. Even if that shit were everclear, that's not much at all for a week.

I've been a raging, involuntary alcohol addict since my early 20's (36 now), and I could pound 5ths of everclear, wake up puking blood, get the shakes and keep going.

Did it for many years until getting a few years of sobriety, then relapsing for these last few, but due to health problems, my intake is naturally limited, in comparison, but still about 5 times what you consume.

I think you're just someone who likes to drink.

AA has a pretty good success record.
Shortcut would be dropping acid once or twice a month.
Also, you'd be surprised how affordable some psychiatrists are if you're willing to pay cash. I've got one for 45 bucks an hour session. Right now I'm jobless so I only go every other week.
Chances are a lot of what they'll tell you is to attend aa but there's more they can do like sorting out what gets you craving and ways to avoid that and if you've got some wrong think going on. Lot of addicts act like children. Gaurenteed you do too if only in some minor ways.
You'll meet some real pieces of work at meetings if you go.
Most importantly though, you gotta go to them and you probably won't until it feels too late. Luckily, often enough it's not too late

Sent while drinking a Miller lite and knowing I'm talking to myself

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Ignore him, how long have you felt your drinking has had a negative effect on your life. Also, if your comfortable with it how old are you/when did you start drinking?

>being an alcoholic
>most likely also a degenerate
>likely still living with his mom

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So you're an average drinker, not an alcoholic. If you're drinking 750ml a day then you're a fucking alcoholic. If you're just fucking for (You)s talk about something interest, faggot.

Typically half of bottle of Capt. Morgs w/ coke a night, and I function fine the next day. You're not an alcoholic you're drinking enough to put "only socially" on your OKcupid account wtf

Just tell her you are all better now

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Yeah, and yet prescription opioids are the crisis in this country. Pisses me the fuck off. They're the only thing that helps my literally disabling depression (I'm on SSI, but ALMOST GOT OFF IT IN THE 5 MONTHS I HAD NORCO!!!) yet nope, can't have it. Yet assholes like you can drink all you want.

Alcohol kills many more people than opioids ever have, and beyond that even it wrecks a ton of lives and not only those of the people consuming it.

Yet available at every fucking corner store, yet I can't get an opioid to literally save my fucking life.

Fuck this god damn irrational species.

Brah I'm That's not alcoholism. My 130 pound mom can down that in an hour.
Personally at my worst I'd drink between 25 and 30 12 ounce Miller lites a night. Some Saturdays even more. And I'm not even the type to have ever drank at work.

Oops, notIm Guess I'm already getting there

I started drinking in college at the age of 18. It increased at a steady pace since then. I'm 22 now.

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Check out abstinence only alcohol addiction treatment is not the only option and likely not the best option for many people.

>Ignore him, how long have you felt your drinking has had a negative effect on your life. Also, if your comfortable with it how old are you/when did you start drinking?
Pussies like you are why rehab and AA has such a high relapse and failure rate. The only way to truly stop is to fucking be a man and discipline yourself to stop. No one is going to hold your fucking hand and guide you. That shit is fucking stupid and only works for a very small percentage of people actually trying to get help, and the majority of those who claim rehab and AA works become glorified assholes that won't shut up about their sobriety. What you need to do, OP, is fucking find a hobby outside your house. Get a job that offers a lot of overtime. Join the military. There's endless things you can do, but at the rate you're fucking drinking? For the love of God, please don't do AA or rehab. You'll feel so fucking stupid for doing then think your drinking is under control and just keep drinking to the point where you're at 750 ml a day and going through withdrawal symptoms. That's when you're an alcoholic and need to fucking stop. Quit being a lazy bitch. Drink kava instead and invest your money into supplements and working out.

Crown Royal? OP must be Hillary Clinton

All you have to do is improve your life to the point where no one will give a shit about your alcoholism.

Hit the gym, clean yourself up, and find a crazy slut to date.

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i know what you mean OP. i can't stop

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>glorified assholes that won't shut up about their sobriety.
I was legally required to attend NA for awhile about 10 years ago, and this attitude is what made me GTFO of there. Felt way too culty for me

>smirnnoff ice
Isn't drug abuse rampant in the gay community anyway? Feel like people should expect it from you. Not coke at least right?

Why of all the drugs you could be addicted, you chose the shittiest of them all?

Thank you.

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Are you really light? No offense but I was a functioning alcoholic at 600mL a day at 150lbs for 5 or so years, is alcohol actually preventing you from doing what you need to or ur mom is just mad ur drinking daily?!airdate
this episode of south park will teach you something

That's a matter of opinion

post pic of mom's panty drawer

quit drinking


stop living with mommy and daddy

Mfw ur mom's pissed at u cuz she raised an alcoholic. Tell her to fuck off

My dad quit cigs(pack a day easily) and beer (12 a day, even had his doctor give him a max limit for each day) in the dot on 9/11 a few years ago. He quit on 9/11 so he would “never forget” the date he quit on LOL
anyways I’ve known a ton of addicts in and outside of my family and cold turkey has been the most evidently successful strategy I’ve seen. It resets your body through good old withdrawal. He’s really happy now. My mom was so impressed she followed suit a year or so later. She had a bottle or 2 of wine literally every day it was a bad childhood in some aspects

Omfg. Where do ppl come up with this horseshit.

Aa has about a 5% success rate

Just keep drinking. Nothing wrong with booze? Why all the people want you to stop drinking anyway? Enjoy your life and drink responsibly thats all. Doctors say you can drink a bottle of whiskey a day and you still be fine with 80 of age.

yeah dude. sober alcoholic here.
>wait until your life gets total shit
>drink for >1 year after that until you hate yourself
>then go find some meetings and ask sober alcoholics how they did it
>try what they tried and see if it works

good luck faggot, most of us die alone and pathetic

not even an alcoholic lol.tell your mom to quit being a bitch

>i cant stop

sucking cock im assuming,considering you drink that fruity bullshit

I started alternating my drinking to month on, month off. Now I do six months off, one on. And it’s July and January so imma go drink some delicious fucking scotch right now. But it is non negotiable. I do not drink for those six months. But I do blaze that good shit everyday. But imma take Oct off. Fucking Sober October.

Nobody has the balls to talk about this but addiction is a symptom of ptsd.

>hate yourself

ive binge drank the entire week and fucking love myself

You show a bottle of schnapps? Gtfo

trips of faggotry
continued alcoholism has a 0% success rate

Cool story bro

i feel like i should cut back though,my alcohol tolerance it way to high at the moment and i think its contributing the fact i keep wanting to drink more

then keep going, dawg
im jealous


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tell her that you're the man, and not some pussy

actually my life is going really well, just bought a house and I'm about to have mt first child. 2 years ago i was a piece of shit who lied to everybody and couldn't save 2 cents

This tbh. If your mom speaks up while you drunk. Just club her to a bloody pulp until she doesnt do a peep. Then continue drinking

Find yourself some non-alcoholic beers that don't taste like shit and/or tasty special edition sodas. Helps me cut down on midweek boozing because I love the taste of beer and the feel of a cool glass in my hand and also love not feeling terrible in the morning

Literally stop drinking. Every day just stop.

Alcoholism is a condition which makes it impossible to limit yourself. Only not taking the first drink prevents over-doing it.

Hahahaha sure. Within 2 years enough money for a house? Must be a doghouse or some desert shack you filthy hillbilly

Or somewhere in a black neighborhood Chicago or Detroit

>My life is good
> I have stuff
>My life is good
>I post on the sewer of the internet.
Something doesn't add up


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I wouldn't say that's the way it is every time. I was a raging alcoholic for about 4 years, but after a near-death experience, I can limit myself. I drink every day, but only 2 or 3 drinks

nigga this is the shit high school girls drink

you are aware you can live in a house without purchasing it outright in full right? 16 year old detected

Fuck off, lightweight. How old are you anyways if you live with your mom and consider 2 shots a day alcoholism?

kek, don't do this
unless you wanna kill someone

about 7lt of wine per week, and I don't drink daily

This is fucking bait. 500ml a week???? Gtfo. I drink A 750 once a week plus beer. In one night. That by itself isn't alcoholism. But I do it by .myself, in my home, and it prevents me from interacting with anyone until Sunday. Alcoholism doesn't start till it effects you ability to live a normal life. I'm functional. But barely. 0 sick time. Fmla for "anxiety" it's all bullshit. I call in when I go in a bender and drink during the week. It disrupts work. Alcoholic.