America is literally the greatest and better than all your unarmed garbage heaps of countries

America is literally the greatest and better than all your unarmed garbage heaps of countries.

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*laughs in universal healthcare*

Then you realize universal healthcare is one of the worst things on the planet compared to free market healthcare

*laughs in long waiting times*

When will we build more big major cities?
Plenty of space for more

Explain, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghanistan, iraq and syrian war then?

Universal healthcare is a terrible idea without money going into it your drugs are complete shit and defective. I’d rather be alive

*dies in poverty*


America being so generous to offer our awesomeness to the world that we wrongfully risk our soldiers lives to protect dirty Asia-sand-nigger hybrid civilians from other countries from eating themselves alive

Infant mortality

'Free market' as in corporatists making a monopoly of the industry and selling over priced drugs that doesn't cure you? There's no profit in curing the sick is there?

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Are you uneducated or just a faggot

I'll never understand why americans are so eager to defend their utterly inferior healthcare system

Imagine being so retarded that you think keeping your citizens alive and healthy is bad for your country.

The World needs more Canada.......Barack Obama

If they’re making money it provides a reason to make even better healthcare you autist, try building a free system where you have to spend all your money to save people making none in return, without forcing people to wait 6 months to cure a fucking cold

Are you retarded or do you just prefer people to die so you can praise child fuckers?

That's what happens when you spend an exorbitant amount of your tax dollars on an inflated military to pay off lobbyists and keep unemployment low with government jobs.


Between the two, I guess a faggot.

pfft, it's a shithole, a nighole and a jew cucked land of rabid over caffeinated tatds

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*laughs in obesity*

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It’s flawed but better than the free healthcare systems every other shitty country instills. Just because your garbage country can’t afford better shit doesn’t mean your people should suffer having to wait a year for healthcare

Bull fucking shit.

Capitalism has no place in determining the physical and mental health of a nation. It has been proven time and time again that prioritizing money over human lives is the reason the US spends so much and gets so little coverage.

If you don't support keeping Americans alive, you're not a patriot, you're just an asshole.

Oh it is HAHAHAHA! ,I love being afraid of the cost of being sick or hurt in an accident totally human feeling inb4 make more money poorfag it dosen't mather that a poorfag's gonna develop a super virus because of poor care/condition

Then what do you call the actual Jew cucked lands and nigholes in the east

And failling everytime, sad.

Just proof that we can feed our people better than any country

the same with less caffeine, obesity but with free healthcare

Lol. The country of unarmed countries immigrants?

If America's is so great why are people going to Mexico and Canada for surgery/medications?

Because their healthcare is perfectly good and doesn't cost you a bankruptcy to utilize.

And let them die better than any other 1st world country too?

You sound like one hell of a patriot, faggot.

America has been brainwashed by Zionists. Rewriting their fake protestant(scofield bible) religion to create millions of Christian Zionists who pay billions to fund isreal.

Prioritizing money over human lives? America provides more than double the set required percentage of their nation’s GDP to the UN to pay for every other countries’ fucking lives where not a single country has even met the minimum requirement. We’re already massively in debt and you think we should stop charging for healthcare and continue our standards of 20 minute wait times for the best quality healthcare in the world? We’d literally go bankrupt

And they get worse quality healthcare for going there.

Feed as in corporatists poisoning foods? Shit, half of the ingredients in American food is banned from Europe because it's so toxic.

We do keep our people alive because we don’t have a shitty made in China quality healthcare. Free healthcare is so shit because there’s no money to be made in it, so there’s no one trying to invent and purchase better drugs in countries that have it therefore making their healthcare systems shittier

Only in a world in which (((they))) control the health care companies, rationing the quality levels, based on income.

Do you not realize that universal healthcare alienates only (((their))) profiteering and that’s why they’re campaigning against it.

As compared to the nonexistant health care they'd get here in America.....?

Hootin' and a hollerin' are ya?

Now that sounds like nigger behavior.

At least in europe i get to keep my foreskin.

>in more debt than all of europe
>thousands die because no health care
>garbage and smog everywhere
>made the female ghostbusters movie
We really need to nuke you guys.

lol. 10/10 Winrar, and I'm British.

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*Laughs while walking into the doctors office without an appointment*

you couldnt nuke us if you tried, eurofaggot.

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Who would win?

Largest army ever to exist VS couple of Vietnamese rice farmers

You idiots are the only country in the world with more guns than people.

You wasted that money all by yourselves.

I don't even have to sort anything out with insurance or anything. Just walk in and get help for free, nothing to worry about.

Apart from 90% of your country not being able to afford it...

>not knowing about 1967

I had some UTI symptoms last month. Called the nearby med clinic, got an appointment two hours later, walked out an hour after arriving with a two-week prescription of antibiotics and a thirty dollar bill for the appointment and the meds. That shit would have taken two weeks in Britain. "Nationalized healthcare" can kiss my ass.

> US acts as a global terror state. Preaches ideals of democracy and freedom but represses it in foreign countries when they don't turn out "the right way".
> Worlds highest incarceration rate with a 75% remandation rate / 5 years.
> Economy has grown 300% from the 1960's but middle class wages are only up single digit %'s.
> No opportunities afforded to people in rural areas.
> Little-to-no cohesion for public works like high speed rail.
> Government continually encroaching on citizens bodily soverignty.
> Severe obesity issues and congenital heart failure rates.
> Socialism afforded to the wealthy via cronyism/gov. contracts
> "War on Drugs" policy which helps cartels because politicans don't understand Economics 101


Facts don't care about your feelings, yet I never bother to validate the facts I ingest because they agree with my world view and therefore I am unwilling to question them!

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Why would you go to Britain? I'm in the Netherlands. I haven't paid a dime for healthcare and got back in 10 minutes.

Also, why the heck are you ameritards still hooked on overprescribing antibiotics? You retards are creating superbugs.

i'm 42 and live in tucson. i'm male and haven't needed to go to the doctor for 35 years. the last time, i think it was constipation or something with bad cramps. i think the end of that visit was a prescription of laxatives or something. i can't even remember but here i am 35 years later.

i mean, i know people need healthcare but i pretty much never have. aside from physicals and my circumcision at age 5--and i had a HOT blonde nurse sit with me after i woke up from it and she really seems to like me because i was a cute little big forehead blonde boy--i've never needed "healthcare".

OP has left the chat.....

The American government literally funded the current flood of black market cocaïne


I wish we could have an all white ethnostate instead. I dgaf about isreal.

Well, I guess your cancer won't be found in time. I'm lucky those checks are free here and take like 15 minutes. That's including the walk over to my local hospital.

32nd in education

The US is 11th in the world in money spent on medicine research in % of GDP. Many nations in better positions have free healthcare.

Now why is that?

We still have long wait lines anyway dipshit, what the fuck kind of lazy ass "gotcha" is this?

Poor americans and NEETs already get medicaid. Retired americans already get medicare. Middle class people receive health insurance through their employer as part of their compensation. Rich people can pay out of pocket or buy health insurance. No one can be turned away from an emergency room if they're dying. No woman in labor can be turned away from a hospital while in labor.

Universal healthcare isn't about making sure everyone has access to heathcare. Everyone that cares about health insurance can get it if they actually want it, as in they bother to fill out the forms to get it for free or bother to get a job. Universal healthcare is about the government stooges taking completely control over health care from the middle class. Only the wealthy that can afford to pay for healthcare without insurance will have a say in their healthcare after government health insurance.

>a bunch of shit my shitty country would do in the US's position but in a less sustainable or intelligent way, making far less money in the process
>being meanie beanies :

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wait this argument doesn't make any sense

just because we have free healthcare for everyone to use if they want doesn't mean we don't have private health care sector. We have free hospitals, clinics, dentists, etc. And then we have private ones. The quality is the same, because health care workers in public sector and private sector come from the same universities, have the exact same education and get payed the same. 90% of health care workers work in public sector even though they could might aswell work in private sector, but those hospitals and clinics are alot less frequent so because the pay and practice is the same, they obviously just choose to work the closest to home, which in most cases is in public sector. The only difference between private and public is that, if you need some complicated surgery that requires you to be on a wait list, or if you need a transplant, and you don't want to wait, then ofcourse you can go to a private hospital and pay a shit ton to get surgery faster. Only on rare occasions is there really a point to this however.

Anyways, we have free public healthcare, if we for some reason want private healthcare instead, then we just.... do that instead

In other words we have the best of two worlds

Just 3 weeks ago I broke my shoulder capsule(or whathever the fuck it's called in english) and needed surgery. When I went to the doctor, who sent me to the hospital, I had surgery that same day. It was actually kind of absurd because I had surgery at fucking 1 am. I was expecting to stay there overnight and then have surgery the next day, suddenly they're just like "k dude we're going into surgery now". I asked them are we really doing this right now? Isn't it kind of late? They basically laughed and said that no, we have surgeons here all day, all night, why wait? they're ready for you now.

Anyways I was operated within hours after my accident. 100% free. Fuck I love public health care.

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US really is the best.

Actually, it's 14th (but counted for citable documents per million citizens). The number above was for R&D.

>Ignores the working poor
>Ignores the ever shrinking benefits to the middle class
>Will complain about people being on state welfare but uses welfare to argue against universal healthcare
Make sure to put a cup under your chin honey, you don't wanna spill your drool.

Niggerland the greatest country?

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Conservatives here in the states really do not understand in any capacity that all their ideas are fear tactics bought by industries that would be /barely/ hurt by these changes.

America is basically the dumping ground and took all the trash people that Europeans didn't want lol.

There's a good place for free market capitalism for selling all kinds of shit to the people, like fucking bath salt...
But for certain areas this would be an dystopian nightmare, like especially the health sector, correctional facilities, police, heck even basic needs like the water system (despite scumbags like Nestle trying to erode this). Just imagining a complete free market health care system gives me the creeps. This sounds like hell on earth.

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Holy shit, the amount of people here who don't realize that free healthcare is financed by taxation and that everyone involved profits and has incentives to perform is a reason in itself to consider USA a retarded country.

How you are so oblivious to how anything except your country works is appaling.

And, by the way, the EU has better healthcare standards than you, by miles.

If I go to an hospital with a cold I'm seen in 3 hours and my medicine is borderline free. Gl paying 20 bucks for iboprufen.

Most of us recognize this...

reminder that most of these political threads are filled with trolls, bots, and Ivans who work both sides. Its a fucked situation.

>preexisting conditions

That is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read. Are you 12??

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>help for free
You're too young to post on this board if you think healthcare provided by the government is 'free'

God you are annoying. No one doesn't understand this.

Health spending in US is absolutely massive compared to other countries with socialized healthcare who have equal or better rates of recovery.


It's not technically free. But whether I'm use it or not, I'm not paying any more or less taxes.

>Haven't paid a dime
Oh my, what a lie, told by a faggot.


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You haven't actually read my post huh?


Sucks to be in denail, huh?

>UTI that can cause weeks of pain and discomfort and potentially lead to complications or secondary infections like proctitis or epididymitis causing serious long term health and fertility issues
>why the heck are you ameritards still hooked on overprescribing antibiotics?
I'm right with you when it comes to these doctors who prescribe broad spectrum shit for a tickle in the throat, but you don't take chances or mess around when it comes to your johnson.

I live in a social democracy and i can tell you now bernie sanders is a 'socialist' and NOT a social democrat. His policies are a disaster. He's full of false and unrealistic promises. He doesn't even understand basic economics. How can you increase minimum wage and then increase income tax all at the same time? The man is an owned puppet and is dangerous for America.


Based thread


Sucks to not understand life, huh?

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yeah cause bernie didn't totally make out like a bandit last election.

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Getting treatment only when you're at death's door and getting in insurmountable debt is not the same as having healthcare, you retarded faggot.

Sucks to be illiterate eh?
But then again, you wouldn't know,would you?

With what? The baseball bats your country outlawed?

The first reply in this thread is an insult regarding Amerca's healthcare, who's the eager one again?

Do you even know what the word illiterate means?

I'm fucking embarrassed to be a American