Dump them here i want all your dirty little secrets...

dump them here i want all your dirty little secrets. i dont care if they are sexaul or that you robbed some one i want them all

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i jerked off to my sisters dirty panities

Sometimes I bump threads


you degenerate

I need help

i want someone to have an ANR with i want to taste that sweat milk

therapy is open the doctor is in. what other secrets do you have to get off your chest?


I buy condoms for my 12yo niece

i wan to have sex with my sister

at least shes using condoms

I killed my neighbors dog by accident last week and dumped it into the rain gutter.
I was out looking for it along with a couple who other people from the neighborhood.

MODS !!!!!

Exactly my thought

omg lol

thats the last thing we need is more young people preggers

Nothing turns me on more than resistance during fugging. I want someone to consent to more or less fighting me while I'm trying to get my dick in them. I've decided that if I make it to a year or longer with my current gf I might let my fetish known.

i used to steal money from work. when i worked as a cashier. i would always short someone their change and pocket it. sometimes it was just a quarter here and there other times it was full dollars. i actually made decent money off of it considering i didn't do anything for it

so you have a rape fetish?

i used my ex wifes butt plug one day while jacking off

Im a 19 year old female and I have a rape fetish but I can not tell anyone

why cant you tell anyone....and explain your rape fetish most people think they have a rape fetish and its not really "rape fetish"

Because anytime Ive hinted to it, boys have been like thats fucking weird. No it's for sure a rape fetish, I want to scream no and scratch and fight and be made to cry while they force it on me.

>be me
>mom and dad divorce when I was 9 or 10
>mom is depressed and starts to get lonely
>she’s like 35, hasn’t slept alone since her teens
>starts asking me if I want to sleep in her room
>sounds like a sleepover, hell ya mom
>turns into a semi-regular thing, maybe once or twice a week at the most
>we both lay in her bed reading our books for maybe an hour and then we go to sleep because that was always her routine
>eventually she starts stripping off her clothes before she goes to sleep
>tells me she always slept naked and now she has trouble sleeping in clothes
>I’m like 10 so I don’t think much of it
>time passes
>I learn things
>keep sleeping in mom’s bed occasionally over the course of the next few years
>at one point i start using one of those reading lights that clips to the cover of your book
>literally took me like a year to even think about lifting up the covers and taking a look at her while she sleeps
>but I do think of it
>one night i keep my book light in bed with me after we turn off the lights
>wait for her to sleep
>dive under the covers with my light as soon as she’s out
>mfw her big, slightly saggy mommy-of-two titties are hanging there right in front of my face
>beautiful pale milky saggers
>big pink areolas
>more time passes
>work up the courage to play with them while she sleeps
>like a little pervert scientist I experiment
>test what makes her move or pull away or try to brush me off
>make amazing discovery
>she isn’t nearly as responsive if she’s been drinking
>mfw I spend the next two or three years monitoring my mom’s alcohol intake and asking to sleep in her room whenever it seemed like she would be drunk
>mfw one New Years she got especially shitfaced and I abused her tits so hard it left bruises
>mfw she kept inviting me in
>mfw lost virginity to my unconscious mom at 12

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shrug . id be into that.

so do you have like a fantasy of someone like breaking in the house in a ski mask and you running from them but the ultimately catch you and the through you on the bed while you struggle and they tear off your close and shove his dick in you and smack you around a little?

Yeah Id be down

shitty LARP

I actually married my cousin. NYC not rednecks

im down i think that would be fun

What country are you in?

find the right guy for the job, there is was wierder shit out there

When I hate myself I get drunk, put on a girly diaper and a one piece swimsuit, and imagine how my life could've been better

lulw ?

explain girly diaper?

Feminine shit printed on it.

well no shit but are you gettin like baby diapers or are you buying princess rearz

My sister molested me when I was little and I liked it

its not rape if its willing

Never said it was rape

My niece learned to suck dick because she was interested in doing really pervy shit with me... Now she only wants my cum.

I'm disgusted

never said it wasnt faggot

I wish

how old is your niece

Generally Pull Ups for 10 year olds, or thereabouts. Easy enough to get access to, a bit small but they're just big enough to fit. Living with other people limits options if I want it to remain a drunken secret.

I did the same at my work.
But i wouldn't short change, id just not ring it up on the register and pocket the money, must have took nearly 20 000 euros in 2years


Yeah...i know..im pond scum.
He still goes out looking for it occasionally

ive done that before too. i think my biggest haul was like $150-200 usd in one day. its hard everyone uses debit cards and shit now

Let's just say uuuh.. puberty is weird

so like 11


you degenerate

I have a fetish for uploading sexy pics of girls I know on here that would (probably) otherwise never be posted, and knowing they're out on the web now

Chilll... But like.. idk.. I can't escape it.. she's wants to get fucked but... Man... I want her to have her first with someone she actually loves or w.e

Nothing gets me harder than going to a nightclub, letting rip the most disgusting fart imaginable and clearing out the dancefloor.

so how do get the pics?

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depends really

Been playing the part of a Dom/daddy for my GF for years. Secretly I’m actually a sissy cuck lol

I surf the 144,155 and the 180 every fucking day ,sometimes for hours at a time.
Im beginning to get paranoid with vans and helicopters.

>wait, go ahead and add “don’t care if they’ are sexual or if you robbed some one” too.

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Recently found out my wife is sexting with her cousin... I kinda like it?

ITT: gay fuckin larping with shit no one cares about on the side

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dude i want a LG so bad


female or male cuz?

I’d love to have a dom that would use us

what state you in

FL, u?




I cum to my sisters nudes regularly

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how'd you get them?

ME just moved back i was in SC for 7 months

She uploaded them to tumblr and after leaving her phone at work the link to it spread around her work and eventually someone sent the link to all of her facebook friends

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yeah. too bad

post a pic of your LG


Sometimes when it’s late at night I go into my daughters shared bedrooms and masturbate over them sleeping

im not gay but have always wondered what it was like to suck a cock

how old are they

Once during a party at a friend's house I took a woman's high heels and nutted in it in the toilets while she was upstairs. I didn't even know her.

They (twins) turn 4 in september


Where at in Florida I'm in southwest Florida

you jack off to your 4 year olds? man i was expecting them to be like 12 or 13 or something. you have serious issues KYS

post a pic of your little


i want an ANR relationship. i want to know what breast milk taste like

I have a serious crush on my sister. I jerk off over her all the time and then feel really guilty about it. Pic related.

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i would to damn

She gets me so hard wearing skimpy clothes I can’t help but perv on her

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dude do you by chance have any nudes you stole? shes hot

user show us more pictures of your sister.

We’ll yeah being a perv I go through her phone when ever I can so got a few private pics.

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user show us more pictures of your sister.

i enjoy wearing and wetting diapers

wanna share any?

I made out with a very hot algerian chick yesterday even though I've been in a relationship for 2 years with a girl I love very much. I feel no regret and am unsure if I'll go all the way and colonize her, or cut this now before it goes further as it's quite a bit against my moral fabric

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This is why I can’t stop cumming too her

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fuck her and be done with it and never speak of it

Yeah your sister is cute af.

bro shes hot

How’d you get that?

Off her phone I know her pass code to unlock it

how often do you abuse your dick to her

Every other night at least. More if I find more pics of her on phone. Sometimes I jerk off with my door half open hoping she will catch me

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Hahaha as if 12 or 13 makes it better, arguably it's better if they're 4 since if they catch him they won't remember or understand anything

well i knew it was going to be bad either way but 4 wtf.

how old?

Erm teen age

That's what I'm leaning in bro. I wanna prone bone the hell out of this chick and then just cut contact and forget about it

i say do it. you only have 1 life

ty for jailbait

Snooped, found and sucked on a few female's dildos in college. Ended up fucking one of the girls I creeped on, she had no idea. None of them did



Last one tonight. Might make a thread on her later or tomorrow if there’s interest though

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shes a qt

My ex gf had a "rape fetish" i think its more of a being man handled fetish, people call it a rape fetish but rape is far more worse then what most imagine, id consider it a man handled fetish, like choking and throwing you around, some mean talk and hard spanking is enough for most i think.

I understand. Yappy small ones are the worst. Wish I could accidentally all of them

Bro that shit don't look legal.

I've got a fetish for her love
She pushes me and I come right back
There's no point in blaming me
If I were I her I'd do her too

I don't fuck with dudes that wear Speedos unless they coming over with that purple bag of Doritos

>everyday hours at a time
Why the fuck don’t you have a job user

A few days ago, in the night, I had a party and several friends saw my girlfriend naked, what do u think?

That got shut down tho

What do those numbers mean?

thats manhandling i agree

what is this

pics or it didnt happen

>Be me
>At party
>Trying to flirt with this girl
>Fail as usual
>But she's a bitch about it
>Embarrasses me in front of everyone
>"Seriously, why would ANYONE want anything to do with you?! HAHA!"
>Even so-called friends are laughing at me
>Try to silently slink away
>In kitchen, see her purse on table
>Rummage through it
>Find $200
>Take money, leave
>Never got caught.

fucking right serves the bitch right

Over the last year, I started getting into guro. I’m not into the super fucked up/disgusting stuff, but the idea of getting murdered during sex is really hot to me. Even if it’s not during sex, women being dominated and then killed is pretty hot. Currently my favorites are when they are restrained and impaled through the stomach, or when a monster is on top of a girl and bites her head off

It has to be a cartoon/anime though. In real life this is horrible, not sexy

I drugged my sis one time and told her to suck some guys who paid me to do it. She did everything I told her.

thats fucked up

fucking shoot that bitch

what drug you use?

I’m a pretty fit 30 something BBC. Married but wife is a log. I have a lot of sexual energy. She said it’d be cool if I got a side piece or whatever because she can’t satisfy my sexual appetite. I want to be a bull on the low, I also want to mess around with twinks. Idk how to go about it, and I still want to be descreet and not tell her, because. That’s my secret. I want to Bull around in secret.

Supportive, do you show her how to use them?

you wanna fuck dudes?

I love you very much

My niece(9) doesn't wear panties & likes to expose herself

aww thank you

Theres a difference sure, but some have literal rape fetishes. A lot of victims talk of how they hate their own bodies for betraying them and having full blown orgasms and cumming during one of thr most terrible moments of their life.

yes I know but it made me diamonds at the moment. I still fap to the memories

Gamma-Butyrolacton (GBL)
a little can make you euphoric, a little more makes you sleepy.

I pretend not to notice when my gfs son or sister watch us fuck.
I once caught the kids imitating us, they thought I would be mad but I told them i don't mind


Those kids are gonna be so fucked up when they realize one day lmao

Please love me

I started trolling dudes with a female fake account 1 1/2 years ago on dating websites using photoshop and my face. (im not even a trap or anything, i'm just good with photoshop i guess).

I managed to trick some dudes, even some into buying stuff for me.
Things evolved from there, i started liking it. I got a second phone just for my female alter ego, i created instant messengers, a facebook account, everything for this. I gave my fake persona a whole backstory, "plot".
I learned how to fake a female voice (with some help of /lgbtq/.
I rewrote her as becoming lesbian somewhere along the way so i could still flirt with girls, when this whole thing transitioned into a serious second identity for me, rather than trolling.

I would never ever crossdress or anything IRL, but this online female identity just overcame me. I even made a lot of friends as her, no one knowing i'm actually a guy when i'm on discord with them.

I love my children and I love sports but I absolutely despise attending their sporting events. I try to get out of going but can only do it so much

TThey already were.
when I caught them the sister said they been fooling about long before

this is probably a LARP but that actually interesting

When my roommate watches her little cousin she doesn't wear clothes or is bottomless until her mum pix her up.

why is this a thing to go just bottom less. cause im assuming you mean no underwear as well

Assuming this is not a LARP, it's gonna come up someday. Either to her parents in tears tomorrow, or a therapist years from now. Eat every meal like you could go to the clink afterwards, because you will eventually. Tomorrow? Tuesday? Next year? Five years from now? Food for thought. Can't stop time.

What do you mean by larp? I'm not an elf warrior

larp stands for live action role play

this legitimately isn't that weird. I'd imagine a good portion of people who like bondage (36% of people iirc) would also be in to this.

wtf is this

Yes. What do you want to imply? I dont attend any larp events.

please tell me she's 18

Hopelessly attracted to my sister. Stealing panties and stuff doesn't do it for me anymore, I've tried to get her nudes but there are none
But I still need to do something to relieve me of my urges, any anons have any suggestions

*none that I can get my hands on

Yeah, like just a top; exposed bottom part

my sisters boyfriend is either a hardcore cuck or the dumbest person I know. He literally pays for all her stuff while she fucks around with other guys basically every time she gets out. She showed me a phone number list of guys she had sex with and she is basically a slut. I myself dont mind. I find it quite hot actually because Im a big degenerate. She had like 30 guys on that list. Some of them I even knew.

Set up a fake account of a guy online and get close to her until she sends you nudes

It's what I did to get my step sisters nudes

A good technique is once you're friends with your sister is to make your sister upset (but not too upset) and have her confine in the other you and be supportive, eventually she'll grow an attraction of a sort - or she's like my step sister and is a big slut online

>I'll take a pic of your sister as payment

yeah i dont find it that weird

its what Yea Forums calls it when people m,ake up bs my god are you thick

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you're getting baited dude


I want to larp but nobody hear does so I have other hobbies like tucking my dog

I got caught going through the underwear drawer of a girl that I was into. I autisimed and told her I was secretly gay thats why I was in her underwear drawer. I became her secret gay best friend before she integrated me with her 3 other friends. While I may have done some pretty gay things;
>getting a dildo up my ass
>getting ridden by a chic with a strap on
>gettting sucked off by a guy and jerking another guy
>FFFMM Orgy and definetly licked cum
>Fucked another guy up the ass
Managed to not have a dick up my own ass but still managed to have sex with that friend plus 2 of her friends.
While I've accepted the gay shit I did, I'd do it all again.

I cut away my gonads cause I’m a tranny and they fucking grew back

It’s not rape if your both crying

I claim bullshit



RAT her laptop and snoop around from there

Way to go m8

Sexy cute

Oh lord, not a bad idea at all, but that'd definitely require a ton of effort. That'd be going the long-con route lol. But I'll see
The annoying thing is that I'm almost confident she acted slutty with her ex, but at home she has almost always acted and dressed 100% innocently - nothing nsfw going on. It's made me wanna get explicit photos of her even more

I'm not a techyfag unfortunately. Even if I was I think that'd be too risky and I'd feel to guilty

My roommate and her kid cousin share my cock.
It started one night when I caught the cousin riding my roommate's face


A one night stand let me cum in her and now I can't stop thinking about her. All I want is to cum in her one more time.

There are literal guides on YouTube how to set stuff up, and it honestly is not much of risk of her or anyone finding out. But yeah might be better to just try to let her go tbh

i love creampieing

I share my gf on kik and jack off to the thought of her getting exposed.

me too. and she was just so cute. Perfect girl

I live with my gfs family and My gfs 16 year old sister is hot as fuck, huge tits and huge ass went through phone afew time found some underwear shots but no nudes recorded her in the shower and got a awesome video but accidentally deleted it, she sometimes lays with me on my bed and I cant help but want to grab her ass and fuck her, she walks around in very revealing clothes and I always look when I can she probably knows I look at her ass and down her top but I can't help it, I'd love you fuck her hard, any ideas

>Whever my wifes sister comes over its a given she'll be leaving to whoever the fuck knows where to smoke weed and do whatever the fuck else. Always spends her money and needs mine.
>Fucking hate being married
>Never tell anyone
>Sometimes want to die by eating a bottle of pills
>Other times, I want to fuck someone else.

Same. 14 yr sister.

My 14 year old daughter has macromastia.

Me and my sister are siblings with benefits

i stole two pairs of these types of panties from my sister and wear one under my underwear for self pleasure. no clue why, i just do it.

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awesome how did that start?

Two really terrible break ups and a lot of booze.


I used to see this girl who had a husband...

She was basically my personal cum bucket...

I’d see her at work, in cars, parks, public places.

I basically would hand her a bottle of water and plan b afterwards.

We finally ended it but she still hits me up from time to time.

The worst thing? I went over to her place to hang with her and the husband.

He got drunk and passed out and we fucked on the bed while he was in the living room out cold.

god fucking damnit i just wanna cuddle with someone and have my hair played with and to say "i love you" to someone FUCK

When i was in my mid 20's i worked at a bikini store (im not joking, tiny little place in the mall that sold. Bikini's and swimsuits). Whenever i saw a girl try on bottoms and end up not buying it i would go in back and smell them, sometimes jerk off

I also use to take big shits in walmart (while working there) and flood the toilet/bathroom because i hated the dumb prick who cleaned there.

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Are you Russian, initials JM?

me - 10-12
cousin - 12-14

for 2 years we'd sneak off, meet up at each other's house, hide in the desert & 69, fondle each other until we both came.

never did fuck her but I really wish I had. even now, 20+ years later, I want to still fuck her.

>My gf left for internship abroad
>She left 5 days ago
>She'll be back in 4 months
>I'm going to visit her in 6 weeks
>already miss her like hell
>get jealous when she's with other people and doesn't reply, even though I trust her enough to not cheat on me
>don't express it tho

I am obessed with her Yea Forums.

I've showered with my 9yo niece quite a few times

In other words, you're gay.

Dude, she wants you. Wears revealing clothes around you, lays around with you... She wants to see how much it takes to get you.

Been exposing my girlfriend pics on the net for guys to jerk off to or insult her,I don’t care I just like the fact her pics are posted for millions of guys to see

Does not count if black . . . . .

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Escalators scare me. I’ll take the stairs.

You monster

I’ve joined nsfw twitter and it’s both fun and annoying. Basically just go onto to twitter and search “nsfw twitter” you’ll find tons of horny people of ALL ages. Although it’s frustrating cause some are hypocrites when it comes to age

Um can I get some pics for research purposes?

My ex asked for me to fuck her a week before her wedding. Hadn't seen her in a few years but she said she just needed my dick one last time. We met in a parking lot and I fucked her in her backseat.

I have a female friend/acquaintance from high school that I chat a lot with on Snapchat and I moved out of state. She talks about wanting children and I recently learned she’s a freaky hoe. Been tempted to drive back to her state and meetup and then get her drunk enough to fuck and impregnate

I've tried to ban her from selfies/social media tbh. She has guys swarming around her irl these days.

Cool story bro.


Thanks. It was fun

Does it turn you on knowing guys wanna fuck her?

No. user has a "Resistance" fetish.

I downloaded a car mod for GTA V. They say you wouldn't download a car back in the 90's and I did. I am ashamed. The car mod sucked balls.

Just to clarify by “ALL ages”. I mean girls as young as 13 posting shit like “I’m so horny, I need a daddy” and everyone labels themselves as subs or doms and their kinks. It’s not hard to get nudes just convince them you’re interested in a relationship and boom

I know for a fact she's already having sex. Small perverted part of me maybe turned on but mostly it just pisses me off.

Well it turns me on, and I hope she’s being a mega slut and recording it and getting pics so that someday others will see


that must be a hard secret to keep

Fucking Wolverine move. I hope the tendons on my foot grew back as it was destroyed when I broke it and almost decapitated.

question to all sisterfucker/motherfucker degenerates itt - when and how did that start? when did you hit the point of being like 'ok I'd like to drive me prick into the most genetically incompatible place I can find'

I try..

Be honest, do you want to fuck her?

Have you seen her tits?

Blatantly honest, sometimes.

Far From Home is my favorite Spider-Man movie because I love cutesy, awkward romantic drama and tsundere girld. I also don't like Into the Spiderverse and think it's extremely overrated

I've loved dogs ever since I was very young but I'd never even consider getting one for myself. It'd be too devastating seeing them get weaker and older and having to put them down.

My dad sexually abused me until I was 16 and also deeply resented me because I was a spaz and total shit at sports. He was a total Chad in college and forced me to play a bunch of different sports.

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Ya but that’s the problem gonads ain’t supposed to grow back and also if they could why do I still scar? It’s whack and makes me doubt my sanity might try again on camera but it’s kinda painful and I’m not dysphoric enough right now

so you all know it is JUST A FANTASY

i would not like it to actually happen

but my dirty secret is that men break into my house and gangrape my wife in front of me

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usually if it is a niece that means it does not have a penis

cishet shitlord

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