Anyone else upset that stupid fuck missionary who died last year didn't leave behind any diseases?

Anyone else upset that stupid fuck missionary who died last year didn't leave behind any diseases?

Attached: IslandOogaBoogas.jpg (1280x720, 245K)

Why? Are you?

Yes. I fucking hate those island ooga boogas.

Why do you care?
It's not like you are going to visit them.

Fucking jungle apes should die for not adapting to modern society.

It's a big round world, user.
You'll probably be surprised to hear that there are many cultures different from yours, all over the world. Most of which you'll never understand, nor meet. So lean back, relax and enjoy life where you are.

Well, they're protected, and it's illegal to contact them. You can blame the poo-in-loos for that.

I hate them too, user. I hate them too.

As long as they adapt to modern society that's fine.
That's why I was hoping the dumb fuck missionary measles'd them to death. No luck so far.
Thanks for the support fellow user. Fuck these ooga boogas.

Imagine being cursed with such a fragile mind that you have to hope for the death of people who have lived their life without interference for milennia, because they threaten you.

What sort of a weak-willed, limp-wristed, slack-jawed, semen-gargling failure would hate such people?

Oh, Hello OP.

Is this an island or New Orleans?

Threaten me? lol I could sneeze on them and probably wipe most of them out. The only thing these island fucks are a threat to are bananas.

Even New Orleans is more cultured(not by much though) than these fucking ooga boogas.

>As long as they adapt to modern society that's fine.
Why? They seem to thrive well on their island, in peace and quiet - consider it a gated community where the people do what they want. And they don't want outsiders to intrude.
Who cares whether they have televison, internet, nylon shirts and nike shoes?
Why do you care?

Shut the fuck up. New Orleans a great city. You’ve clearly never fucking been

so its the island ooga boogas fault and not the dumb honkey who went there to begin with?


maybe you should adapt so youre not such an diabetes filled, fat sneezing cancer bastard that want's a perfectly healthy people to die.
by how much pollution you produce Vs them they actually deserve to live, you are the STD of this planet...

I say leave them alone! Their happy where they are

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The same people who celebrate when Mexican'ts die at the border should celebrate this missionary dying. It's exactly the same principle.

pieces of fucking shit denying modern technology.
settle down user we're clearly talking about the apes.
oh no, it's the retard's fault 100%. was just hoping he'd take the ooga boogas with him.
boo hoo mah planet qq I'm about to go buy some straws and throw away plastic

Woops, you played your hand too soon, user.
Your trolling became too acute, too visible.
Enjoy the rest of your thread.

You got told user, its time to stop posting.

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